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Mediation analysis of chronotype, sleep-related factors, and depressive symptoms among workers: a cross-sectional study
Seo Young Kim, Hyo Jeong Kim, Seong-Sik Cho, Min Young Park, Mo-Yeol Kang
Ann Occup Environ Med 2023;35:e47.   Published online November 20, 2023
AbstractAbstract AbstractAbstract in Korean PDFSupplementary MaterialPubReaderePub

This study aimed to examine the impact of chronotype on depressive symptoms and explore the mediating effects of sleep quality, pre-sleep cognitive arousal, and social jetlag in a sample of wage earners.


A total of 3,917 waged workers were surveyed online in July 2022. Logistic regression and mediation analysis were used to assess the relationship between chronotype (morningness, intermediate, and eveningness) and depressive symptoms (Patient Health Questionnaire ≥ 5), and the mediating effects of Insomnia Severity Index (ISI), Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), and Pre-Sleep Arousal Scale (PSAS). All analyses were adjusted for age, education level, income level, marital status, coffee consumption, alcohol consumption, physical activity, occupation, employment status, and working hours to calculate odds ratios (ORs).


The chronotypes of all the participants were divided into morningness (4.7%), intermediate (93.5%), and eveningness (1.8%). Multiple logistic regression analysis showed an increased risk of depression in the eveningness chronotype (OR: 2.96; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.51, 5.86). Regarding the mediation analysis, ISI mediated 28.44% (95% CI: 16.39–40.5), PSQI for 31.25% (95% CI: 19.36, 43.15), and PSAS-Cognitive Score (PSAS-C) for 23.58% (95% CI: 10.66, 36.50) of the association between chronotype and depressive symptoms. However, social jetlag did not significantly mediate this relationship. (percentage mediated = 0.75%, 95% CI: −3.88, 5.39)


Evening chronotypes exhibit an increased risk of depressive symptoms, which ISI, PSQI, and PSAS-C partially mediated. This suggests that interventions to improve sleep quality and maintain adequate sleep habits may effectively prevent and treat depression in employees with an eveningness chronotype.

직장인의 크로노타입이 우울 증상에 미치는 영향과 수면 관련 요인의 매개 분석
본 연구는 국내 임금 근로자를 대상으로 크로노타입이 우울 증상에 미치는 영향과 수면의 질, 수면 전 인지적 각성, 사회적 시차 등의 매개 효과에 대해 분석하고자 한다.
2022년 7월 온라인 설문조사를 통해 모집한 만 19세 이상의 임금 근로자 3917명을 대상으로 분석을 시행하였다. 로지스틱 회귀분석으로 성별을 층화하여 크로노타입 (아침형, 중간형, 저녁형)과 우울증상 간의 관계를 살펴본 후, 매개효과 분석을 통해 불면척도, 수면의 질, 수면 전 각성 척도, 사회적 시차의 각각의 우울 증상에 대한 매개 효과를 계산했다. 모든 분석은 연령, 교육수준, 소득, 결혼 여부, 동거인 여부, 커피, 흡연, 음주, 신체활동, 직종, 고용형태, 근무 시간을 보정하였다.
참가자는 아침형(4.7%), 중간형(93.5%), 저녁형(1.8%)으로 나뉘었다. 인구사회학적 특성 및 업무 관련 요인을 통제한 다중 로지스틱 회귀분석 결과, 저녁형 그룹에서 우울증상 오즈비는 2.95 (95% 신뢰구간: 1.51–5.86)로 아침형 그룹에 비해 높게 나타났다. 매개 분석 결과에서 불면 척도는 28.44% (95% 신뢰구간 16.39–40.5), 수면의 질은 31.25% (95% 신뢰구간 19.36–43.15), 수면 전 인지적 각성척도은 23.58% (95% 신뢰구간 10.66–36.50)를 매개하였다. 그러나 사회적 시차는 매개 효과가 0.75% (95% 신뢰구간 -3.88–5.39)로 유의하지 않은 것으로 나타났다.
본 연구 결과에 따르면 저녁형 크로노타입을 가진 근로자들이 아침형 근로자보다 우울증상의 위험도가 증가하는 것으로 나타났으며, 이에 대한 매개 효과 분석에서는 불면 척도, 수면의 질과 수면 전 인지적 각성이 우울 증상을 부분적으로 매개하는 것으로 나타났다. 이는 저녁형 크로노타입 근로자들과 같은 우울증의 상대적 고위험군에서 수면의 질을 개선하고 수면 습관을 적절히 유지하도록 개입하는 것이 우울증의 예방 및 치료에 효과적일 수 있음을 시사한다.
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Risk of insomnia symptoms according to Work-Family Conflict by workers’ characteristics
Kwanghyun Seo, Seungjun Ryu, Saebomi Jeong, Hee-Tae Kang, Sung-Kyung Kim, Sang-Baek Koh, Kyoung Sook Jeong, Sung-Soo Oh
Ann Occup Environ Med 2023;35:e36.   Published online August 23, 2023
AbstractAbstract AbstractAbstract in Korean PDFPubReaderePub

Work-Family Conflict means that the demands of work and family roles cannot be met simultaneously, so one cannot concentrate on one’s work or family role. This conflict can negatively affect mental health and cause insomnia symptoms.


This study was conducted on 20,442 subjects. Insomnia symptoms were assessed using the Minimal Insomnia Symptom Scale, and other variables were assessed using the questionnaire method. Logistic regression analyses were performed to evaluate the effect of Work-Family Conflict on insomnia symptoms, and subgroup logistic regression analyses were also performed.


The number of people with insomnia symptoms was 4,322 (15.1%). Compared with Low Work-Family Conflict, the odds ratios (ORs) for the risk of insomnia symptoms were 1.84 (95% confidence interval: 1.56–2.16) in High work-to-family conflict, 1.16 (1.02–1.32) in High family-to-work conflict, and 3.19 (2.87–3.55) in High Work-Family Conflict. The ORs were higher for men than women in High WFC but higher for women than men in High Work-Family Conflict.


The risk of insomnia symptoms was highest in High Work-Family Conflict.

근로자 특성별 일-가정 갈등에 따른 불면증 증상의 발생 위험
일-가정 갈등이 근로자의 불면증 증상 발생에 미치는 영향을 확인하고자 한다.
이 연구는 20,442명의 피험자를 대상으로 수행되었다. 불면증 증상은 Minimal Insomnia Symptom Scale을 사용하여 평가하였고, 기타 변수는 설문지 방법을 사용하여 수집하였다. 일-가정 갈등이 불면증 증상 발생에 미치는 영향을 알아보기 위해 로지스틱 회귀 분석을 수행하였으며, 하위그룹 로지스틱 회귀 분석 또한 수행하였다.
불면증이 있는 사람은 4,322명(15.1%)이었다. 전체 일-가정 갈등이 낮은 근로자와 비교했을 때, 불면증 증상 발생에 대한 오즈비는 WFC가 높은 근로자에서 1.84(95% 신뢰 구간 1.56-2.16), FWC가 높은 근로자에서 1.16(95% CI 1.02-1.32), 전체 일-가정 갈등이 높은 근로자에서 3.19(95% CI 2.87-3.55)이었다. 남성과 여성을 나누어 분석했을 때, WFC가 높은 근로자에서는 남성이 여성보다 오즈비가 높았으나 전체 일-가정 갈등이 높은 근로자에서는 여성이 남성보다 오즈비가 높았다.
전체 일-가정 갈등이 높은 근로자에서 불면증 증상의 발생 위험이 가장 컸다.


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  • Female workers with long working hours are more likely to have depressive symptoms when having family-to-work conflict
    Garin Lee, Ji-Hwan Kim, Seung-Sup Kim
    International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health.2024; 97(2): 199.     CrossRef
  • Association between long working hours and engagement in preventive healthcare services in Korean workers: Findings from the Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
    Seong-Uk Baek, Yu-Min Lee, Jin-Ha Yoon
    Preventive Medicine.2024; 180: 107849.     CrossRef
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Associations of chronotype and insomnia with menstrual problems in newly employed nurses at university hospitals in the Republic of Korea
Han-Na Jung, Dongwhan Suh, Woo Chul Jeong, Jia Ryu, Yu-Mi Kim, Seohyun Yoon, Hyunjoo Kim
Ann Occup Environ Med 2023;35:e30.   Published online August 4, 2023
AbstractAbstract AbstractAbstract in Korean PDFPubReaderePub

Dysmenorrhea and menstrual cycle changes occur in women working shifts. Circadian rhythm disruption and sleep disturbances associated with shift work leads to health problems. We identified chronotypes and the occurrence of insomnia among newly employed university hospital nurses and investigated the association of these factors with menstrual problems.


We conducted pre-placement health examinations for shift workers using self-reported questionnaires between 2018 and 2020. A total of 463 nurses were included in the study. Sociodemographic data, shift work experience, and information on insomnia were collected from health examination data. In addition, details regarding chronotype, dysmenorrhea, irregular and abnormal menstrual cycles, amenorrhea, and contraceptive use were obtained from the questionnaire. Multiple logistic regression analysis was performed to study the association between chronotype, insomnia, and menstrual problems after controlling for age, body mass index, contraceptive use, amenorrhea, and prior shift work.


The prevalence rates of dysmenorrhea, irregular menstrual cycles, and longer menstrual cycles were 23.8%, 14.9%, and 4.1%, respectively. The risk of dysmenorrhea increased in the evening-type (odds ratio [OR]: 3.209; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.685–6.113) and those with insomnia (OR: 1.871; 95% CI: 1.074–3.261). Additionally, the risk of an irregular menstrual cycle (OR: 2.698; 95% CI: 1.167–6.237) increased in the evening-type, and the risk of a longer menstrual cycle (OR: 4.008; 95% CI: 1.354–11.864) increased in individuals with insomnia.


Our findings suggest that dysmenorrhea is promoted in the evening-type and insomnia individuals. There may be an increased risk of irregular menstrual cycles among evening-type nurses and an increased risk of longer menstrual cycles among those with insomnia. Therefore, factors such as evening-type and insomnia should be considered for the prevention of menstrual problems in women performing shift work.

대학병원 신입 간호사에서 수면 관련 요인과 월경 건강과의 연관성
이 연구는 간호사의 건강증진을 위한 효과적인 전략을 개발하는 데 있어 근거자료를 제공하는 것을 목적으로 하며, 구체적으로 일주기리듬 유형(크로노 타입) 및 불면 증상과 월경 건강 관련 문제들과의 연관성을 파악하였다.
연구 대상자는 야간작업에 대한 배치 전 건강진단을 받은 두 개 대학병원에서 근무 중인 463명의 신규 간호사이다. 배치 전 건강진단 자료에서 연령, 체질량지수, 흡연, 음주, 운동 정도, 이전 교대 근무 경험 여부, 불면 증상에 대한 정보를 확보하였다. 일주기 리듬 유형, 피임방법 사용 여부, 무월경 경험, 월경통 및 월경주기의 규칙성과 간격에 대한 정보는 설문조사로 확인하였다. 연령, 체질량지수, 피임방법 사용 여부, 무월경 경험, 교대 근무 경험을 통제하여 일주기리듬 유형 및 불면 증상의 월경 건강 관련 문제들에 대한 위험비를 산출하기 위해 다중 로지스틱 회귀 분석을 수행하였다.
월경곤란증, 불규칙한 월경주기, 긴 월경주기의 유병률은 각각 23.8%, 14.9%, 4.1%였다. 월경통에서 저녁형 일주기리듬 유형의 오즈비가 저녁형 외 일주기리듬 유형 그룹에 비해 3.209배(95% C.I. 1.685-6.113) 높았고, 불면 증상이 있다면 1.871배 (95% C.I. 1.074-3.261) 높았다. 또한 저녁형 일주기 리듬은 월경주기 간격이 불규칙한 경우에(오즈비 2.698 95% C.I. 1.167-6.237), 불면 증상이 있다면 40일 이상의 긴 월경 주기에(오즈비 4.008 95% C.I. 1.354-11.864) 각각 통계적으로 유의한 영향을 미치는 것을 확인하였다.
우리 연구 결과로 저녁형 일주기리듬 유형 간호사에서 월경통과 불규칙 월경 이상이 관찰될 확률이 더 높고, 불면 증상이 있는 집단에서 월경통과 긴 월경주기가 증가할 가능성을 유추할 수 있다. 저녁형 일주기리듬과 불면 증상 같은 요인들은 여성 근로자의 월경 건강에 악영향을 미치는 경로를 연구하는 데 있어 고려해야 할 것들 중 하나가 될 수 있다.
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Combined effect of work from home and work during nonwork time on sleep disturbance
Jiyoung Lim, Hyundong Lee, Jae Bum Park, Kyung-Jong Lee, Inchul Jeong, Jaehyuk Jung
Ann Occup Environ Med 2023;35:e28.   Published online July 31, 2023
AbstractAbstract PDFSupplementary MaterialPubReaderePub

Owing to the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic, being exposed to work from home and work during nonwork time simultaneously can lead to sleep disturbance; however, their combined effect is unclear. We aimed to investigate the combined effect of work from home and work during nonwork time on sleep disturbance.


This study used data from the Sixth Korean Working Condition Survey and included 27,473 paid workers. Logistic regression analysis was conducted to investigate the relationship between work from home, work during nonwork time, and sleep disturbance according to sex. We re-classified participants into 4 groups based on their working from home (No/Yes) and working during nonwork time (No/Yes). The relative excess risk due to interaction was calculated to examine the effect of exposure to both telecommuting and non-regular work hours on sleep disturbance.


Workers exposed to work from home and work during nonwork time had significantly higher risks of sleep disturbance for all, men, and women workers (OR [95% CI]: 1.71 [1.46–2.02], 1.79 [1.43–2.23], and 1.64 [1.29–2.08] for work from home and 3.04 [2.70–3.42], 3.61 [3.09–4.22], and 2.41 [2.01–2.90] for work during nonwork time, respectively). Compared to those who were not exposed to both factors, when workers had both job factors, the ORs (95% CI) of sleep disturbance for all, men, and women were 3.93 (2.80–5.53), 5.08 (3.21–8.03), and 2.91 (1.74–4.87), respectively. The relative excess risk due to interaction of work from home and work during nonwork time was not significant for sleep disturbance.


Work from home and work during nonwork time were each associated with sleep disturbance, but the interaction between the two factors on sleep disturbance was not observed in both men and women.


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  • Association between work from home and health-related productivity loss among Korean employees
    Hyo Jeong Kim, Dong Wook Lee, Jaesung Choi, Yun-Chul Hong, Mo-Yeol Kang
    Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine.2024;[Epub]     CrossRef
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Association between discrimination in the workplace and insomnia symptoms
Suhwan Ju, Seong-Sik Cho, Jung Il Kim, Hoje Ryu, Hyunjun Kim
Ann Occup Environ Med 2023;35:e25.   Published online July 23, 2023
AbstractAbstract AbstractAbstract in Korean PDFPubReaderePub

In Korea, little research has focused on the relationship between discrimination in the workplace and sleep health. Thus, this study aims to investigate the association between such discriminatory experiences and insomnia, a common sleep disorder, using Korean employees’ data.


This study used data from the 6th Korea Working Conditions Survey. Discrimination experiences due to age, ethnic background, nationality, race, sex, religion, disability, sexual orientation, educational level, hometown, and employment status were investigated. The Minimal Insomnia Symptom Scale estimated insomnia symptoms. The association between discrimination experience and insomnia symptoms were analyzed using survey-weighted logistic regression analysis.


Based on experiences of discrimination over the past 12 months, insomnia symptoms were associated with discrimination experience due to religion (odds ratio [OR]: 3.70; 95% confidential interval [CI]: 1.58–8.69), sex (OR: 2.51; 95% CI: 1.87–3.37), age (OR: 2.30; 95% CI: 1.88–2.81), hometown (OR: 2.07; 95% CI: 1.44–2.97), employment status (OR: 1.69; 95% CI: 1.37–2.10), and educational level (OR: 1.67; 95% CI: 1.31–2.14). Furthermore, the prevalence of insomnia symptoms increased with the number of discrimination experiences.


In this study, discrimination experiences due to religion, sex, age, hometown, employment status, and educational level were significantly associated with insomnia symptoms. Furthermore, as the number of discrimination experiences increased, so did the prevalence of insomnia. Preventing workplace discrimination may improve workers’ sleep health.

직장에서의 차별 경험과 불면증 증상 간의 연관성
한국에서 차별 경험과 수면 장애 간의 연관성에 대한 연구가 거의 없었다. 따라서, 이 연구의 목적은 직장에서의 차별 경험과 불면증 증상의 연관성을 조사하는 것이다.
이 연구는 제6차 근로환경조사의 자료를 활용하였다. 나이, 출신민족, 국적, 인종, 성, 종교, 장애, 성적 지향성, 학벌, 출신 지역, 고용 형태 등 총 11개 종류의 차별에 대한 경험 유무를 조사하였다. 수면 장애는 minimal insomnia symptom scale (MISS)을 사용하여 불면증 증상의 유무를 조사하였다. 둘 사이의 연관성을 평가하기 위해 가중치를 이용한 로지스틱 회귀분석을 사용하였다.
종교(odds ratio [OR], 3.70; 95% confidential interval [CI], 1.58–8.69), 성 (OR, 2.51 ; 95% CI, 1.87–3.37), 나이 (OR, 2.30 ; 95% CI, 1.88–2.81), 출신 지역 (OR, 2.07 ; 95% CI, 1.44–2.97), 고용 형태 (OR, 1.69 ; 95% CI, 1.37–2.10), 학벌 (OR, 1.67 ; 95% CI, 1.31–2.14)에 대한 차별 경험과 불면증 증상 간의 연관성이 확인되었다. 또한, 경험한 차별의 종류가 많을수록 불면증 증상의 유병률이 증가하는 경향이 확인되었다.
이 연구에서 직장에서의 종교, 성별, 나이, 고향, 고용상태, 교육수준에 대한 차별 경험과 불면증 증상 간의 연관성이 확인되었다. 직장에서의 차별을 예방함으로써 근로자들의 수면 건강을 향상시킬 수 있을 것이다.
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Association between insomnia and absenteeism or presenteeism among Korean employees
JongHyun Hwang, Seong-Sik Cho, Jung Il Kim
Ann Occup Environ Med 2022;34:e41.   Published online December 6, 2022
AbstractAbstract AbstractAbstract in Korean PDFPubReaderePub

In Korea, few studies clarify insomnia and its association and absenteeism or presenteeism. Therefore, this study aims to examine the association between insomnia and absenteeism/presenteeism using the sixth Korean Working Conditions Survey.


Insomnia was evaluated by the Minimal Insomnia Symptoms Scale (MISS). Absenteeism and presenteeism were assessed by asking if the employee had experienced absence or working despite being ill for the prior 12 months at the point of the survey. Multiple logistic analyses were conducted to explore insomnia and its association with absenteeism and presenteeism.


The odds ratios of insomnia for absenteeism and presenteeism were 3.48 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 2.76–4.39) and 3.68 (95% CI: 3.18–4.26) in the fully adjusted model. As the MISS scores increased, absenteeism and presenteeism showed the increasing trend that odd ratios increased accordingly from the first to the fourth quartile.


This study observed that insomnia was related to both absenteeism and presenteeism among Korean employees.

한국 근로자에서의 불면증과 결근(absenteeism) 및 프리젠티즘(presenteeism) 간 연관성 연구.
불면증은 결근 및 프리젠티즘을 유발하는 위험 인자로 알려져 있으나 한국의 노동자들에서의 불면증과 결근 및 프리젠티즘 간의 연관성을 연구한 경우는 드물다. 따라서, 이 연구는 한국 노동자들에서의 불면증과 결근 및 프리젠티즘간의 연관성을 조사하였다.
본 연구는 제6차 한국 취업자 근로환경조사 자료를 활용하였다. 불면증은 최소 불면증 증상 척도(MISS)를 사용하여 평가하였으며, 결근 및 프리젠티즘은 조사시점에서 1년동안의 결근 경험 및 건강상 문제가 있음에도 출근한 경험에 대해 질문함으로써 평가하였다. 불면증과 결근 및 프리젠티즘 간의 연관성을 분석하기 위해 다중 로지스틱 회귀분석을 수행하였다.
보정된 모형에서 불면증과 결근 및 프리젠티즘과의 오즈비는 각각 3.48(95% CI: 2.76 - 4.39), 3.68(95% CI: 3.18 - 4.26) 이었다. 최소 불면증 증상 척도 점수가 증가할 수록 결근 및 프리젠티즘이 증가하는 경향을 보였다.
본 연구를 통해 불면증과 결근 및 프리젠티즘의 연관성을 확인할 수 있었다. 이러한 결과는 근로자들의 수면 건강을 위한 추가적인 연구와 효과적인 수면 건강 중재 프로그램의 개발 및 도입이 필요할 수 있다.


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The association between non-regular work patterns and insomnia among Korean wage workers: the fifth Korean working condition survey
Ho-Yeon Kim, Juho Choi, Hyun-Mook Lim, Chamjin Park, Yun-Chul Hong
Ann Occup Environ Med 2021;33:e9.   Published online March 29, 2021
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

Non-regular workers are steadily increasing on account of improving corporate productivity. They are classified as non-permanent, part-time, or non-typical workers. Non-regular work has a negative impact on workers' physical and mental health. This study analyzed the relationship between non-permanent, part-time and non-typical work and insomnia among Korean wage workers, and investigated the differences and interactions between different work patterns.


The Fifth Korean Working Conditions Survey was used in this study. Non-regular work patterns were classified into 7 types: type 1, sole non-permanent; type 2, sole part-time; type 3, sole non-typical; type 4, part-time-non-typical; type 5, non-permanent-non-typical; type 6, non-permanent-part-time; type 7, all inclusive. Insomnia was measured on a scale from “normal sleep” to “insomnia” based on the 3-item Minimal Insomnia Symptom Scale. Multiple logistic regression was used to analyze the association between non-regular work patterns and insomnia among wage workers.


After multivariate adjustment, a significantly increased odds ratio (OR) for insomnia was found in types 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 of non-regular work patterns compared to regular work patterns. After stratification for shift and night work, the OR of the group with shift and night work was higher than that of the group without shift and night work.


Insomnia was significantly associated with non-regular work patterns. This association was prominent in workers with shifts and night work. This finding suggests that proper work patterns may be needed to reduce the risk of insomnia among Korean wage workers and workers who initially had insomnia should consider these results before placement.


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    BMC Public Health.2024;[Epub]     CrossRef
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    Seong-Uk Baek, Jin-Ha Yoon, Jong-Uk Won
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    Dong-Wook Lee, Jongin Lee, Hyoung-Ryoul Kim, Mo-Yeol Kang
    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.2021; 18(14): 7589.     CrossRef
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Insomnia and hearing impairment among occupational noise exposed male workers
Hyeong-Min Lim, WonYang Kang, Won-Ju Park, Keun-Ho Jang, Ji-Sung Ann, Jai-Dong Moon
Ann Occup Environ Med 2017;29:36.   Published online August 15, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

The aim of this study was to investigate the association between insomnia and hearing impairment among workers exposed to occupational noise.


This study included 809 male workers exposed to occupational noise. The participants underwent audiometric testing, and their insomnia was examined based on the Insomnia Severity Index test. Hearing impairment was defined as hearing threshold >25 dB hearing level in the range of 1–4 kHz.


According to analysis of covariance, it was observed that pure tone audiometry thresholds at 1–2 kHz in the right ear and at 1 kHz in the left ear were significantly higher among workers with insomnia compared to those with no insomnia. Multiple logistic regression analysis of insomnia for hearing impairments was performed, which showed the odds ratio was 1.806 (95% confidence intervals: 1.022–3.188, p = 0.042) after adjustment for age, working period, noise level, snoring, use of protection devices, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, smoking, alcohol consumption, regular exercise, waist circumference, total cholesterol, triglyceride and high density lipoprotein cholesterol.


Insomnia could be associated with hearing impairment in workers who are exposed to occupational noise. Additionally, insomnia may be associated with decreased hearing at low frequencies. Especially, more efforts are required to improve the quality of sleep for workers who are exposed to loud occupational noise. Further well- designed prospective studies are needed to clarify the relationship between insomnia and hearing impairment.


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The effect of aircraft noise on sleep disturbance among the residents near a civilian airport: a cross-sectional study
Kyeong Min Kwak, Young-Su Ju, Young-Jun Kwon, Yun Kyung Chung, Bong Kyu Kim, Hyunjoo Kim, Kanwoo Youn
Ann Occup Environ Med 2016;28:38.   Published online September 2, 2016
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

Aircraft noise is a major environmental noise problem. This study was conducted in order to investigate the relationship between sleep disturbance and exposure to aircraft noise on the residents who are living near an airport.


There were 3308 residents (1403 in the high exposure group, 1428 in the low exposure group, and 477 in the non-exposure group) selected as the subjects for this study. The Insomnia severity Index (ISI) and Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) questionnaires were used to evaluate sleep disturbance.


The mean ISI and ESS scores were 6.9 ± 6.4 and 5.5 ± 3.7, respectively, and the average scores were significantly greater in the aircraft noise exposure group, as compared to the non-exposure group. The percentage of the abnormal subjects, which were classified according to the results of the ISI and ESS, was also significantly greater in the noise exposure group, as compared to the control group. The odd ratios for insomnia and daytime hypersomnia were approximately 3 times higher in the noise exposure group, as compared to the control group.


The prevalence of insomnia and daytime hypersomnia was higher in the aircraft noise exposure group, as compared to the control group. Further study is deemed necessary in order to clarify the causal relationship.


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