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Association between multiple jobs and physical and psychological symptoms among the Korean working population
Seok-Yoon Son, Jin-Young Min, Seung-Woo Ryoo, Baek-Yong Choi, Kyoung-Bok Min
Ann Occup Environ Med 2024;36:e21.   Published online August 6, 2024
AbstractAbstract AbstractAbstract in Korean PDFSupplementary MaterialPubReaderePub

The prevalence of multiple job-holding (MJH) is expected to show an upward trend among Korean workers, yet its potential impact on workers’ health remains poorly discussed. This study aimed to explore the association between MJH and experience of physical and psychological symptoms in various aspects among active Korean workers and to identify its differences depending on workers’ gender.


We conducted a population-based cross-sectional study among South Korean workers aged 15–59 using data from the 6th Korean Working Conditions Survey. The final study sample comprised 34,175 participants. MJH status and symptoms, such as musculoskeletal pain, headache or eyestrain, fatigue, insomnia, and anxiety, were measured by self-reported data. Logistic regression analyses were performed on the total sample and gender-stratified groups, with adjustments for the sociodemographic and occupational characteristics of the participants.


One hundred thirty-five men and 103 women were defined as multiple job-holders (MJHers) among the study sample. When adjusted for sociodemographic and occupational characteristics, MJHers suffered more events of headache or eyestrain (odds ratio [OR]: 1.85, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.23–2.78) and anxiety (OR: 1.99, 95% CI: 1.05–3.79). Gender-stratified analyses with adjustment showed that among women workers, MJH was associated with musculoskeletal pain (OR: 1.85, 95% CI: 1.02–3.34), headache or eyestrain (OR: 2.53, 95% CI: 1.37–4.67), fatigue (OR: 2.38, 95% CI: 1.29–4.40), insomnia (OR: 1.92, 95% CI: 1.04–3.57), and anxiety (OR: 2.83, 95% CI: 1.11–7.20).


We found a significant association between MJH and various symptoms. Women MJHers were revealed to be a more vulnerable population than their men counterparts. Further research should account for the social context of MJH, and appropriate monitoring and intervention for maintaining the well-being of MJHers are needed.

한국인 근로자 집단에서의 다중직업종사와 육체적, 정신적 증상 간 연관성
한 근로자가 동시에 두 개 이상의 직업을 가지는 행위인 ‘다중직업종사’ 현상은 한국인 근로자들 간 그 비중이 점차 증가할 것으로 전망된다. 그러나, 다중직업종사가 근로자의 다양한 육체적, 정신적 증상에 미칠 수 있는 영향에 대한 논의는 부족한 실정이다. 이에, 본 연구에서는 한국인 근로자 집단을 대상으로 하여 다중직업종사와 근로자의 건강 간 연관성을 다양한 관점에서 탐구하였다. 나아가 이러한 연관성이 근로자의 성별에 따라 관찰되는 차이에 대하여 확인하였다.
본 연구는 제6차 근로환경조사 자료를 활용한 단면 연구로, 만 15세 이상 59세 이하인 한국인 근로자 34,175명을 대상으로 수행되었다. 다중직업종사 상태 및 육체적, 정신적 증상으로서 근골격계 통증, 두통 및 눈의 피로, 전신피로, 불면 및 불안의 유무는 자가 보고된 자료로 확인하였다. 연구대상 집단 전체 및 각 성별 집단을 대상으로, 근로자들의 인구사회학적 특성 및 직업 특성을 보정한 로지스틱 회귀분석을 시행하였다.
연구대상 집단 중 135명의 남성과 103명의 여성이 다중직업종사자로 정의되었다. 인구사회학적 특성 및 직업 특성을 보정한 분석 결과 다중직업종사자에서 두통 및 눈의 피로 (OR 1.85, 95% CI 1.23-2.78)와 불안 (OR 1.99, 95% CI 1.05-3.79)의 위험이 더 큰 것으로 나타났다. 성별을 통한 층화 후 분석 결과 여성 근로자 집단에서 다중직업종사는 근골격계 통증 (OR 1.85, 95% CI 1.02-3.34), 두통 및 눈의 피로 (OR 2.53, 95% CI 1.37-4.67), 전신피로 (OR 2.38, 95% CI 1.29-4.40)와 불안 (OR 2.83, 95% CI 1.11-7.20) 간 유의한 연관성을 보였다.
본 연구에서 다중직업종사와 근로자의 다양한 증상 간 유의한 연관성이 있음을 확인하였다. 다중직업종사의 건강 영향은 여성 근로자 집단에서 보다 저명한 것으로 나타났다. 후속 연구는 다중직업종사 현상에 대한 사회적 맥락을 보다 고려해야 할 것이다. 또한 다중직업종사자들의 건강 유지를 위한 모니터링 및 중재가 적절히 수행되어야 함을 제안한다.
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Association between hearing loss and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein: the Kangbuk Samsung Cohort Study
Jihoon Kim, Yesung Lee, Eunhye Seo, Daehoon Kim, Jaehong Lee, Youshik Jeong, Seonghyun Kwon, Jinsook Jeong, Woncheol Lee
Ann Occup Environ Med 2023;35:e38.   Published online September 11, 2023
AbstractAbstract AbstractAbstract in Korean PDFPubReaderePub

Hearing loss (HL) is linked to an elevated risk of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). The pathogeneses of HL and CVD commonly involve inflammatory responses. Previous studies investigated elevated levels of inflammatory biomarkers in subjects with HL, however, their findings did not demonstrate statistical significance. In our cross-sectional and longitudinal study, we investigated the correlation between HL and increased high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP) levels to determine how HL is associated with CVDs.


We conducted a cross-sectional study with workers aged over 18 years who underwent health check-ups at our institution between 2012 and 2018 (n = 566,507), followed by conducting a longitudinal study of workers aged > 18 who underwent health checkups at least twice at our institution between 2012 and 2018 (n = 173,794). The definition of HL was as an average threshold of ≥ 20 dB in pure-tone air conduction at 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 kHz in both ears. The incidence of increased hsCRP levels throughout the follow-up period was defined as a level exceeding 3 mg/L. Logistic regression and generalized estimating equations were performed to estimate the risk of increased hsCRP levels according to the occurrence of HL in groups stratified by age.


In the cross-sectional study, the multivariate-adjusted odds ratio (OR) was 1.17 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.02–1.34); the OR was 0.99 (95% CI: 0.80–1.22) in those under 40 and 1.28 (1.08–1.53) in those over 40. In the longitudinal study, the multivariable-adjusted OR was 1.05 (95% CI: 0.92–1.19); the OR was 1.10 (95% CI: 0.90–1.35) in those under 40 and 1.20 (1.01–1.43) in those over 40.


This cross-sectional and longitudinal study identified an association between HL and increased hsCRP levels in workers aged over 40 years.

청력손실과 고감도 C-반응단백의 연관성
청력손실은 심혈관질환 발생 및 사망률 증가와 관련 있다. 청력손실과 심혈관질환의 병인은 공통으로 염증반응을 포함한다. 몇몇 연구에서 청력손실 환자의 염증성 바이오마커 수치가 증가했음을 연구하였으나 유의하지 않은 결과를 제시하였다. 따라서 본 단면연구 및 종단연구에서는 청력손실이 심혈관질환과 어떠한 관련성이 있는지 알아보기 위해 청력손실과 염증성 바이오마커인 고감도 C-반응단백의 연관성을 연구하였다.
2012년부터 2018년까지 우리 기관에서 건강검진을 받은 18세 이상의 근로자를 대상으로 단면연구를 수행하였다 (n=566,507). 이후 2012년부터 2018년까지 우리 기관에서 건강검진을 2회 이상 받은 18세 이상의 근로자를 대상으로 종단연구를 수행하였다 (n=173,794). 청력손실은 3분법에 의한 순음청력역치가 양측 모두 20 dB 이상인 경우로 정의하였다. 추적관찰 동안 고감도 C-반응단백의 증가는 혈중 농도 3 mg/L 초과인 경우로 정의하였다. 청력손실 발생에 따른 고감도 C-반응단백 증가의 위험을 분석하기 위해 로지스틱 회귀분석과 일반화 추정방정식을 활용하였다. 또한 연령에 따라 계층화하여 추가적인 분석을 하였다.
단면연구에서 최종참가자 204,091명 중 난청 유병률은 0.02% 이었다. 다변량 보정 교차비는 1.17 (95% 신뢰구간 1.02-1.34) 이었다. 40세 이하와 초과인 군에서는 각각 0.99 (0.80-1.22) 와 1.28 (1.08-1.53) 이었다. 종단연구에서 추적관찰 동안 고감도 C-반응단백 수치는 청력손실군 2,349 명 중 272 명, 비청력손실군 116,301명 중 11,049 명에서 증가하였다. 다변수 보정 교차비는 1.05 (95% 신뢰구간 0.92-1.19) 이었다. 40세 이하와 초과인 군에서는 각각 1.10 (0.90-1.35) 과 1.20 (1.01-1.43) 이었다.
본 단면연구 및 종단연구에서는 40세 초과하는 근로자에서 청력손실과 고감도 C-반응단백의 증가에 유의한 연관성이 있음을 확인하였다.
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The relationship between visual display terminal usage at work and symptoms related to computer vision syndrome
Soonsu Shin, Eun Hye Yang, Hyo Choon Lee, Seong Ho Moon, Jae-Hong Ryoo
Ann Occup Environ Med 2023;35:e1.   Published online January 9, 2023
AbstractAbstract AbstractAbstract in Korean PDFSupplementary MaterialPubReaderePub

Although it is well known that the usage of visual display terminal (VDT) at the workplace causes computer vision syndrome (CVS), previous studies mainly focused on computer use and the health of white-collar workers. In this study, we explored the relationship between the usage of VDT including various devices, and symptoms related to CVS in a large population including pink-collar workers and blue-collar workers.


21,304 wage workers over the age of 20 years were analyzed from the 6th Korean Working Conditions Survey. To investigate the association between VDT use at work and symptoms related to CVS among wage workers, odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence interval (CI) were calculated by multivariate logistic regression models.


In the group with the highest VDT usage at work, the OR of headache/eyestrain was 2.16 (95% CI: 1.86–2.52). The OR of suspected CVS patients was significantly increased in the highest group of usage of VDT at work (OR: 1.69; 95% CI, 1.39–2.06). Compare with the reference group, the OR for headache/eyestrain in the highest group of VDT usage was 2.81 (95% CI: 2.13–3.70) in white-collar workers, 1.78 (95% CI: 1.32–2.40) in pink-collar workers, and 1.59 (95% CI: 1.18–2.15) in blue-collar workers.


We observed a relationship in which the use of VDT in the workplace increases the risk of headache/eyestrain regardless of occupational classification. Our findings emphasize the importance of paying attention to the health of VDT workers and making plans to improve their working conditions.

영상표시단말기 작업과 컴퓨터 시각 증후군의 증상간의 관계
다양한 산업과 직군에서 컴퓨터만이 아니라 스마트폰, 태블릿 등의 영상표시단말기(Video display terminal)의 사용이 증가하고 있다. 영상표시 단말기를 사용하는 사람들은 흔히 눈의 긴장, 두통, 상지 통증 등의 증상을 겪으며 이러한 증상들의 집합은 컴퓨터 시각 증후군(Computer vision syndrome)이라고 정의되어 왔다. 컴퓨터 시각 증후군에 대한 이전 연구들은 특정 직업만을 대상으로 한 연구가 많았다. 또한, 지금까지 컴퓨터 이외의 다른 기기들을 포함하여 컴퓨터 시각증후군에 대해 조사한 연구는 없었다. 본 연구에서는 제6차 근로환경조사를 통하여 작업 중 다양한 영상표시단말기의 사용과 컴퓨터 시각 증후군의 증상들의 관계에 대해 연구해보았다. 인구집단을 화이트칼라 근로자, 핑크칼라 근로자, 블루칼라 근로자로 나누어서 분석하여 영상표시단말기 사용이 근로자들의 건강에 미치는 영향을 파악해보고자 한다.
이번 연구에서는 6차 근로환경조사에 참여한 인원 중 20세 이상의 임금 근로자 21,304명을 연구 참여자로 포함시켰다. 이들의 작업 중 영상표시단말기 사용을 적음, 보통, 많음 세 군으로 나누어 독립변수로 사용하였고, 지난 12개월 동안 두통/눈 긴장이 있는지, 상지의 통증이 있는지, 혹은 둘 다 있는 경우 컴퓨터 시각 증후군 의심환자로 정의하여 종속변수로 사용하여 로지스틱 회귀분석을 진행하였다. 통계적 유의수준은 P<0.05 으로 고려하였다.
로지스틱 회귀분석에서 영상표시 단말기 사용이 많았던 군에서 적었던 군 보다 두통/눈 긴장의 오즈비(Odds ratio)가 2.16 (95% 신뢰구간: 1.86-2.52)로 높게 나타났다. 컴퓨터 시각증후군 의심환자는 영상표시 단말기 사용이 많았던 군에서 적었던 군과 비교해 오즈비가 1.69 (95% 신뢰구간: 1.39-2.06)로 유의미하게 높았다. 기준군과 비교하여 영상표시단말기의 사용이 많았던 군의 두통/눈 긴장의 오즈비는 화이트칼라 근로자에서 2.81 (95% 신뢰구간: 2.13–3.70), 핑크칼라 근로자에서 1.78 (95% 신뢰구간: 1.32–2.40) 및 블루칼라 근로자에서 1.59 (95% 신뢰구간: 1.18–2.15)이었다.
영상표시단말기의 사용은 근로자들에게서 두통/눈긴장의 위험을 높이며, 컴퓨터 시각 증후군 의심환자의 위험을 높였다. 화이트칼라 근로자뿐만 아니라 핑크칼라 근로자, 블루칼라 근로자에서도 영상표시단말기의 사용이 많은 군에서 두통/눈긴장의 위험이 증가하였다. 이러한 결과는 영상표시단말기 취급근로자들의 건강에 주의를 기울여야함을 시사한다.


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Research Article
Effects of job stress on symptoms of bipolar spectrum disorder in an electronic parts manufacturing company
Hyeonchoel Oh, Kihun Kim, Taewoong Ha, Jungwon Kim
Ann Occup Environ Med 2020;32:e25.   Published online July 13, 2020
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

Mental illness is known to be caused by genetic, biological, and environmental risk factors. Although previous studies have established the link between mental illness and job stress, most of them are limited to major depression disorder. Therefore, this study examined the relationship between job stress and bipolar spectrum disorder (BSD).


This is a cross-sectional study based on a survey conducted in April 2017 at an electronic parts manufacturing company in Busan. In a total of 441 workers, the degree of BSD was identified using the Korean version of the Mood Disorder Questionnaire, and the degree of job stress was identified using the Korean Occupational Stress Scale Short Form. This study also identified general characteristics of workers and job-related factors. The χ2 test and Fisher's exact test was conducted to determine the differences among the variables, based on BSD. Multiple logistic regression analysis was conducted to determine the influence of independent variables on BSD.


Cross-analysis showed significant differences between the BSD high-risk and low-risk groups regarding age, sex, occupation, smoking, problem drinking, job stress total score, occupational climate, and major depression disorder symptom. In addition, the significant differences between the BSD high-risk and low-risk groups about job stress were observed in terms of job demand, job insecurity, and occupational climate. A multiple logistic regression analysis revealed that the high-risk group in the job stress group had a higher effect on BSD than the low-risk group (odds ratio [OR]: 2.32, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.10–4.88). Among the categories of job stress, high-risk groups in 3 areas—job demand (OR: 2.56, 95% CI: 1.27–5.17), job insecurity (OR: 4.42, 95% CI: 1.19–16.42), and occupational climate (OR: 2.55, 95% CI: 1.29–5.05)—were more likely to have an impact on BSD than the low-risk groups.


This study demonstrated that the high-risk groups of job stress total score, job demand, job insecurity, and occupational climate had a more significant effect on BSD than the low-risk groups. As workers with BSD may have difficulties in their work and personal lives, there is a need to manage job stress to prevention of BSD.


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Research Article
A cross-sectional study on the pulmonary function of residents in two urban areas with different PM10 concentrations: data from the fourth Korea national health and nutrition examination survey (KNHANES) 2007–2009
Si Woo Park, Byoung Gwon Kim, Jung Woo Kim, Jung Woo Park, Jung Il Kim
Ann Occup Environ Med 2018;30:47.   Published online July 16, 2018
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

The present study aims to compare the pulmonary function of residents of Seoul special city (Seoul) and Jeju special self-governing province including Jeju city and Seogwipo city (Jeju), characterized by vastly different annual average airborne particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter less ≤10 μm (PM10) concentrations, with the annual average PM10 concentration in Seoul being significantly higher than that in Jeju.


This cross-sectional study analyzed the pulmonary function test results and sociodemographic data of Korean adults ≥19 years of age derived from the 4th KNHANES, 2007–2009. A total of 830 individuals residing in Seoul or Jeju were included in this study. T-tests were used to analyze predicted values of forced expiratory volume in 1 sec (FEV1p), predicted values of forced vital capacity (FVCp) and FEV1/FVC ratio (FEV1/FVC), as dependent variables, to examine the differences in the subjects’ pulmonary function according to the city of residence. Stratified analysis was then performed to adjust for variables potentially affecting pulmonary function. The analysis was performed on subjects as a group and also following stratification according to sex and other variables.


Seoul residents had a significantly lower FVCp than that of the Jeju residents (difference: 3.48%, p = 0.002). FEV1p, FVCp and FEV1/FVC of male Seoul residents were significantly lower than those of male Jeju residents (difference: 6.99, 5.11% and 0.03, respectively; p < 0.001, p = 0.001, p = 0.001). In male subjects, statistically significant results were obtained even after adjusting the influence of other variables through stratified analysis.


The present analysis was based on cross-sectional data collected at one point in time. Therefore, unlike longitudinal studies, it does not establish a clear causal association between the variables. Nevertheless, this study found that pulmonary function among subjects residing in Seoul was significantly decreased compared to that of subjects residing in Jeju.


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Research Article
Sick at work: prevalence and determinants among healthcare workers, western Ethiopia: an institution based cross-sectional study
Tesfaye Hambisa Mekonnen, Mekuriaw Alemayewu Tefera, Yayehirad Alemu Melsew
Ann Occup Environ Med 2018;30:2.   Published online February 1, 2018
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

Going to work despite feeling sick also known as sickness presenteeism is one of the emerging global occupational health challenges. Sickness presenteeism negatively affects both health of work forces and productivity of organizations in general. However, there is insufficient research exploring this situation in majority of the Sub-Saharan African countries, including Ethiopia. Thus this study intended to investigate the prevalence and determinant factors of sickness presenteeism among health care workers, Western Ethiopia.


This study used an institution based cross-sectional quantitative study design. The study period was from February to March, 2017. We employed simple random sampling method to select 360 study samples. Data collection was performed by pre-tested structured and self- administered questionnaire. We used SPSS version 20 to carry out binary logistic regression analysis. Odds ratio with 95% confidence intervals was calculated and significance of associations was determined at p-value < 0.05.


A total of 344 respondents fully completed the survey questionnaire. Mean age with standard deviation was 30.28 ± 6.181. Prevalence of sickness Presenteeism was 52.6% [95%CI: (47.4, 57.8)] in the past 12 months. Educational status [AOR:2.1, 95%CI: (1.17,3.90)], financial problem [AOR:1.9,95%CI:(1.07,3.46)], sickness absenteeism [AOR:2.7,95% CI:(1.50,5.02)], lack of staff replacement [AOR:2.7,95%CI:(1.50,5.02)], absence of occupational health services [AOR:3.0,95%CI:(1.34,6.70)], and pressure from supervisor [AOR:1.8,95% CI:(1.01,3.31)] were significant predictors of the dependent variable.


Relatively higher proportions of workers indicated sickness presenteeism as compared to other studies. Risk factors like educational status, personal financial problem, sickness absenteeism, lack of staff replacement, absence of occupational health services, and pressure from supervisors considerably increased the likely occurrence of employees’ sick attendance. It is advisable for health care managers to hire adequate health care staffs, to implement basic occupational health services and to design strategies which reduce pressure from supervisors.


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The Health Effects of Mercury on the Cardiac Autonomic Activity According to the Heart Rate Variability
Sinye Lim, Min Cheol Choi, Kee Ock Joh, Domyung Paek
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2008;20(4):302-313.   Published online December 31, 2008
AbstractAbstract PDF
The effect of mercury on the cardiovascular system has recently been reported on, but the mechanisms as well as its nature of this effect still need to be confirmed. In this study, the mercury in the hair of a community population was analyzed in relation to the cardiac autonomic activity.
A hair sample was obtained from the occiput area and the mercury in the hair was analyzed by using a Direct Mercury Analyzer. We measured the cardiovascular risk factors, including total cholesterol, triglyceride, blood pressure, and the body mass index (BMI). Heart rate variability was assessed for 5 minutes, in the time and frequency domain, by using SA-3000P from the Medi-core(R). company. The association between the mercury in the hair and heart rate variability was assessed after controlling for the other cardiovascular risk factors.
The mean age of the 671 total subjects was 36 years. The geometric mean of the hair mercury was 0.90 ppm. The hair mercury level was elevated in males, adults, smokers and drinkers. Hair mercury and age, the systolic and diastolic blood pressure, total cholesterol, triglyceride, LDL cholesterol and BMI were all positively correlated. However, hair mercury and heart rate, HDL cholesterol, standard deviation of the NN intervals (SDNN), total power (TP), low-frequency (LF), high- frequency (HF) were negatively correlated. In the higher mercury group, heart rate, SDNN, LF and HF indices were significantly lower compared with those of the lower mercury group. Heart rate was decreased 2.6 beats/min, Ln (HF) was decreased 0.131 msec2 and HF norm was decreased 2.550 with a 1 ppm increase of Ln (Hg), according to multiple linear regression analysis after controlling for age, gender and other cardiovascular risk factors.
This cross-sectional study showed that mercury may affect the cardiac autonomic activity through parasympathetic dysfunction.


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  • Association between dental amalgam restoration and urine mercury concentrations among young women: a cross-sectional study
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    Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science.2023; 40(4): 373.     CrossRef
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    Alexey A. Tinkov, Olga P. Ajsuvakova, Margarita G. Skalnaya, Elizaveta V. Popova, Anton I. Sinitskii, Olga N. Nemereshina, Evgenia R. Gatiatulina, Alexandr A. Nikonorov, Anatoly V. Skalny
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Original Article
The Association of Workplace Cumulative Noise Exposure and Blood Pressure
Sang Yun Lee, Jai Young Kim, Hyoung June Im, Ki Jung Yoon, Hong Ryul Choi, Sang Baek Koh, Dae Hee Kang, Soo Hun Cho
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2001;13(2):200-208.   Published online June 30, 2001
AbstractAbstract PDF
The association of workplace cumulative noise exposure and blood pressure was investigated in this study using cross-sectional design.
The study population comprised 852 manufacturing male workers of whom occupational health examination data, questionnaire and personnel records were available. Workplace ambient noise monitoring data was used for calculating individual cumulative noise exposure level. Mean of each systolic and diastolic blood pressure of occupational health examination data was used for individual systolic and diastolic blood pressure level. Possible confounding variables including family history of hypertension, smoking habit, alcohol drinking habit were collected by questionnaire. On the basis of job location and duration of work at the location, a cumulative time-weighted average noise level was calculated for each workers. According to this cumulative noise exposure level, each study subject was categorized as low noise exposure group, moderate noise exposure group, high noise exposure group, very high noise exposure group. Among noise exposure groups, mean of systolic and diastolic blood pressure was compared after adjusting possible confounding variables such as age, body mass index, serum cholesterol level, family history of hypertension, smoking history, alcohol drinking habit.
After adjusting possible confounding variables, noise exposure group was significant explanatory variables for both systolic and diastolic blood pressure, and mean of both systolic and diastolic blood pressure of very high exposure group was higher than that of low exposure group.
These findings suggested that the high cumulative noise exposure might elevate the blood pressure.


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    Journal of Environmental Science International.2024; 33(3): 217.     CrossRef
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    Min Gi Kim, Yeon-Soon Ahn, Zhongmin Jin
    Cogent Engineering.2021;[Epub]     CrossRef
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    Ji Ho Lee, Weechang Kang, Seung Rim Yaang, Nari Choy, Choong Ryeol Lee
    American Journal of Industrial Medicine.2009; 52(6): 509.     CrossRef
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Original Article
Prevalence and Risk Factors of Occupational Low Back Pain among the Production Workers in a Steel and a Welding Material Manufacturing Factories
Hyun Sul Lim, Soo Keun Kim, Duck Soo Kim, Doohie Kim, Jongmin Lee, Yang Ho Kim
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 1999;11(1):52-65.   Published online March 31, 1999
AbstractAbstract PDF
A cross-sectional study was conducted for detecting the risk factors and to propose an effective control program for occupational low back pain. The subjects were 1,665 male production workers employed at a steel factory and a welding material manufacturing factory. The data were collected by a self-reported questionnaire and a medical examination with a rehabilitation specialist for ten days in September, 1997. The contents of the questionnaire were as follows: general characteristics, physical characteristics, employment status, type of work, working environment and the experience of low back pain. The number of cases with symptoms of occupational low back pain were 321, so the point prevalence was 19.3 persons/100 persons. The number of cases with a history of occupational low back pain for one year were 554, so the one year period prevalence was 33.3 persons/100 persons. The point and one year period prevalences of occupational low back pain showed no significant differences in age, marital status, educational level and body mass index. The point and one year period prevalences of occupational low back pain showed no significant differences in alcohol drinking, smoking, stretching exercise and regular exercise. The point and one year period prevalences of occupational low back pain were significantly higher in the unsatisfied group than the satisfied group(p < 0.01), However, no significant differences were found among tenures and shift work. The point and one year period prevalences of occupational low back pain were significantly higher in the lifting of heavy materials group than the nonlifting group(p < 0.01). However, no significant differences were found among posture of the waist and the working posture. Through the multivariate logistic regression, significantly associated factors with occupational low back pain were found to be dissatisfaction with job(point prevalence: OR=1.78, 95% CI: 1.21-2.61; one year prevalence: OR=1.76, 95% CI: 1.26-2.47), lifting of heavy materials(point prevalence: OR=1.94. 95% CI: 1.44-2.61: one year prevalence: OR=2.17, 95% CI: 1.70-2.77) and tenure(point prevalence: OR=1.03. 95% CI: 1.01-1.06: one year prevalence: OR=1.02, 95% CI: 1.00-1.05).


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  • Incidence and Risk Factors for Occupational Low Back Pain among Seafarer’s
    Jae-Ho KIM
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