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The impact of long working hours on daily sodium intake
Kyungho Ju, Yangwoo Kim, Seung Hee Woo, Juhyeong Kim, Inah Kim, Jaechul Song, Soo-Jin Lee, Jeehee Min
Ann Occup Environ Med 2024;36:e9.   Published online April 1, 2024
AbstractAbstract AbstractAbstract in Korean PDFPubReaderePub

Long working hours are associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, yet the underlying mechanism(s) remain unclear. The study examines how occupational factors like working hours, shift work, and employment status correlate with dietary choices and sodium intake, impacting hypertension risk.


This study used data from the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey conducted between 2013 and 2020. The dataset included 8,471 respondents, all of whom were wage workers aged 20 or older and reported working at least 36 hours per week. Individuals who have been previously diagnosed with or are currently diagnosed with hypertension, diabetes, or dyslipidemia were excluded. The average daily sodium intake was assessed via a 24-hour dietary recall method. Average weekly working hours were categorized into 3 groups: 36–40 hours, 41–52 hours, and over 52 hours. Multiple logistic regression models were used.


Study findings revealed that 83.7% of participants exceeded the recommended daily sodium intake of 2 g set by the World Health Organization. After adjusting for confounding factors, a positive correlation was observed between average working hours and daily sodium intake. Among males, statistical significance was found in the group with average weekly working hours of 41–52 hours (prevalence ratio [PR]: 1.17; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.05–1.30) and the group exceeding 52 hours (PR: 1.22; 95% CI: 1.09–1.38) when comparing the fourth quartile of daily sodium intake to the combined quartiles of Q1, Q2, and Q3. Among females, no significance was noted.


Long working hours were associated with increased sodium intake, primarily among male workers. This connection is likely attributed to having less time for home-cooked meals, resulting in higher fast food consumption and dining out. A workplace intervention promoting healthy eating and reducing stress is essential to lower sodium consumption and mitigate hypertension risk.

장시간 근무가 일일 소듐 섭취량에 미치는 영향
장시간 근무는 심혈관 질환의 증가와 관련이 있다고 알려져 있지만, 그 메커니즘은 명확히 알려져 있지 않다. 본 연구는 주당 평균 근로시간, 교대근무 및 고용 형태 등의 직업적 요인과 식습관 변화 간의 관계를 확인하고, 특히 고혈압의 알려진 위험 요인인 과다한 소듐 섭취와의 관련성을 조사하였다.
본 연구는 2013년부터 2020년까지 실시된 대한민국 국민건강영양조사의 데이터를 사용하였다. 연구대상자는 20세 이상의 임금 근로자, 주당 최소 36시간 이상 근무하는 자로 선정하였다. 이 외에도 다양한 인구학적, 직업 변수가 설문 조사를 통해 수집되었으며, 평균 일일 소듐 섭취량은 24시간 회상법을 통해 조사되었다. 주당 평균 근무 시간은 36-40시간, 41-52시간 및 52시간 이상의 세 집단으로 분류되었다. 다중 로지스틱 회귀 모델이 분석에 사용되었다.
연구대상자 중 83.7%가 세계보건기구(WHO)에서 권장한 일일 나트륨 섭취량인 2g을 초과한 것이 확인되었다. 교란변수 보정 후에도 주당 평균 근로시간과 일일 소듐 섭취 간의 통계적 유의성이 확인되었다. 남성에 대하여, 주당 평균 근무 시간이 41-52시간인 그룹 (PR: 1.17, 95% CI: 1.05-1.30)과 52시간을 초과한 그룹 (PR: 1.22, 95% CI: 1.09-1.38)이 일일 소듐 섭취량 4분위에서 1, 2, 3분위를 포함한 그룹과와 비교하여 통계적으로 유의미한 관련이 있었다. 여성에 대하여는 통계적으로 유의미하지 않았다.
장시간 근무는 주로 남성 근로자에서 소듐 섭취 증가와 관련이 있었다. 이는 가정에서 조리하는 시간이 줄어들어 패스트 푸드 및 외식 소비가 증가하는 것에 기인한 것으로 생각된다. 과량의 소듐 섭취는 고혈압의 알려진 위험 요인이므로, 직장에서의 적극적인 개입을 통해, 더 건강한 식습관과 개선된 근무 환경을 통해 소듐 섭취를 줄이는 것이 필요하다.


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  • Temporary Employment Is Associated with Poor Dietary Quality in Middle-Aged Workers in Korea: A Nationwide Study Based on the Korean Healthy Eating Index, 2013–2021
    Seong-Uk Baek, Myeong-Hun Lim, Yu-Min Lee, Jong-Uk Won, Jin-Ha Yoon
    Nutrients.2024; 16(10): 1482.     CrossRef
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Differences of nutritional intake habits and Dietary Inflammatory Index score between occupational classifications in the Korean working population
Seung Hee Woo, Yangwoo Kim, Kyungho Ju, Juhyeong Kim, Jaechul Song, Soo-Jin Lee, Jeehee Min
Ann Occup Environ Med 2024;36:e5.   Published online March 18, 2024
AbstractAbstract AbstractAbstract in Korean PDFSupplementary MaterialPubReaderePub

Human nutrient intake is closely related to the conditions of their workplace.


This study used data from the Korean National Health and Nutritional Examination Survey (KNHANES) conducted between 2016 and 2020. The study population comprised individuals aged 19 to 65 years who were engaged in paid work, excluding soldiers (total = 12,201, male = 5,872, female = 6,329). The primary outcome of interest was the Dietary Inflammatory Index (DII) score, which was calculated using dietary intake data. Generalized linear models were used for statistical analyses.


Pink-collar workers had higher DII scores, indicating a potentially higher inflammatory diet than white-collar workers (mean: 2.18 vs. 1.89, p < 0.001). Green and blue-collar workers displayed lower levels of dietary inflammation (green: 1.64 vs. 1.89, p = 0.019, blue: 1.79 vs. 1.89, p = 0.022). After adjusting for sex, age, income, education, and energy intake, the sole trend that persisted was the comparison between white-collar and pink-collar workers.


DII scores and dietary patterns differed among occupational groups and genders.

한국 직장 인구의 직업 분류별 영양 섭취 습관과 식이 염증 지수 차이
직장인의 영양 섭취는 그들의 직장 환경과 밀접한 관련이 있다.
본 연구는 2016년부터 2020년까지 실시된 대한민국 국립건강영양조사(KNHANES) 자료를 사용하였다. 연구 대상은 19세에서 65세까지의 직장인으로, 군인은 제외되었다.(전체 = 12,201명, 남성 = 5,872명, 여성 = 6,329명) 주요 관심 대상은 식이 염증 지수(DII)로, 식품 섭취 정보를 사용하여 계산하였다. 통계 분석에는 일반화된 선형 모델을 사용하였다.
핑크 칼라 직종 근로자들은 DII 점수가 더 높았으며, 이는 화이트 칼라 직종 근로자들보다 잠재적으로 염증성 식습관이 높을 수 있음을 나타낸다.(평균: 2.18 대 1.89, p < 0.001) 그린과 블루 칼라 직종 근로자들은 DII 점수가 낮았다.(그린: 1.64 대 1.89, p = 0.019, 블루: 1.79 대 1.89, p = 0.022) 핑크 칼라와 화이트 칼라 직종 근로자에서 DII 점수의 차이는 성별, 연령, 소득, 교육 및 에너지 섭취량에 대한 보정 후에도 지속되었다.
DII 점수와 식습관은 직업군과 성별에 따라 다르게 나타났다.


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  • Temporary Employment Is Associated with Poor Dietary Quality in Middle-Aged Workers in Korea: A Nationwide Study Based on the Korean Healthy Eating Index, 2013–2021
    Seong-Uk Baek, Myeong-Hun Lim, Yu-Min Lee, Jong-Uk Won, Jin-Ha Yoon
    Nutrients.2024; 16(10): 1482.     CrossRef
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Case Report
Parkinson's disease in a worker exposed to insecticides at a greenhouse
Yangwoo Kim, Inah Kim, Jung-Min Sung, Jaechul Song
Ann Occup Environ Med 2021;33:e6.   Published online February 5, 2021
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

Parkinson's disease (PD) is a rare, neurodegenerative disease with various occupational and environmental risk factors. Exposure to specific pesticides contributes significantly to the incidence of PD. However, it is difficult to measure the level of pesticide exposure in workers. This study presents the first case recognized the work-relatedness between PD and pesticide exposure.

Case presentation

A 68-year-old male was diagnosed with PD after working with pesticides at a tomato greenhouse for 12 years and 5 months. From the results of a field study, it was reasonable to assume that the patient had been exposed to a significant level of various insecticides. In the present report, we described the first accepted case of work-relatedness between PD and exposure to pesticides. The evaluation was conducted using the following steps: we ruled out other possible risk factors including additional occupational history and personal risk factors, we assessed the work environment, surveyed possible exposures, found proper epidemiological evidence, and calculated the probability of causation. The work-relatedness was determined through the review of epidemiological evidence and estimation of exposure situation and level, and biological plausibility. We also decided work-relatedness based on the exposure of PD related pesticides with identified biologically plausible and the presumption that the exposure level would be high due to the working process.


In this case, the field study and epidemiological results supported the work-relatedness of PD and exposure to pesticides. Moreover, the results of previous studies have confirmed a causal relationship between exposure to pesticides and PD.


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  • Rotenone-Induced Model of Parkinson’s Disease: Beyond Mitochondrial Complex I Inhibition
    María Teresa Ibarra-Gutiérrez, Norma Serrano-García, Marisol Orozco-Ibarra
    Molecular Neurobiology.2023; 60(4): 1929.     CrossRef
  • Food Contamination: An Unexplored Possible Link between Dietary Habits and Parkinson’s Disease
    Giulia Caioni, Annamaria Cimini, Elisabetta Benedetti
    Nutrients.2022; 14(7): 1467.     CrossRef
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Research Article
Descriptive analysis of prevalence and medical expenses of cancer, cardio-cerebrovascular disease, psychiatric disease, and musculoskeletal disease in Korean firefighters
Jeehee Min, Yangwoo Kim, Hye Sim Kim, Jiyoung Han, Inah Kim, Jaechul Song, Sang-Baek Koh, Tae-Won Jang
Ann Occup Environ Med 2020;32:e7.   Published online January 30, 2020
AbstractAbstract PDFSupplementary MaterialPubReaderePub

Firefighters are exposed to many dangerous working conditions. Many studies have identified the risk of disease for firefighters, but only a few studies have addressed the medical expenses of firefighters, which represents a concrete scale of disease. Our purpose in this study was to determine the medical expenditures of firefighters to assess the overall scale of disease in Korea. We focused on cancer, mental disorders, cardio-cerebrovascular disease, and musculoskeletal disease, the prevalence of which was expected to be high in firefighters.


This study utilized National Health Insurance Service data. We targeted firefighters, police officers, and government officials. We classified disease based on the 10th revision of the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems codes. We compared prevalence by the age-standardized prevalence rate, considering standard distribution of the population. Medical expenditure of disease was defined as outpatient fees, hospitalization fees, and drug costs. Total medical expenditures were calculated by the sum of those 3 categories.


The age-standardized prevalence of cancer, mental disorders, and cardiovascular disease in firefighters was slightly higher than or similar to that of government officials and police officers (no significant difference). However, medical expenditures for stomach cancer, mental disorders, and most cardio-cerebrovascular diseases were higher in firefighters than in others. In particular, firefighters spent 12 times more money for ischemic heart disease than did government officials. Of musculoskeletal diseases, lumbar disc disorder had the highest expenditures among firefighters.


The age-standardized prevalence of most of diseases of firefighters was not as high as in the other groups, but the medical expenses of firefighters were much higher than those of government officials and police officers.


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  • The global prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders among firefighters: a systematic review and meta-analysis
    Amir Hossein Khoshakhlagh, Saeid Yazdanirad, Saleh Al Sulaie, Abdollah Mohammadian-Hafshejani, Robin Marc Orr
    International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics.2024; 30(1): 272.     CrossRef
  • Risk of Cerebro-Cardiovascular Diseases among Police Officers and Firefighters: A Nationwide Retrospective Cohort Study
    Jongin Lee, Woo-Ri Lee, Ki-Bong Yoo, Jaelim Cho, Jinha Yoon
    Yonsei Medical Journal.2022; 63(6): 585.     CrossRef
  • Non-cancer health risks in firefighters: a systematic review
    Jeong Ah Kim, Soo Yeon Song, Wonjeong Jeong, Jae Kwan Jun
    Epidemiology and Health.2022; 44: e2022109.     CrossRef
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Case Report
A case of acute organic solvent poisoning during epoxy coating
Sujin Lee, Inah Kim, Dooyong Park, Jaechul Song, Sang Gil Lee
Ann Occup Environ Med 2019;31:e9.   Published online June 18, 2019
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

In the construction industry, maintaining health and safety of workers often challenging. Among the workers at construction sites, painters are at particular risk of respiratory diseases and neurotoxicity. However, in Korea there is weak enforcement of workers' health and safety practices in the construction industry in Korea. Poisonings frequently occur at (semi)closed construction sites. In this study, we report a case of acute organic solvent poisoning during construction site painting.

Case presentation

A 71-year-old man was found unconscious at a construction site and immediately transferred to the emergency room. The consciousness level was 'stupor state' and the body temperature was hypothermic, at 32 degrees (Celsius). There were no acute brain or cardiac lesions that would have accounted for the faintness. In addition, blood and urine tests did not indicate a cause of loss of consciousness. He had been painting epoxy to waterproof the basement floor before fainting. According to exposure simulation, the patient was overexposed to various organic solvents, such as approximately 316–624 ppm toluene during the work before fainting. Considering the ventilation status of the workplace and the status of no protection, it is considered that exposure through the respiratory tract was considerable.


The patient in this case lost consciousness during the epoxy coating in a semi-enclosed space. It can be judged as a result of acute poisoning caused by organic solvent exposure and considered to be highly related to work environment.


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  • Physical and Chemical Interactions of the Polar and Nonpolar Solvents on the Mesoporous Silica Material to Developing Solvent Sensors.
    Yesmin Panecatl‐Bernal, Joaquín Alvarado, Josué Ortiz‐Medina, Iván Fuentecilla‐Carcamo, Rodolfo Lima‐Juárez, Daladier‐Alonso Granada‐Ramírez, Melissa Chávez‐Portillo, Lucero Esquina‐Arenas, Sergio Hernández‐Corona, Elder Alpes de Vasconcelos, Walter Mende
    ChemistrySelect.2023;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • Parkinson's disease in a worker exposed to insecticides at a greenhouse
    Yangwoo Kim, Inah Kim, Jung-Min Sung, Jaechul Song
    Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine.2021;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • Extensive high-pressure injection injury of the hand due to epoxy resin paint: a case report
    Gaku Niitsuma, Hidechika Nakashima, Takushi Nagai, Kenichirou Teramoto, Keikichi Kawasaki, Katsunori Inagaki
    Case Reports in Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery.2021; 8(1): 56.     CrossRef
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Guidelines for recognition of occupational cancers in Korea: the results of scientific review by Korean Society of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (2013–2016)
Jaechul Song, Kuck-Hyun Woo, Yang Ho Kim
Ann Occup Environ Med 2018;30:12.   Published online February 12, 2018
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

This thematic collection includes the articles to review eleven occupational cancer related risks or working conditions and to propose the guidelines of S. Korea.


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  • Brave spaces in nursing ethics education: Courage through pedagogy
    Natalie Jean Ford, Larissa Marie Gomes, Stephen BRE Brown
    Nursing Ethics.2024; 31(1): 101.     CrossRef
  • Dynamic characteristics of threshold values and extension field selections for a vacuum-blowing cleaning system
    Yuan Xi, Yan Dai, Xilong Zhang, Gaohong He
    Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering.2021; 45(4): 635.     CrossRef
  • Correction to: Guidelines for recognition of occupational cancers in Korea: the results of scientific review by Korean Society of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (2013–2016)
    Jaechul Song, Kuck-Hyun Woo, YangHo Kim
    Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine.2018;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • Occupational cancer claims in Korea from 2010 to 2016
    Kyungjoon Lee, Sujin Lee, Jeehee Min, Inah Kim
    Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine.2018;[Epub]     CrossRef
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Research Articles
The relationship between night work and breast cancer
Hye-Eun Lee, Jongin Lee, Tae-Won Jang, In-Ah Kim, Jungsun Park, Jaechul Song
Ann Occup Environ Med 2018;30:11.   Published online February 6, 2018
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

Since the International Agency for Research on Cancer classified shift work that involves circadian disruption as “probably carcinogenic to humans,” there has been growing concern on the relationship between night work and breast cancer. In Korea, about 10–15% of workers are engaged in night-shift work, and breast cancer is one of the most common cancers in women. The purpose of this study was to review epidemiologic evidence on the relationship between night work and breast cancer.


We reviewed 21 original articles and 5 meta analyses on relationship between nightwork and breast cancer, and investigated the compensation criteria of Denmark.


The association between breast cancer and night work has been reported by numerous epidemiologic studies, including cohort studies, case-control studies, and meta-analysis. However, a dose-response relationship has not clearly emerged among workers exposed to less than 20 years of night work.


Although there are some limitations to the epidemiological studies so far, further consideration of breast cancer cases in patients with high exposure to night work is needed to assess breast cancer as a work-related disease.


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  • Cancer du sein : une maladie professionnelle pour les soignants exposés au travail de nuit ?
    M. Gonzalez, C. Mathelin
    Gynécologie Obstétrique Fertilité & Sénologie .2024; 52(2): 65.     CrossRef
  • Impact of Simulated Rotating Shift Work on Mammary Tumor Development in the p53R270H©/+WAPCre Mouse Model for Breast Cancer
    Astrid A. Streng, Kirsten C. G. Van Dycke, Conny T. M. van Oostrom, Daniela C. F. Salvatori, Gerben Hulsegge, Inês Chaves, Till Roenneberg, Serge A. L. Zander, Harry van Steeg, Gijsbertus T. J. van der Horst, Linda W. M. van Kerkhof
    Journal of Biological Rhythms.2023; 38(5): 476.     CrossRef
  • Work Ability after Breast Cancer: Study of Healthcare Personnel Operating in a Hospital of South Italy
    Francesca Vella, Veronica Filetti, Luigi Cirrincione, Venerando Rapisarda, Serena Matera, Alenka Skerjanc, Emanuele Cannizzaro, Ermanno Vitale
    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.2022; 19(17): 10835.     CrossRef
  • Breast cancer awareness and knowledge assessment among men and women in Malaysia
    Wan Ning Lee, Chon Phin Ong, Ala’a Sadiq M. Khamis, Nallammai Singaram, Sau Har Lee
    Journal of Public Health.2022; 30(7): 1733.     CrossRef
  • Assessment of risks for breast cancer in a flight attendant exposed to night shift work and cosmic ionizing radiation: a case report
    Dong Joon Park, Sungkyun Park, Seong Won Ma, Hoekyeong Seo, Sang Gil Lee, Kyung-Eun Lee
    Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine.2022;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • Breast Cancer Incidence among Female Workers by Different Occupations and Industries: A Longitudinal Population-Based Matched Case–Control Study in Taiwan
    Cheng-Ting Shen, Hui-Min Hsieh, Yun-Shiuan Chuang, Chih-Hong Pan, Ming-Tsang Wu
    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.2022; 19(16): 10352.     CrossRef
  • Night Work and Breast Cancer Risk in Nurses: Multifactorial Risk Analysis
    Juan Gómez-Salgado, Javier Fagundo-Rivera, Mónica Ortega-Moreno, Regina Allande-Cussó, Diego Ayuso-Murillo, Carlos Ruiz-Frutos
    Cancers.2021; 13(6): 1470.     CrossRef
  • Night Work and Its Health Effects: Focusing on the Relevant Laws and Regulations of the Republic of Korea
    Won-Ju Park
    Journal of Sleep Medicine.2021; 18(1): 1.     CrossRef
  • Night-shift work duration and breast cancer risk: an updated systematic review and meta-analysis
    E. Manouchehri, A. Taghipour, V. Ghavami, A. Ebadi, F. Homaei, R. Latifnejad Roudsari
    BMC Women's Health.2021;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • Exposure to Radiation During Work Shifts and Working at Night Act as Occupational Stressors Alter Redox and Inflammatory Markers
    Sanaa A. El-Benhawy, Rasha A. El-Tahan, Sameh F. Nakhla
    Archives of Medical Research.2021; 52(1): 76.     CrossRef
  • Women's health and night shift work: Potential targets for future strategies in breast cancer (Review)
    Giusi Briguglio, Chiara Costa, Michele Teodoro, Federica  Giambò, Sebastiano Italia, Concettina Fenga
    Biomedical Reports.2021;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • Shift Work and Breast Cancer
    Sarah Gehlert, Mark Clanton
    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.2020; 17(24): 9544.     CrossRef
  • El cáncer ocupacional: una realidad oculta y un desafío pendiente
    Marcos Larrosa Moles, Begoña Martínez-Jarreta
    Medicina Clínica.2020; 154(1): 23.     CrossRef
  • Immunoregulatory role of melatonin in cancer
    Fatemeh Moradkhani, Milad Moloudizargari, Marjan Fallah, Narjes Asghari, Heidar Heidari Khoei, Mohammad Hossein Asghari
    Journal of Cellular Physiology.2020; 235(2): 745.     CrossRef
  • Nighttime Blue Light Exposure and Breast Cancer
    David Jaynes, MS, PhD, Paul Switzer, MD
    Osteopathic Family Physician.2020; 13(1): 30.     CrossRef
  • Occupational cancer: A hidden reality and an awaiting challenge
    Marcos Larrosa Moles, Begoña Martínez-Jarreta
    Medicina Clínica (English Edition).2020; 154(1): 23.     CrossRef
  • Cancer in the Fourth Dimension: What Is the Impact of Circadian Disruption?
    Marie Pariollaud, Katja A. Lamia
    Cancer Discovery.2020; 10(10): 1455.     CrossRef
  • Gastric cancer mortality rates by occupation and industry among male and female workers aged 25–64 years in Japan
    Yoko YOSHINAGA, Hirokazu TANAKA, Koji WADA, Shunya IKEDA
    Industrial Health.2020; 58(6): 554.     CrossRef
  • Night shift work and risk of breast cancer in women: the Generations Study cohort
    Michael E. Jones, Minouk J. Schoemaker, Emily C. McFadden, Lauren B. Wright, Louise E. Johns, Anthony J. Swerdlow
    British Journal of Cancer.2019; 121(2): 172.     CrossRef
  • BRCA1 and BRCA2 Gene Expression: Diurnal Variability and Influence of Shift Work
    Massimo Bracci, Veronica Ciarapica, Maria Eléxpuru Zabaleta, Maria Fiorella Tartaglione, Silvia Pirozzi, Letizia Giuliani, Francesco Piva, Matteo Valentino, Caterina Ledda, Venerando Rapisarda, Richard G. Stevens, Lory Santarelli
    Cancers.2019; 11(8): 1146.     CrossRef
  • Republication de : Surveillance et prévention des conséquences du travail poste et de nuit : état des lieux et recommandations
    Arnaud Metlaine, Damien Leger, Yolande Esquirol
    Médecine du Sommeil.2019; 16(3): 182.     CrossRef
  • Sleep Assessment During Shift Work in Korean Firefighters: A Cross-Sectional Study
    Kyoung Sook Jeong, Yeon-Soon Ahn, Tae-Won Jang, Gayoung Lim, Hyung Doo Kim, Seung-Woo Cho, Chang-Sun Sim
    Safety and Health at Work.2019; 10(3): 254.     CrossRef
  • Night shiftwork and prostate-specific antigen level in a tire manufacturing factory
    Seunghyeon Cho, Won-Ju Park, WonYang Kang, Dae-Young Lim, Suwhan Kim, Jai-Dong Moon
    Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine.2019;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • Sex Differences in the Association between Night Shift Work and the Risk of Cancers: A Meta-Analysis of 57 Articles
    Wen Liu, Zhonghan Zhou, Dahai Dong, Lijiang Sun, Guiming Zhang
    Disease Markers.2018; 2018: 1.     CrossRef
  • Surveillance et prévention des conséquences du travail poste et de nuit : état des lieux et recommandations
    Arnaud Metlaine, Damien Leger, Yolande Esquirol
    La Presse Médicale.2018; 47(11-12): 982.     CrossRef
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Does formaldehyde have a causal association with nasopharyngeal cancer and leukaemia?
Soon-Chan Kwon, Inah Kim, Jaechul Song, Jungsun Park
Ann Occup Environ Med 2018;30:5.   Published online January 31, 2018
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

The South Korean criteria for occupational diseases were amended in July 2013. These criteria included formaldehyde as a newly defined occupational carcinogen, based on cases of “leukemia or nasopharyngeal cancer caused by formaldehyde exposure”. This inclusion was based on the Internal Agency for Research on Cancer classification, which classified formaldehyde as definite human carcinogen for nasopharyngeal cancer in 2004 and leukemia in 2012.


We reviewed reports regarding the causal relationship between occupational exposure to formaldehyde in Korea and the development of these cancers, in order to determine whether these cases were work-related.


Previous reports regarding excess mortality from nasopharyngeal cancer caused by formaldehyde exposure seemed to be influenced by excess mortality from a single plant. The recent meta-risk for nasopharyngeal cancer was significantly increased in case-control studies, but was null for cohort studies (excluding unexplained clusters of nasopharyngeal cancers). A recent analysis of the largest industrial cohort revealed elevated risks of both leukemia and Hodgkin lymphoma at the peak formaldehyde exposure, and both cancers exhibited significant dose-response relationships. A nested case-control study of embalmers revealed that mortality from myeloid leukemia increased significantly with increasing numbers of embalms and with increasing formaldehyde exposure. The recent meta-risks for all leukemia and myeloid leukemia increased significantly. In South Korea, a few cases were considered occupational cancers as a result of mixed exposures to various chemicals (e.g., benzene), although no cases were compensated for formaldehyde exposure. The peak formaldehyde exposure levels in Korea were 2.70–14.8 ppm in a small number of specialized studies, which considered anatomy students, endoscopy employees who handled biopsy specimens, and manufacturing workers who were exposed to high temperatures.


Additional evidence is needed to confirm the relationship between formaldehyde exposure and nasopharyngeal cancer. All lymphohematopoietic malignancies, including leukemia, should be considered in cases with occupational formaldehyde exposure.


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Case Report
A case of laryngeal cancer induced by exposure to asbestos in a construction site supervisor
Sooyong Roh, Soyong Park, Gyeong Tae, Jaechul Song
Ann Occup Environ Med 2016;28:34.   Published online August 8, 2016
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

Construction site supervisors are exposed to many chemicals, dusts, and metals including asbestos. Asbestos is a hazardous chemical that is carcinogenic. Laryngeal cancer is not a rare disease in Korea. The most common causes of this disease are tobacco and alcohol, and representative occupational cause is asbestos. However, up to now, no case of laryngeal cancer induced by asbestos has been reported in Korea. In this study, we report such a case in a construction site supervisor.

Case presentation

A 60-year-old man who had been experiencing hoarseness for 2 months was diagnosed with laryngeal cancer. The pathologic diagnosis was squamous cell carcinoma in situ, based on examination of a biopsy specimen obtained by resection of the lesion. The patient had been exposed to asbestos for 38 years at construction sites where he worked until diagnosed with laryngeal cancer. He had been exposed to asbestos when demolishing buildings and inspecting materials.


The patient in this case worked with construction materials including asbestos and supervised construction for 38 years, and was thus exposed to asbestos at construction sites. Much of the asbestos was highly concentrated especially during demolition processes. We therefore consider the laryngeal cancer of this patient to be a work-related disease.


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Original Articles
The Relationship between Temperament, Character and Job Stress of Researchers in Science and Engineering Colleges
Hwanjin Park, Koun Seok Lee, Yoonbum Choi, Kyungeun Park, Soo Jin Lee, Jaechul Song
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2012;24(2):145-157.   Published online June 30, 2012
AbstractAbstract PDF
The purpose of this study was to investigate the job stress level of post-graduate students in schools of natural sciences and engineering in order to evaluate the relationship between temperament, character and job stress.
All the 254 subjects were interviewed by means of a structured questionnaire, KOSS-SF and TCI-RS. Among them, only 220 were eligible for analysis. Statistical methods used included chi-square test, independent t-test, Mann Whitney test, ANOVA test, correlation analysis and multiple linear regression analysis with PASW ver.18.
Age, degree course, working hours per week, work tenure, smoking habits, exercise, and disease history were associated with job stress and hours worked per week, smoking being associated with TCI-RS subscales. For job demand, interpersonal conflict scores were higher than Korean standard. In multiple linear regression analyses, R2 scores of temperament subscales on job stress were 0.099~0.312 and those of character subscales on job stress were 0.056~0.249.
Job stress was associated with the unique traits of individuals, temperament and character. In order to manage job stress, the personality, as well as work environment, was found to be important considerations.


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  • Dietary Life, Vitamin D Status and Blood Clinical Indices of University Laboratory Workers
    Jung Hyun Hwang, Hong Mie Lee, Jung Hee Kim
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2019; 24(3): 245.     CrossRef
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Association between Emotional Labor and Symptoms of Depression among Bankers
Sanghyo Chu, Hyunchul Ryou, Kyujeong Bae, Jaechul Song, Soojin Lee, Inah Kim
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2010;22(4):316-323.   Published online December 31, 2010
AbstractAbstract PDF
We focused on the relationship between symptoms of depression and emotional labor to investigate the mental health status of workers.
In this cross-sectional study, a total of 2,346 workers among bankers were our study subjects. A self-administered questionnaire was used to assess the socio-demographics, job characteristics, emotional labor and, the Center for Epidemiologic Studies-Depression scale (CES-D). We used multiple logistic regression analysis to estimate the relationship between emotional labor and the symptoms of depression.
The prevalence of symptoms of depression among the survey subjects was 20.6%. After adjusting for confounding factors, emotional effort (OR: 1.7, 95% CI=1.28~2.31) and, emotional disharmony (OR: 4.5, 95% CI=3.13~6.44) in men and emotional effort (OR: 1.9, 95% CI=1.33~2.75), emotional disharmony (OR: 6.1, 95% CI=4.12~9.09) in women showed a statistically significant association with symptoms of depression.
These results suggest that emotional disharmony and emotional effort are related to symptoms of depression. Managing emotional disharmony is important in managing symptoms of depression.


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The Comparison of Job Stress Factors, Psychosocial Stress and Their Association between Research and Manufacturing Workers in an Automobile Research and Developing Company
Hyunchul Ryou, Jeong Ok Kong, Hun Goo Lee, Soo Jin Lee, Sanghyo Chu, Yoonhee Jung, Jaechul Song
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2009;21(4):337-345.   Published online December 31, 2009
AbstractAbstract PDF
This study was conducted to investigate the job stress factors, psychosocial stress and their associations in workers engaged in the research and development of vehicles, and according to job role.
We recruited 4,066 subjects from workers at a research and development center of an automobile company. A total of 2,764 workers answered the questionnaire about socio-demographic factors, health behaviors, work-related factors, subjective labor intensity, KOSS, and SF-PWI. The final analysis included 2,282 male manufacturing and research workers. Univariate analyses and multiple logistic analyses were conducted on the complete questionnaire data to compare the job stress factors, psychosocial stress and their associations between research and manufacturing workers.
The adjusted Odds ratios comparing the high risk group to the low risk group regarding PWI group were 2.23(95%CI=1.63-3.04) in "Lack of rewards", 1.64(95%CI=1.20-2.24) in "Interpersonal conflict", 1.59(95%CI=1.15- 2.20) in "Organizational injustice", 1.58(95%CI=1.17-2.14) in "Occupational climate" and 1.43(95%CI=1.05-1.94) in "Job insecurity" among research workers, and 2.46(95%CI=1.59 -3.80) in "Lack of rewards" and 1.94(95%CI=1.17-3.22) in "Organizational injustice" among manufacturing workers.
There are differences in job stress factors between research and manufacturing workers. Further studies and discussions based on quantitative methodology for seeking more fundamental causes of these differences are required to establish job stress intervention plans and policies.


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Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms and Related Factors in Firefighters of a Firestation
Soon Chan Kwon, Jaechul Song, Soo Jin Lee, Inah Kim, Jaewoo Koh, Hyunchul Ryou, Seok Hyun Kim, Daeho Kim, Seung Ah Jung
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2008;20(3):193-204.   Published online September 30, 2008
AbstractAbstract PDF
To investigate the factors related with posttraumatic symptoms and to estimate the prevalence of posttraumatic disorder of urban male firefighters.
From a study sample comprising 260 male firefighters from one fire station, the responses from 146 who had experienced one or more traumatic events, responded to the 'Impact of Event Scale-Revised Korean version' (IES-R-K) and didn't show any evidence of depression were analyzed. We surveyed the firefighters using a self-administered questionnaire including general characteristics, job-related characteristics, IES-R-K, and a 'Firefighters and paramedics' incident stressor'.
The mean value of IES-R-K in this study was 11.3 and it was higher in the married firefighters than in the unmarried firefighters (p=0.005) and in the 24-hr shift workers than in the ordinary day shift workers (p=0.032). The frequency of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) of the firefighters in this study using IES-R-K was 13.7%, with a cutoff point of 24/25. The overall number of experiences of 25 traumatic events was larger in emergency medical personnel and rescue workers than in other work functions (p=0.000).
The prevalence of PTSD symptoms in firefighters was estimated to 13.7% using IES-RK and was higher than the prevalence of PTSD in the general population. A program to manage the mental health and provide early detection for mental illness for firefighters is needed.


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The Prevalence of Playing-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders of Music College Freshmen Playing String Instruments
Jaewoo Koh, Soo jin Lee, Yong Kyu Kim, Inah Kim, Soon Chan Kwon, Si Bog Park, Mi Jung Kim, Seongwoo Kim, Kyoungok Park, Hyunmi Kim, Jaegwang Song, Jaechul Song
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2006;18(3):189-198.   Published online September 30, 2006
AbstractAbstract PDF
This study was conducted to investigate the prevalence of playing-related musculoskeletal disorders (PRMDs) of some music college freshmen majoring in string instruments.
The study subjects were 199 freshmen majoring in strings at three colleges in Seoul and surrounds. The symptom prevalence and related factors of PRMDs were surveyed with a self-administered questionnaire. The Southampton Protocol was used to diagnose PRMDs.
The freshmen had played for 9 years and 7 months on average. The symptom prevalence of PRMDs according to the modified-NIOSH surveillance criteria was 73.4%. The shoulder was the most prevalent symptom complaint site. The prevalence of PRMDs by the Southampton Protocol was 54.3% and myofascial pain syndrome was the most common. The instrument (violin or viola vs. cello or bass), regular breaks, self perceived evaluation of playing posture and regular computer use had a significant association with the symptom prevalence of PRMDs in univariate logistic regression analysis (p<0.05). The instrument, regular breaks and regular computer use were significant variables affecting the symptom prevalence of PRMDs in multivariate logistic regression analysis (p<0.05).
This study suggests that music college freshmen playing strings are a high risk group for musculoskeletal disorders. Therefore, the prevention of PRMDs requires the establishment of an ergonomic playing-environment, and the education of comfortable posture and stretching program such as musical warming up and physical stretching. It is especially important to form an effective treatment and rehabilitation system based on earlier diagnosis for musicians who are suffering from the PRMDs.


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  • Musicians' Medicine: Musculoskeletal Problems in String Players
    Han-Sung Lee, Ho Youn Park, Jun O Yoon, Jin Sam Kim, Jae Myeung Chun, Iman W. Aminata, Won-Joon Cho, In-Ho Jeon
    Clinics in Orthopedic Surgery.2013; 5(3): 155.     CrossRef
  • The Prevalence of Playing-related Musculoskeletal Disorders of Traditional Korean Musical Instrument Player
    Jung Yong Kim, Seung Nam Min, Young Jin Cho, Jun Hyeok Choi
    Journal of the Ergonomics Society of Korea.2012; 31(6): 749.     CrossRef
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Analysis of Shoulder Range of Motion in Shoulder Myofascial Pain Syndrome
Jeong Soo Kim, In Ah Kim, Soo Jin Lee, Yong Kyu Kim, Si Bog Park, Jae Woo Koh, Jaechul Song
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2005;17(4):333-342.   Published online December 31, 2005
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OBJECTIVE: This study was carried out to investigate if the measurement of range of motion(ROM) could be applied in the diagnosis of Myofascial Pain Syndrome(MPS) and to determine the severity by analyzing ROM in MPS patients.
The study subjects were 476 female telephone number information service workers. Southampton Protocol and Pittsburgh Protocol were used to diagnose MPS and to measure ROM. ROMs were measured by 2 inclinometers exercising each shoulder passively and actively in 5 directions ; abduction, forward flexion, extension, external rotation, and internal rotation.
Compared to the normal group (n=147), the mean of right side ROM in the subjects (n=270) with same side MPS was 2.1 degrees(SD=11.5) lesser in active extension and 1.7 degrees(SD=10.4) lesser in passive extension. Compared to the mild group (n=210), the mean of right side ROM in the patients with same side severe MPS (n=58) was lesser in all directions. Especially in active forward flexion, passive forward flexion, active extension, passive extension and active external rotation, ROM in the subjects with severe MPS was lesser by 6.5 degrees(SD=13.1), 5.1 degrees(SD=12.8), 5.9 degrees(SD=11.8), 5.0 degrees(SD=10.6) and 3.9 degrees(SD=9.8), respectively, than those of the subjects with mild MPS. Compared to the subjects with left side mild MPS(n=172), ROM in the subjects with left side severe MPS (n=59) was 5.3 degrees(SD=13.3) lesser in active forward flexion.
In this study, ROMs in the subjects with severe MPS tended to be lesser than those in mild patients. This tendency was more prominent in the right side than the left, active range of motion than passive and forward flexion and extension than others. The results of this study are expected to help diagnose shoulder MPS and determine severity.

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The Relationship between Musculoskeletal Symptoms and Job Stress & Intensity of Labor among Shipbuilding Workers
Inah Kim, Sang Baek Koh, Jeong Soo Kim, Dong Mug Kang, Mia Son, Yongkyu Kim, Jaechul Song
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2004;16(4):401-412.   Published online December 31, 2004
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This study aimed to reveal the multiple factors that are related to the work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) of shipbuilding workers, and to elucidate the relationship between musculoskeletal symptoms and factors such as the change of working conditions, job stress and physical workload.
The study sample comprised 1,059 shipbuilding workers. A structured-questionnaire was used to assess the general characteristics, job stress, psychosocial well-being index (PWI), physical workload, change of working conditions and information concerning musculoskeletal symptoms. We estimated the relations of job stress, physical workload and intensity of labour to musculoskeletal symptoms using univariate and multiple logistic regression analyses.
The symptom prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders in any part of the body was 89.5% by 'criteria 1'in the order of back (58.6%) and shoulder (56.3%). After adjustment for sociodemographic factors, posture factor (Odds ratio [OR]=1.06, 95% confidence interval [ C I ] = 1 . 0 0~1.12), non-posture factor (OR=1.17, CI=1.05~1.31), Borg scale (OR=1.15, C I = 1 . 0 0~1.32), relative work intensity increase (OR=1.92, CI=1.08~3.41), labor flexibility increase (OR=2.04, CI=1.04~4.01), high job demand (OR=2.68, CI=1.48~4.88), and high risk stress group (OR=13.50, CI=3.15~57.97) were all found to be significantly associated with musculoskeletal disorders.
These results suggest that WMSDs have multiple risk factors such as stress, physical workload and change of working conditions. High job demand, increased relative intensification of work and increased flexibility, especially such as subcontract, outsourcing and importing of contingent work, were very important factors associated with increasing WMSDs.


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    Seung-Hyun Lee, Young-Chae Cho
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Distribution of Asymmetrical Hearing Loss Among the Workers participated in Noise-specific Health Examination
Youngjun Kwon, Kyungrae Kim, Soo Jin Lee, Jaechul Song
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 1999;11(3):361-372.   Published online September 30, 1999
AbstractAbstract PDF
Noise-induced hearing lose(NIHL) is characterized by bilaterally symmetrical hearing loss, but some screening audiometries of employees who were exposed noise showed asymmetry. Therefore, this study was carried out to evaluate distribution of asymmetrical hearing loss and factors influencing asymmetries.
Study subjects were 294 male employees who have participated in 1st and 2nd noise-specific health examination.
The interaural threshold difference of 20 dB or more at 4,000 Hz was classified as asymmetry. Among 294 NIHL employees. 19% had left asymmetric hearing loss. 22% had right asymmetric hearing loss. and overall asymmetry were 41%. Prevalence of asymmetry at 4,000 Hz significantly more decreased in middle(80~84 dB (A)) and high-level noise exposure groups(> or =85 dB(A)) than low-level exposure group and significantly increased as greater hearing threshold level in the worse ear. Prevalence of left asymmetry at 4,000 Hz significantly increased as greater hearing threshold level in the worse ear than right asymmetry. The interaural difference was significantly greater in the left asymmetry.
Noise exposure produced asymmetric hearing loss(interaural asymmetry was 20 dB and more in 41% of case) and left ear was more susceptible to noise demage than right ear.

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Effect of Chronic exposure to Low-Levels of n-Hexane on Peripheral Nervous System
Hyunju Kim, Young Jae Park, Soo Jin Lee, Jaechul Song, Eun Cheol Jang, Kyung Young Lee, Sanghyo Shim
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 1999;11(3):350-360.   Published online September 30, 1999
AbstractAbstract PDF
The effect of chronic exposure to low levels of n-hexane on peripheral nervous system and the relationship between duration of employment and impairment of peripheral nervous system was studied.
In 21 workers at two shoe - maker factories and 21 unexposed controls, measurement of exposure of solvents, symptom Questionnaire, physical examination and electrophysiological study were conducted.
Mean ages of study subjects in the exposed and the unexposed were 39.9 and 40.1 years old. Mean durations of employment were 15.1 and 10.0 years, respectively. Mean concentraions of urinary 2,5-HD were 2.23 mg/kg creatinine, 0.23 mg/kg creatinine, respectively. Mean concentration of solvents in air were 21.1 ppm of n-hexane, 72.2 rpm of toluene and 0.5 ppm of MEK. There were no differences in the prevalence of subjective symptoms and abnormal neurological signs between the exposed and the unexposed. But vibration extinction time(VAT) of the exposed(8.8 second) was shorter than that of the unexposed(11.9 second)(p < 0.05). Mean values of electrophysiological studies(EPS) of the two groups were within normal limit. However, mean conduction velocity of median motor nerve and median F wave(MMNCV and MFCV), mean amplitude of median sensory action potential(MSAP) were decreased in the exposed(p < 0.05). Moreover, the rate of abnormal finding more than one in sensory nerves wart increased in the exposed than those in the unexposed(p,0.05). Correlation coefficients between duration of employment and mean conduction velocity of median sensory nerve (MSNCV) and between duration of employment and MFCV were -0.57 -0.43, respectively(p < 0.05).
These results showed that chronic (mean 15 years) low level(mean 23 ppm) exposure to n-hexane cause subclinical impairment of peripheral nervous system. These results also suggest that the longer duration of employment, the shorter values of EPB and VAT.


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  • Occupational Neurological Disorders in Korea
    Eun-A Kim, Seong-Kyu Kang
    Journal of Korean Medical Science.2010; 25(Suppl): S26.     CrossRef
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Ann Occup Environ Med : Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
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