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Association between serum perfluoroalkyl substances concentrations and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease among Korean adults: a cross-sectional study using the National Environmental Health Survey cycle 4
Yong Tae Park, Eui Yup Chung, Chang Ho Chae, Young Hoon Lee
Ann Occup Environ Med 2024;36:e10.   Published online April 8, 2024
AbstractAbstract AbstractAbstract in Korean PDFPubReaderePub

Perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are widely used in industry and daily life due to their useful properties. They have a long half-life, accumulate in the body, and there is evidence that they are associated with biomarkers of lipid metabolism and liver damage. This may suggest non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) caused by PFAS. However, since there has been no study analyzing the relationship between PFAS and NAFLD in the entire population in Korea. We sought to confirm the relationship between serum PFAS concentration and NAFLD prevalence in Korean adults using the Korean National Environmental Health Survey (KoNEHS) cycle 4.


The study was conducted on 2,529 subjects in 2018–2019 among KoNEHS participants. For the diagnosis of NAFLD, the hepatic steatosis index (HSI) was used, and the geometric mean and concentration distribution of serum PFAS were presented. Logistic regression was performed to confirm the increase in the risk of NAFLD due to changes in PFAS concentration, and the odds ratio and 95% confidence interval (CI) were calculated.


In both adjusted and unadjusted models, an increased odds ratio was observed with increasing serum concentrations of total PFAS and perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) in the non-obese group. In the adjusted model, the odds ratios for serum total PFAS and PFOS were 6.401 (95% CI: 1.883–21.758) and 7.018 (95% CI: 2.688–18.319).


In this study, a higher risk of NAFLD based on HSI was associated with serum total PFAS, PFOS in non-obese group. Further research based on radiological or histological evidence for NAFLD diagnosis and long-term prospective studies are necessary. Accordingly, it is necessary to find ways to reduce exposure to PFAS in industry and daily life.

대한민국 성인의 혈청 과불화화합물 농도와 비알코올성 지방간 질환의 연관성 : 제4기 국민환경보건 기초조사를 이용한 단면연구
과불화 화합물(이하 PFAS)는 그 유용한 특성들로 인하여 산업 및 일상생활에 널리 사용되는 물질이다. 이들은 긴 반감기를 지녀 생체 내에 축적되며, 지질 대사 및 간 손상의 바이오마커들과 연관이 있다는 여러 증거들이 있다. 이는 PFAS와 비알코올성 지방간(이하 NAFLD)의 연관성을 시사할 수 있다. 그러나 국내 전체 인구를 대상으로 PFAS와 NAFLD간의 연관성을 분석한 연구는 없었기에 제4주기 국민환경보건 기초조사를 이용하여 대한민국 성인에서 혈청 PFAS의 농도와 NAFLD 유병률 간의 연관성을 확인하고자 하였다.
제4주기 국민환경보건 기초조사 참여자 중 2018-2019년 대상자 2595명을 대상으로 연구를 진행하였다. NAFLD의 진단을 위해 Hepatic Steatosis Index(이하 HSI)를 사용하였으며, 혈청 PFAS의 기하평균 및 농도 분포를 제시하였다. PFAS의 농도 변화에 따른 NAFLD의 위험도 증가를 확인하기 위하여 로지스틱 회귀분석을 시행하였으며 이에 대한 교차비와 95% 신뢰구간을 산출하였다.
조정되지 않은 모델 및 조정된 모델의 비만하지 않은 그룹에서 혈청 총 PFAS, PFOS의 농도 증가에 따른 교차비의 증가를 확인할 수 있었다. 조정된 모델에서 혈청 총 PFAS 및 PFOS의 교차비는 각각 6.401 (95% CI 1.883–21.758) and 7.018 (95% CI 2.688-18.319)으로 나타났다.
본 연구에서 HSI에 기초한 NAFLD의 더 높은 위험은 비만하지 않은 군에서 혈청 총 PFAS 및 PFOS와 유의한 연관성을 보였다. PFAS에 의한 NAFLD 발생의 위험에 대한 영상 또는 조직 병리에 기반한 추가 연구가 필요하며, 일상 생활 및 산업 전반에 있어 PFAS에의 노출을 줄이기 위한 방법의 모색이 필요하다.


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  • Diabetes and male fertility disorders
    Andrea Graziani, Raffaele Scafa, Giuseppe Grande, Alberto Ferlin
    Molecular Aspects of Medicine.2024; 99: 101303.     CrossRef
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Original Article
Association of heavy metal complex exposure and neurobehavioral function of children
Minkeun Kim, Chulyong Park, Joon Sakong, Shinhee Ye, So young Son, Kiook Baek
Ann Occup Environ Med 2023;35:e23.   Published online July 6, 2023
AbstractAbstract AbstractAbstract in Korean PDFSupplementary MaterialPubReaderePub

Exposure to heavy metals is a public health concern worldwide. Previous studies on the association between heavy metal exposure and neurobehavioral functions in children have focused on single exposures and clinical manifestations. However, the present study evaluated the effects of heavy metal complex exposure on subclinical neurobehavioral function using a Korean Computerized Neurobehavior Test (KCNT).


Urinary mercury, lead, cadmium analyses as well as symbol digit substitution (SDS) and choice reaction time (CRT) tests of the KCNT were conducted in children aged between 10 and 12 years. Reaction time and urinary heavy metal levels were analyzed using partial correlation, linear regression, Bayesian kernel machine regression (BKMR), the weighted quantile sum (WQS) regression and quantile G-computation analysis.


Participants of 203 SDS tests and 198 CRT tests were analyzed, excluding poor cooperation and inappropriate urine sample. Partial correlation analysis revealed no association between neurobehavioral function and exposure to individual heavy metals. The result of multiple linear regression shows significant positive association between urinary lead, mercury, and CRT. BMKR, WQS regression and quantile G-computation analysis showed a statistically significant positive association between complex urinary heavy metal concentrations, especially lead and mercury, and reaction time.


Assuming complex exposures, urinary heavy metal concentrations showed a statistically significant positive association with CRT. These results suggest that heavy metal complex exposure during childhood should be evaluated and managed strictly.

소아 신경 행동 기능과 중금속 복합 노출의 관련성
중금속 노출은 많은 국가에서 공중보건 관련해서 큰 과제이다. 중금속 노출에 따른 신경계의 영향을 보기 위한 과거 연구들 에서는 노출의 경우 단일 중금속에 대한 노출을, 노출에 따른 결과로는 임상적 징후 또는 질환의 진단을 중점으로 이루어졌다. 본 연구는 중금속 복합 노출과 준임상적 수준을 포함한 신경 행동 기능의 관계를 확인하기 위해 계획되었다.
소변 중 수은, 납, 카드뮴 분석과 한국형 컴퓨터 신경행동검사중 부호 숫자 짝짓기 검사와 선택 반응 시간 검사를 211명의 10-12세의 소아들에게 시행한 자료를 바탕으로, 반응 시간과 소변 중 중금속 수치를 성별과 연령을 보정하여 편상관분석과 회귀분석으로 분석하였다. 그 중 유의미한 결과가 확인되는 항목에 대해 복합노출에 대한 분석을 Bayesian Kernel Machine regression, Weighted Sum Regression analysis, Quantile G-computation 기법을 활용하여 심층 분석하였다.
부호숫자 짝짓기 검사의 경우 203건, 선택반응 검사의 경우 198건에 대해 분석을 수행하였다. 부호숫자 짝짓기 검사의 경우 단일 중금속과 편상관분석 및 다중회귀분석에서 유의미한 관련성이 보이지 않았다. 선택반응 검사의 경우 편상관분석상 개별 중금속과는 별다른 관계를 보이지 않았으나 다중회귀분석에서 수은 및 납과 유의미한 관련성을 보였다. 복합노출에 대한 분석방법인 Bayesian Kernel Machine regression, Weighted Sum Regression analysis, Quantile G-computation 기법에서 소변 중 중금속과 선택 반응 시간 검사의 반응시간 간에 양의 상관관계를 보였으며, 세 분석에서 비교적 일관되게 복합노출 시 수은과 납이 선택 반응 시간 검사의 반응시간에 양의 상관관계를 보였다. 카드뮴의 경우 뚜렷한 양의 상관관계를 보이지 않거나 그 기여도가 적었다.
본 연구 샘플의 요중 수은, 납, 카드뮴의 범위는 임상적인 증상을 나타낼 수 있는 것으로 알려진 여러 기준 수준에 비해 매우 낮은 수준에 있으나, 그 범위 내에서도 선택 반응 검사와 중금속의 복합노출은 통계적으로 유의한 반응시간 차이를 보였다. 위 결과는 소아 중금속 복합 노출이 매우 낮은 농도 수준에서도 신경계에 영향을 미친다는 가능성을 제시하며, 이는 중금속 노출에 대한 더욱 민감하고 엄격한 관리가 필요함을 보여주는 결과이다.


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  • The impact of unfavorable and toxic environmental conditions on autonomic tone modulations while wearing N95 face masks
    Valery Erkudov, Andrey Pugovkin, Kenjabek Rozumbetov, Azat Matchanov, Shanika Arachchi, Upaka Rathnayake
    Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering.2024; 9: 100619.     CrossRef
  • Association Between Multiple Heavy Metal Exposures and Cholesterol Levels in Residents Living Near a Smelter Plant in Korea
    Sun-In Moon, Dong-Hyuk Yim, Kyunghi Choi, Sang-Yong Eom, Byung-Sun Choi, Jung-Duck Park, Heon Kim, Yong-Dae Kim
    Journal of Korean Medical Science.2024;[Epub]     CrossRef
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Research Article
Levels of blood lead and urinary cadmium in industrial complex residents in Ulsan
Sang Hoon Kim, Yang Ho Kim, Hyun Chan An, Joo Hyun Sung, Chang Sun Sim
Ann Occup Environ Med 2017;29:26.   Published online June 26, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

Populations neighboring industrial complexes are at an increased health risk, due to constant exposure to various potentially hazardous compounds released during industrial production activity. Although there are many previous studies that focus on occupational exposure to heavy metals, studies that focused on environmental exposure to lead and cadmium are relatively rare. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the extent of the environmental exposure of heavy metals in residents of industrial area.


Four areas in close proximity to the Ulsan petrochemical industrial complex and the Onsan national industrial complex were selected to be included in the exposure group, and an area remotely located from these industrial complexes was selected as the non-exposure group. Among the residents of our study areas, a total of 1573 subjects aged 20 years and older were selected and all study subjects completed a written questionnaire. Blood and urine samples were obtained from about one third of the subjects (465 subjects) who provided informed consent for biological sample collection. Total 429 subjects (320 subjects from exposure area, 109 subjects from non-exposure area) were included in final analysis.


The geometric mean blood lead level among the subjects in the exposed group was 2.449 μg/dL, which was significantly higher than the non-exposure group’s level of 2.172 μg/dL. Similarly, the geometric mean urine cadmium levels between the two groups differed significantly, at 1.077 μg/g Cr. for the exposed group, and 0.709 μg/g Cr. for the non-exposure group.

In a multiple linear regression analysis to determine the relationship between blood lead level and related factors, the results showed that blood lead level had a significant positive correlation with age, the male, exposure area, and non-drinkers. In the same way, urine cadmium level was positively correlated with age, the female, exposure area, and smokers.


This study found that blood lead levels and urine cadmium levels were significantly higher among the residents of industrial areas than among the non-exposure area residents, which is thought to be due to the difference in environmental exposure of lead and cadmium. Furthermore, it was clear that at a low level of exposure, differences in blood lead or urine cadmium levels based on age, gender, and smoking status were greater than the differences based on area of residence. Therefore, when evaluating heavy metal levels in the body at a low level of exposure, age, gender, and smoking status must be adjusted, as they are significant confounding factors.


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Case Report
Multiple chemical sensitivity caused by exposure to ignition coal fumes: a case report
Myeong-Ja Yun, Dong-Mug Kang, Kyoung-Hye Lee, Young-Ki Kim, Jong-Eun Kim
Ann Occup Environ Med 2013;25:32-32.   Published online November 1, 2013
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

Although multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) is a well-known disorder caused by environmental exposures, MCS caused by occupational exposure has been reported in Korea. Therefore, we report a MCS case caused by environmental exposure to ignition coal after a differential diagnosis to exclude other diseases.

Case report

Since 2011, a 55-year-old woman had experienced edema, myalgia, and other symptoms when she smelled ignition coal near her workplace. She had been diagnosed with fibromyalgia syndrome(FMS) and was treated, with no improvement of symptoms. Since then, she showed the same symptoms after exposure to city gas, the smell of burning, and exhaust gas. To avoid triggering substances, she moved to a new house and used an air purifier. She quit her job in November 2012. After visiting our hospital, she underwent a differential diagnosis for FMS, chronic fatigue syndrome, and somatization disorder. She was diagnosed with MCS by the Korean version of the Quick Environment Exposure Sensitivity Inventory (QEESI). She was educated about the disease and to avoid triggering substances. She received ongoing treatment for her symptoms.


This case showed that symptoms began after smelling ignition coal. After that, her triggers was increased such as the smell of city gas, burning, and exhaust gas. This case is the first reported in Korea of MCS due to environmental exposure after ruling out other diseases.


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Original Article
The Prevalence of Asbestos Related Pleural Plaque among Residents Living Near Asbestos Mines in Korea
Yong Jin Lee, Chan Ho Park, Yong Bae Kim, Eun Chul Jang, Seung Hwan Kim, Young Sik Shin, Jeung Sook Kim
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2012;24(1):1-10.   Published online March 31, 2012
AbstractAbstract PDF
The investigation of the prevalence of pleural diseases in regards to those living within 1 km of 14 asbestos mines in Chungnam province.
We enrolled 4,057 residents (male: 1,887, female: 2,170) living within 1km of asbestos mines in Chungcheong province. They received checkups from Soonchunhyang Environmental Health Center for asbestos related diseases between March 2009 and December 2009. Chest X-rays were taken from all subjects and read by two experts according to International Labor Organization guidelines. Those subjects suspected of asbestos related lesions were further checked with HRCT(high-resolution computed tomography). The determination was done by two experts after reviewing the resulting data.
The 4,057 exposed residents underwent the checkup, 859 of whom further underwent the HRCT(high-resolution computed tomography) check. The prevalence of pleural plaque was found to be 11.3% (29.2% non-occupational, 8.0% occupational) from the chest X-rays. The HRCT(high-resolution computed tomography) results revealed that 227 subjects (26.4%) out of the 859 positive subjects (110 (18.8%) non-occupational, 117 (42.9%) occupational) showed evidence of pleural plaque. The statistical analysis showed that the prevalence of pleural plaque increased with increases in age, residence time, and occupational family exposure to asbestos (p<0.05).
We recommend better control of asbestos in the soil and mines. We also recommend that all affected residents living near asbestos mines receive medical checkups as mandated by the asbestos health damage relief policy.


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  • Incidence of Cancer and Asbestos-Related Diseases among Residents Living near Abandoned Asbestos Mines in South Korea: A Retrospective Cohort Study Using National Health Insurance Database
    Kyeongmin Kwak, Kyung Ehi Zoh, Domyung Paek
    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.2021; 18(3): 875.     CrossRef
  • Exposure Assessment and Asbestosis Pulmonum among Inhabitants near Abandoned Asbestos Mines Using Deposited Dust
    Hoki Ahn, Wonho Yang, Young Hwangbo, Yong Jin Lee
    Korean Journal of Environmental Health Sciences.2015; 41(6): 369.     CrossRef
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Original Article
Prenatal Environmental Exposure and Pregnancy Outcomes
Kyung Sim Koh
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2000;12(2):258-268.   Published online June 30, 2000
AbstractAbstract PDF
The aim of this study was to examine the association of prenatal environmental exposure and pregnancy outcomes.
Self-administered questionnaire survey was conducted for pregnant women with gestational age of 16-18 weeks, who visited the outpatient department of Dankook University Hospital from May 1995 to June 1999. Of all 1170 women, 762 women answered the questionnaires and the response rate was 65 %. Among them, 471 cases which has delivered at our hospital were included in this study.
Comparing the environmental risk factors and the pregnancy outcomes, there was an association between delivery of small for gestational age infants and the ingestion of herb medicine and caffeine-containing nutritional beverages. Pregnant women with occupation were more likely exposed to environmental tobacco smoking, to ingestion of nutritional drinks and green teas, to use of video display terminals and to diagnostic radiation.
We could get precise information from prospectively conducted questionnaire study. It is necessary to extend the study population to verify the influence of prenatal environmental factors on pregnancy outcomes.

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