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Radiation-related occupational cancer and its recognition criteria in South Korea
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Review Radiation-related occupational cancer and its recognition criteria in South Korea
Songwon Seo1,2, Dalnim Lee1, Ki Moon Seong1, Sunhoo Park1, Soo-Geun Kim3, Jong-Uk Won4, Young Woo Jin1
Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2018;30:9.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/s40557-018-0219-y
Published online: February 2, 2018

10000 0000 9489 1588grid.415464.6National Radiation Emergency Medical Center, Korea Institute of Radiological & Medical Sciences, 75, Nowon-ro, Nowon-gu, Seoul, 01812 Republic of Korea

20000 0001 0840 2678grid.222754.4Department of Preventive Medicine, Korea University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea

30000 0001 2181 989Xgrid.264381.aDepartment of Occupational Medicine, Sungkyunkwan University, School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea

40000 0004 0470 5454grid.15444.30The Institute for Occupational Health, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea

• Received: March 3, 2017   • Accepted: January 17, 2018

© The Author(s). 2018

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  • Ionizing radiation is a well-known carcinogen, and is listed as one carcinogenic agent of occupational cancer. Given the increase in the number of workers exposed to radiation, as well as the increase in concern regarding occupational cancer, the number of radiation-related occupational cancer claims is expected to increase. Unlike exposure assessment of other carcinogenic agents in the workplace, such as asbestos and benzene, radiation exposure is usually assessed on an individual basis with personal dosimeters, which makes it feasible to assess whether a worker’s cancer occurrence is associated with their individual exposure. However, given the absence of a threshold dose for cancer initiation, it remains difficult to identify radiation exposure as the root cause of occupational cancer. Moreover, the association between cancer and radiation exposure in the workplace has not been clearly established due to a lack of scientific evidence. Therefore, criteria for the recognition of radiation-related occupational cancer should be carefully reviewed and updated with new scientific evidence and social consensus. The current criteria in Korea are valid in terms of eligible radiogenic cancer sites, adequate latent period, assessment of radiation exposure, and probability of causation. However, reducing uncertainty with respect to the determination of causation between exposure and cancer and developing more specific criteria that considers mixed exposure to radiation and other carcinogenic agents remains an important open question.
Ionizing radiation is classified as a Group 1 carcinogen in humans by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), and is listed as one carcinogenic agent of occupational cancer by the International Labor Organization (ILO) and the Enforcement Decree of the Labor Standards Act in Korea [13]. Ionizing radiation is called “radiation” henceforth in this paper. Radiation is utilized for various purposes, and both the number of radiation-related facilities and the number of radiation workers have also increased by about 10 and 4% per year, respectively [4]. Radiation exposure has been well managed under 5% of the occupational dose limit which is a 100 mSv in 5 years with a maximum of 50 mSv in any single year, in most radiation workers in Korea. However, some occupations, such as workers who perform non-destructive testing (NDT) and radiologists, are exposed to relatively higher radiation levels than other radiation-related occupations [5]. Moreover, due to an increase in social concerns about occupational cancer, the number of occupational cancer claims related to radiation exposure is increasing, especially among semiconductor manufacturing and NDT workers. In general, criteria for the recognition of radiation-related occupational cancer are based on the type of cancer, exposure assessment, probability of causation, and general principles of compensation for occupational diseases. These criteria should be updated with new scientific evidence and social consensus. The aim of this study, therefore, was to review the recognition criteria for radiation-related occupational cancer and identify the characteristics of radiation exposure and diagnosed cases in the workplace in Korea. This review provides a comprehensive reference for understanding criteria for the recognition of radiation-related occupational cancer, which can help to guide reasonable and scientific decision making.
Occupational exposure in Korea
Exposure assessment is essential for identifying whether cancer incidence among workers is caused by harmful agents in the workplace. In Korea, depending on the occupation type, radiation exposure in individual workers has been monitored and managed by two government institutes, the Nuclear Safety and Security Commission (NSSC) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), with their own National Dose Registries (NDR). To determine whether cancer occurrence in the workplace is associated with radiation exposure, these NDRs are investigated first for radiation exposure assessment. Radiation workers in the NDR who are managed by the NSSC are grouped into nine categories: public institution, educational institution, non-destructive industry, industrial organization, research institute, nuclear power plant, medical institution (except for workers using diagnostic x-ray generators), military, and production and sales [6]. Since the NDR was started in 1984, the average exposure dose for radiation workers has been in steady decline to nearly 1 mSv per year or less, except for NDT workers, whose exposure levels were the highest with average doses of 2.37–3.87 mSv/year in the recent five years (Table 1) [5, 6]. Exposure doses of diagnostic radiation workers, who mainly work with x-ray generators in hospitals, were managed by the CDC’s NDR and grouped into five categories: radiologic technologists, physicians, dentists, dental hygienists, and other radiation workers [7]. Exposure doses have been in steady decline over the last 10 years among diagnostic radiation workers. Exposure levels were highest among radiologic technologists, with average doses of 0.85–1.21 mSv/year in the recent 5 years (Table 1) [8].
Table 1
Number of workers and exposure dose (mSv) according to occupation type in Korea
Year 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Category Number of workers Mean dose Number of workers Mean dose Number of workers Mean dose Number of workers Mean dose Number of workers Mean dose
Radiation workers Medical institutes 3833 0.99 4133 0.96 4376 0.87 4734 0.73 5038 0.55
Industry 5464 0.10 5456 0.03 6352 0.07 5842 0.16 5237 0.02
NDT 5852 2.43 6075 2.39 6792 3.43 7166 3.87 7530 2.37
Production and sales 1243 0.67 1573 0.53 1563 0.85 1702 0.41 1912 0.29
Research institutes 2062 0.07 2139 0.05 2232 0.03 2198 0.03 2183 0.02
Educational institutes 4876 0.05 4954 0.05 4816 0.04 4788 0.04 4521 0.06
Public institutes 466 0.02 827 0.61 872 0.57 932 0.42 961 0.41
Military 236 0.05 241 1.81 264 0.02 280 0.03 264 0.08
Nuclear power plant 13,236 1.20 14,758 0.80 15,023 0.73 14,780 0.82 14,253 0.58
Total 37,268 0.96 40,156 0.81 42,290 0.96 42,422 1.07 41,899 0.72
Diagnostic radiation workers Radiation technologist 18,722 1.21 19,791 1.16 20,523 1.01 21,636 0.94 22,419 0.85
Physician 11,661 0.34 12,622 0.36 13,076 0.32 13,738 0.32 14,950 0.31
Dentist 12,822 0.16 13,849 0.18 14,424 0.15 14,905 0.15 15,951 0.15
Dental hygienist 6110 0.13 7088 0.15 7727 0.12 8064 0.12 8912 0.12
Diagnostic radiologist 1468 0.41 1545 0.29 1456 0.32 1448 0.31 1475 0.24
Nurse 2177 0.4 2936 0.37 3171 0.33 3397 0.32 4891 0.22
Nursing assistant 817 0.3 927 0.26 873 0.24 846 0.3 1081 0.19
Medical assistant 161 0.3 198 0.34 168 0.55 222 0.49 329 0.34
Others 1676 0.47 1474 0.42 1517 0.33 1676 0.68 1088 0.34
Total 55,614 0.58 60,430 0.56 62,935 0.48 65,932 0.47 71,096 0.41
Source: 2015 Nuclear Safety yearbook [5] and 2014 Occupational Radiation Exposure in Diagnostic Radiology in Korea [8]
NDT non-destructive testing
Radiation carcinogenesis
The initial mechanism of radiation-induced cancer is not different from the mechanisms of other harmful agents, such as toxic chemicals and ultraviolet radiation, in terms of DNA damage. It is well-known that many innate defense mechanisms against radiation damage occur in various ways (e.g., removal of oxidative stress and damaged cells, DNA repair) in the human body, and damaged cells or DNA that remain may cause tissue or organ dysfunction and malignant disease such as cancer and heritable disease. In general, health risks from radiation exposure are classified into two groups: tissue reactions, which are conventionally referred to as deterministic effects, and stochastic effects. Tissue reaction effects include organ malfunction such as skin burns, bone marrow failure, and intestinal damage, which occur above a threshold dose below which there is no increased risk and are considered non-cancer damaging effects. In contrast, stochastic effects are assumed to have no threshold dose and occur by chance, with the probability of the effect increasing as exposure dose increases. The main risks associated with stochastic effects are cancer and genetic defects, and generally occur 1–2 years after exposure for leukemia and 5–10 years after exposure for solid cancer. Thus, radiation-related occupational cancer can be considered a stochastic effect of radiation exposure.
The IARC and the U.S. National Toxicology Program (NTP) classify radiation (commonly referred to as ionizing radiation), including x-rays and gamma rays, as “Group 1” and “Known” carcinogens, respectively, according to their own classification criteria [9]. The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work similarly interprets radiation carcinogenesis according to the classification of carcinogens, mutagens, and reprotoxicants (CMR) substances, based largely on human evidence [10]. Regarding the evaluation of a causal association between radiation exposure (i.e., x-ray and gamma rays) for individual cancer (organ) sites, the IARC has categorized cancer sites into “strong evidence” and “potentially having limited or inadequate evidence” based on up-to-date scientific evidence [9]. Cancer sites with “strong evidence” are listed in Table 2, and these evaluations were carried out based on biological data and epidemiological evidence.
Table 2
Cancer sites/ tumors with sufficient evidence for causal associations with x-ray and gamma-ray exposure
Organ site Selected key studies
Stomach Boice et al. (1988) [42], Mattsson et al. (1997) [43], Carr et al.
Colon (2002) [44], Preston et al. (2003, 2007) [45, 46]
Lung Darby et al. (1994) [47], Preston et al. (2003, 2007) [45, 46]
Basal cell skin carcinoma Weiss et al. (1994) [48], Carr et al. (2002) [44], Gilbert et al.
(2003) [49], Preston et al. (2003, 2007) [45, 46]
Schneider et al. (1985) [50], Ron et al. (1991, 1998) [51, 52], Little et al. (1997) [53], Shore et al. (2002)[54], Preston et al. (2007) [46]
Female breast Howe & McLaughlin (1996) [55], Preston et al. (2002, 2003, 2007) [45, 46, 56]
Thyroid Lundell et al. (1994) [57], Lindberg et al. (1995) [58], Ron et al. (1995) [59], Preston et al. (2007) [46]
Leukemia, excluding CLL Little et al. (1999) [60], Travis et al. (2000) [61], Preston et al. (2003, 2004) [45, 62], Muirhead et al. (2009) [63]
Source: Monographs on the evaluation of carcinogenic risks to humans [9]. CLL, chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Review of epidemiological studies of cancer risk

Atomic bomb survivors and the Chernobyl accident

One major source of epidemiological data to evaluate health risks from radiation exposure is the Life Span Study (LSS) of atomic bomb survivors, which found a proportional relationship between cancer risk and exposure dose. Although numerous findings from the study provide scientific evidence for increased cancer risk from radiation exposure, radiation-associated cancer risk remains unclear at low-dose ranges under 100 mSv [11]. Studies related to the Chernobyl accident also demonstrated cancer risks from radiation exposure, especially an increase in thyroid cancer among children with high thyroid-absorbed doses. Except for this result, however, no definitive conclusions have been made regarding other cancers among Chernobyl residents who were exposed to low doses of radiation [1215]. Some studies that have investigated the health of Chernobyl workers exposed to prolonged low to medium doses of radiation (average effective dose of 100 mSv) have reported increased risks of cancer as well as non-cancer diseases, such as cataracts and cardiovascular diseases [1621]. However, due to screening effects (e.g., medical examinations) and limited sample sizes, it is difficult to draw definitive conclusions from these studies. Thus, it remains necessary to continue follow-ups of these cohorts with accurate assessments of exposure dose, health outcomes, and confounding factors [14, 22].

Occupational exposure in radiation workers

A major distinction between occupational exposure and accidental exposure is the period and dose levels of exposure. Whereas accidental exposure usually involves a single large exposure (acute), occupational exposure involves protracted exposures to low-dose radiation (chronic). A number of epidemiological investigations have been conducted among radiation workers in individual countries as well as in large-scale international cohort studies, and the cancer risk from occupational exposure to radiation continues to be updated. A few studies have reported elevated risks of cancer with statistical significance. One of the largest occupational studies in radiation workers is the 15-country collaborative study, which included 407,391 nuclear industry workers over 5.2 million person-years of follow-up [23]. In this study, an elevated risk of all-cancer mortality was observed, with an excess relative risk (ERR/Sv) of 0.97 (95% CI: 0.27, 1.8). However, this risk diminished after excluding data from workers in Canada, in whom the dose measurement was uncertain, and the observed risk was no longer significant. As a follow-up to the 15-country collaborative study, risks of leukemia and lymphoma were investigated among 308,297 radiation workers in France, the U.K., and the U.S. [24]. The association between exposure dose and cancer mortality was statistically significant with an ERR of 2.96 per Gy (90% CI: 1.17, 5.21) for leukemia, excluding chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). The highest ERR/Gy of 10.45 (90% CI: 4.48, 19.65) was found for chronic myeloid leukemia, indicating a strong association between leukemia mortality and protracted low-dose radiation exposure [24]. Although the ERR of leukemia, excluding CLL, was not attenuated for doses less than 100 mGy, the 90% CIs were too wide to make a definitive conclusion about the low-dose ranges.
Cohort studies of the Mayak nuclear complex workers also reveal an elevated cancer risk [2527]. Because this cohort had a broad range of cumulative doses due to high exposure levels during the early stages of the facility operation, the dose-response relationship had a degree of precision that is rarely observed in other studies of radiation workers, who are usually exposed to low-dose levels [26]. In addition to the Mayak cohort studies, other studies of radiation workers have reported increased risks of certain types of cancer, such as leukemia (excluding CLL), esophageal cancer, and lung cancer [2831]. However, risks for individual cancer sites are inconsistent across most radiation epidemiological studies, and many studies do not find statistically significant results. Cancer risks from major health studies in nuclear workers are summarized in Tables 3 and 4.
Table 3
Risks of solid cancers in epidemiological studies of nuclear workers
Mean Number of event cases
Country Study Cohort size Exposure period Follow-up period cumulative dose (mSv) Person years Types of events ERR (95% CI) SMR or SIR (95% CI)
15-country Cardis et al. (2007) [23] 407,391 1943-2000 1943-2000 19.4 5,192,710 Mortality 5,024
b(0.27, 1.8)c
(-0.1, 1.39)
a1.03 (0.65, 1.53)
Korea aAhn et al. (2008) [64] 79,679 1984-2004
b(-5, 21) 2.6 (-4, 10)b
0.73 (0.64, 0.82)
Jeong et al. (2010) [65] 8,429 1978-2005 1992-2005 19.86 63,503 Incidence 96 2.06 (-191, 9) 1.06 (0.86, 1.29)
U.K. Muirhead et al. (2009) [63] 174,541 1946-2001 1965-2001 24.9 3,900,000 Mortality
0.28 (-0.03, 0.62) 0.27 (0.00, 0.56) 0.84 (0.82, 0.86)
U.S. Howe et al. (2004) [66] 53,698 Mid-1960s 1979-1997 25.7 698,051 Mortality 368 0.51 (-2.01, 4.64) 0.65 (0.59, 0.72)
Canada Zablotska et al. (2014) [67] 45,316 1951-1994 1956-1994 21.64 613,648 Mortality 468 1.2
(-0.73, 4.33)
0.72 (0.66, 0.78)
France Flamant et al. (2013) [30] 59,021 1950-2004 1968-2004 16.1 1,467,611 Mortality 2,312 0.34
b(-0.56, 1.38)
Germany Merzenich et al. (2014) [68] 8,972 1966-2008 1991-2008 29.5 130,737 Mortality 119 - 0.63 (0.5, 0.8)
Japan Akiba et al. (2012) [28] 200,583 1977-2002 1991-2002 12.2 1,373,000 Mortality 2,636 1.26 (-0.27, 3) -
Russia Shilnikova et al. (2003) [25] 21,557 1948-1997 1948-1997 810 mGy 720,000 Mortality 1,730 0.15
b(0.09, 0.2)
Hunter et al. (2013) [26] 22,366 1948-2004 1948-2004 510 mGy 535,932 Incidence 1,447 0.07 (0.01, 0.15) -
a all cancer; b 90% confidence interval; c 15-country excluding Canada; ERR, excess relative risk; SMR, standardized mortality ratio; SIR, standardized incidence ratio
Table 4
Risks of leukemia (excluding CLL) in epidemiological studies of nuclear workers
Mean Number of event cases
Country Study Cohort size Exposure
Types of events ERR
(95% CI)
SMR or SIR (95% CI)
15-country Cardis et al. (2007) [23] 407,391 1943-2000 1943-2000 19.4 5,192,710 Mortality 196 1.93
b(<0, 7.14)
Leuraud et al. (2015) [24] 308,297 1943-2005 1944-2005 15.9mGy 8,220,000 Mortality 531 2.96 (1.17, 5.21) -
Korea aAhn et al. (2008) [64] 79,679 1984-2004
b(-34, 149) 15.8
b(-31, 108)
0.59 (0.28, 1.06)
Jeong et al. (2010) [65] 8,429 1978-2005 1992-2005 19.86 63,503 Incidence 3 NC 1.34 (0.27, 3.92)
U.K. Muirhead et al. (2009) [63] 174,541 1946-2001 1965-2001 24.9 3,900,000 Mortality
1.71 (-0.17, 4.92) 1.78 (-0.06, 4.99) 0.89 (0.76, 1.03)
U.S. Howe et al. (2004) [66] 53,698 Mid-1960s 1979-1997 25.7 698,051 Mortality 26 5.67 (-2.56, 30.4) a
1.07 (0.71, 1.53)
Canada Zablotska et al. (2014) [67] 45,316 1951-1994 1956-1994 21.64 613,648 Mortality 17 9.79 (<-1.49, 107) 0.78 (0.45, 1.25)
France Flamant et al. (2013) [30] 59,021 1950-2004 1968-2004 16.1 1,467,611 Mortality 60 3.96
b(<0, 16.82)
Germany Merzenich et al. (2014) [68] 8,972 1966-2008 1991-2008 29.5 130,737 Mortality 7 - 1.19 (0.41, 2.75)
aJapan Akiba et al. (2012) [28] 200,583 1977-2002 1991-2002 12.2 1,373,000 Mortality 80 -1.93 (-6.12, 8.57) -
Russia Shilnikova et al. (2003) [25] 21,557 1948-1997 1948-1997 810 mGy 720,000 Mortality 66 1
b(0.5, 2)
a all leukemia; b 90% CI; NC was no convergence of deviance after maximum iteration. CLL, chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Aircrews, such as pilots and flight attendants, are exposed to cosmic radiation. Although aircrews are not included in the national registry for radiation workers in Korea, they should be considered radiation workers and monitored for radiation exposure and health risks, because they are exposed to similar or even higher levels of radiation compared to common radiation-related occupations, such as nuclear workers and radiologists. An average effective dose in an aircrew flying over the poles at high latitudes is estimated to be 2–5 mSv/year, which may reach a cumulative dose of about 75 mSv over the course of a worker’s career [32]. Many interesting health studies have been conducted in aircrews based in Nordic countries, the U.S., and Canada. These studies have reported higher risks of breast cancer, prostate cancer, brain cancer, skin cancer, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, and acute myeloid leukemia among aircrews, compared with the general population [3337]. However, given that no demonstrated dose-response relationship was found, these elevated cancer risks do not imply a causal relationship with radiation exposure.
In summary, despite the existence of several epidemiological studies in radiation workers, cancer risks from occupational exposure, especially for doses less than 100 mSv, remain poorly understood due to uncertainty about exposure dose and confounding factors, possible misclassification of health outcomes, and limited statistical power [24, 38].
Diagnosed cases of radiation-related occupational cancer in Korea
Recognition of work-related disease is made through the Occupational Disease Approval Committee of the Korea Workers’ Compensation and Welfare Service (COMWEL). According to Article 38 of the Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Act (IACIA) and Article 7 of the enforcement regulations of the IACIA, the following are diseases that do not require deliberation from COMWEL: (1) pneumoconiosis, (2) carbon disulfide poisoning, (3) diseases with serious acute syndromes from acute exposures to high levels of hazardous agents and relevant risk, and (4) obvious occupation-related disease. In general, criteria for the diagnosis of radiation-related cancers include the cancer site, exposure dose, latent period of cancer, and probability of causation. More strict diagnostic criteria have been applied to thyroid cancer because it is the most common type of cancer found by chance. Table 5 summarizes the characteristics of diagnosed cases of radiation-related occupational cancer in Korea from the occupational disease annual reports (2000–2015) of the Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency (KOSHA). This list excludes acute diseases due to acute exposure to high levels of hazardous agents and relevant risk according to Article 25 of the enforcement regulations of the IACI Act. Of 43 deliberated cases that may possibly be related to occupational exposure, approximately 70% included male workers, six cases were classified as having a “strong relationship” with occupational exposure, and two cases remained classified as “issues”. All eight cases involved male workers, the youngest of whom was 37 years old. Most of these eight cases had leukemia, including acute myeloid leukemia (AML), acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL), and chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). Cancers other than leukemia included anaplastic large cell lymphoma, brain cancer, and carcinoma with an unknown primary site.
Table 5
Diagnosed cases of radiation-related occupational cancer in Korea (2000~ 2015)
Year Gender Age Occupation Employment period (year) Exposure dose (mSv) Cancer site Association with occupation
2015 Female 34 Nurse 11.3 Below limits Breast cancer Low
Female 43 Semiconductor manufacturing 7 Below limits Breast cancer Low
Female 42 Semiconductor manufacturing 5.6 0.33 Breast cancer Low
Female 35 Semiconductor manufacturing 8.7 Below limits Breast cancer Low
Female 29 Artifact preservation 6.8 Below limits Intraepithelial carcinoma Low
Male 40 Semiconductor manufacturing 5.5 Below limits Thyroid papillary carcinoma Low
Female 33 Semiconductor manufacturing 3.1 Below limits Brain tumor Low
2013~ 2014 Male 43 NDT 0.3 7.23 Acute myeloid leukemia Low
Male 38 NDT 10 28.84 (for 5 years) Acute lymphocytic leukemia High
Male 47 Radiation oncology specialist 0.8 Possibly over exposure dose limit Acute lymphocytic leukemia High
Male 41 NDT 11 Below limits Malignant lymphoma Low
Male 37 Semiconductor equipment mechanic 13 20.15~ 34.71 Chronic myelomonocytic leukemia Low
Male 52 Radiologist 26 Below limits Rectal cancer Low
Female 38 Hospital infection management 11 Below limits Glioblastoma Low
Female 50 Dental nurse 6.4 1.87~ 93.48 Thyroid cancer Low
Female 43 Radiologist 18 Below limits Thyroid cancer Low
Male 58 NDT 5 80.77 Aplastic anemia Low
2012 Male 45 Radiologist 21 204.17 Chronic myeloid leukemia High
Male 58 Power plant equipment mechanic 21 1.71 Acute lymphocytic leukemia Low
Male 40 X-ray apparatus seller 10.5 140~ 260 Anaplastic large cell lymphoma High
Male 53 CT radiographer 18 24.34 Thrombocytopenia Low
Male 48 Nuclear worker 7.8 12.25 Stomach cancer Low
Female 33 Semiconductor implant operation 4.7 Below limits Breast cancer Low
Male 44 Melting furnace operation 19.6 Below limits Kidney cancer Low
2011 Male 42 Artifact preservation 7.2 Below limits Acute lymphocytic leukemia Low
Male 35 Production 1.4 Below limits Acute myeloid leukemia Low
2010 Male 39 Machine operator 11 16.51 + potential additional exposure Acute myeloid leukemia Issue
Female 32 Cleaning 5 Below limits Acute myeloid leukemia Low
Male 47 Manufacturing 21 Below limits Acute myeloid leukemia Low
Male 52 Process technician 20 Possible exposure Brain tumor Issue
2009 Male 47 Electric power generation worker 21.4 98.32 Stomach and pancreatic cancer
Male 36 Hospital worker 8 4.5~ 55.4 Thyroid cancer Low
2008 Female 21 Semiconductor manufacturing 2.5 Below limits Acute myeloid leukemia Low
Male 31 Semiconductor manufacturing 7 Below limits Acute lymphocytic leukemia Low
Female 30 Semiconductor manufacturing 11 Below limits Acute myeloid leukemia Low
2005 Male 47 NDT 0.7 Possibly twice over exposure dose limit Carcinoma of unknown primary site High
2004 Male 45 Laboratory worker 14 Below limits Thyroid cancer Low
Male 59 Administration 23 51.79 Pancreatic cancer Low
2002 Male 43 Electric power generation worker 8 1.24 Lung cancer Low
2001 Male 41 Welder 7 37.87 Non-Hodgkin lymphoma Low
2000 Male 53 Administration 23 Below limits Lung cancer Low
Male 37 Welder 10 18.5 Acute myeloid leukemia High
Male 28 Analyst 2 Below limits Panmyelophthisis Low
Below limits: Exposure dose was estimated at natural exposure levels or below the dose limit of radiation workers
NDT non-destructive testing, CT computed tomography
Considerations in the recognition criteria for occupational cancer

Recognition criteria in Korea

Several criteria should be met cumulatively to obtain the recognition of radiation-related occupational cancer. These criteria are well described in Notification No. 2014-78 of the NSSC regarding regulations on occupational disease among radiation workers. The major criteria are summarized here. First, cancer must be eligible for radiation-induced cancer: liver cancer, except those cancers that involve cirrhosis or the hepatitis virus (e.g., types B or C); thyroid cancer; ovarian cancer; brain cancer; multiple myeloma; colon cancer; bladder cancer; Non-Hodgkin lymphoma; esophagus cancer; kidney cancer; female breast cancer; stomach cancer; pancreatic cancer; salivary gland cancer; lung cancer; skin cancer; and leukemia, excluding CLL. Several cancers are not recognized as radiation-related occupational cancer, namely Hodgkin’s lymphoma, melanoma, malignant mesothelioma, and CLL. These classifications are based mainly on findings from epidemiological studies. For example, mesothelioma is a well-known asbestos-related cancer, and approximately 80–90% of mesotheliomas are caused by long-term inhalation of asbestos [39]. As another example, whereas leukemia is a radiation-sensitive cancer, CLL has not been associated with radiation exposure in most epidemiological studies (Table 6). Second, radiation exposure must be identified by dose assessment or circumstantial evidence. For the assessment of exposure levels, dose records from the NDR are considered a priority. Additional assessments, such as dose reconstruction, are necessary for unclear or omitted cases. Third, a latent period (i.e., time between the first exposure and the appearance of a tumor) must be considered as sufficient or relevant to cancer incidence. For example, solid cancer can be recognized as occupational cancer only if the cancer occurs at least 5 years after the first exposure, whereas leukemia (excluding CLL) can be recognized as occupational cancer only if the cancer occurs at least 2 years after the first exposure and within 20 years after the last exposure. Lastly, the probability of causation (PC), which is defined as the probability that a cancer was caused by occupational radiation exposure during employment, determines whether an individual’s cancer is “at least as likely as not” (i.e., a PC of 50% or greater) related to occupational exposure [40]. The PC is calculated as cancer risk attributable to radiation exposure divided by the sum of baseline cancer risk to the general population plus the risk attributable to radiation exposure, considering personal information (e.g., birth year, gender), medical information (e.g., type of cancer, year of diagnosis), and exposure information (e.g., age at exposure, radiation dose). Given that a threshold dose for cancer has not been identified yet, risks of cancer are stochastic effects, and therefore the PC is an important objective measure to assess a causal relationship with radiation exposure. Based on the current guidelines from the NSSC, PCs for solid cancer and leukemia should exceed 50% and 33%, respectively. However, PC includes an estimation error due to uncertainties about dose and the dose rate effectiveness factor (DDREF), as well as a risk transfer error between different populations; therefore, there exist cases with a PC less than 50% that are fully or partially recognized as occupational cancer in civil litigation.
Table 6
Risk of chronic lymphocytic leukemia in epidemiological studies of radiation exposure
Cohort (patients or workers) Study Events Cohort
Number of events Risk
Ankylosing spondylitis Weiss et al. (1995) [69] Mortality 15,577 7 RR=1.44 (95% CI: 0.62, 2.79)
Benign locomotor lesions Damber et al. (1995) [70] Incidence 20,024 50 SIR=1.07 (95% CI: 0.80, 1.41)
Benign gynecological disease Inskip et al. (1993) [71] Mortality 12,955 21 RR=1.1 (90% CI: 0.5, 3.0)
Breast cancer Curtis et al. (1989) [72] Incidence 22,753 10 RR=1.84 (90% CI: 0.5, 6.7)
Uterine corpus cancer Curtis et al. (1994) [73] Incidence 110,000 54 RR=0.90 (95% CI: 0.4, 1.9)
International Radiation Boice et al. (1988) [42] OR=1.03 (90% CI: 0.3, 3.9)
Study of Cervical Cancer Patients Incidence 11,030 52
Chernobyl liquidators Romanenko et al. (2008) [74] Incidence 110,645 39 ERR/Sv=4.09 (95% CI: <0, 14.41)
Chernobyl liquidators Kesminiene et al. (2008) [20] Incidence 146,000 21 ERR/Sv=4.7 (90% CI: -®, 76.1)
France nuclear workers Flamant et al. (2013) [30] Mortality 59,021 18 ERR/Sv=-1.36 (90% CI: <0, 14.94)
IARC 15-country
Cardis et al. (2007) [23] Mortality 407,391 47 ERR/Sv=-1.0 (90% CI: -5.0, 3.7)
U.K. NRRW Muirhead et al.
(2009) [63]
Mortality 174,541 69 ERR/Sv=<-1.92 (90% CI: <-1.92, 1.23)
Incidence 174,541 128 ERR/Sv=-0.117
(90% CI: -1.42, 2.71)
INWORKS Leuraud et al. (2015) [24] Mortality 308,297 138 ERR/Gy=-1.06 (90% CI: <0, 1.81)
RR, relative risk; OR, odds ratio; ERR, excess relative risk; CI, confidence interval; IARC, International Agency for Research on Cancer; NRRW, National Registry for Radiation Workers; INWORKS, International Nuclear Workers Study; ; SIR, standardized incidence ratio

Recognition criteria in other countries

The recognition criteria for radiation-related occupational cancer are based on scientific evidence. However, ultimately, their acceptable range and levels are often affected by several factors unrelated to science, such as social, cultural, and economic factors. In particular, complex elements, such as the social status of the radiation-related occupation, number of workers, cancer incidence rate in the general population, specific risk perceptions of certain cancers, and economic wealth, factor into the recognition of occupational cancer. For these reasons, recognition criteria differ across countries or even across occupations within the same country. For example, CLL is generally excluded as an occupational cancer due to lack of scientific evidence regarding radiation-induced CLL. However, CLL is considered as being potentially caused by radiation, and hence, as potentially compensable under the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act of 2000 (EEOICPA), effective March 7, 2012 in the U.S. In addition, eligible cancer sites differ according to occupation (e.g., special exposure cohort, uranium workers, energy employees, soldiers). Regarding the PC, the EEOICPA applies the upper 99% credibility (i.e., confidence) limit of the PC instead of the point estimate (i.e., 50th percentile) to the determination of causation between exposure and cancer, which provides each worker with the benefit of the doubt before a final compensation decision is made. In France, the criteria for recognition or compensation for cases not relevant to the regulatory guidelines are more relaxed through individual case assessments, meaning that cases with non-radiogenic disease or an inadequate latent period can be possibly compensated when the disease is obviously related to occupational exposure and the disability from the disease is over 25% [41]. Major recognition criteria of Korea and other countries are compared in Table 7.
Table 7
Comparison of the recognition criteria of Korea, the U.K., the U.S., and France
Criteria items Korea U.K. U.S. a France
Eligible cancer sites Liver (without cirrhosis or hepatitis virus), Thyroid, Ovary, Brain, Multiple myeloma, Colon, Bladder, Non-Hodgkin lymphoma, Esophagus, Kidney, Female breast, Stomach, Pancreas, Salivary gland, Lung, Skin, Leukemia (except CLL) Bladder, Bone, Brain and central nervous system, Female breast, Colon, Leukemia (except CLL) , Liver, Esophagus, Respiratory/Lung, Prostate, Ovary, Skin (non-melanoma), Uterus, Thyroid, Other tissues Leukemia with or without CLL, Lymphomas (except Hodgkin lymphomas), Multiple myeloma, Thyroid, Breast, Ovary, Stomach, Lung, Colon, Liver, Bladder, Esophagus, Pancreas, Bone, Salivary gland, Kidney, Brain and central nervous system, Pharynx, Small intestine, Biliary tract and gall bladder, Skin, Rectum, Larynx, Prostate, Pharynx Leukemia, Primary lung (due to inhalation), Bone sarcoma
Exposure period - - Employed at least 1 year -Uranium miner: >40 months -
Latency period (since first exposure) Cancer (except leukemia): 5 years Leukemia (except CLL): 2 years - Leukemia (except CLL): 2 years Others: 5 years -
Occurrence period (after exposure) Within 20 years - Bone cancer: within 30 years Leukemia: any time Others: >5 years Leukemia and lung cancer: within 30 years Bone sarcoma: within 50 years
PC (Probability of causation) or degree of disability Cancer (except leukemia): >50% Leukemia (except CLL): >33% >20% (Compensated at different rates according to the PC and >50% for full compensation) >50% (upper 99% confidence level) Degree of disability: >25%
Reference Notification (No. 2014-78) of the NSSC Occupational safety and health series 73 [41], Compensation scheme for radiation-linked diseases [75] Occupational safety and health series 73 [41], Energy employees occupational illness compensation program [76], electronic code of federal regulations [77], radiation exposure compensation Act [78], Occupational safety and health series 73 [41]
a Eligible cancer sites differ across occupations; exposure period applies only to uranium workers, including uranium miners, millers, ore transporters, and non-military participants in atomic weapons testing; latency period applies only to energy employees employed at the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and other specified contractor facilities; occurrence period only applies to soldiers
CLL, chronic lymphocytic leukemia; NSSC, Nuclear Safety and Security Commission
Based on the scientific evidence and compared with the guidelines of other countries, the current recognition criteria for radiation-related occupational cancer in Korea are valid in terms of the eligibility of cancer sites, adequacy of the latent period, assessment of radiation exposure, and probability of causation. However, the exact quantification of exposure dose is often not possible, and therefore the recognition criteria involve some degree of uncertainty. Therefore, it is proposed that exposure doses of all radiation-related workers be carefully monitored without a dead zone in exposure management, and more relaxed criteria be considered for a margin of uncertainty through the use of the upper 95% or 99% credibility limit of the PC. In addition, further recognition criteria are necessary for more complex exposures, e.g., to two or more carcinogenic agents, including radiation.
This research was supported by the Nuclear Safety Research Program through the Korea Foundation Of Nuclear Safety (KOFONS), granted financial resource from the Nuclear Safety and Security Commission (NSSC), Republic of Korea (No. 1303028 and 1503008).
This work was supported by the Nuclear Safety Research Program through the Korea Foundation Of Nuclear Safety (KOFONS), granted financial resource from the Nuclear Safety and Security Commission (NSSC), Republic of Korea (No. 1303028 and 1503008).
Availability of data and materials
Data sharing no applicable to this article as no datasets were generated or analysed during the current study.


Acute lymphocytic leukemia


Acute myeloid leukemia


Carcinogen exposure database


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


Chronic lymphocytic leukemia


Chronic myeloid leukemia


Korea Workers’ Compensation and Welfare Service


Dose and the dose rate effectiveness factor


Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act of 2000


Excess relative risk


Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Act


International Agency for Research on Cancer


International Labor Organization


Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency


National Dose Registries


Non-destructive testing


Nuclear Safety and Security Commission


U.S. National Toxicology Program


Probability of causation
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Figure & Data



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      Radiation-related occupational cancer and its recognition criteria in South Korea
      Ann Occup Environ Med. 2018;30:9  Published online February 2, 2018
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    Radiation-related occupational cancer and its recognition criteria in South Korea
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    Research institutes20620.0721390.0522320.0321980.0321830.02
    Educational institutes48760.0549540.0548160.0447880.0445210.06
    Public institutes4660.028270.618720.579320.429610.41
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    Colon(2002) [44], Preston et al. (2003, 2007) [45, 46]
    LungDarby et al. (1994) [47], Preston et al. (2003, 2007) [45, 46]
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    (2003) [49], Preston et al. (2003, 2007) [45, 46]
    Schneider et al. (1985) [50], Ron et al. (1991, 1998) [51, 52], Little et al. (1997) [53], Shore et al. (2002)[54], Preston et al. (2007) [46]
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    MeanNumber of event cases
    CountryStudyCohort sizeExposure periodFollow-up periodcumulative dose (mSv)Person yearsTypes of eventsERR (95% CI)SMR or SIR (95% CI)
    15-countryCardis et al. (2007) [23]407,3911943-20001943-200019.45,192,710Mortality5,024
    b(0.27, 1.8)c
    (-0.1, 1.39)
    a1.03 (0.65, 1.53)
    KoreaaAhn et al. (2008) [64]79,6791984-2004
    b(-5, 21) 2.6 (-4, 10)b
    0.73 (0.64, 0.82)
    Jeong et al. (2010) [65]8,4291978-20051992-200519.8663,503Incidence962.06 (-191, 9)1.06 (0.86, 1.29)
    U.K.Muirhead et al. (2009) [63]174,5411946-20011965-200124.93,900,000Mortality
    0.28 (-0.03, 0.62) 0.27 (0.00, 0.56)0.84 (0.82, 0.86)
    U.S.Howe et al. (2004) [66]53,698Mid-1960s1979-199725.7698,051Mortality3680.51 (-2.01, 4.64)0.65 (0.59, 0.72)
    CanadaZablotska et al. (2014) [67]45,3161951-19941956-199421.64613,648Mortality4681.2
    (-0.73, 4.33)
    0.72 (0.66, 0.78)
    FranceFlamant et al. (2013) [30]59,0211950-20041968-200416.11,467,611Mortality2,3120.34
    b(-0.56, 1.38)
    GermanyMerzenich et al. (2014) [68]8,9721966-20081991-200829.5130,737Mortality119-0.63 (0.5, 0.8)
    JapanAkiba et al. (2012) [28]200,5831977-20021991-200212.21,373,000Mortality2,6361.26 (-0.27, 3)-
    RussiaShilnikova et al. (2003) [25]21,5571948-19971948-1997810 mGy720,000Mortality1,7300.15
    b(0.09, 0.2)
    Hunter et al. (2013) [26]22,3661948-20041948-2004510 mGy535,932Incidence1,4470.07 (0.01, 0.15)-
    MeanNumber of event cases
    CountryStudyCohort sizeExposure
    Types of eventsERR
    (95% CI)
    SMR or SIR (95% CI)
    15-countryCardis et al. (2007) [23]407,3911943-20001943-200019.45,192,710Mortality1961.93
    b(<0, 7.14)
    Leuraud et al. (2015) [24]308,2971943-20051944-200515.9mGy8,220,000Mortality5312.96 (1.17, 5.21)-
    KoreaaAhn et al. (2008) [64]79,6791984-2004
    b(-34, 149) 15.8
    b(-31, 108)
    0.59 (0.28, 1.06)
    Jeong et al. (2010) [65]8,4291978-20051992-200519.8663,503Incidence3NC1.34 (0.27, 3.92)
    U.K.Muirhead et al. (2009) [63]174,5411946-20011965-200124.93,900,000Mortality
    1.71 (-0.17, 4.92) 1.78 (-0.06, 4.99)0.89 (0.76, 1.03)
    U.S.Howe et al. (2004) [66]53,698Mid-1960s1979-199725.7698,051Mortality265.67 (-2.56, 30.4)a
    1.07 (0.71, 1.53)
    CanadaZablotska et al. (2014) [67]45,3161951-19941956-199421.64613,648Mortality179.79 (<-1.49, 107)0.78 (0.45, 1.25)
    FranceFlamant et al. (2013) [30]59,0211950-20041968-200416.11,467,611Mortality603.96
    b(<0, 16.82)
    GermanyMerzenich et al. (2014) [68]8,9721966-20081991-200829.5130,737Mortality7-1.19 (0.41, 2.75)
    aJapanAkiba et al. (2012) [28]200,5831977-20021991-200212.21,373,000Mortality80-1.93 (-6.12, 8.57)-
    RussiaShilnikova et al. (2003) [25]21,5571948-19971948-1997810 mGy720,000Mortality661
    b(0.5, 2)
    YearGenderAgeOccupationEmployment period (year)Exposure dose (mSv)Cancer siteAssociation with occupation
    2015Female34Nurse11.3Below limitsBreast cancerLow
    Female43Semiconductor manufacturing7Below limitsBreast cancerLow
    Female42Semiconductor manufacturing5.60.33Breast cancerLow
    Female35Semiconductor manufacturing8.7Below limitsBreast cancerLow
    Female29Artifact preservation6.8Below limitsIntraepithelial carcinomaLow
    Male40Semiconductor manufacturing5.5Below limitsThyroid papillary carcinomaLow
    Female33Semiconductor manufacturing3.1Below limitsBrain tumorLow
    2013~ 2014Male43NDT0.37.23Acute myeloid leukemiaLow
    Male38NDT1028.84 (for 5 years)Acute lymphocytic leukemiaHigh
    Male47Radiation oncology specialist0.8Possibly over exposure dose limitAcute lymphocytic leukemiaHigh
    Male41NDT11Below limitsMalignant lymphomaLow
    Male37Semiconductor equipment mechanic1320.15~ 34.71Chronic myelomonocytic leukemiaLow
    Male52Radiologist26Below limitsRectal cancerLow
    Female38Hospital infection management11Below limitsGlioblastomaLow
    Female50Dental nurse6.41.87~ 93.48Thyroid cancerLow
    Female43Radiologist18Below limitsThyroid cancerLow
    Male58NDT580.77Aplastic anemiaLow
    2012Male45Radiologist21204.17Chronic myeloid leukemiaHigh
    Male58Power plant equipment mechanic211.71Acute lymphocytic leukemiaLow
    Male40X-ray apparatus seller10.5140~ 260Anaplastic large cell lymphomaHigh
    Male53CT radiographer1824.34ThrombocytopeniaLow
    Male48Nuclear worker7.812.25Stomach cancerLow
    Female33Semiconductor implant operation4.7Below limitsBreast cancerLow
    Male44Melting furnace operation19.6Below limitsKidney cancerLow
    2011Male42Artifact preservation7.2Below limitsAcute lymphocytic leukemiaLow
    Male35Production1.4Below limitsAcute myeloid leukemiaLow
    2010Male39Machine operator1116.51 + potential additional exposureAcute myeloid leukemiaIssue
    Female32Cleaning5Below limitsAcute myeloid leukemiaLow
    Male47Manufacturing21Below limitsAcute myeloid leukemiaLow
    Male52Process technician20Possible exposureBrain tumorIssue
    2009Male47Electric power generation worker21.498.32Stomach and pancreatic cancer
    Male36Hospital worker84.5~ 55.4Thyroid cancerLow
    2008Female21Semiconductor manufacturing2.5Below limitsAcute myeloid leukemiaLow
    Male31Semiconductor manufacturing7Below limitsAcute lymphocytic leukemiaLow
    Female30Semiconductor manufacturing11Below limitsAcute myeloid leukemiaLow
    2005Male47NDT0.7Possibly twice over exposure dose limitCarcinoma of unknown primary siteHigh
    2004Male45Laboratory worker14Below limitsThyroid cancerLow
    Male59Administration2351.79Pancreatic cancerLow
    2002Male43Electric power generation worker81.24Lung cancerLow
    2001Male41Welder737.87Non-Hodgkin lymphomaLow
    2000Male53Administration23Below limitsLung cancerLow
    Male37Welder1018.5Acute myeloid leukemiaHigh
    Male28Analyst2Below limitsPanmyelophthisisLow
    Cohort (patients or workers)StudyEventsCohort
    Number of eventsRisk
    Ankylosing spondylitisWeiss et al. (1995) [69]Mortality15,5777RR=1.44 (95% CI: 0.62, 2.79)
    Benign locomotor lesionsDamber et al. (1995) [70]Incidence20,02450SIR=1.07 (95% CI: 0.80, 1.41)
    Benign gynecological diseaseInskip et al. (1993) [71]Mortality12,95521RR=1.1 (90% CI: 0.5, 3.0)
    Breast cancerCurtis et al. (1989) [72]Incidence22,75310RR=1.84 (90% CI: 0.5, 6.7)
    Uterine corpus cancerCurtis et al. (1994) [73]Incidence110,00054RR=0.90 (95% CI: 0.4, 1.9)
    International RadiationBoice et al. (1988) [42]OR=1.03 (90% CI: 0.3, 3.9)
    Study of Cervical Cancer PatientsIncidence11,03052
    Chernobyl liquidatorsRomanenko et al. (2008) [74]Incidence110,64539ERR/Sv=4.09 (95% CI: <0, 14.41)
    Chernobyl liquidatorsKesminiene et al. (2008) [20]Incidence146,00021ERR/Sv=4.7 (90% CI: -®, 76.1)
    France nuclear workersFlamant et al. (2013) [30]Mortality59,02118ERR/Sv=-1.36 (90% CI: <0, 14.94)
    IARC 15-country
    Cardis et al. (2007) [23]Mortality407,39147ERR/Sv=-1.0 (90% CI: -5.0, 3.7)
    U.K. NRRWMuirhead et al.
    (2009) [63]
    Mortality174,54169ERR/Sv=<-1.92 (90% CI: <-1.92, 1.23)
    (90% CI: -1.42, 2.71)
    INWORKSLeuraud et al. (2015) [24]Mortality308,297138ERR/Gy=-1.06 (90% CI: <0, 1.81)
    Criteria itemsKoreaU.K.U.S. aFrance
    Eligible cancer sitesLiver (without cirrhosis or hepatitis virus), Thyroid, Ovary, Brain, Multiple myeloma, Colon, Bladder, Non-Hodgkin lymphoma, Esophagus, Kidney, Female breast, Stomach, Pancreas, Salivary gland, Lung, Skin, Leukemia (except CLL)Bladder, Bone, Brain and central nervous system, Female breast, Colon, Leukemia (except CLL) , Liver, Esophagus, Respiratory/Lung, Prostate, Ovary, Skin (non-melanoma), Uterus, Thyroid, Other tissuesLeukemia with or without CLL, Lymphomas (except Hodgkin lymphomas), Multiple myeloma, Thyroid, Breast, Ovary, Stomach, Lung, Colon, Liver, Bladder, Esophagus, Pancreas, Bone, Salivary gland, Kidney, Brain and central nervous system, Pharynx, Small intestine, Biliary tract and gall bladder, Skin, Rectum, Larynx, Prostate, PharynxLeukemia, Primary lung (due to inhalation), Bone sarcoma
    Exposure period--Employed at least 1 year -Uranium miner: >40 months-
    Latency period (since first exposure)Cancer (except leukemia): 5 years Leukemia (except CLL): 2 years-Leukemia (except CLL): 2 years Others: 5 years-
    Occurrence period (after exposure)Within 20 years-Bone cancer: within 30 years Leukemia: any time Others: >5 yearsLeukemia and lung cancer: within 30 years Bone sarcoma: within 50 years
    PC (Probability of causation) or degree of disabilityCancer (except leukemia): >50% Leukemia (except CLL): >33%>20% (Compensated at different rates according to the PC and >50% for full compensation)>50% (upper 99% confidence level)Degree of disability: >25%
    ReferenceNotification (No. 2014-78) of the NSSCOccupational safety and health series 73 [41], Compensation scheme for radiation-linked diseases [75]Occupational safety and health series 73 [41], Energy employees occupational illness compensation program [76], electronic code of federal regulations [77], radiation exposure compensation Act [78],Occupational safety and health series 73 [41]
    Table 1 Number of workers and exposure dose (mSv) according to occupation type in Korea

    Source: 2015 Nuclear Safety yearbook [5] and 2014 Occupational Radiation Exposure in Diagnostic Radiology in Korea [8]

    NDT non-destructive testing

    Table 2 Cancer sites/ tumors with sufficient evidence for causal associations with x-ray and gamma-ray exposure

    Source: Monographs on the evaluation of carcinogenic risks to humans [9]. CLL, chronic lymphocytic leukemia

    Table 3 Risks of solid cancers in epidemiological studies of nuclear workers

    a all cancer; b 90% confidence interval; c 15-country excluding Canada; ERR, excess relative risk; SMR, standardized mortality ratio; SIR, standardized incidence ratio

    Table 4 Risks of leukemia (excluding CLL) in epidemiological studies of nuclear workers

    a all leukemia; b 90% CI; NC was no convergence of deviance after maximum iteration. CLL, chronic lymphocytic leukemia

    Table 5 Diagnosed cases of radiation-related occupational cancer in Korea (2000~ 2015)

    Below limits: Exposure dose was estimated at natural exposure levels or below the dose limit of radiation workers

    NDT non-destructive testing, CT computed tomography

    Table 6 Risk of chronic lymphocytic leukemia in epidemiological studies of radiation exposure

    RR, relative risk; OR, odds ratio; ERR, excess relative risk; CI, confidence interval; IARC, International Agency for Research on Cancer; NRRW, National Registry for Radiation Workers; INWORKS, International Nuclear Workers Study; ; SIR, standardized incidence ratio

    Table 7 Comparison of the recognition criteria of Korea, the U.K., the U.S., and France

    a Eligible cancer sites differ across occupations; exposure period applies only to uranium workers, including uranium miners, millers, ore transporters, and non-military participants in atomic weapons testing; latency period applies only to energy employees employed at the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and other specified contractor facilities; occurrence period only applies to soldiers

    CLL, chronic lymphocytic leukemia; NSSC, Nuclear Safety and Security Commission

    Ann Occup Environ Med : Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
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