Ann Occup Environ Med. 2024;36:e6
In the original publication of this article, there are some errors in the texts of the article. The authors regret that there were errors in text. The original texts and the corrected texts are shown below.
Furthermore, the risk of TLBW birth for non-regular workers was statistically significantly higher than that for regular workers in fathers (RR [95% CI]: 1.092 [1.043–1.143]).
→ Furthermore, the risk of TLBW birth for non-regular workers was statistically significantly higher than that for regular workers in mothers (RR [95% CI]: 1.092 [1.043–1.143]).
Page 5, METHODS, Statistical analysis
All statistical analyses were conducted using R4.1.3,26 with the lmtest and mice packages utilized.27,28
Additionally, the risk of TLBW birth for non-regular workers was statistically significantly higher than that for regular workers in fathers, and the RR (95% CI) was 1.092 (1.043–1.143).
→ Additionally, the risk of TLBW birth for non-regular workers was statistically significantly higher than that for regular workers in mothers, and the RR (95% CI) was 1.092 (1.043–1.143).
Additionally, the risk of TLBW for non-regular workers was higher than that for regular workers in fathers.
→ Additionally, the risk of TLBW for non-regular workers was higher than that for regular workers in mothers.
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