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Development of algorithm for work intensity evaluation using excess overwork index of construction workers with real-time heart rate measurement device
Jae-young Park, Jung Hwan Lee, Mo-Yeol Kang, Tae-Won Jang, Hyoung-Ryoul Kim, Se-Yeong Kim, Jongin Lee
Ann Occup Environ Med 2023;35:e24.   Published online July 19, 2023
AbstractAbstract AbstractAbstract in Korean PDFSupplementary MaterialPubReaderePub

The construction workers are vulnerable to fatigue due to high physical workload. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between overwork and heart rate in construction workers and propose a scheme to prevent overwork in advance.


We measured the heart rates of construction workers at a construction site of a residential and commercial complex in Seoul from August to October 2021 and develop an index that monitors overwork in real-time. A total of 66 Korean workers participated in the study, wearing real-time heart rate monitoring equipment. The relative heart rate (RHR) was calculated using the minimum and maximum heart rates, and the maximum acceptable working time (MAWT) was estimated using RHR to calculate the workload. The overwork index (OI) was defined as the cumulative workload evaluated with the MAWT. An appropriate scenario line (PSL) was set as an index that can be compared to the OI to evaluate the degree of overwork in real-time. The excess overwork index (EOI) was evaluated in real-time during work performance using the difference between the OI and the PSL. The EOI value was used to perform receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis to find the optimal cut-off value for classification of overwork state.


Of the 60 participants analyzed, 28 (46.7%) were classified as the overwork group based on their RHR. ROC curve analysis showed that the EOI was a good predictor of overwork, with an area under the curve of 0.824. The optimal cut-off values ranged from 21.8% to 24.0% depending on the method used to determine the cut-off point.


The EOI showed promising results as a predictive tool to assess overwork in real-time using heart rate monitoring and calculation through MAWT. Further research is needed to assess physical workload accurately and determine cut-off values across industries.

실시간 심박수 측정 장치를 이용한 건설업 근로자 과로 예측 알고리즘
건설업 근로자는 육체적 업무강도가 높아 이에 따른 피로와 그에 따른 사고 및 건강 악영향 우려가 높다. 이 연구에서는 일개 사업장 건설업 근로자를 대상으로 과로와 심박수 사이의 관계를 탐색하고 실시간 심박수 모니터링을 이용하여 과로를 방지하는 방법을 제안하였다.
서울의 일개 건설업 현장에서 근무하는 근로자를 대상으로 2021.08.-2021.10.까지 근무 중 심박수를 측정하였다. 총 66명의 한국인 근로자가 손목시계 형 장치를 이용하여 심박수 측정에 참여하였다. 안정시 심박수와 최대 심박수 추정치를 바탕으로 상대심박수(RHR)를 산출하였고, 이를 바탕으로 피로 없이 근무할 수 있는 최대시간(MAWT)를 계산하여 이를 바탕으로 업무 부담(workload)를 추정하였다. 이를 통해 산출한 누적 업무량으로 과로 지수(Overwork index)를 산출한 후 적정 업무 부담(PSL)과의 차이인 초과 과로 지수(Excess overwork index)를 정의하였다. EOI 값을 이용해 일평균 상대심박수 30%값을 기준으로 정의한 과로군-비과로군을 예측할 수 있는 최적 절단값을 ROC 분석을 통해 산출하였다.
근로자 60명의 심박수 측정값을 분석한 결과 28(46.7%)가 일평균 상대심박수를 기준으로 과로군으로 분류되었다. ROC 분석 결과 EOI값이 과로를 예측하는데 유용함을 확인하였고 AUC값은 0.824였다. 최적 절단 값은 최적화 방법에 따라 21.8%에서 24.0%로 나타났다.
실시간 심박수 모니터링과 MAWT를 이용해 산출한 EOI값은 과로를 예측하는데 유용한 지표임을 확인하였다. 단, 건설업을 비롯하여 다른 육체적 부담이 큰 업종에서 최적 절단값을 찾기 위해서는 추가 연구가 필요하다.


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Original Article
Influencing Factors in Approving Cerebrovascular and Cardiovascular Diseases as Occupational Disease in Seoul
Tae Kyung Lee, Soo Geun Kim, Jong Uk Won, Tae Won Jang, Seong Sik Cho, Young Su Ju, Young Jun Kwon, Hyoung June Im
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2010;22(3):262-270.   Published online September 30, 2010
AbstractAbstract PDF
This study was performed to analyze the factors that affected the decision making process in approving workers' compensation claims for cerebrovascular and cardiovascular diseases cases that occurred just before refoming approval standards of Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Act on 1 July 2008 and to provide fundamental information in preparing better standards.
We examined 283 claims cases involving cerebrovascular and cardiovascular diseases that occurred between 1 January, 2006 and 31 December, 2007 and collected data based on the worker's compensation records from 3 Seoul Regional Centers of the Workers' Compensation & Welfare Service. We analyzed the approval rates and odds ratios according to the general characteristics, injury information, past medical histories, and work related information using chi-square or univariate logistic regression. In addition, we identified the factors affecting the approval using multivariate logistic regression.
Overall, 101 of the 283 cases were approved and approval rate was 35.7%. Approval rates differed significantly according to type of disease, survival, accident site, accident time, the presence of associated disease and overwork (p-value <0.05). In the multivariate logistic regression analysis with adjusted for age and sex, approval rate of death cases with associated disease was lower than cases without associated disease (OR 0.22, 95% CI 0.12~0.42). Approval rate of cases occurred in worksite was higher than others (OR 4.81, 95% CI 2.22~10.40). Cases of accepted overwork had a higher approval rate significantly than cases of not accepted (OR 28.53, 95% CI 9.74~83.52).
Factors in approving cases of cerebrovascular and cardiovascular disease as cases involving occupational disease included conditions of overwork, high rate of accidents in the workplace and the presence of associated disease. It is necessary to investigate further behaviors of work and chronic work-related stress.


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The occupational hazards of interns & residents during training
Hye Ran Song, Jin Ha Kim, Joo Hyun Byeon, Kaung Young Lee, Duck Hi Lee, Ho Chan Kim
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2003;15(3):213-223.   Published online September 30, 2003
AbstractAbstract PDF
OBJECTS: Residents are exposed to various hazards and harassed by sleep deficiency due to overwork. This study was performed to outline the health condition of residents and develop the ways of improving it.
A questionnaire was distributed to 881 army doctors who enrolled at the Korea Third Military Academy and The Armed Force Health Service School in 2000 with the exception of medical doctors who joined the armed service without going through intern and resident periods , dental and oriental medical doctors. 784 (89.0%) of the 881 questionnaires were returned of which 704 cases (79.9%). This should actually be 89.0% were regarded for analyses as being reliable data.
More than 20% of residents were exposed to radiation, laser, disinfectants, anesthetic gas, and anticancer drugs during their training periods with preventive measures for each of these hazards taken in about 10% of the cases of the lesser hazards but in about 35% for the hazards from radiation and laser. 91.1% of residents had experience of needlestick injuries during their training periods with over 36.3% being exposed to patients with infection during that time. The cases contracting HBV and HCV diseases due to pricking are 2.3 and 0.6% respectively. The average number of night duties per month during a one-year resident's period was about 19. The average sleeping time on duty during a one-year residents was less than 4 hours .28.4% of respondents were not satisfied with their occupation, 96.5% felt tired from overwork and 69.5% wanted to change their occupation to another that would pay the same salary.
Residents are exposed to harmful physical , chemical and biological factors, but the preventive care seldom undertaken. In addition, their overwork brings about lack of sleep which causes them problems when giving medical treatment to patients during their training periods. Despite the resident's interest in an occupation as a doctor, many intend to select other occupations if they can receive the same salary. According to the above results, preventative systems and measures should be prepared with environmental improvements for residents, and proper rewards for their overwork should be accomplished.


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