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Telecommuting during the COVID-19: the role of job demand and control on health outcomes
Seung-Woo Ryoo, Jin-Young Min, Seok-Yoon Son, Baek-Yong Choi, Juho Choi, Kyoung-Bok Min
Ann Occup Environ Med 2024;36:e14.   Published online June 14, 2024
AbstractAbstract AbstractAbstract in Korean PDFSupplementary MaterialPubReaderePub

The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic drastically modified the occupational system wherein telecommuting has risen as the major form of work. Few studies have incorporated Karasek’s job demand-control (JDC) model into explaining the health effects of telecommuting. This study aimed to investigate the health risk in South Korean telecommuters during the pandemic, and its distribution according to the job stress-related factors.


A nationwide population-based cross-sectional study of South Korean laborers was conducted, utilizing the 6th Korean Working Conditions Survey (2020–2021). Following the previously described concept of telecommuting, 14,478 white-collar employees were eligible study participants. Telecommuting, job demand, job control, and various health indicators were measured by the responses to the survey. Participants were stratified into 4 job profiles classified by the JDC model. We conducted multiple logistic regression analyses between telecommuting and health-related outcomes to estimate the odds ratio (OR) with a 95% confidence interval (CI).


One hundred forty-six low-strain, 223 active, 69 passive, and 148 high-strain workers were screened as telecommuters. Compared to office workers, telecommuters had a higher proportion in high job control groups. Subgroup analysis demonstrated different relationships between telecommuting and health, where only active telecommuters showed a higher prevalence of depression (OR: 1.980, 95% CI: 1.126–3.481), and high-strain telecommuters were affected in most outcomes including insomnia (OR: 2.555, 95% CI: 1.473–4.433), musculoskeletal pain (OR: 2.786, 95% CI: 1.719–4.517), headache/eye strain (OR: 3.074, 95% CI: 1.992–4.745) and presenteeism (OR: 1.932, 95% CI: 1.193–3.131).


This study revealed significantly increased odds of multiple health outcomes among South Korean telecommuters during the COVID-19 pandemic era. High-strain job holders were prominently susceptible to the negative health impacts of telecommuting. Occupational health management towards telecommuters should approach mitigating high job demand and low job control.

코로나19 시기 재택근무: 건강 결과에 대한 직무 요구와 직무 재량의 역할
코로나19 팬데믹으로 인해 재택근무는 직무 체계에서 주요한 업무 형태로 떠올랐다. 재택근무가 노동자의 건강에 미치는 영향을 설명하는데 있어 직무 요구-재량 모델을 도입한 연구가 부족하다. 본 연구는 팬데믹 기간 동안 한국 재택근무자들의 건강 위험과 상기 직무 스트레스 관련 요인에 따른 분포를 조사하는 것을 목표로 했다.
본 연구는 제6차 근로환경조사(2020~2021년)를 활용하여 한국 노동자에 대한 전국 인구 기반 횡단면 연구를 실시했다. 이전 연구에서 확립한 재택근무 개념에 따라 14,478명의 화이트 칼라 피고용인 노동자들을 적격집단으로 선정했다. 설문조사 응답 결과를 토대로 재택근무, 직무 요구, 직무 재량 및 다양한 건강 지표를 측정했다. 연구대상자들을 직무 요구-재량 모델에 따라 분류된 네 가지 직무 유형으로 구분하였고, 다중 로지스틱 회귀분석을 시행하여 재택근무 여부에 따른 건강 변수의 오즈비(OR)와 95% 신뢰구간(CI)을 측정하였다.
저-긴장 노동자 146명, 능동적 노동자 223명, 수동적 노동자 69명, 고-긴장 노동자148명이 재택근무자로 분류되었다. 통근근무자와 비교했을 때, 재택근무자들은 직무 재량이 높은 군에서 그 비중이 높았다. 층화분석 결과 재택근무와 건강 사이의 연관성은 군별로 상이하였는데, 오직 능동적 재택근무자들만이 통근근무자들보다 높은 우울증 유병률을 보였고 (OR 1.980, 95% CI 1.126-3.481) 고-긴장 재택근무자들이 가장 많은 결과 변수에서 유의한 오즈비를 보였다; 불면증 (OR 2.555, 95% CI 1.473-4.433), 근골격계 통증 (OR 2.786, 95% CI 1.719-4.517), 두통/안구 피로 (OR 3.074, 95% CI 1.992-4.745), 상병 시 근무 (OR 1.932, 95% CI 1.193-3.131).
본 연구에 따르면 코로나19 팬데믹 기간 동안 한국 재택근무자들에서 다수의 건강 문제가 발생할 오즈가 유의하게 증가하였다. 그중 고-긴장 업무에 종사하는 노동자들은 재택근무가 건강에 미치는 부정적인 영향에 가장 취약하였다. 따라서 재택근무자들에 대한 산업보건 관리는 높은 직무 요구와 낮은 직무 재량을 완화하는 방향으로 접근해야 할 것이다.
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Relationship between job stress and impaired fasting glucose in male steel industry workers: a cross-sectional study
Hyun-Kyo Lee, Inho Lee, Jisuk Yun, Yong-Jin Lee, Eun-Chul Jang, Young-Sun Min, Soon-Chan Kwon
Ann Occup Environ Med 2023;35:e12.   Published online June 2, 2023
AbstractAbstract AbstractAbstract in Korean PDFPubReaderePub

The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between job stress and impaired fasting glycemia (IFG) of male workers in a manufacturing industry.


Data were collected from 5,886 male workers in a manufacturing industry who participated in the medical examination from June 19 to August 14, 2020 through self-reported questionnaires. The general characteristics of the subjects, shift work, high blood pressure, dyslipidemia, and job stress were included. Job stress was measured using the Korean Occupational Stress Scale (KOSS) consisting of 8 items and 43 questions. Multivariable logistic regression analysis was used to investigate the IFG association with job stress.


Among the various factors that can cause job stress, only high job demand was associated with a risk of IFG (odds ratio, 1.43; 95% confidence interval, 1.13–1.82) especially in non-shift worker. For all other factors, no statistically significant results were obtained.


In this study of male workers engaged in the Korean steel manufacturing industry, the 'job demand' item among job stress of non-shift worker was related to IFG.

철강 공장에 근무하는 남성 근로자의 직무 스트레스와 공복혈당장애와의 관계: 단면연구
제2형 당뇨와 직무 스트레스와의 관계를 다룬 여러 연구가 있었으나 공복혈당장애와의 관계를 조사한 연구 결과는 존재하지 않았다. 본 연구는 단일 철강 사업장에서 직무스트레스와 공복혈당장애의 관련성을 확인하되 한국형 직무스트레스 각각 항목과의 연관성을 파악하고자 하였다.
2020년 6월 19일부터 8월 14일까지 건강검진에 참여한 제조업 남성 근로자 5,886명을 대상으로 자체 보고 설문지를 통해 자료를 수집하였다. 변수로 대상자의 일반적인 특성 및 교대근무, 재직년수, 고혈압, 이상지질혈증, 직무스트레스 점수가 포함되었다. 직무스트레스는 8개 항목과 43개 질문으로 구성된 한국직업스트레스척도(KOSS)를 이용하여 측정되었다. 다중 로지스틱 회귀 분석을 사용하여 직무 스트레스와 IFG의 연관성을 조사하였다.
직무스트레스를 유발할 수 있는 다양한 요인 중, 비 야간작업자의 높은 직무요구도만이 IFG(OR 1.43, 95% CI 1.13-1.82)의 위험 증가와 관련이 있었다. 다른 모든 요인의 경우 통계적으로 유의한 결과가 얻어지지 않았다.
철강 제조업에 종사하는 남성 근로자들을 대상으로 한 본 연구에서 직무 스트레스 중 ‘직무 요구’ 항목은 비 야간작업자의 공복혈당장애와 관련이 있었다. 향후 다양한 직업군을 대상으로 한 후속 연구가 필요할 것이다.
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Association between job-related stress and experience of presenteeism among Korean workers stratified on the presence of depression
Jihyun Kim, Yeong-Kwang Kim, Sung-Ho Leem, Jong-Uk Won
Ann Occup Environ Med 2019;31:e26.   Published online September 30, 2019
AbstractAbstract PDFSupplementary MaterialPubReaderePub

Presenteeism refers to the phenomenon of working while sick. Its development can be attributed to not only somatic symptoms but also underlying social agreements and workplace atmosphere. In this study, we analyzed presenteeism among workers from various industries, focusing on job-related stress with stratification on the presence of depression.


We conducted the study with data from questionnaires filled in by different enterprises enrolled in the Federation of Korean Trade Unions. Workers' depressive symptoms were investigated using the Patient Health Questionnaire-2, while questions on job-related stress and presenteeism were derived from the short form of the Korean Occupational Stress Scale and the official Korean version of the Work-Productivity and Activity Impairment Questionnaire-General Health, respectively. Multilevel logistic analysis was conducted to determine the statistical differences derived from the differences between companies.


In total, 930 participants (753 men and 177 women) from 59 enterprises participated in the research. We conducted multilevel logistic regression to determine the association between the variables and presenteeism, with stratification by the presence of depression. Higher job demands and higher interpersonal conflict showed significantly elevated odds ratios (ORs) in univariate models and in the multivariate multilevel model. In the final model of total population, fully adjusted by general and work-related characteristics, higher job demands (OR: 3.29, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 2.08–5.21) and interpersonal conflict (OR: 1.87, 95% CI: 1.29–2.71) had significantly higher ORs—a tendency that remained in participants without depression.


This study reflected the factors associated with presenteeism among workers from various enterprises. The findings revealed that job-related stress was closely related to presenteeism in both the total population and in the population without depression. Thus, it emphasized interventions for managing job stress among workers to reduce presenteeism in general workers' population.


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Original Articles
The Relationship between Job Stress and Liver Dysfunction among Male White-Collar Workers
Jung Yeon Hong, Hyoung Ryoul Kim, Bo Ram Lee, Yong Kyu Kim, Jung Wan Koo, Chung Yill Park
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2009;21(2):165-173.   Published online June 30, 2009
AbstractAbstract PDF
We wanted to investigate the relationship between job stress and liver dysfunction in Korean male white collar workers.
A total of 700 male white collar workers who worked at one electronic institute and who participated in an annual surveillance program were recruited: 664(94.9%) workers were initially recruited and the data for 36 workers was excluded due to poor responses and a past history of liver disease. The questionnaire survey included the participants' general characteristics, the job-related factors, the health-related behaviors and job stress. Job stress was assessed using the Korean Occupational Stress Scale-Short Form (KOSS-SF). We merged the job stress data with the individual liver function results by conducting annual surveillance. Multiple logistic regression analysis with adjusting it for the confounding variables, including alcohol drinking and the body mass index (BMI), was used to evaluate the relationship between job stress and liver dysfunction.
After adjustment for the confounding variables, the proportion of liver dysfunction cases was significantly higher in the groups with a high level of job stress, as assessed by the 'job demands and total score'. After conducting a stratified analysis with considering alcohol drinking and the BMI, the prevalence odds ratio of liver dysfunction was higher in the groups with a high level of job stress, as assessed by the 'job demands and total score'.
The results of this study suggest that the level of job stress (and especially that assessed by the job demands and total score) is related to liver dysfunction. Thus, further preventive efforts and studies are needed to reduce job stress and address liver dysfunction.


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The Association of Job Characteristics and Stress Indicators in TV Manufacturing Plant Workers
Young Yeon Jung, Jong Young Lee, Kuk Hyeun Woo
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 1998;10(1):29-40.   Published online February 28, 1998
AbstractAbstract PDF
This study was conducted to evaluate the association of job characteristics and stress indicators, from May 1st to 10th, 1996. The study population was 210 workers (clerical workers, 67; engineers, 82; assembly line workers, 61) engaged in a television manufacturing company. A questionnaire method was used to collect the data regarding to job demand, job control, behavioral type, life style and psychiatric symptoms. Clinical examination was conducted to measure blood pressure, serum cholesterol, fasting blood sugar and HbA1c. Percentage of high subjective job strain group was significantly higher in clerical workers(9.0 %) than in engineers(4.9 %) and in assembly line workers(3.3 %) (p < 0.01). Mean values of fasting blood sugar and HbA1c were significantly different between types of occupation and were the highest in clerical workers (p < 0.05). Significant association was found between perceived job characteristics and psychiatric symptom score (p < 0.01). The more job demand and the less job control was, the higher psychiatric symptom score was reported. Diastolic blood pressure was significantly related to job control (p < 0.05). The more job control was, the higher blood pressure was reported. In multiple regression analysis, job demand, job control and age were significant variables explaining the psychiatric symptoms and R2 was 0.23. Perceived job characteristics and type of occupation were not significant in explaining diastolic blood pressure and cholesterol. Type of occupation, job demand, age and BMI were significant variables explaining lasting blood sugar and R2 was 0.25. Type of occupation was the only significant variable explaining HbA1c and R2 was 0.07. According to this result, occupational type and subjective job characteristics must be considered in study of job stress. As a result of multiple analysis, subjective job characterics are significantly related to psychiatric symptoms and type of occupation is significantly related to fasting blood sugar and HbA1c.

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