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The risk of insomnia by work schedule instability in Korean firefighters
Saebomi Jeong, Jeonghun Kim, Sung-Soo Oh, Hee-Tae Kang, Yeon-Soon Ahn, Kyoung Sook Jeong
Ann Occup Environ Med 2024;36:e24.   Published online September 10, 2024
AbstractAbstract PDFSupplementary MaterialPubReaderePub
Firefighters are exposed to shift work, as well as unpredictable emergency calls and traumatic events, which can lead to sleep problems. This study aimed to investigate the risk of insomnia by work schedule instability in Korean firefighters.
This study used the Insomnia Severity Index to assess the insomnia in firefighters. The work schedule stability was classified with the frequency of the substitute work and the timing of notification for work schedule changes. Logistic regression analysis was used to assess the adjusted odds ratio of insomnia by work schedule stability with covariates including sex, age, education, smoking, alcohol, caffeine intake, shift type, job, and underlying conditions.
Of the 8,587 individuals, 751 (8.75%) had moderate to severe insomnia (Insomnia Severity Index ≥ 15). The prevalence of insomnia was statistically significantly higher as the frequency of substitute work increased: <1 time per month (6.8%), 1–2 times (9.5%), 3–5 times (13.4%), and more than 5 times (15.7%) (p < 0.001). Additionally, the prevalence of insomnia was statistically significantly higher when the timing of the schedule change notification was urgent or irregular: no change or several weeks before (5.4%), several days before (7.9%), one day before or on the day (11.2%), irregularly notification (11.6%) (p < 0.001). In comparison to the group with good frequency of the substitute work/good timing of schedule change notification group, the adjusted odds ratios of insomnia were 1.480 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.237–1.771) for Good/Bad group, 1.862 (95% CI: 1.340–2.588) for Bad/Good group, and 1.885 (95% CI: 1.366–2.602) for Bad/Bad group.
Work schedule instability was important risk factor of insomnia in firefighters. It suggests that improving the stability of work schedules could be a key strategy for reducing sleep problems in this occupational group.

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The effect of blood cadmium levels on hypertension in male firefighters in a metropolitan city
Ye-eun Jeon, Min Ji Kim, Insung Chung, Jea Chul Ha
Ann Occup Environ Med 2022;34:e37.   Published online November 8, 2022
AbstractAbstract AbstractAbstract in Korean PDFSupplementary MaterialPubReaderePub

This study investigated the effect of dispatch frequency on blood cadmium levels and the effect of blood cadmium levels on hypertension in male firefighters in a metropolitan city.


We conducted a retrospective longitudinal study of male firefighters who completed the regular health checkups, including a health examination survey and blood cadmium measurements. We followed them for 3 years. To investigate the effect of dispatch frequency on blood cadmium levels and the effect of blood cadmium levels on hypertension, we estimated the short-term (model 1) and long-term (model 2) effects of exposure and hypothesized a reversed causal pathway model (model 3) for sensitivity analysis. Sequential conditional mean models were fitted using generalized estimating equations, and the odds ratios (ORs) and the respective 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated for hypertension for log-transformed (base 2) blood cadmium levels and quartiles.


Using the lowest category of dispatch frequency as a reference, we observed that the highest category showed an increase in blood cadmium levels of 1.879 (95% CI: 0.673, 3.086) μg/dL and 0.708 (95% CI: 0.023, 1.394) μg/dL in models 2 and 3, respectively. In addition, we observed that doubling the blood cadmium level significantly increased the odds of hypertension in model 1 (OR: 1.772; 95% CI: 1.046, 3.003) and model 3 (OR: 4.288; 95% CI: 1.110, 16.554). Using the lowest quartile of blood cadmium levels as a reference, the highest quartile showed increased odds of hypertension in model 1 (OR: 2.968; 95% CI: 1.121, 7.861) and model 3 (OR: 33.468; 95% CI: 1.881, 595.500).


We found that dispatch frequency may affect blood cadmium levels in male firefighters, and high blood cadmium levels may influence hypertension in a dose-response manner.

대도시 남성 소방관에서의 혈중 카드뮴 농도가 고혈압에 미치는 영향
본 연구에서는 대도시 남성 소방관에서 출동빈도가 혈중 카드뮴 농도에 미치는 영향과 혈중 카드뮴 수치가 고혈압에 미치는 영향을 조사하였다.
남성 소방관들을 대상으로 설문조사와 혈중 카드뮴 농도 및 혈압 측정을 포함하는 건강검진을 실시하였다. 2015년부터 2017년까지 3년 간 추적하였으며, 최종 연구 대상자는 215명이었다. 출동빈도가 혈중 카드뮴 농도에 미치는 영향과 고혈압에 대한 혈중 카드뮴 농도의 영향을 조사하기 위해 단기간 노출 효과 (모델1), 장기간 노출 효과 (모델2), 역방향 노출 효과(모델3)를 가정하여 분석하였다. 순차적 조건부 평균 모델 (sequential conditional mean model)을 적용하였고, 일반화 추정 방정식 (generalized estimating equations)을 사용하여 오즈비와 95% 신뢰구간을 계산하였다.
가장 낮은 사분위의 출동 빈도 그룹을 기준으로 가장 높은 사분위수 그룹은 모델 2와 모델3에서 혈중 카드뮴 수치가 각각 1.879 (95% CI 0.673-3.086) μg/dL, 0.708 (95% CI 0.023-1.394) μg/dL 증가하였다. 혈중 카드뮴 농도가 두 배로 증가할 때마다 모델 1과 3 (OR [95% CI] 1.772 [1.046–3.003], 4.288 [1.110–16.554])에서 고혈압 발생 위험이 증가한다는 것을 관찰했다. 혈중 카드뮴 농도가 가장 낮은 사분위수 그룹을 기준으로 할 때, 가장 높은 사분위수 그룹은 모델 1과 3(OR [95% CI] 2.968 [1.121–7.861], 33.468 [1.881–595.500])에서 고혈압 발생 위험이 증가하였다. 혈중 카드뮴 농도와 고혈압 발생 사이의 용량-반응 관계는 모든 시나리오에서 관찰되었다.
본 연구에서는 출동 빈도가 혈중 카드뮴 농도에 영향을 미칠 수 있고, 높은 혈중 카드뮴 농도가 고혈압에 영향을 미칠 수 있다는 것을 발견했다. 다양한 연구모집단에 대해 카드뮴의 다양한 생체지표를 사용하여 추가 연구가 수행되어야 할 것이다. 또한 일반적으로 단일 중금속 노출보다는 복합 중금속 노출의 가능성이 높으므로, 향후 연구에서는 중금속의 상호작용에 대해 평가하여야 할 것이다.


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  • Internal Flames: Metal(loid) Exposure Linked to Alteration of the Lipid Profile in Czech Male Firefighters (CELSPAC-FIREexpo Study)
    Nina Pálešová, Katarína Řiháčková, Jan Kuta, Aleš Pindur, Ludmila Šebejová, Pavel Čupr
    Environmental Science & Technology Letters.2024; 11(7): 679.     CrossRef
  • Heavy metal exposure linked to metabolic syndrome in Korean male firefighters: FRESH cohort cross-sectional analysis
    Jee Eun Choi, Mun-Joo Bae, Mi-Ji Kim, Sung Soo Oh, Ki Soo Park, Chan Joo Lee, Sungha Park, Sang-Baek Koh, Jaelim Cho, Changsoo Kim
    Scientific Reports.2023;[Epub]     CrossRef
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Association between sleep quality and type of shift work in Korean firefighters
Hyun-Jeong Oh, Chang Sun Sim, Tae-Won Jang, Yeon Soon Ahn, Kyoung Sook Jeong
Ann Occup Environ Med 2022;34:e27.   Published online October 11, 2022
AbstractAbstract AbstractAbstract in Korean PDFPubReaderePub

Shift work that interferes with normal sleep patterns, is known to be a cause of sleep disturbance and has been studied through various occupational groups. However, it is not known which shift type is better for sleep health.


This study included 568 firefighters. Sleep quality was evaluated using Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index. Sleep quality was categorized into 2 groups; good quality (≤ 5 points) and poor quality (≥ 6 points). Demographic variables, depression, anxiety, type of shift, and job were collected by self-reported questionnaires. The χ2 test, t-test, and multiple logistic regression analysis were used to evaluate the effect of shift type on the sleep quality of firefighters.


Three hundred thirty-seven firefighters (59.3%) have poor sleep quality. Compared to day workers, the odds ratios (ORs) of poor sleep quality were 2.169 (95% confidence interval: 1.137–4.134) in 6-day cycle, 2.161 (1.150–4.062) in 9-day cycle, 1.805 (1.087–2.997) in 21-day cycle, and 1.485 (0.718–3.069) in 3-day cycle. The ORs of poor sleep quality were 1.697(1.021–2.823) in fire suppression and 2.325 (1.213–4.455) in emergency medical service compared to administration.


All shift work type except for the 3-day cycle was associated with poor sleep quality compared to day work.

한국 소방관에서 수면의 질과 교대근무 유형의 연관성
소방관의 수면의 질에 어떤 교대근무 유형이 적합한지 결정하는 것이다.
이 연구는 568명의 소방관을 포함하여 피츠버그 수면의 질 지수를 사용하여 수면의 질을 평가하였고, 다른 교란 요인은 자기보고형태의 설문지를 통해 수집하였다. 소방관의 수면의 질에 대한 교대근무 유형의 영향을 평가하기 위하여 카이제곱 검정, t-검정, 다중 로지스틱 회귀 분석을 사용하였다.
337명(59.3%)은 나쁜 수면의 질을 가졌다. 주간 근무자와 비교했을 때, 나쁜 수면의 질에 대한 오즈비는 6주기에서 2.161 (95% 신뢰구간 1.137-4.134), 9주기에서 2.161 (1.150-4.062), 21주기에서 1.805 (1.087-2.997), 3주기에서 1.485 (0.718-3.069). 직무별로는 행정에 비해 화재진압 소방관의 수면의 질이 나쁠 오즈비는 1.697 (1.021-2.823)이었고, 구급업무 소방관은 2.325 (1.213-4.455)이었다.
3주기를 제외하고 다른 형태의 교대근무에서 수면의 질은 주간근무에 비해 에서 나쁜 것으로 나타났다.


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  • Association of age and night flight duration with sleep disorders among Chinese airline pilots
    Ruizi Shi, Fang Wang, Wanying Xu, Li Fu
    Frontiers in Public Health.2023;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • Working hours and the regulations for night shift workers
    Tae-Won Jang
    Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine.2023;[Epub]     CrossRef
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Hospital admissions due to endocrine diseases in Korean male firefighters
Seunghoon Ryu, Yong-Jin Lee, Eun-Chul Jang, Soon-Chan Kwon, KiSeok Kim, Yeon-Soon Ahn, Young-Sun Min
Ann Occup Environ Med 2021;33:e32.   Published online October 28, 2021
AbstractAbstract AbstractAbstract in Korean PDFPubReaderePub

The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between occupational exposure to various hazards and hospital admission due to endocrine diseases in Korean male firefighters.


From 2000 to 2008, former and current male firefighters registered in the Korean National Emergency Management Agency were investigated based on their hospitalized health insurance admission data for the same period. Admission data for endocrine, nutritional, and metabolic diseases were obtained from the Korean National Health Insurance Service database. Standardized admission ratio (SAR) with reference to the general population of Korean men was analyzed.


SAR for firefighters with endocrine, nutritional, and metabolic diseases was 0.56 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.49–0.65), which was significantly less than that of the general population of Korean men. For those with endocrine, nutritional, and metabolic diseases, SARs for those with a history of fire suppression tasks and those without experience of fire suppression tasks were 0.58 (95% CI: 0.49–0.68) and 0.53 (95% CI: 0.40–0.70), respectively.


The admission rate of Korean male firefighters due to endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases was significantly lower than that of the general Korean men population, the hazardous potential of endocrine disruptors remains an open question. Further studies of firefighters with longer follow-up are needed.

한국 남성 소방관에서 내분비 질환으로 인한 입원
본 연구의 목적은 남성 소방관들을 대상으로 유해인자 노출과 내분비질환과의 관련성을 조사해보고자 하였다.
2000년부터 2008년까지 소방방재청에 등록된 총 34,875명의 전·현직 남성 소방관들의 건강검진 자료와 동일 기간 건강보험 입원자료를 근간으로 전·현직 남성 소방관들에 대해 조사하였고, 이를 일반인구집단과 비교하여 표준화입원비를 분석하였다.
내분비, 영양 및 대사질환의 표준화입원비는 0.56(95% 신뢰구간: 0.49-0.65)으로 우리나라 일반 남성들에 비하여 통계적으로 유의하게 적게 입원하였다. 또한, 화재진압 유무에 따라 분석하였을 때, 내분비, 영양 및 대사질환의 표준화입원비는 화재진압 유경력자는 0.58(95% 신뢰구간:0.49-0.68), 무경력자는 0.53(95% 신뢰구간: 0.40-0.70)으로 두 집단 모두 우리나라 일반 남성들에 비하여 통계적으로 유의하게 적게 입원하였다.
우리나라 남성 소방관들의 내분비, 영양 및 대사질환의 표준화입원비는 우리나라 일반 남성에 비하여 통계적으로 유의하게 낮았다.
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Research Articles
Related factors for preserving firefighter's pulmonary function
Seonggyu Kim, Ye-eun Jeon, Hyeseung Ryu, Mi-Young Lee, Insung Chung
Ann Occup Environ Med 2020;32:e40.   Published online December 18, 2020
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

Firefighters are constantly exposed to harmful substances in the respiratory tract and require management measures. We comprehensively compared factors affecting the lung function of firefighters to identify management measures that can reduce the deterioration of lung function.


A cross-sectional study was conducted in 1,108 male firefighters. Subjects were surveyed with self-written questionnaires that included a history of smoking, number of workouts per week, work department, and medical history, including diseases that could affect lung function. Body mass index was calculated using an automatic body measurement instrument and body fat, body fat percentage, muscle mass, and skeletal muscle mass were measured using Inbody 770. Based on the body weight obtained from body measurements, skeletal muscle mass height-adjusted skeletal muscle index (hSMI) compared to height was determined. For lung function, forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1), forced vital capacity (FVC), FEV1/FVC, and peak expiratory flow (PEF) were measured using a spirometer HI-801. Analysis of variance and independent t-tests were performed for univariate analysis of factors that could affect lung function, and multiple regression analysis was performed for multivariate analysis.


When the factors relating lung function were analyzed using regression analysis, FEV1 was negatively correlated with age, body fat percentage, and duty year, positively with height and hSMI. FVC increased with height and hSMI, decreased with age, body fat percentage, and duty year. FEV1/FVC was related with age, height, body fat percentage and working history. Height and muscle mass were analyzed as related factors on PEF. When the analysis was conducted on firefighters who exercised more than 3 times a week, working history had lower relation with FEV1 and body fat percentage had no relation with FEV1/FVC.


We suggest management measures to reduce body fat percentage and increase skeletal muscle mass to maintain lung function in firefighters.


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  • A 7-Month Multidisciplinary Healthy Lifestyle Intervention Effectively Improved Cardiometabolic Risk Profile of Firefighters
    Daniel Rodrigues Ferreira Saint-Martin, Kevin Alves Barreto, Edgard M. K. Von Koenig Soares, Marcelo Serejo Machado, Cristiana Soares dos Santos Morais, Adriana Mendonça Bonadio Barbosa, Rosenkranz Maciel Nogueira, Susanne D’Isabel, Denise L. Smith, Guilh
    Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine.2024; 66(8): 605.     CrossRef
  • Longitudinal lung function in urban firefighters: A group‐based multi‐trajectory modelling approach
    Catherine Pendergrast, Terry Boyle, Alan J. Crockett, Roger Eston, Kylie N. Johnston
    Respirology.2023; 28(3): 247.     CrossRef
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Psychosocial factors affecting sleep quality of pre-employed firefighters: a cross-sectional study
MyeongSeob Lim, Solam Lee, Kwanghyun Seo, Hyun-Jeong Oh, Ji-Su Shin, Sung-Kyung Kim, Hee-Tae Kang, Kyeong-Sook Jeong, Sung-Soo Oh, Sang-Baek Koh, Yeon-Soon Ahn
Ann Occup Environ Med 2020;32:e12.   Published online May 8, 2020
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

There have been no health-related studies of pre-employed firefighters without firefighter-specific job-related factors (FSJRF). This study aimed to evaluate the sleep quality of pre-employed firefighters and to examine the relationship between sleep quality and psychosocial factors.


We conducted a self-report questionnaire survey for 602 pre-employed firefighters at 3 Fire Service Academies after brief lecture about sleep. Sleep quality and psychosocial variables such as depression, anxiety, stress and social support were evaluated. The independent 2 sample t-test, χ2 test and multiple logistic regression analysis were used to evaluate the effect of the variables on the sleep quality of pre-employed firefighters.


Among a total of 602 people, 347 (57.6%) had good sleep quality and 255 (42.4%) had poor sleep quality. Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index score of them was 3.29 ± 1.41) and 7.87 ± 2.20), respectively. 24 (4.0%) were evaluated to have insomnia by Insomnia Severity Index. Logistic regression analyses showed that the depression (adjusted odds ratio [aOR]: 5.940, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 3.124–11.292), anxiety (aOR: 4.233, 95% CI: 2.138–8.381), stress (aOR: 2.880, 95% CI: 1.915–4.330) and social support (aOR: 0.959, 95% CI: 0.939–0.980) have a significant effect on sleep quality after adjusted by sex, age, smoking status, drinking status, caffeine intake, past shift working and circadian rhythm type.


Depression, anxiety, stress and social support were associated with sleep quality among pre-employed firefighters. Repeated follow-up studies of pre-employed firefighters are needed to further assess their change of sleep quality and identify the FSJRF that may affect the sleep quality of firefighters.


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  • Screening for Comorbidity of Sleep Disorders in Career Firefighters
    Nancy A. Hamilton, Julia Russell, Kareem Hamadah, Westley Youngren, Addie Toon, Thu A. Nguyen, Kevin Joles
    Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine.2024; 66(1): 43.     CrossRef
  • Global prevalence and associated factors of sleep disorders and poor sleep quality among firefighters: A systematic review and meta-analysis
    Amir Hossein Khoshakhlagh, Saleh Al Sulaie, Saeid Yazdanirad, Robin Marc Orr, Hossein Dehdarirad, Alireza Milajerdi
    Heliyon.2023; 9(2): e13250.     CrossRef
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    Amensisa Hailu Tesfaye, Addisu Genene Masresha, Tirhas Tadesse, Fantu Mamo Aragaw, Belay Desye, Giziew Abere
    BMJ Open.2023; 13(10): e073340.     CrossRef
  • Daily Sleep–Stress Reactivity and Functional Impairment in World Trade Center Responders
    Brett A Messman, Danica C Slavish, Madasen Briggs, Camilo J Ruggero, Benjamin J Luft, Roman Kotov
    Annals of Behavioral Medicine.2023; 57(7): 582.     CrossRef
  • Sleep Quality and Associated Factors among Firefighters in Bangkok, Thailand: A Cross-sectional Study
    Nunnapat Piyachaiseth, Pornchai Sithisarankul, Jate Ratanachina
    Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health.2023;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • Heterogeneity in patterns of posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms and sleep disturbances among firefighters: Latent profile analyses
    Elizabeth L. Griffith, Ling Jin, Ateka A. Contractor, Danica C. Slavish, Anka A. Vujanovic
    Journal of Psychiatric Research.2022; 153: 64.     CrossRef
  • Association between sleep quality and type of shift work in Korean firefighters
    Hyun-Jeong Oh, Chang Sun Sim, Tae-Won Jang, Yeon Soon Ahn, Kyoung Sook Jeong
    Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine.2022;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • Firefighter sleep: a pilot study of the agreement between actigraphy and self-reported sleep measures
    Joel M. Billings
    Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine.2022; 18(1): 109.     CrossRef
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Pregnancy, childbirth, and puerperium outcomes in female firefighters in Korea
Juha Park, Yeon-Soon Ahn, Min-Gi Kim
Ann Occup Environ Med 2020;32:e8.   Published online January 31, 2020
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

Female firefighters are exposed to hazardous environmental (chemical and physical) and working (shift work, psychological, and ergonomic factors) conditions that have reported or are suspected of adverse effects on reproductive health. However, no previous studies have reported on pregnancy, childbirth, and puerperium outcomes (PCPOs) in female firefighters.


The present study compared hospital admissions for PCPOs, based on 10th revision of the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD-10) codes, among Korean female firefighters with those of the general Korean population. Standardized admission ratios (SARs) and their 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated.


The study population included 1,766 female firefighters. Total follow-up duration was 9,659 person-years. Compared to the general female population, the female firefighters' SARs were higher in all admissions for PCPOs (SAR, 1.92; 95% CI: 1.79–2.05); pregnancy and abortive outcomes (SAR, 1.56; 95% CI: 1.12–2.12); other maternal disorders predominantly related to pregnancy (SAR, 2.65; 95% CI: 1.99–3.46); maternal care related to the fetus, amniotic cavity, and possible delivery problems (SAR, 2.13; 95% CI: 1.74–2.57); labor and delivery complications (SAR, 1.55; 95% CI: 1.15–2.06); delivery (SAR, 1.94; 95% CI: 1.80–2.08); and complications predominantly related to puerperium (SAR, 4.68; 95% CI: 2.02–9.23).


The results of this study showed high SARs in all and specific subcategories of PCPOs in female firefighters.


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  • Firefighter occupational factors and the risk of preterm birth: results from a survey of women firefighters in the USA
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  • Birth defects associated with paternal firefighting in the National Birth Defects Prevention Study
    Miriam R. Siegel, Carissa M. Rocheleau, Brittany S. Hollerbach, Amel Omari, Sara A. Jahnke, Lynn M. Almli, Andrew F. Olshan
    American Journal of Industrial Medicine.2023; 66(1): 30.     CrossRef
  • Occupational factors and miscarriages in the US fire service: a cross-sectional analysis of women firefighters
    Alesia M. Jung, Sara A. Jahnke, Leslie K. Dennis, Melanie L. Bell, Jefferey L. Burgess, Nattinee Jitnarin, Christopher M. Kaipust, Leslie V. Farland
    Environmental Health.2021;[Epub]     CrossRef
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Emotional labor and job types of male firefighters in Daegu Metropolitan City
Sung Kyu Park, Han Cheol Heo, Joon Sakong, Man Joong Jeon
Ann Occup Environ Med 2019;31:e25.   Published online September 26, 2019
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

Research on the emotional labor of firefighters is actively being carried out, but studies that analyze emotional labor separately by job types, working departments, and other conditions of firefighters are insufficient. The purpose of this study is to investigate the difference in emotional labor level between departments and other conditions of firefighters.


A total of 287 Korean firefighters were included for analysis. The demands of emotional labor and emotional damage were measured using the Korean Emotional Labor Scale. To analyze the conditions and factors affecting the emotional labor level of the firefighters, logistic regression analysis was performed using the emotional labor high risk group as a dependent variable.


The average score of overall emotional labor level of the firefighters was 47.2 ± 17.3, and the prevalence of high risk firefighters with emotional labor was 27.1%. It was found that the emergency medical service and administration departments showed a higher prevalence of high risk emotional labor firefighters than did other departments. The result of multiple logistic regression analysis for the high risk emotional labor firefighters showed that the adjusted odds ratio of emergency medical service department compared to the reference group (the rescue department) was 2.89 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.02–8.24).


Among the firefighters, the emergency medical service department is a high risk factor for emotional labor. Therefore, education and prevention training on emotional labor should be more thorough before work shifts.


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  • Global prevalence and associated factors of sleep disorders and poor sleep quality among firefighters: A systematic review and meta-analysis
    Amir Hossein Khoshakhlagh, Saleh Al Sulaie, Saeid Yazdanirad, Robin Marc Orr, Hossein Dehdarirad, Alireza Milajerdi
    Heliyon.2023; 9(2): e13250.     CrossRef
  • Microblog User Emotion Analysis Method Based on Improved Hierarchical Attention Mechanism and BiLSTM
    Xiao Chen, Xiongliang Xiao, Arpit Bhardwaj
    Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience.2022; 2022: 1.     CrossRef
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Comparison of facet joint degeneration in firefighters and hospital office workers
Dong Hyun Kim, Yon Soo An, Hyung Doo Kim, Kyoung Sook Jeong, Yeon-Soon Ahn, Kun-Hyung Kim, Youngki Kim, Han-Soo Song, Chul-Gab Lee, Young-Jun Kwon, Jin-Ha Yoon
Ann Occup Environ Med 2017;29:24.   Published online June 24, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

There are few published studies on the relationship between occupational lumbar load and facet joint degeneration (FJD). This cross-sectional study was conducted to evaluate the effect of physical lumbar load on FJD by comparing magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings of firefighters (FFs) and hospital office workers (HOWs).


We randomly sampled 341 male FFs and 80 male HOWs by age stratification. A questionnaire and clinical examination, including MRI of the lumbar spine (T12-S1), were conducted. FJD was diagnosed and graded by using the classification of Pathria et al., and reclassified into two groups as follows: no FJD (grade 0) and FJD (grades 1, 2, and 3). The prevalence of FJD was analyzed according to occupational group.


The prevalence of FJD ranged from 31% (L1–L2) to 75% (L4–L5) in the FFs, and from 18% (L1–L2) to 69% (L4–L5) in the HOWs. After adjustment for age, body mass index, and frequency of physical exercise, the adjusted odds ratios (OR) for FJD in the FFs were significantly higher than those in the HOWs at all lumbar spinal levels, except for L3–L4 (L1–L2: OR, 2.644; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.317–5.310; L2–L3: OR, 2.285; 95% CI, 1.304–4.006; L4–L5: OR, 1.918; 95% CI, 1.037–3.544; L5–S1: OR, 1.811; 95% CI, 1.031–3.181).


This study shows that FFs exhibit a greater likelihood of having FJD than HOWs after controlling for other risk factors of FJD. This suggests that the physical occupational demands of FFs affect their risk of developing FJD.


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  • Non-cancer health risks in firefighters: a systematic review
    Jeong Ah Kim, Soo Yeon Song, Wonjeong Jeong, Jae Kwan Jun
    Epidemiology and Health.2022; 44: e2022109.     CrossRef
  • Including exercise prescription in the management of non‐specific low back pain
    Hamish Osborne, Peter Burt
    Emergency Medicine Australasia.2022; 34(5): 833.     CrossRef
  • An overview of compensated work-related injuries among Korean firefighters from 2010 to 2015
    Hyung Doo Kim, Yon Soo An, Dong Hyun Kim, Kyung Sook Jeong, Yeon Soon Ahn
    Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine.2018;[Epub]     CrossRef
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Factors related to heart rate variability among firefighters
Jae-Hong Shin, Jung-Youb Lee, Seon-Hee Yang, Mi-Young Lee, In-Sung Chung
Ann Occup Environ Med 2016;28:25.   Published online June 13, 2016
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

The aim of this study was to investigate factors associated with heart rate variability in firefighters working in a metropolitan city in South Korea.


Self-administered questionnaires including Korean Occupational Stress Scale (KOSS) as well as surveys collecting socio-demographic characteristics and work-related factors were given to 962 firefighters. After exclusion for missing data, 645 firefighters were included, and analysis of covaiance adjusted for the general risk factors and job characteristics were used to assess the relationship between heart rate variability and associated factors.


SDNN and RMSSD and were decreased in the area of occupational climate of the group with high job stress (p = 0.027, p = 0.036). HF(ln) was decreased in the area of organizational system and occupational climate of the group with high stress that statistically significant level (p = 0.034, p = 0.043).


Occupational climate and organizational system are associated with reduction of heart rate variability. Preventive medical care plans for cardiovascular disease of firefighters through the analysis and evaluation of job stress factors are needed.


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  • The Influence of Emergency Call Volume on Occupational Workload and Sleep Quality in Urban Firefighters
    Jacob D. Jelmini, Phillip A. Gribble, Mark G. Abel, Lauren N. Whitehurst, Nicholas R. Heebner
    Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine.2024; 66(7): 580.     CrossRef
  • On-Duty Resting Heart Rate Variability at the Fire Station Is Related to Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Physical Activity Levels in Firefighters
    Philémon Marcel-Millet, Philippe Gendron
    Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine.2024; 66(3): e111.     CrossRef
  • Evaluation of the relationship between occupational-specific task performance and measures of physical fitness, cardiovascular and musculoskeletal health in firefighters
    Jaron Ras, Elpidoforos S. Soteriades, Denise L. Smith, Andre P. Kengne, Lloyd Leach
    BMC Public Health.2024;[Epub]     CrossRef
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    Journal of Occupational Health.2023;[Epub]     CrossRef
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    Colin D. Tomes, Elisa F. D. Canetti, Ben Schram, Robin Orr
    Healthcare.2023; 11(19): 2677.     CrossRef
  • Effects of cardiovascular health, musculoskeletal health and physical fitness on occupational performance of firefighters: protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis
    Jaron Ras, Andre Pascal Kengne, Denise Smith, Elpidoforos Soterakis Soteriades, Lloyd Leach
    BMJ Open.2022; 12(7): e061435.     CrossRef
  • Effects of Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors, Musculoskeletal Health, and Physical Fitness on Occupational Performance in Firefighters—A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
    Jaron Ras, Andre P. Kengne, Denise L. Smith, Elpidoforos S. Soteriades, Rucia V. November, Lloyd Leach
    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.2022; 19(19): 11946.     CrossRef
  • Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors, Musculoskeletal Health, Physical Fitness, and Occupational Performance in Firefighters: A Narrative Review
    Jaron Ras, Denise L. Smith, Andre P. Kengne, Elpidoforos E. Soteriades, Lloyd Leach, Ike S. Okosun
    Journal of Environmental and Public Health.2022;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • Acute Physiological Response of Live-Fire Simulation Activities Affecting Cardiovascular Health in Live-Fire Instructors
    Gwan-Jin Park, So Yeon Kong, Dong-Min Shin, Dae In Lee, Beom-Seok Ku, Je-Hwan Oh, Sang-Chul Kim
    Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine.2022; 64(1): 46.     CrossRef
  • Psychophysiological responses of firefighters to day and night rescue interventions
    Philémon Marcel-Millet, Alain Groslambert, Philippe Gimenez, Sidney Grosprêtre, Gilles Ravier
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  • Health outcomes of psychosocial stress within firefighters: A systematic review of the research landscape
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  • Obesity prevalence in Brazilian firefighters and the association of central obesity with personal, occupational and cardiovascular risk factors: a cross-sectional study
    Fernanda Camargo Damacena, Thatiany Jardim Batista, Lorena Rocha Ayres, Eliana Zandonade, Karla Nívea Sampaio
    BMJ Open.2020; 10(3): e032933.     CrossRef
  • Effects on Firefighters’ Nocturnal Cardiac Autonomic Activity and Sleep Quality of On-Call Nights With and Without Simulated Firefighting Interventions
    Philémon Marcel-Millet, Alain Groslambert, Gilles Ravier
    Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine.2020; 62(11): e644.     CrossRef
  • Relationships Between Heart Rate Variability, Occupational Performance, and Fitness for Tactical Personnel: A Systematic Review
    Colin Tomes, Ben Schram, Robin Orr
    Frontiers in Public Health.2020;[Epub]     CrossRef
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Factors Related to Sleep Disorders among Male Firefighters
Dong-Kyun Lim, Ki-Ook Baek, In-Sung Chung, Mi-Young Lee
Ann Occup Environ Med 2014;26:11-11.   Published online May 22, 2014
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

The aim of this study was to investigate factors associated with sleep disorders in male firefighters working in a metropolitan city in South Korea.


Self-administered questionnaires including the Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire, Korean Occupational Stress Scale-Short Form, Psychosocial Well-Being Index-Short Form, Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index, and Beck-Depression Inventory-2 as well as surveys collecting socio-demographic characteristics and work-related factors were given to 730 male firefighters. After exclusion for missing data, 657 male firefighters were included, and logistic regression analysis adjusted for the work-related factors, psychosocial factors, and general risk factors were used to assess the relationship between sleep disorders and associated factors.


The prevalence of sleep disorders was 48.7%. Shift work (adjusted OR 1.58, 95% CI = 1.02-2.45), musculoskeletal symptoms (adjusted OR 2.89, 95% CI = 2.02-4.14), and depression (adjusted OR 7.04 95% CI = 4.03-12.30) were associated with sleep disorders.


Musculoskeletal symptoms, shift work, and depression are associated with sleep disorders. Integrated health management is needed to promote good sleep quality among firefighters.


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  • Daily variation in sleepiness among firefighters while working the 24/48 and 48/96 shift schedules
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  • The Cyclical Battle of Insomnia and Mental Health Impairment in Firefighters: A Narrative Review
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  • Sleep Quality and Associated Factors Among Firefighters in Bangkok, Thailand: A Cross-sectional Study
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  • The Influence of Emergency Call Volume on Occupational Workload and Sleep Quality in Urban Firefighters
    Jacob D. Jelmini, Phillip A. Gribble, Mark G. Abel, Lauren N. Whitehurst, Nicholas R. Heebner
    Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine.2024; 66(7): 580.     CrossRef
  • Association between the risk of chronification of musculoskeletal symptoms and sleep quality in Military Firefighters of the Federal District
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    Clinical Psychopharmacology and Neuroscience.2015; 13(2): 201.     CrossRef
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Pulmonary function decline in firefighters and non-firefighters in South Korea
Ju-Hwan Choi, Jae-Hong Shin, Mi-Young Lee, In-Sung Chung
Ann Occup Environ Med 2014;26:9-9.   Published online April 25, 2014
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

The purpose of this study was to evaluate and compare changes to pulmonary function among firefighters and non-firefighters who were exposed to harmful substances in their work environments.


Firefighters (n = 322) and non-firefighters (n = 107) in Daegu who received a pulmonary function test in 2008 and 2011 as well as a regular health examination were included. Repeated measures ANOVA was performed to evaluate the pulmonary function of the two groups over the three-year period.


After adjusting for age, height, body mass index, duration of exposure, physical activity, and smoking, which were statistically different between the two groups and known risk factors of pulmonary function, the forced expiratory volume in one s FEV1, forced vital capacity FVC, and FEV1/FVC% over the 3 year period were significantly lower among firefighters compared with non-firefighters.


Evaluating the working environment of firefighters is difficult; however, our study revealed that pulmonary function declined in firefighters. Thus, more effort should be made to prevent and manage respiratory diseases early by preforming strict and consistent pulmonary function tests in firefighters.


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    Frontiers in Public Health.2023;[Epub]     CrossRef
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    Alexandra K. Mueller, Ankura Singh, Mayris P. Webber, Charles B. Hall, David J. Prezant, Rachel Zeig‐Owens
    American Journal of Industrial Medicine.2023; 66(3): 243.     CrossRef
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    Marta A. Kisiel, Gui-Hong Cai, Madeleine Petersson Sjögren, Jakob Löndahl, Jonas Jakobsson, Per Wollmer, Andrei Malinovschi, Magnus Svartengren
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    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.2023; 20(8): 5607.     CrossRef
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Acute Symptoms in Firefighters who Participated in Collection Work after the Community Hydrogen Fluoride Spill Accident
Seong-Yong Cho, Kuck-Hyun Woo, Jin-Seok Kim, Seong-Yong Yoon, Joo-Yong Na, Jin-Hyun Yu, Yong-Bae Kim
Ann Occup Environ Med 2013;25:36-36.   Published online November 28, 2013
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

This study aimed to analyze the relationship between clinical status and work characteristics of firefighters and other public officers who engaged on collection duties in the site of the hydrogen fluoride spill that occurred on September 27, 2012, in Gumi City, South Korea.


We investigated the clinical status, personal history, and work characteristics of the study subjects and performed physical examination and several clinical examinations, including chest radiography, echocardiography, pulmonary function test, and blood testing in 348 firefighters, police officers, volunteer firefighters, and special warfare reserved force who worked at the hydrogen fluoride spill area.


The subjects who worked near the accident site more frequently experienced eye symptoms (p = 0.026), cough (p = 0.017), and headache (p = 0.003) than the subjects who worked farther from the accident site. The longer the working hours at the accident area, the more frequently the subjects experienced pulmonary (p = 0.027), sputum (p = 0.043), and vomiting symptoms (p = 0.003). The subjects who did not wear respiratory protective devices more frequently experienced dyspnea than those who wore respiratory protective devices (p = 0.013). In the pulmonary function test, the subjects who worked near the accident site had a higher decease in forced vital capacity than the subjects who worked farther from the site (p = 0.019); however, no statistical association was found between serum calcium/phosphate level, echocardiography result, chest radiographic result, and probation work characteristics.


The subjects who worked near the site of the hydrogen fluoride spill, worked for an extended period, or worked without wearing respiratory protective devices more frequently experienced upper/lower respiratory, gastrointestinal, and neurological symptoms. Further follow-up examination is needed for the workers who were exposed to hydrogen fluoride during their collection duties in the chemical plant in Gumi City.


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The Relationship between the Korean Occupational Stress Scale and Carotid Intima-Media Thickness among Male Firefighters
Sang Jun Park, Dong Kyun Lim, Mi Young Lee, In Sung Chung
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2012;24(4):420-430.   Published online December 31, 2012
AbstractAbstract PDF
This study examined the relationship between job stress and the common carotid intima-media thickness as an indicator of atherosclerosis (cardiovascular disease) among male firefighters in a metropolitan city.
Between November and December 2011, a total of 838 participants were analyzed using a questionnaire, which included the participants' general characteristics, job-related factors, health-related behaviors, and job stress. Job stress was measured using the Korean Occupational Stress Scale-Short Form (KOSS-SF). The job stress data was merged with the clinical laboratory data and common carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT) by a medical examination. The relationship between job stress and the CIMT was examined by multiple logistic regression analysis.
Multiple logistic regression analyses adjusted for the general and cardiovascular risk factors revealed, the organizational system (adjusted OR 1.381 95% CI=1.005~1.898) to be associated with the right CIMT. Multiple logistic regression analyses adjusted for general and cardiovascular risk factors and job types, the occupational climate (adjusted OR 1.392, 95% CI=1.009~1.922) was also associated with the right CIMT.
The level of job stress, particularly in regard to the organizaional system, shows a correlation with the right CIMT. Therefore, further preventive efforts and studies of firefighters will be needed to reduce job stress and help prevent cardiovascular disease.

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Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Related Factors in Male Firefighters in a Metropolitan City
Deuk Yong Shin, Man Joong Jeon, Joon Sakong
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2012;24(4):397-409.   Published online December 31, 2012
AbstractAbstract PDF
This study was conducted in order to evaluate the prevalence of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and related factors in male firefighters in Daegu, Korea.
A total of 1,261 firefighters from fire stations in Daegu were the subjects of this study. Each firefighter completed a questionnaire on general and occupational matters, experience of traumatic events, and impact of event scale (IES). The IES questionnaire was administered to subjects in order to determine the high risk group for PTSD. We calculated the IES score and determined that an individual was abnormal if the IES score was over 26.
The average IES score of the firefighters was 11.0+/-14.3, and the prevalence of high risk firefighters with PTSD was 15.1%. It was found that 40 years of age, fire sergeant, and emergency medical service personnel showed higher prevalence of PTSD than other groups. The most experienced event among traumatic events was 'witness death of victims or patients'. The results of multiple logistic regression analysis for the high risk PTSD group showed that fire sergeant (OR=2.28, 95% CI: 1.28~4.06), fire lieutenant (OR=2.47, 95% CI: 1.14~5.37), fire captain (OR=2.88, 95% CI: 1.11~7.45), firefighting department (OR=2.04, 95% CI: 1.00~4.17), emergency medical service personnel (OR=3.68, 95% CI: 1.47~9.23), total frequency of traumatic events experienced (OR=1.01, 95% CI: 1.00~1.02), and total type of traumatic event experienced (OR=1.35, 95% CI: 1.25~1.46) were significant variables with regards to the reference group (fire fighter and administration department).
These findings indicate that the prevalence of PTSD in firefighters is higher than that in the general population, and fire sergeant, fire lieutenant, fire captain, emergency medical service personnel, firefighting department, total frequency of traumatic events experienced, and total type of traumatic event experienced were significant variables for the PTSD high risk group.


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  • Non-cancer health risks in firefighters: a systematic review
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  • Post-traumatic stress disorder and occupational characteristics of police officers in Republic of Korea: a cross-sectional study
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PTSD and Related Factors among Dispatched Firefighters to Rescue Sites after the Great Japanese Earthquake (Running head: Dispatched Firefighters' PTSD)
Mihyun Yang, Eunil Lee, Jae Wook Choi, Hae Joon Kim
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2012;24(2):167-179.   Published online June 30, 2012
AbstractAbstract PDF
This study aims to investigate the risk of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and its related factors among firefighters dispatched to the rescue sites after the Great Japanese Earthquake in 2011.
Among 104 male firefighters dispatched to rescue sites after the Great Japanese Earthquake, 73 firefighters were assessed. The 73 firefighters completed questionnaires, which include general characteristics, an impact of event scale-revised Korean version (IES-R-K), a coping checklist, a scale of perceived social support, and a post-traumatic stress diagnostic scale (PDS). The data was analyzed to find factors related to PTSD risk.
The mean value of age and work tenure in this study were 38.6 years (SD=5.7) and 11.6 years (SD=6.0), respectively. The number and rate of the PTSD high-risk group in dispatched firefighters in this study was 7 cases and 9.6% using IES-R-K, with an over 25-point cutoff score. The mean rank of tenure, 53.5 in the PTSD high-risk group (n=7), was significantly higher than that of 32.2 in the PTSD low-risk group (n=66). The mean rank of assessable support, 20.2 in the PTSD high-risk group was significantly lower than that of 38.7 in the PTSD low-risk group. In logistic analysis of model 1 including PDS in independent variables, were associated with being a PTSD high-risk group as in the following: higher PDS score (OR 2.18, 95% CI: 1.07~4.46), longer tenure (OR 3.42, 95% CI: 1.01~11.89), more using coping method (OR 1.35, 95% CI: 1.00~1.81), and lower perceptions of social support (OR 0.84, 95% CI: 0.72~0.97). In logistic analysis of model 2 without PDS in independent variables, more using coping method (OR 1.14, 95% CI: 1.01~1.28) and lower perceptions of social support (OR 0.95, 95% CI: 0.91~0.98) were associated with being a PTSD high-risk group.
The PTSD high-risk group in dispatched firefighters indicated that their odds ratios were increased when they used more coping methods under specific stress conditions and had lower perceptions of social support. Therefore, for those, who might be dispatched to overseas, the psychological support approach should be considered to produce effective coping methods against traumatic events and to be aware of abundant resources for social support regarding the problem.


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  • Changes in the Levels of Stress Perception, Experiencing Depressive Symptoms and Health-Related Quality of Life of Residents after the 2016 Gyeongju Earthquake
    Young Ran Han, Yeo Won Jeong, Sang Kyu Kim, Han Seok Jeong
    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.2021; 18(2): 540.     CrossRef
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    International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being.2019;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • Psychological Risk Factors for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Workers After Toxic Chemical Spill in Gumi, South Korea
    Ji Young Song, Kyoung-Sook Jeong, Kyeong-sook Choi, Min-gi Kim, Yeon-Soon Ahn
    Workplace Health & Safety.2018; 66(8): 393.     CrossRef
  • Stressors of Korean Disaster Relief Team Members during the Nepal Earthquake Dispatch: a Consensual Qualitative Research Analysis
    Kangeui Lee, So Hee Lee, Taejin Park, Ji-yeon Lee
    Journal of Korean Medical Science.2017; 32(3): 507.     CrossRef
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    Mi-Lye Baek
    The Korean Journal of Emergency Medical Services.2014; 18(3): 53.     CrossRef
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The Problem Drinking and Related Factors in Female Firefighters
Seung Won Yoo, Kyoo Sang Kim, Chung Yill Park, Min Gi Kim
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2012;24(2):124-132.   Published online June 30, 2012
AbstractAbstract PDF
This study was conducted to investigate problem drinking and analyze factors associated with alcohol use among female firefighters, as well as to provide useful data for management of alcohol use by female firefighters.
The study includeed 1,587 female firefighters from throught Koea. Data were collected from June to July in 2008 using self-administered questionnaires including a general questionnaire, work related questionnaire, the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT), the Korean Occupational Stress Scale Short Form (KOSS-26), and the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CESD). Among 1,263 female firefighters (75.6%) surveyed, the results of 1,084 qualified questionnaires (70.5%) were analyzed using the chi-square test, Fisher's exact test, and multiple logistic regression.
The prevalence of problem drinking (AUDIT score > or =8) in female firefighters was 12.5%. Multiple logistic analysis showed that being single, smoking and depression were correlated with problem drinking. Single female firefighter, present smokers and individuals positive for symptoms of depression had OR values of 2.11, 17.58 and 1.76, respectively.
Three factors were found to influnce the occurrence of problem drinking. Accordingly, smoking related education, counseling to cope effectively with depression and health promotion programs that consider psychological effects of job stress are needed to reduce work related factors that lead to problem drinking by female firefighters.

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The Relationship between the Korean Occupational Stress Scale and Pulse Wave Velocity among Male Firefighters
Hyun Jun Jeon, Sang Jun Park, Dong Hoon Shin, In Sung Chung, Mi Young Lee
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2011;23(4):450-462.   Published online December 31, 2011
AbstractAbstract PDF
The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between job stress and the pulse wave velocity as an indicator of vessel stiffness among male firefighters in a metropolitan city.
In November and December 2008, a total of 404 participants were analyzed. The questionnaire survey included the participants' general characteristics, job-related factors, health-related behaviors, and job stress. Job stress was measured using the Korean Occupational Stress Scale (KOSS). We merged the job stress data with clinical laboratory data and brachial-ankle Pulse Wave Velocity (baPWV) by conducting medical surveillance. We measured the relationship of job stress to baPWV by using a logistic regression analysis.
After adjusting for cardiovascular risk factors, the baPWV was significantly higher in the groups possessing high levels of job insecurity (OR=2.17, 95% CI=1.06~4.42).
Our findings suggest that the level of job stress, especially in regards to job insecurity, was directly related to the baPWV. Therefore, further preventive efforts and studies in regards to firefighters are needed in order to reduce job stress and thereby help to prevent cardiovascular disease.


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  • Firefighters’ occupational stress and its correlations with cardiorespiratory fitness, arterial stiffness, heart rate variability, and sleep quality
    Young-Sook Yook, Kiyoshi Sanada
    PLOS ONE.2019; 14(12): e0226739.     CrossRef
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Association between Job Stress and the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory in Firefighters
Dong Hyul Lee, Hyun Jun Jeon, Dong Hoon Shin, In Sung Chung, Mi Young Lee
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2009;21(4):324-336.   Published online December 31, 2009
AbstractAbstract PDF
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the relationship of job stress and scores on the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) clinical scales in firefighters.
A total of 648 firefighters from Daegu Metropolitan City were given 2 sets of questionnaires, the Korean Occupational Stress Scales (KOSS) and the MMPI. The results of 428 qualifying questionnaires were analyzed using ANOVA, correlation, and multiple regression.
The study demonstrated that job stress differed by age, department, amount of exercise, and duty period. MMPI clinical scales differed by age, smoking, and amount of exercise. Job stress correlated with MMPI clinical scales and in particular with 2 MMPI clinical scales, -Depression and Social introversion-. In addition, job stress subscales were related. On multiple regression analysis, some MMPI clinical scales were affected by job stress subscales.
This study suggests that job stress is associated with psychogenic factors in firefighters. The effective management for job stress might be helpful for the overall mental health of firefighters. Further study is required to determine which psychogenic factors are related to job stress.


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    Minkyung Han, Sohee Park, Jong Heon Park, Seung-sik Hwang, Inah Kim
    BMJ Open.2018; 8(1): e019987.     CrossRef
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    Adrian-Constantin Achim
    Proceedings of the International Conference on Business Excellence.2018; 12(1): 1.     CrossRef
  • Minnesota multiphasic personality inventory as related factor for post traumatic stress disorder symptoms according to job stress level in experienced firefighters: 5–year study
    In-Sung Chung, Mi-Young Lee, Sung-Won Jung, Chang-Wook Nam
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    Chun Yee Lee, Eun Kyung Byun, Nam Hee Kim
    Korean Journal of Occupational Health Nursing.2013; 22(3): 191.     CrossRef
  • Duty-Dependent Changes in Stress Hormones of Firefighters
    Kyoo-Sang Kim, Seung-Won Yoo, Yong-Lim Won, Mi-Young Lee
    Korean Journal of Environmental Health Sciences.2012; 38(3): 195.     CrossRef
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    Hanyang Medical Reviews.2010; 30(4): 296.     CrossRef
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Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms and Related Factors in Firefighters of a Firestation
Soon Chan Kwon, Jaechul Song, Soo Jin Lee, Inah Kim, Jaewoo Koh, Hyunchul Ryou, Seok Hyun Kim, Daeho Kim, Seung Ah Jung
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2008;20(3):193-204.   Published online September 30, 2008
AbstractAbstract PDF
To investigate the factors related with posttraumatic symptoms and to estimate the prevalence of posttraumatic disorder of urban male firefighters.
From a study sample comprising 260 male firefighters from one fire station, the responses from 146 who had experienced one or more traumatic events, responded to the 'Impact of Event Scale-Revised Korean version' (IES-R-K) and didn't show any evidence of depression were analyzed. We surveyed the firefighters using a self-administered questionnaire including general characteristics, job-related characteristics, IES-R-K, and a 'Firefighters and paramedics' incident stressor'.
The mean value of IES-R-K in this study was 11.3 and it was higher in the married firefighters than in the unmarried firefighters (p=0.005) and in the 24-hr shift workers than in the ordinary day shift workers (p=0.032). The frequency of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) of the firefighters in this study using IES-R-K was 13.7%, with a cutoff point of 24/25. The overall number of experiences of 25 traumatic events was larger in emergency medical personnel and rescue workers than in other work functions (p=0.000).
The prevalence of PTSD symptoms in firefighters was estimated to 13.7% using IES-RK and was higher than the prevalence of PTSD in the general population. A program to manage the mental health and provide early detection for mental illness for firefighters is needed.


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    BMJ Open.2016; 6(3): e009937.     CrossRef
  • Minnesota multiphasic personality inventory as related factor for post traumatic stress disorder symptoms according to job stress level in experienced firefighters: 5–year study
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    Journal of Korean Academy of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing.2013; 22(1): 12.     CrossRef
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    Yoonjung Kim, Jeongyee Bae
    Journal of Korean Academy of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing.2012; 21(4): 282.     CrossRef
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    Kyoo Sang Kim
    Hanyang Medical Reviews.2010; 30(4): 296.     CrossRef
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    Inah Kim, Jaechul Sung
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Job Stress and Psychosocial Stress among Firefighters
Jaehyeok Ha, Dong Il Kim, Byung Sung Seo, Won Sool Kim, Seungho Ryu, Soo Geun Kim
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2008;20(2):104-111.   Published online June 30, 2008
AbstractAbstract PDF
This study was performed to assess the level of job and psychosocial stresses in Korean firefighters, and to evaluate the determinants of psychosocial stress.
The study subjects comprised 1,712 male firefighters working in Seoul, Busan, and Kyungnam in 2006. We collected information about demographic and job-related characteristics, healthrelated behaviors, Korean Occupational Stress Scale (KOSS), and psychosocial Well-being Index (PWI) through self-administered questionnaires. Statistical analyses were done by using the chi-square-test and logistic regression model.
The multiple logistic regression analyses indicated that the proportion of high-risk psychosocial stress is significantly higher in the groups with high job stress level in 'lack of rewards' (OR=2.90, 95% CI=2.18-3.85), 'occupational climate' (OR=1.92, 95% CI=1.47-2.51), 'job demand' (OR=1.72, 95% CI=1.32-2.23), 'job insecurity' (OR=1.53, 95% CI=1.17-2.01), 'interpersonal conflict' (OR=1.53, 95% CI=1.16-2.01), 'physical environment' (OR=1.45, 95% CI=1.11-1.89), and 'organizational injustice' (OR=1.38, 95% CI=1.04-1.85).
Psychosocial stress might be adversely influenced by job stressors for the most part. Firefighters need job stress management to minimize their psychological problems.


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Influences of Job Stressors on Psychosocial Well-being, Fatigue and Sleep Sufficiency among Firefighters
Kun Hyung Kim, Jung Won Kim, Sung Hoon Kim
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2006;18(3):232-245.   Published online September 30, 2006
AbstractAbstract PDF
To measure the job stressors and stress responses among firefighters.
We created a structured, self-reported questionnaire about job stressors using Karasek's Job Content Questionnaire (JCQ), psychosocial stress using Psychosocial Well-being Index, Short Form(PWI-SF) and fatigue using Multidimensional Fatigue Scale (MFS). The questionnaire also included sociodemographic data, job-related factors, and health-related behaviors. We collected questionnaires from 104 male firefighters, 35 male emergency medical service (EMS) rescuers and 28 male administrators in three different municipal fire departments in Busan from September 23 to October 2, 2003. Chi-square test and multiple logistic regression analysis were used to examine the job stressors using SPSS (10.0). The statistical significance level was 0.05.
Both PWI-SF and MFS scores increased in the order of EMS rescuers, firefighters and administrators. Using multiple logistic regression analysis, sleep insufficiency showed statistically significant effects on both PWI-SF (OR=5.19, 95% CI=2.14~12.57) and MFS (OR=2.13, 95% CI=1.02~4.46). Alcohol drinking (OR=0.28, 95% CI=0.10~0.75) had a protective effect on MFS. The odds ratios in job loss and shiftwork were 3.44 (95% CI=1.25~9.42) and 8.69 (95% CI=2.87~26.36) on MFS. Monthly income showed a statistically significant effect on both MFS (OR=5.09, 95% CI=1.34~19.41) and sleep sufficiency (OR=7.27, 95% CI=1.62~32.61). However, there was no statistical significance among the JCQ items on either PWI-SF or MFS.
Firefighters in this study had potential psychosocial stress and moderate level of fatigue scale. As a causal factor for these outcomes, sleep insufficiency and job loss, lower monthly income and shiftwork were statistically significantly, which confirm the need for countermeasures to ensure optimal sleep time and to raise monthly income. Further follow-up study using more in-depth interview is also required to identify the effects of both alcohol consumption and job loss.


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