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Sangchul Roh 13 Articles
Ethylene oxide burn in a chemical plant worker: a case report
Youngwook Kim, Sangchul Roh
Ann Occup Environ Med 2021;33:e23.   Published online July 1, 2021
AbstractAbstract AbstractAbstract in Korean PDFPubReaderePub

Ethylene oxide is a chemical agent that is widely used for the sterilization of medical equipment and the manufacture of chemicals. Although ethylene oxide burns are frequent and can be severe, many workers are unaware of their risks.

Case presentation

A 45-year-old man presented with painful exudative lesions on the right foot after working with ethylene oxide solution in a chemical plant. The patient stated that the solution had percolated through his shoe and he had not washed the solution off for 5 hours. Symptoms, including pain and erythema, appeared after a delay of more than 12 hours from the time of initial exposure. The skin of his right foot was irrigated with saline and covered with a wet dressing and topical antibiotics in the emergency department. The patient was followed up for 4 weeks at an outpatient clinic.


Ethylene oxide causes skin irritation, dermatitis, and burns in severe cases. Since skin reactions can be delayed for more than 12 hours after exposure, it is important to remove contaminated shoes and clothing immediately and wash the exposed area even in the absence of symptoms. It is also necessary to provide the appropriate protective equipment and educate workers on the dangers of ethylene oxide.

화학플랜트에서 발생한 산화에틸렌에 의한 화학화상 1예
서론: 산화에틸렌은 의료기기 살균 및 화학제품 제조에 널리 사용되는 물질이다. 산화에틸렌에 의한 화상은 빈번히 발생하며 심각한 합병증을 가져올 수 있지만 많은 근로자들은 그 위험을 인지하지 못하고 있다.
45세 남성이 화학 공장에서 산화 에틸렌 용액으로 작업 한 후 오른발에 통증을 동반한 삼출성 병변을 보였다. 산화에틸렌용액이 근로자의 신발에 스며 들었고 5 시간 동안 용액을 씻어 내지 않았다. 통증 및 홍반을 포함한 증상은 초기 노출 시점으로부터 12 시간 이상 지연된 후 나타났다. 응급실 내원하여 병변 부위 식염수 세척 및 드레싱, 국소 항생제로 치료를 받았다. 그 후 4 주 동안 외래진료 및 추적 관찰 받았다.
산화 에틸렌은 피부 자극, 피부염을 유발하며 심한 경우 화상을 일으킨다. 피부 반응은 노출 후 12 시간 이상 지연 될 수 있으므로 노출 즉시 오염된 신발과 의복을 벗고, 증상이 없는 경우에도 노출 부위를 씻어내는 것이 중요하다. 또한 적절한 보호 장비를 제공하고 작업자에게 산화에틸렌의 위험에 대해 교육 해야 한다.
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Severe chemical burns related to dermal exposure to herbicide containing glyphosate and glufosinate with surfactant in Korea
Jihyun Shin, Namkyu Lim, Sangchul Roh
Ann Occup Environ Med 2020;32:e28.   Published online July 20, 2020
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

Glyphosate and glufosinate use widely used as herbicide ingredients. There have been several reported cases of chemical burns caused by dermal exposure to glyphosate-containing herbicide, and patients in these cases were discharged without fatal complications. There were no cases of severe symptoms due to non-oral exposure of glufosinate-containing herbicides. Here, we report a case of fatality accompanied with severe chemical burns in an 81-year-old man who did not wash his skin for more than 48 hours after dermal exposure to herbicide containing glyphosate and glufosinate with surfactant (HGlyGluS).

Case presentation

An 81-year-old male with no underlying disease was admitted to the emergency department (ED). He had sprayed HGlyGluS with a manual knapsack sprayer 3 days ago and had not wash away the herbicide. On arrival, he was drowsy and had multiple severe corrosive skin lesions. Skin necrosis (10 × 15 cm) on the right shoulder and skin lesions with subcutaneous fat exposure (15 × 20 cm) on the right thigh were observed. Although he was treated including continuous renal replacement therapy, antibiotic apply, debridement operations, and so on, he was unable to recover and expired.


We suggest that prolonged dermal exposure to HGlyGluS induces fatality. Further studies including prolonged dermal exposure and ingredients of surfactants should be carried out. Also, it is necessary to educate farmers that it is very important to wash immediately after dermal exposure to pesticide.


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  • Prospective applications of chitosan and chitosan-based nanoparticles formulations in sustainable agricultural practices
    Bhoomika M. Karamchandani, Sunil G. Dalvi, Mahima Bagayatkar, Ibrahim M. Banat, Surekha K. Satpute
    Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology.2024; 58: 103210.     CrossRef
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A study of risk factors for the possible cases of acute occupational pesticide poisoning of orchard farmers in some parts of south Chungcheong province
Jihyun Shin, Sangchul Roh
Ann Occup Environ Med 2019;31:e35.   Published online December 10, 2019
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

The objective of the present study is to identify differences in the prevalence of acute occupational pesticide poisoning across Korean orchard farmers' farming characteristics and the risk factors that have an effect on acute occupational pesticide poisoning.


For 3 years (2014, 2015, and 2017), a questionnaire survey was conducted on 394 orchard farmers in some parts of south Chungcheong Province in relation to pesticide poisoning. 323 orchard farmers who responded to acute occupational pesticide poisoning were included for final analysis. With acute occupational pesticide poisoning as the dependent variable, a χ2 test and a multiple logistic regression analysis were conducted.


The results of the prevalence of acute occupational pesticide poisoning across farming characteristics showed that the group wearing 4 or more pesticide personal protective equipment (PPE) had a lower prevalence of acute occupational pesticide poisoning than the group wearing 3 or less pesticide PPE (p < 0.05). Furthermore, an analysis by area of fruit farming revealed that the group with more than 12,000m2 in the area of fruit farming had a higher prevalence of acute occupational pesticide poisoning (p < 0.05). Orchard farmers mainly use a speed sprayer to spray pesticides, and the speed sprayer can be categorized by presence of cabin. The analysis of the prevalence of acute occupational pesticide poisoning by speed sprayer's cabin existence found that existence of speed sprayer's cabin did not show a statistically significant difference in the prevalence of acute occupational pesticide poisoning.


The present study analyzed the prevalence of acute occupational pesticide poisoning depending on the speed sprayer's cabin existence and found no significant difference. The fact that famers using the cabinless style speed sprayer shows a higher percentage in wearing PPE than those using the cabin style speed sprayer is suggested to elucidate the result. As the first study in Korea which examined the prevalence of acute occupational pesticide poisoning by speed sprayer's cabin existence, the present study proposes the expected effect that increase of wearing pesticide PPE along with employ of speed sprayer's cabin can reduce the prevalence of acute occupational pesticide poisoning among orchard farmers.


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  • Inadequate Personal Protective Equipment Factors and Odds Related to Acute Pesticide Poisoning: A Meta-Analysis Report
    Dorothy Nguyen, Candace S. J. Tsai
    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.2024; 21(3): 257.     CrossRef
  • The usage of insecticides and their health impacts on farmers and farmworkers: a scoping review
    Nishikanta Kumar, Joanna Bohatko-Naismith, Kavitha Palaniappan, Valerie Nie
    Journal of Public Health.2023;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • Occupational factors affecting the decline in pulmonary function among male farmers using occupational pesticide in Gyeonggi-do, South Korea
    Sooyeon Lee, Jiyoung Han, Seung Hee Woo, Soo-Jin Lee
    Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine.2022;[Epub]     CrossRef
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The relationship between spontaneous abortion and female workers in the semiconductor industry
Heechan Kim, Ho-Jang Kwon, Jeongbae Rhie, Sinye Lim, Yun-Dan Kang, Sang-Yong Eom, Hyungryul Lim, Jun-Pyo Myong, Sangchul Roh
Ann Occup Environ Med 2017;29:49.   Published online October 9, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

This study investigated the relationship between job type and the risk for spontaneous abortion to assess the reproductive toxicity of female workers in the semiconductor industry.


A questionnaire survey was administered to current female workers of two semiconductor manufacturing plants in Korea. We included female workers who became pregnant at least 6 months after the start of their employment with the company. The pregnancy outcomes of 2,242 female workers who experienced 4,037 pregnancies were investigated. Personnel records were used to assign the subjects to one of three groups: fabrication process workers, packaging process workers, and clerical workers. To adjust for within-person correlations between pregnancies, a generalized estimating equation was used. The logistic regression analysis was limited to the first pregnancy after joining the company to satisfy the assumption of independence among pregnancies. Moreover, we stratified the analysis by time period (pregnancy in the years prior to 2008 vs. after 2009) to reflect differences in occupational exposure based on semiconductor production periods.


The risk for spontaneous abortion in female semiconductor workers was not significantly higher for fabrication and packaging process workers than for clerical workers. However, when we stratified by time period, the odds ratio for spontaneous abortion was significantly higher for packaging process workers who became pregnant prior to 2008 when compared with clerical workers (odds ratio: 2.21; 95% confidence interval: 1.01–4.81).


When examining the pregnancies of female semiconductor workers that occurred prior to 2008, packaging process workers showed a significantly higher risk for spontaneous abortions than did clerical workers. The two semiconductor production periods in our study (prior to 2008 vs. after 2009) had different automated processes, chemical exposure levels, and working environments. Thus, the conditions prior to 2008 may have increased the risk for spontaneous abortions in packaging process workers in the semiconductor industry.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (10.1186/s40557-017-0204-x) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.


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  • Associations between maternal occupational exposures and pregnancy outcomes among Chinese nurses: a nationwide study
    Zhaoqiang Jiang, Junfei Chen, Lingfang Feng, Mingying Jin, Shuang Liu, Lina Wang, Jing Wang, Changyan Yu, Jianhong Zhou, Yan Ye, Liangying Mei, Wenlan Yu, Xing Zhang, Jianlin Lou
    Reproductive Health.2023;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • Prevention of occupational diseases from chemicals due to development of the semiconductor industry
    Kyung-Taek Rim
    Toxicology and Environmental Health Sciences.2022; 14(1): 1.     CrossRef
  • Health Status, Health-Related Factors and Work Environment in Korean Semiconductor Workers between 1984–2012: A Qualitative Study and a Cross-Sectional Study
    Kyungsik Kim, Ho Kyung Sung, Jieun Jang, Eunyoung E. Suh, Kwan Lee, Sue K. Park
    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.2022; 19(10): 6286.     CrossRef
  • In missed abortion the decrease of IGF-1 down-regulates PI3K/AKT signaling pathway reducing the secretion of progesterone and β-hCG
    Weitao Liang, Tianyuan Zhu, Na Tan, Guangzhuang Jing, Li'ao Xie, Yuhui Dang, Zhilan Li
    Growth Hormone & IGF Research.2022; 65: 101479.     CrossRef
  • Non-Motherhood between Obligation and Choice: Statistical Analysis Based on Permutation Tests of Spontaneous and Induced Abortion Rates in the Italian Context
    Angela Alibrandi, Lavinia Merlino, Claudio Guarneri, Ylenia Ingrasciotta, Agata Zirilli
    Healthcare.2022; 10(8): 1514.     CrossRef
  • Pregnancy, childbirth, and puerperium outcomes in female firefighters in Korea
    Juha Park, Yeon-Soon Ahn, Min-Gi Kim
    Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine.2020;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • Semiconductor Work and Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes Associated with Male Workers: A Retrospective Cohort Study
    Kyung-Hwa Choi, Hyunjoo Kim, Myoung-Hee Kim, Ho-Jang Kwon
    Annals of Work Exposures and Health.2019; 63(8): 870.     CrossRef
  • Semiconductor Work and the Risk of Spontaneous Abortion: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
    Kyungsik Kim, Ho Sung, Kwan Lee, Sue Park
    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.2019; 16(23): 4626.     CrossRef
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Development of Quality Assessment Domain and its Priority in Korea's Occupational Health Services: A Special Health Examination
Yoomi Chae, Sangchul Roh, Sukchul Jung
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2010;22(3):210-220.   Published online September 30, 2010
AbstractAbstract PDF
OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to develop a quality assessment domain and to determine its priority in Korea's Occupational Health Services.
We designed the study in a 3 phase approach. The first phase of the process encompasses making a list of measures for quality assessments by a thorough review of the literature. The second phase emcompassed the development of inclusion and priority criteria. The third phase of survey development was conducted during August 2008 and a questionnaire was administered to occupational health physicians covering 58 subjects.
Finally we investigated 40 quality assessment measures, including 2 for structural domain, 17 for process domain, 21 for result domain in occupational health service. The 40 quality assessment measures divided into 2 parts. The early quality assessment part was 14 measures that including 8 measures for process domains and 5 measures for result domains.
We investigate a quality assessment domain and determined the priorities of the occupational health service in Korea.


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  • Study to EstablishOjeok-san(Five Accumulation Powder:Wu Ji San) Administration Criteria and a Questionnaire to Evaluate the Holistic Effects ofOjeok-sanon Patients with Low Back Pain
    Eun-Jung Kim, Dongwoo Nam, Byung-Jin Ahn, Seung-Deok Lee, Jae-Dong Lee, Kap-Sung Kim
    The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine.2013; 19(11): 891.     CrossRef
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Comparing the Characteristics of CTS by the Frequency of Exposure to Wrist-burdening Work: CTS Surveillance System, 2001-2004
Sukchul Jung, Yoomi Chae, Sangchul Roh
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2010;22(2):85-94.   Published online June 30, 2010
AbstractAbstract PDF
OBJECTIVE: We investigated the differences among the patients who were diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome according to the frequency of exposure to wrist-burdening work by using carpal tunnel syndrome surveillance system.
The study subjects were a total of 855 patients from 1,017 patients who were diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome in 9 university hospitals from May, 2001 to October, 2004, and we excluded 161 patients who had no clear information for their occupational status. The subjects were classified into three groups according to four types of wrist-burdening work: 1) repetitive use of wrists, 2) inappropriate posture of the hand, 3) use of vibrating tools, and 4) overpressure work on the hand or palm, - as defined in the operational definition by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). The subjects with two or more types of wrist-burdening work were classified as 'high risk group', the subjects with one type of wrist-burdening work were classified as 'intermediate risk group', and the subjects with none of the types of wrist-burdening work were classified as 'low risk group'. We used chi-square test, Fisher's exact test and ANOVA for comparing the characteristics according to the 3 subgroup.
The mean age in the high risk group was the lowest(53 years), and there was a significant difference among the groups for the mean age(p<0.05). The high risk group included the most males with 39(22.0%). The subjects in the high risk group had significantly more jobs in agriculture.forestry.fisheries, factory work, and simple labor and less comorbidities, including diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis(p<0.05). The subjects in the intermediate risk group had a higher proportion of service workers. There were significant differences for the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome according to the frequency of exposure to wrist-burdening work. The subjects in the high risk group showed the highest proportion of work-related aggravation of symptoms with 88(76.5%) and the highest mean number of days absent from work(6 days) as related to carpal tunnel syndrome.
Worker in agriculture.forestry.fisheries, factory work, and simple labor showed significantly more frequent carpal tunnel syndrome, and so management strategies are needed to prevent them from developing carpal tunnel syndrome.


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  • Distribution of age, gender, and occupation among individuals with carpal tunnel syndrome based on the National Health Insurance data and National Employment Insurance data
    Il-Ho Lee, Young-Ki Kim, Dong-Mug Kang, Se-Yeong Kim, In-Ah Kim, Eun-Mi Kim
    Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine.2019;[Epub]     CrossRef
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    GyeongAe Seomun, Sung-Bom Pyun, Jung-Ah Lee, Eun-Jung Kim, Wonjung Noh
    Work.2016; 53(4): 909.     CrossRef
  • Prevalence and Related Characteristics of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Among Orchardists in the Gyeongsangnam-do Region
    Ho-Yeon Jung, Min Sik Kong, Seung Hun Lee, Chang Han Lee, Min-Kyun Oh, Eun Shin Lee, Heesuk Shin, Chul Ho Yoon
    Annals of Rehabilitation Medicine.2016; 40(5): 902.     CrossRef
  • Work-related musculoskeletal disorders in Korean farmers
    Chul Gab Lee
    Journal of the Korean Medical Association.2012; 55(11): 1054.     CrossRef
  • Work-related diseases of agricultural workers in South Korea
    Sangchul Roh
    Journal of the Korean Medical Association.2012; 55(11): 1063.     CrossRef
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Cervical HIVD Related to Long-Term Whole Body Vibration and Awkward Posture
Jong Do Jeong, Sangchul Roh
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2009;21(4):396-405.   Published online December 31, 2009
AbstractAbstract PDF
The relationship between whole body vibration and awkward neck posture to cervical herniated intervertebral disc (HIVD) has been rarely reported. In this report, we present the case of an overhead crane operator, that had no known history of neck injury, but had long-term exposure to whole body vibration and improper neck posture, who developed cervical HIVD, which raises concerns over the possibility of occupational causation.
A patient, operating an overhead crane since Dec 26th 1986, began to suffer from a neck pain and developed cervical HIVD in 1998. He had been frequently treated in an outpatient clinic, but the symptom was not improve. Eventually, he got HIVD surgery in Sep 6th 2007, and then the symptom was relieved. There were 4 groups and 3 shift system in the patient's overhead crane operation. He worked eight hours a day and 5 days a week. Actual crane work time was about 6 hours a day. The crane was located at 20 meters above the work field so that the crane operator had to look downward and the neck was bent by more than 20degrees for nearly the entire working day. Daily vibration exposure was expressed in terms of an 8-hour energy-equivalent frequency-weighted acceleration magnitude (A(8)) and vibration dose value (VDV). The daily A(8) was measured to be 0.23 m/s2 and the daily VDV was 7.4 m/s(1.75). Although these levels were below the action level recommended by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and European Commission (EC), it cannot be ignored that whole body vibration in addition to an awkward neck posture may be related to an increased risk for neck disease. A long-term awkward posture can adversely impact the prevalence of neck disease. In addition, occupational exposure to whole body vibration along with an awkward neck posture seems to exacerbate these effects.
An overhead crane operator may have acquired cervical HIVD due to an occupational causation. Therefore, to elucidate the causal relationship of an improper neck posture and whole body vibration to neck diseases, further investigations need to be conducted for lager sample of overhead crane operators that were exposed to a long-term awkward neck posture and whole body vibration.


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  • Retrospective Statistical Analysis of Patients with Disc Herniation Treated with Cervical or Lumbar Decompression Treatment
    Ye Ji Lee, Jeong il Kim, Ju Hyun Jeon, Eunseok Kim, Young Il Kim
    Journal of Korean Medicine.2021; 42(2): 1.     CrossRef
  • Trend of Human Vibration Research in Korea
    Hee-Sok Park
    Journal of the Ergonomics Society of Korea.2013; 32(4): 293.     CrossRef
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Effects of Cardiovascular Risk Factors on Hearing Loss
Jong Do Jeong, Hyunjoo Kim, Jae Yun Jung, Sangchul Roh, Ho Jang Kwon, Eun Jung Kim, Moo Yong Rhee
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2009;21(3):225-234.   Published online September 30, 2009
AbstractAbstract PDF
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effects of cardiovascular risk factors on hearing loss by vascular damage, such as in atherosclerosis.
This study was conducted as a part of a study for the health effects of air-craft noise from 13 July 2005 to 13 January 2006. In this study 810 residents were selected from 13 villages in Pyeongteck City. Participants in this study were stratified by gender. Individuals, who had conductive hearing loss, were excluded form this investigation. Cardiovascular risk factors were divided into medical risk factors (mean arterial pressure (MAP), blood glucose, triglyceride) and behavioral risk factors (smoking, alcohol). The degree of atherosclerosis was determined by aPWV. Pure tone air conduction hearing thresholds were obtained at frequencies of 1000 and 4000 Hz. As for statistic data analysis, multiple linear regression models were used to evaluate the relationship between factors on hearing loss and aortic pulse wave velocity. Structural Equation Modeling was used to analyze the relationship between factors.
According to multiple linear regression models among males, age, aircraft noise, aPWV were associated with hearing loss. In females, age and aircraft noise were associated with hearing loss. Thus cardiovascular risk factors were not directly involved in hearing loss. However, cardiovascular risk factors such as alcohol, MAP in males and MAP, blood glucose in females were statistically significant (p<0.05) on aPWV according to multiple linear regression modeling. According to analysis of structural equation modeling, an indirect relationship was observed between cardiovascular risk factors and hearing loss by atherosclerosis, which was measured by aPWV. In males, medical risk factors were significantly associated with atherosclerosis (beta+/-SE: 0.07+/-0.03, p=0.03). Atherosclerosis was also associated with hearing loss (beta+/-SE: 2.01+/-0.89, p=0.03). In females, medial risk factors was significantly associated with atherosclerosis (beta+/-SE: 0.08+/-0.02, p=0.00), but atherosclerosis was not significantly associated with hearing loss.
Although noise exposure is a known major threat to hearing loss, understanding of cardiovascular risk factors associated with hearing loss also take a significant role in preventing hearing loss. Therefore, scrutinization of the etiologic factors for hearing disability may introduce a detailed strategy to abate the prevalence of hearing loss.

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Relationship of Aircraft-noise and the Result of Audiological Evaluation Among Residents Near U.S. Military Airbases in Pyeongtaek City
Jong Do Jeong, Hyunjoo Kim, Jae Yun Jung, Sangchul Roh, Ho Jang Kwon
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2009;21(2):154-164.   Published online June 30, 2009
AbstractAbstract PDF
Objective: To investigate the relationship between aircraft noise and the results of audiological evaluation on tinnitus and hearing loss among residents near United States military air-bases in Pyeongtaek city.
Residents (n=492) exposed to aircraft noise were selected from eight villages near U.S. military air-bases (K-55 and K-6) in Pyeongtaek city. Residents (n=200) from five villages located at least 10 km away from the air-base were selected for the control group. All participants completed a questionnaire on tinnitus and audiological evaluations included pure tone audiometry (PTA) and distortion product otoacoustic emissions (DPOAE). Statistical analyses involved a general linear model and multiple logistic regression stratified by gender and data was adjusted by age, educational level, stress response index and noise type (i.e. military, agricultural and occupational).
The equivalent noise levels (Leq) in the vicinity of the air-field were 73.4~81.5 dB (A). Tinnitus prevalence was 47.3% and odds ratio (OR) was 2.06 (95% confidence interval (CI): 1.09~3.88) among noise-exposed males. Tinnitus prevalence was 50.8% and OR was 1.97(95% CI: 1.17~3.30) among noise-exposed females. Tinnitus handicap scores among exposed group were significantly higher in functional, emotional, and catastrophic subclasses (p<0.001). PTA revealed hearing thresholds among the exposed group of 0.5 and 1 kHz (male right ear), 0.5 and 1 kHz (female left ear) and 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 kHz on female right ear that were significantly higher than those of the unexposed group. No significant difference in DPOAE was observed among noise-exposed males. However, significant differences were evident for noise-exposed females at 3175 and 4007 Hz. ORs of right female ears 3175 and 4007 Hz were 1.73(95% CI: 1.01~2.99) and 1.78(95% CI: 1.01~3.15). ORs of left female ears at 3175 Hz and 4007 Hz were 1.92(95% CI: 1.10~3.36) and 2.71(95% CI: 1.49~4.91) CONCLUSIONS: Aircraft noise may adversely affect hearing function and tinnitus.


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  • Occupational Hearing Loss in Korea
    Kyoo Sang Kim
    Journal of Korean Medical Science.2010; 25(Suppl): S62.     CrossRef
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An Outbreak of Acute Beryllium Disease in a Compound Metal Alloy Factory
Hyunjoo Kim, Woo Chul Jeong, Young Koo Jee, Dae Seong Kim, Seong Kyu Kang, Sangchul Roh, Kyutag Cho, Donghyun Kim
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2008;20(1):1-8.   Published online March 31, 2008
AbstractAbstract PDF
We conducted an epidemiological survey to inquire into an outbreak of acute pneumonitis after two reported cases of interstitial lung disease.
The study subjects were 45 workers from a compound metal alloy factory. We reviewed the factory's industrial hygiene data along with the results of a special health examination, including pulmonary function tests, simple chest X-rays, and high resolution computed tomography.
The air concentrations of beryllium ranged from 0.42 microgram/m3 to 112.3 microgram/m3, and the mean concentration of urinary beryllium were 1.53+/-0.79 microgram/g of creatinine in the molding workers, 1.41+/- 0.50 microgram/g of creatinine in the casting workers, and 1.16+/-0.53 microgram/g of creatinine in the sorting workers. The rates for cough (p=0.054), dyspnea (p=0.030), and the use of medical services (p=0.018) were higher in the molding workers than in the non-molding workers. The incidence rate of acute interstitial lung disease was higher for the molding process (32.0%) than for the non-molding process (5.0%) (p=0.012). The time of employment for all patients was prior to December 1st, 2002.
Since most of the patients were molding workers, and all of the patients had worked without a ventilation system, this outbreak of acute interstitial lung disease was regarded as acute beryllium disease. Although the direct cause of the epidemic was the beryllium fumes, the fundamental cause was improper control of the work environment. Therefore, the means for preventing avoidable epidemics of occupational diseases are discussed.


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  • Effects of Beryllium on Human Serum Immunoglobulin and Lymphocyte Subpopulation
    Ki-Woong Kim, DaeSeong Kim, Yong Lim Won, Seong-Kyu Kang
    Toxicological Research.2013; 29(2): 115.     CrossRef
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Pulmonary Function Changes of Ozone Exposed Workers in a Film Manufacturing Company
Yoomi Chae, Hyunjoo Kim, Sangchul Roh
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2007;19(3):215-222.   Published online September 30, 2007
AbstractAbstract PDF
To investigate the pulmonary function changes of ozone exposure in Corona and Slitter workers exposed to an ozone level ranging from 0.022~0.061 ppm.
Forty-two subjects were exposed for 8hrs to ozone every day. We perfomed pulmonary function testing immediately before and after work and self-administered, portable peak flow meter measurements were self-conducted by the workers over a 5-day (Monday to Friday) period.
Ozone concentrations in the workplace ranging from 0.050~0.061 ppm at Corona and 0.022~0.023 ppm at Slitter in 2006. A small decrement in forced-vital capacity were observed among Corona workers from 93.9% to 91.3% (p=0.012) and also in employment duration below ten years. We found no significant differences in before and after FVC and FEV1 among Slitter workers. All daily (Monday to Friday) peak expiratory flow rates declined in magnitude after two days of ozone exposure, compared with first day exposure.
We concluded that daily ozone exposure in the workplace slightly decreased pulmonary function and that PEFR variability is greatest on the 2nd day of ozone exposure.


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  • A Study of Ozone Variations in a Semiconductor Fabrication Facility and Office Related to the Ozone Concentration in the Outdoor Air
    Ji-Eun Lee, Myung-Koo Jung, Kwang-Min Choi
    Journal of Korean Society of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene.2016; 26(2): 188.     CrossRef
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Relationship Between Self-reported Symptoms of Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders and Health Related Quality of Life
Jin Wook Bahk, Sangchul Roh
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2007;19(2):156-163.   Published online June 30, 2007
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To explore the relationship between symptoms of work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) and health-related, quality of life (QoL).
WMSDs symptoms were measured by a self-assessed questionnaire on musculoskeletal disorders symptoms and health-related QoL was measured by SF-36. Analysis of variance and logistic regression were used to analyze the relationship between WMSDs and health-related QoL.
The prevalence of WMSDs was 64.6% in the upper limbs, 44.0% in the low back, and 39.6% in the lower limbs. Subjects with musculoskeletal symptoms had significantly lower scores on all SF-36 dimensions than those without symptoms among all body parts. Compared with the control, the case's odds ratio was higher in all SF-36 dimensions, especially for physical functioning.
WMSDs have a negative effect on health-related QoL. The essential prevention of WMSDs requires intervention for health promotion in manufacturing workers.


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Relationship between organophosphate and pyrethroid pesticides and metabolic syndrome in Korean farmers
Sungbeom Kim, Sangchul Roh, Min-Gi Kim, Jeongbae Rhie, Jisue Yoon, Sun-In Moon
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine ;e23.   Published online August 5, 2024
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The global use of pesticides steadily increased until the early 2010s. Pesticides play a significant role in agriculture in Korea. Metabolic syndrome is more prevalent in rural areas than in urban areas. This study explored the potential association between organophosphate and pyrethroid pesticide exposure and metabolic syndrome.
This study enrolled 1,317 individuals who participated in the Pesticide Exposure and Intoxication Study conducted by the Dankook University Hospital Center for Farmers’ Safety and Health from 2014 to 2019. Urinary levels of dimethylphosphate, dimethylthiophosphat, diethylphosphate, and diethylthiophosphate were measured to assess organophosphate pesticide exposure and urinary levels cis-3-(2,2-dichlorovinyl)-2,2-dimethylcyclopropane carboxylic acid, trans-3-(2,2-dichlorovinyl)-2,2-dimethylcyclopropane carboxylic acid, cis-3-(2,2-dibromovinyl)-2,2-dimethylcyclopropane carboxylic acid, and 3-phenoxybenzoic acid were measured to assess pyrethroid pesticide exposure.
The odds ratio for the 4th quartile group of organophosphate metabolites concentration was 1.48 (95% confidence interval: 1.06–2.09) compared to the 1st quartile group after adjustment for general factors. In addition, a positive trend was observed across the quartile groups of organophosphate metabolites concentration. A positive trend was noted across the quartile groups of organophosphate metabolites in males, while no significant association was observed in females. Furthermore, no significant associations were observed between metabolic syndrome and pyrethroid metabolites concentration.
A positive correlation was observed between the prevalence of metabolic syndrome and the concentrations of urinary organophosphate metabolites, consistent with previous research finding. This association may be attributed to the action of organophosphates as acetylcholinesterase inhibitors, stimulating beta cells in the islets of Langerhans. This can lead to alterations in lipid metabolism and insulin resistance, ultimately leading to metabolic syndrome development. Metabolic syndrome is a major contributor to cardiovascular disease; therefore, it is necessary to identify the risk factors unique to rural areas, such as pesticide exposure.

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Ann Occup Environ Med : Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
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