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June-Hee Lee 14 Articles
Association between receiving work communications outside of work hours via telecommunication devices and work-related headaches and eyestrain: a cross-sectional analysis of the 6th Korean Working Conditions Survey
Yoon-Soo Jang, Jae-Han Lee, Na-Rae Lee, Dong-Woo Kim, June-Hee Lee, Kyung-Jae Lee
Ann Occup Environ Med 2023;35:e50.   Published online December 1, 2023
AbstractAbstract AbstractAbstract in Korean PDFPubReaderePub

The rise in telecommuting or non-face-to-face work owing to the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic has fueled conversations regarding the “right to disconnect.” Although evidence suggests that receiving work-related communications through telecommunication devices outside of work hours may lead to various symptoms and illnesses, limited research has been undertaken on these symptoms. This study therefore aims to investigate the correlation between receiving work communications through telecommunication devices after work hours and the occurrence of work-related headaches and eyestrain in full-time, non-shift white-collar workers.


This study used data from the 6th Korean Working Conditions Survey. The frequency of using telecommunication devices for work purposes outside of working hours was divided into five categories: “Every day,” “Several times a week,” “Several times a month,” “Rarely,” and “Never.” Work-related headaches and eyestrain were categorized based on a “yes” or “no” response to the survey questions. Descriptive statistics, χ2 tests, and multiple logistic regression analyses were performed using SPSS 27.0.


After adjusting for sex, age, income level, education, occupation, workplace size, work hours, and sleep disorders, the odds ratio (OR) of work-related headaches and eyestrain based on frequency of telecommunication device usage were as follows: “rarely” (OR: 1.292; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.111–1.503), “several times a month” (OR: 1.551; 95% CI: 1.249–1.926), “several times a week” (OR: 1.474; 95% CI: 1.217–1.784), and “every day” (OR: 1.548; 95% CI: 1.321–1.813).


Employees who use telecommunication devices for work after regular hours are more susceptible to experiencing work-related headaches and eyestrain compared to those who do not. However, there is a dearth of research examining the physical and mental health impacts of using telecommunication devices for after-hours work. Furthermore, the existing preventative measures in Korea are insufficient. Consequently, it is imperative to develop effective measures and conduct additional research to address this issue.

근무시간 외 통신기기를 통한 업무 연락 수신과 업무 관련 두통/눈의 피로의 연관성
코로나19의 영향으로 재택근무, 비대면 업무가 증가하면서 “연결차단권”에 대한 논의가 계속되고 있다. 근무시간 외에 통신기기를 통한 업무 연락 수신은 다양한 증상과 질병을 유발할 수 있을 것으로 생각된다. 그러나 각각의 증상에 대한 연구는 제한적이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 교대근무를 하지 않는 정규직 사무직 근로자를 대상으로 근무시간 외 통신기기를 통한 업무 연락 수신과 업무 관련 두통/눈의 피로 발생 간의 상관관계를 조사하고자 한다.
제6차 한국 근로환경조사의 데이터를 바탕으로 근무시간 외 업무 목적으로 통신기기를 사용하는 빈도를 5가지 항목: "매일", "일주일에 여러 번", "한 달에 여러 번", "드물게”, "전혀 없었음"으로 나누어 조사하였다. 업무 관련 두통/눈의 피로는 "예" 또는 "아니오" 응답에 따라 두 가지 범주로 분류하였다. SPSS 27.0을 사용하여 기술 통계, 카이제곱 검정, 다중회귀분석을 시행하였고, 근무시간 외 업무 목적의 통신기기 사용 빈도에 따른 업무 관련 두통/눈의 피로의 odds ratio를 구하였다.
근무시간 외 업무 목적의 통신기기 사용 빈도에 따른 업무 관련 두통/눈의 피로의 odds ratio는 “드물게”(odds ratio [OR]:1.292, 95% confidence interval [CI]:1.111-1. 503), “한 달에 여러 번”(OR:1.551, 95% CI:1.249-1.926), “일주일에 여러 번”(OR:1.474, 95% CI:1.217-1.784), “매일”(OR:1.548, 95% CI:1.321-1.813)로 나타났다.
근무시간 외에 통신기기를 통해 업무 관련 연락을 받는 근로자는 그렇지 않은 근로자에 비해 업무 관련 두통/눈의 피로의 위험이 더 크다. 그러나 근무 시간 외 통신기기를 통한 업무 연락 수신이 근로자의 신체적, 정신적 건강에 미치는 영향을 조사한 연구는 제한적이며, 관련 예방 및 중재 조치 또한 미흡하다. 따라서 해당 분야에 대한 후속 연구 및 실효성 있는 대책 마련이 필요할 것으로 생각된다.


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  • Managing the Right to Disconnect—A Scoping Review
    John Hopkins
    Sustainability.2024; 16(12): 4970.     CrossRef
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Relationship between workplace violence and work-related depression/anxiety, separating the types of perpetrators: a cross-sectional study using data from the fourth and fifth Korean Working Conditions Surveys (KWCS)
Na-Rae Lee, Sang-Woo Kim, Jae-Han Joo, Jae-Han Lee, June-Hee Lee, Kyung-Jae Lee
Ann Occup Environ Med 2022;34:e13.   Published online June 10, 2022
AbstractAbstract AbstractAbstract in Korean PDFSupplementary MaterialPubReaderePub

Work is an inseparable element of a person’s life, and violence in the workplace has various effects on individual workers and companies. While most studies have focused on specific industries, very few studies have investigated the influence of workplace violence by co-workers. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the association between workplace violence and work-related depression/anxiety in various occupations by differentiating the perpetrators of violence as co-workers and clients.


This study was conducted based on data from the 4th and 5th Korean Working Conditions Surveys (KWCS). The experience of workplace violence was classified in terms of the perpetrator: workplace violence by co-workers and that by clients. Work-related depression and anxiety were assessed using questions about health problems related to depression and anxiety and whether the problems were related to work. Descriptive statistics, χ2 tests, and multiple logistic regression analyses were performed using the SPSS 26.0.


After adjusting for sociodemographic characteristics (age, education, income, subjective health status) and occupational characteristics (occupation, weekly working hours, type of employment, size of workplace, and shift work), male workers with experience of workplace violence by co-workers were found to be at a higher risk of work-related depression/anxiety (odds ratio [OR], 11.52; 95% confidence interval [CI], 8.65–15.36). The same was confirmed for female workers (OR, 10.89; 95% CI, 7.90–15.02).


Employees who experienced workplace violence from co-workers were found to be more vulnerable to work-related depression/anxiety. Continuous contact between the victim and the perpetrator may occur, and the possibility of a secondary assault can frighten the victim. Appropriate prevention and intervention measures that focus on the perpetrators of violence are needed.

가해자 유형별 작업장 폭력과 업무 관련 우울/불안의 연관성
작업장 폭력은 근로환경에서 타인에게 의도적으로 상해, 사망, 정신적 손상, 발달장애 또는 결핍을 일으키는 행위나 위협을 가하는 것으로, 근로자의 신체적·정신적 건강에 부정적 영향을 미치며 기업의 생산성을 저해한다. 작업장 폭력에 대한 대다수의 연구는 특정 직종에 초점을 맞추고 있어 직장 동료에 의해 내부에서 발생하는 작업장 폭력의 영향이 잘 반영되지 않을 수 있다. 본 연구를 통해 가해자 유형별 업무 관련 우울/불안의 연관성을 비교‧확인하고자 한다.
제 4차 및 제 5차 근로환경조사를 바탕으로, 만 18세 이상 피고용자 55,201 명에서 작업장 폭력에 대한 경험과 그 가해자 및 업무 관련 우울/불안 유무를 분석하였다. SPSS 26.0을 통해 기술통계, 카이제곱검정 및 다중로짓회귀분석을 시행했고, 직장 동료 혹은 고객에 의해 작업장 폭력을 경험한 근로자에서 작업장 폭력을 경험하지 않은 근로자에 비해 업무 관련 우울/불안이 있을 위험에 대한 Odds ratio [OR]를 구하였다.
성별을 막론하여 직장 동료 혹은 고객에 의해 작업장 폭력을 경험한 근로자의 경우 작업장 폭력을 경험하지 않은 근로자에 비해 업무 관련 우울/불안의 빈도가 유의하게 높았다. 작업장 폭력을 경험한 남성 근로자에서 업무 관련 우울/불안에 대한 OR은 가해자가 직장 동료일 경우 11.52 (95% Confidence interval [CI] 8.65-15.36), 고객일 경우 5.06 (95% CI 3.73-6.88)으로 나타났으며, 여성 근로자의 경우에도 마찬가지로 가해자가 직장 동료일 경우 OR 10.89 (95% CI 7.90-15.02), 고객일 경우 OR 4.94 (95% CI 3.77-6.47)로 나타났다.
작업장 폭력을 경험한 근로자는 작업장 폭력 경험이 없는 근로자에 비해 업무 관련 우울/불안의 위험이 더 크다. 작업장 폭력의 가해자가 직장 동료일 경우, 피해자와 가해자가 동일 작업장 내에서 지속적으로 접촉하여 폭력에 대한 반복적인 회상 또는 2차 가해 등이 이루어지기 쉬운 환경이 조성되기 때문에 고객에 의한 작업장 폭력에 비해 업무 관련 우울/불안의 위험이 더 크게 나타날 수 있다. 작업장 폭력의 가해자를 고려한 적절한 예방 및 중재 조치가 필요하며, 해당 분야에 대해 후속 연구가 이루어져야 할 것으로 생각된다.


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Comparing risk of depression between day and night/shift workers using the PHQ-9: a study utilizing the 2014, 2016, and 2018 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey data
Jae-Han Lee, Sang-Woo Kim, Jae-Han Joo, Na-Rae Lee, June-Hee Lee, Kyung-Jae Lee
Ann Occup Environ Med 2021;33:e18.   Published online June 9, 2021
AbstractAbstract AbstractAbstract in Korean PDFPubReaderePub

In today's work scenario, the number of shift workers, including those in night shifts, is increasing. Shift work can adversely affect workers' health in the long run, but studies on the relationship between shift work and depression have shown inconsistent results. This study aimed to determine whether the number of night/shift workers at risk of depression, as predicted by the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9), is higher than that of day workers.


This study was conducted based on data from the 6th and 7th Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2014, 2016, and 2018. Work schedules were classified into 2 types: day work and night/shift work. This study used the PHQ-9, a self-reported depression screening test, to identify workers at risk of depression. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 26.0, and descriptive statistics, χ2 test, and logistic regression analysis were employed.


After adjusting for age, educational level, working hours per week, and income, men engaging in night/shift work were at a higher risk of depression (odds ratio [OR]: 1.407, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.937–2.113). The same was confirmed for women (OR: 1.564, 95% CI: 1.176–2.081).


Our results showed that the OR for those engaged in night/shift work with a PHQ-9 score of 10 or more increased. Considering the large volume of psychiatric history and symptoms in Korea, additional research is needed. Additionally, further discussion on ways to provide realistic help to night/shift workers is warranted.

교대근무 여부에 따른 PHQ-9을 이용한 근로자의 우울증 위험 비교: 2014, 2016 및 2018년 국민건강영양조사를 이용하여
현대 사회에서는 야간 근무를 포함하여 다양한 업무를 수행하는 교대 근무자가 증가하고 있다. 교대 근무는 장기적으로 근로자의 건강에 악영향을 미칠 수 있지만 교대 근무와 우울증의 관계에 대한 연구 결과는 일관성이 없는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구는 PHQ-9로 예측한 우울증에 걸릴 위험이 높은 국내 야간 및 교대 근무 근로자 수가 주간 근로자보다 많은지 여부를 확인하고자 한다.
본 연구는 제 6 차 및 제 7 차 국민 건강 영양 조사 자료 중 2014, 2016년 및 2018년의 자료를 바탕으로 진행되었다. 근무 일정은 주간 근무와 야간 및 교대근무로 구분 하였다. 이 연구는 우울증에 걸릴 위험이 있는 근로자를 결정하기 위해 자가 보고 우울증 선별 검사 인 PHQ-9를 사용하였다. SPSS 23.0을 이용하여 통계 분석을 수행하였고 통계적 방법으로는 기술 통계, 카이 제곱 분석, 로지스틱 회귀 분석을 사용 하였다.
연령, 교육 수준, 주당 근무 시간 및 수입으로 보정 후 분석하였을 때, 야간 및 교대 근무 근로자에서 우울증 위험군에 해당하는 경우가 유의하게 더 높았으며(odds ratio [OR] = 1.407 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.937–2.113)), 이는 여성에서도 마찬가지로 나타났다(odds ratio [OR] = 1.564 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.176–2.081)).
본 연구를 통해 야간 및 교대근무 근로자에서 PHQ-9 점수가 10점 이상인 우울증 위험군에 해당하는 경우가 유의하게 높음을 확인할 수 있었다. 현재 한국의 정신 병력과 증상의 유병률을 고려할 때 야간 근로자에게 현실적인 도움을 제공 할 수 있는 방법에 대한 추가 논의와 함께 추가 연구가 필요하다.


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  • Night shift work, genetic risk, and the risk of depression: A prospective cohort study
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    Journal of Affective Disorders.2024; 354: 735.     CrossRef
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Association between sleep duration and impaired fasting glucose according to work type in non-regular workers: data from the first and second year (2016, 2017) of the 7th Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination (KNHANE) (a cross-sectional study)
JaeHan Joo, Jae-Gwang Lee, SangWoo Kim, JaeHan Lee, June-Hee Lee, Kyung-Jae Lee
Ann Occup Environ Med 2020;32:e29.   Published online July 30, 2020
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

We aimed to find the relationship between sleep duration and impaired fasting glucose according to working type in non-regular workers using the 2016 and 2017 Korean National Health And Nutrition Examination (KNHANE, 7th revision).


In the 1st and 2nd year (2016, 2017) of the 7th KNHANE, 16,277 people participated. Minors were excluded because this study was intended for individuals aged 19 years and older. As this study was based on wage workers, unemployment, self-employed workers, employers, unpaid family workers, and those who have insufficient answers such as unknown or no response were excluded. Regular workers were excluded because this study was intended for non-regular workers. Finally, a total of 2,168 people were included in the survey, except those who had been diagnosed with diabetes, had a fasting blood glucose level of 126 mg/dL or higher, or taking hypoglycemic agents or receiving insulin injections. To find the relationship between sleep duration and impaired fasting glucose according to work type in non-regular workers, multiple logistic regression analysis was performed by adjusting the general and occupational characteristics after stratification according to work type. All statistical analyses were performed using the SPSS software (version 26.0; SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA).


In the case of insufficient sleep duration in irregular female workers, the odds ratio (OR) of impaired fasting glucose was statistically insignificant, but in the case of insufficient sleep duration in irregular male workers who have shift work, the odds ratio (OR) of impaired fasting glucose was significantly higher than that of sufficient sleep duration (Model 1, OR: 3.05, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.18–7.90; Model 2, OR: 2.81, 95% CI: 1.08–7.29).


Our findings demonstrate that insufficient sleep duration was associated with an increase in fasting blood glucose levels in non-regular male workers working shifts. This means that non-regular workers are in desperate need for adequate sleep and health care. We hope that our study will help improve the health of non-regular workers and more systematic and prospective follow-up studies will be conducted to further improve the health of non-regular workers.


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    Katarzyna Czyż-Szypenbejl, Wioletta Mędrzycka-Dąbrowska
    Journal of Clinical Medicine.2024; 13(15): 4505.     CrossRef
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    Minhan Yi, Quanming Fei, Ziliang Chen, Wangcheng Zhao, Kun Liu, Shijie Jian, Bin Liu, Meng He, Xiaoli Su, Yuan Zhang
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    Nutrients.2022; 14(14): 2898.     CrossRef
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The exposure level of environmental harmful substances related to the secondhand smoke in Korean non-smoker adults: data from the second Korean National Environmental Health Survey (KoNEHS 2012–2014): a cross-sectional study
Sang Woo Kim, Sung Won Jung, Jae-Gwang Lee, Jae Han Joo, June-Hee Lee, Kyung-Jae Lee
Ann Occup Environ Med 2019;31:e30.   Published online October 15, 2019
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

We aimed to find the exposure level of environmental harmful substances related to the secondhand smoke (SHS) using a nationally representative data of the general population in Korea.


Total 3,533 people were included in this study. We compared the proportion exceeding 95 percentile of the concentrations of harmful substances by sex according to SHS exposure. 16 kinds of substances related to tobacco smoke were analyzed including heavy metals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, volatile organic compounds, and environmental phenol. For 16 kinds of substances, the odds ratios (ORs) for exceeding 95 percentile of each harmful substance were calculated by multiple logistic regression according to SHS exposure. Age, education level, marital status, body mass index, drinking, and exercise were adjusted as covariates. Cotinine level was additionally adjusted to increase reliability of our results.


SHS was associated with high exposure of mercury, methylhippuric acid, fluorene, and cotinine. In women, SHS was associated with mercury, methylhippuric acid, fluorene, and cotinine, while in men, it was associated with cotinine. After adjusting covariates, ORs of blood mercury, methylhippuric acid and hydroxyfluorene in the exposed gruop were greater than that in the non-exposed group. Especially in female, methylhippuric acid and hydroxyfluorene showed consistent result.


Our finding demonstrates that SHS is related to several harmful substances. Therefore, to reduce the health effects of SHS, it is necessary to educate and publicize the risk of SHS. Future studies are necessary to more accurately analyze factors such as exposure frequency, time, and pathway of SHS.


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The association between long working hours and work-related musculoskeletal symptoms of Korean wage workers: data from the fourth Korean working conditions survey (a cross-sectional study)
Jae-Gwang Lee, Guang Hwi Kim, Sung Won Jung, Sang Woo Kim, June-Hee Lee, Kyung-Jae Lee
Ann Occup Environ Med 2018;30:67.   Published online December 3, 2018
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

It has been reported that long working hours are hazardous to the workers’ health. Especially, work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) have been considered as one of the significant health issues in workplace. The objective of this study was to identify the association between long working hours and work-related musculoskeletal symptoms.


The analysis was conducted using data from the Fourth Korean Working Conditions Survey (KWCS). Subjects of this study were 24,783 wage workers and divided into three groups according to the weekly working hours, which were ≤ 40, 41–52 and > 52 h. The relationship between long working hours and work-related musculoskeletal symptoms was analyzed by multivariate logistic regression method after adjusting for general, occupational characteristics including specific working motions or postures and psychosocial factors.


Approximately 18.4% of subjects worked more than 52 h per week and 26.4 and 16.4% of male subjects and 33.0 and 23.4% of female subjects experienced work-related upper and lower limb pains, respectively, over the last 12 months. Moreover, the prevalence of upper and lower limb pain was increased in both genders as the weekly working hours increased. The odds ratios (ORs) of upper limb pain for those working 41–52 h and more than 52 h per week when adjusted for general, occupational characteristics including specific motions or postures and psychosocial factors were 1.36 and 1.40 for male workers and 1.26 and 1.66 for female workers compared to the reference group, respectively. Furthermore, ORs of lower limb pain for the same weekly working hour groups were 1.26 and 1.47 for male workers and 1.20 and 1.47 for female workers, respectively.


Long working hours were significantly related to work-related musculoskeletal symptoms in Korean wage workers and appropriate interventions should be implemented to reduce long working hours that can negatively affect workers’ health.


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The association between perceived discriminations and well-being in Korean employed workers: the 4th Korean working conditions survey
Hee Sung Lee, Guang Hwi Kim, Sung Won Jung, June-Hee Lee, Kyung-Jae Lee, Joo Ja Kim
Ann Occup Environ Med 2017;29:46.   Published online October 2, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

Around the globe, discrimination has emerged as a social issue requiring serious consideration. From the perspective of public health, the impact of discrimination on the health of affected individuals is a subject of great importance. On the other hand, subjective well-being is a key indicator of an individual’s physical, mental, and social health. The present study aims to analyze the relationship between Korean employed workers’ subjective health and their exposure to perceived discrimination.


The Fourth Korean Working Conditions Survey (KWCS, 2014) was conducted on a representative sample of the economically active population aged 15 years or older, who were either employees or self-employed at the time of interview. After removing inconsistent data, 32,984 employed workers were examined in this study. The data included general and occupational characteristics, perceived discrimination, and well-being. Well-being was measured through the WHO-Five index (1998 version). Multiple logistic regression analysis was used to examine the association between perceived discrimination and well-being.


As a group, employed workers who were exposed to discrimination had a significantly higher likelihood of “poor well-being” than their counterparts who were not exposed to discrimination. More specifically, the workers exposed to age discrimination had an odds ratio(OR) of 1.51 (95% CI: 1.36–1.68), workers exposed to discrimination based on educational attainment had an OR of 1.43 (95% CI: 1.26–1.61), and workers exposed to discrimination based on employment type had an OR of 1.68 (95% CI: 1.48–1.91) with respect to poor well-being.

Furthermore, workers exposed to a greater number of discriminatory incidents were also at a higher risk of “poor well-being” than their counterparts who were exposed to fewer such incidents. More specifically, the workers with three exposures to discrimination had an OR of 2.60 (95% CI: 1.92–3.53), the workers with two such exposures had an OR of 1.69 (95% CI: 1.44–1.99), and the workers with one such exposure had an OR of 1.32 (95% CI: 1.20–1.45).


The present study found that discrimination based on age, educational attainment, or employment type put workers at a higher risk of “poor well-being,” and that the greater the exposure to discrimination, the higher the risk of poor well-being.


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Relationship of activities outside work to sleep and depression/anxiety disorders in Korean workers: the 4th Korean working condition survey
Sung Won Jung, Kyung-Jae Lee, Hee Sung Lee, Guang Hwi Kim, Jae Gwang Lee, June-Hee Lee, Joo Ja Kim
Ann Occup Environ Med 2017;29:51.   Published online October 11, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

Sleep disorders and depression/anxiety disorders are long-standing and significant problem for mental health. Also there are already known so many negative health effect of these disorders. But there were few studies to examine the association between activities outside work and forementioned disorders. So this study aimed the association of those things by using the Republic of Korean data.


Data from 32,232 wage workers were used in the 4th Korean Working Condition Survey. General and occupational characteristics, sleep disorders, depression/anxiety disorders and activities outside work are included in questionnaire. To find the relationship between activities outside work and sleep, depression/anxiety disorders, multivariate logistic regression analysis was used after adjusting for general and occupational characteristics.


We observed that volunteer activities increased the odds ratio of both sleep disorders and depression/anxiety disorders(Odds ratio[OR] = 1.35, 95% confidence interval[CI]: 1.03–1.78 and OR = 1.54, 95% CI: 1.29–1.84, respectively). And self-development activities increase the odds ratio of sleep disorders(OR = 1.35, 95% CI: 1.17–1.57). Gardening activities lowered the odds ratio of depression/anxiety disorders(OR = 0.74, 95% CI: 0.59–0.94).


Some of activities outside work were related to sleep disorders and depression/anxiety disorders among Korean wage workers. Our results showed negative health effect of some kinds of activities outside work such as volunteering and self-devlopment compared to other studies that emphasized positive effect of those activities for health.


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  • Association Between Occupational Physicochemical Exposures and Headache/Eyestrain Symptoms Among Korean Indoor/Outdoor Construction Workers
    Sung Won Jung, June-Hee Lee, Kyung-Jae Lee, Hyoung-Ryoul Kim
    Safety and Health at Work.2019; 10(4): 437.     CrossRef
  • The association between long working hours and work-related musculoskeletal symptoms of Korean wage workers: data from the fourth Korean working conditions survey (a cross-sectional study)
    Jae-Gwang Lee, Guang Hwi Kim, Sung Won Jung, Sang Woo Kim, June-Hee Lee, Kyung-Jae Lee
    Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine.2018;[Epub]     CrossRef
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The association between perceived discrimination and depression/anxiety disorders among Korean workers: analysis of the third Korean Working Conditions Survey
Sang Hyun Lee, Hee Sung Lee, Guang Hwi Kim, June-Hee Lee, Kyung-Jae Lee, Joo Ja Kim
Ann Occup Environ Med 2016;28:32.   Published online August 2, 2016
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

Discrimination is a long-standing social problem, and interest in the health effects of discrimination has been increasing. Unfortunately, Korean workers experience various types and combinations of discrimination. This study aimed to examine the association between perceived discrimination and depression/anxiety disorders among Korean workers.


Data from 33,530 paid workers were extracted from the third Korean Working Conditions Survey. The data included general characteristics, occupational characteristics, perceived discrimination, and depression/anxiety disorders. To examine the relationship between perceived discrimination and depression/anxiety disorders, multiple logistic regression analysis was used to evaluate depression/anxiety disorders as the dependent variable and perceived discrimination as the independent variable, after adjusting for relevant general and occupational characteristics.


After adjusting for the relevant general and occupational characteristics, we observed that male and female workers who had experienced perceived discrimination exhibited a significantly higher likelihood of having depression/anxiety disorders. The odds ratios among male and female workers were 3.25 (95 % confidence interval: 2.45–4.32) and 4.56 (95 % confidence interval: 3.45–6.03), respectively.


Perceived discrimination was significantly related to depression or anxiety disorders among Korean workers. The risk of depression or anxiety was higher among female workers, compared to male workers.


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    American Journal of Industrial Medicine.2018; 61(9): 741.     CrossRef
  • The association between perceived discriminations and well-being in Korean employed workers: the 4th Korean working conditions survey
    Hee Sung Lee, Guang Hwi Kim, Sung Won Jung, June-Hee Lee, Kyung-Jae Lee, Joo Ja Kim
    Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine.2017;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • Relationship of activities outside work to sleep and depression/anxiety disorders in Korean workers: the 4th Korean working condition survey
    Sung Won Jung, Kyung-Jae Lee, Hee Sung Lee, Guang Hwi Kim, Jae Gwang Lee, Joo Ja Kim, June-Hee Lee
    Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine.2017;[Epub]     CrossRef
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Case report of renal cell carcinoma in automobile manufacturing factory worker due to trichloroethylene exposure in Korea
June-Hee Lee, Inah Kim, Hongdeok Seok, Inhyo Park, Jungho Hwang, Jae-Oh Park, Jong-Uk Won, Jaehoon Roh
Ann Occup Environ Med 2015;27:19.   Published online August 3, 2015
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

The aim of this paper was report first case of renal cell carcinoma developed in a worker who worked in an automobile manufacture line which handles trichloroethylene in Korea.

Case presentation

To clarify the relationship between the onset of renal cell carcinoma in 52-years old male worker and the exposure to trichloroethylene, document studies and work environment measurement were done. Past work environment exposure data were reviewed and medical history and surgery records of the worker were also reviewed. The patient had no personal risk factor related to renal cell carcinoma except for his smoking habit of quarter a pack per day for twenty years, and since trichloroethylene was not part of measurement criteria, past work environment risk assessment data could not verify the exposure. The exposure level is deduced by analyzing material exposure level of work environments which has similar processes in data from revised research of chemical exposure standard and work environment validity assessment. Evaluation Committee of Epidemiologic Survey decided that there are relevant relationship between the exposure and the disease, though we do not have exact data during that period, most experts agree that in every factories they used trichloroethylene without any direction.


From the relevant medical history and the results of the usage of trichloroethylene in the relevant industries, and initial discovery of renal cell carcinoma at health inspection sonogram in 2001, it can be concluded that suggests significant causal relationship between the exposure to trichloroethylene and renal cell carcinoma onset, thus reporting it to be the first domestic case declared to be occupational disease.


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    Chengwei Xu, Yan Yu, Xiaodong Si
    Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering.2022; 39(9): 2474.     CrossRef
  • Association Between Kidney Cancer and Occupational Exposure to Trichloroethylene
    Morten Buhagen, Anna Grønskag, Siri Fenstad Ragde, Bjørn Hilt
    Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine.2016; 58(9): 957.     CrossRef
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Factors related to the physician and the employer influencing successful return to work in Korea: results from the first panel study of workers’ compensation insurance (PSWCI)
Wanhyung Lee, Jin-Ha Yoon, Jaehoon Roh, Yeong-Kwang Kim, Hongdeok Seok, June-Hee Lee, Jong-Uk Won
Ann Occup Environ Med 2015;27:27.   Published online December 11, 2015
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

This study aims to investigate associated factors including the physician and the employer of successful return to work (RTW) in occupationally injured workers.


This study is based on the first panel study of workers’ compensation insurance (PSWCI), published in June 2014. The PSWCI is a sample survey of occupationally injured workers who completed medical care in 2012 (89,921 people). A total of 2000 subjects were sampled based on sex, age, nine metropolitan-based regions, disability ratings, duration of rehabilitation, and whether vocational rehabilitation service was used. We divided the study population into two groups: return to work (RTW) group (job retention, reemployment, unpaid family worker, and self-employment), and non-RTW group (joblessness and economical inactivity). The odds ratios (ORs) and 95 % confidence intervals (CI) related to differences in basic characteristics, part of physician and employer-related factors between those who succeeded to RTW and those who did not were measured using multivariable logistic regression model.


The success of RTW is 70.6 % (n = 1412) among participants. The ORs (95 % CI) of the participants belonging to RTW who received periodic recovery assessment from the medical care institution and the physician are 1.51 (1.07–2.13). The ORs (95 % CI) are 1.68 (1.05–2.69) for the RTW group who received work ability assessment and referral for vocational return. When the employer maintains the relationship with the occupationally injured worker, the worker has 1.39 times higher odds (95 % CI: 1.41–2.26) of the RTW group compared to the non-RTW group.


The physician and the employer have a significant impact on the RTW.


Citations to this article as recorded by  
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The Relationship between the Occupational Exposure of Trichloroethylene and Kidney Cancer
Inah Kim, Jaehyeok Ha, June-Hee Lee, Kye-mook Yoo, Jaehoon Rho
Ann Occup Environ Med 2014;26:12-12.   Published online June 3, 2014
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

Trichloroethylene (TCE) has been widely used as a degreasing agent in many manufacturing industries. Recently, the International Agency for Research on Cancer presented “sufficient evidence” for the causal relationship between TCE and kidney cancer. The aim of this study was to review the epidemiologic evidences regarding the relationship between TCE exposure and kidney cancer in Korean work environments. The results from the cohort studies were inconsistent, but according to the meta-analysis and case–control studies, an increased risk for kidney cancer was present in the exposure group and the dose–response relationship could be identified using various measures of exposure. In Korea, TCE is a commonly used chemical for cleaning or degreasing processes by various manufacturers; average exposure levels of TCE vary widely. When occupational physicians evaluate work-relatedness kidney cancers, they must consider past exposure levels, which could be very high (>100 ppm in some cases) and associated with jobs, such as plating, cleaning, or degreasing. The exposure levels at a manual job could be higher than an automated job. The peak level of TCE could also be considered an important exposure-related variable due to the possibility of carcinogenesis associated with high TCE doses. This review could be a comprehensive reference for assessing work-related TCE exposure and kidney cancer in Korea.


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The Effect of Work Characteristics on Dermatologic Symptoms in Hairdressers
Pil Kyun Jung, June-Hee Lee, Ji Hye Baek, Jungho Hwang, Jong-Uk Won, Inah Kim, Jaehoon Roh
Ann Occup Environ Med 2014;26:13-13.   Published online June 9, 2014
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

Hairdressers in Korea perform various tasks and are exposed to health risk factors such as chemical substances or prolonged duration of wet work. The objective of this study is to provide descriptive statistics on the demographics and work characteristics of hairdressers in Korea and to identify work-related risk factors for dermatologic symptoms in hairdressers.


1,054 hairdressers were selected and analyzed for this study. Independent variables were exposure to chemical substances, the training status of the hairdressers, and the main tasks required of them, and the dependent variable was the incidence of dermatologic symptoms. The relationships between work characteristics and dermatologic symptoms were evaluated by estimating odds ratios using multiple logistic regression analysis.


Among the 1,054 study subjects, 212 hairdressers (20.1%) complained of dermatologic symptoms, and the symptoms were more prevalent in younger, unmarried or highly educated hairdressers. The main tasks that comprise the majority of the wet work were strictly determined by training status, since 96.5% of staff hairdressers identified washing as their main task, while only 1.5% and 2.0% of master and designer hairdressers, respectively, identified this as their main task. Multiple logistic regressions was performed to estimate odds ratios. While exposure to hairdressing chemicals showed no significant effect on the odds ratio for the incidence of dermatologic symptoms, higher odds ratios of dermatologic symptoms were shown in staff hairdressers (2.70, 95% CI: 1.32 - 5.51) and in hairdressers who perform washing as their main task (2.03, 95% CI: 1.22 - 3.37), after adjusting for general and work characteristics.


This study showed that the training status and main tasks of hairdressers are closely related to each other and that the training status and main tasks of hairdressers are related to the incidence of dermatologic symptoms. This suggests that in the future, regulations on working conditions and health management guidelines for hairdressers should be established.


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The association between concealing emotions at work and medical utilization in Korea
Hongdeok Seok, Jin-Ha Yoon, Wanhyung Lee, June-Hee Lee, Pil Kyun Jung, Inah Kim, Jong-Uk Won, Jaehoon Roh
Ann Occup Environ Med 2014;26:31-31.   Published online October 1, 2014
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

We aimed to investigate the association between concealing emotions at work and medical utilization.


Data from the 2007–2009 4th Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES IV) was used, 7,094 participants (3,837 males, 3,257 females) aged between 20 and 54 who were economically active and completed all necessary questionnaire items were included. Odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) for differences in hospitalization, outpatient visits, and pharmaceutical drug use between those who concealed their emotions and those who did not were investigated using logistic regression models with and without gender stratification.


Among those who concealed their emotions (n = 2,763), 47.4% were females, and 50.1% had chronic disease. In addition, 9.7% of the concealing emotions group had been hospitalized within the last year, 24.8% had been outpatients in the last two weeks, and 28.3% had used pharmaceutical drugs in the last two weeks.

All ORs represent the odds of belonging to the concealing emotions group over the non-concealing emotions group. After adjustment for individual, occupational, socioeconomic and disease factors, the adjusted ORs (95% CI) in hospitalization are 1.29 (1.08 ~ 1.53) in the total population, 1.25 (0.98 ~ 1.60) in males and 1.30 (1.02 ~ 1.66) in females, in outpatient visits are 1.15 (1.02 ~ 1.29) in the total population, 1.05 (0.88 ~ 1.24) in males and 1.25 (1.06 ~ 1.47) in females and in pharmaceutical drug use are 1.12 (1.01 ~ 1.25) in the total population, 1.08 (0.92 ~ 1.27) in males and 1.14 (0.98 ~ 1.33) in females.


Those who concealed their emotions at work were more likely to use medical services. Moreover, the health effects of concealing emotions at work might be more detrimental in women than in men.


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