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Jeong Ho Kim 12 Articles
Population attributable fraction of indicators for musculoskeletal diseases: a cross-sectional study of fishers in Korea
Jaehoo Lee, Bohyun Sim, Bonggyun Ju, Chul Gab Lee, Ki-Soo Park, Mi-Ji Kim, Jeong Ho Kim, Kunhyung Kim, Hansoo Song
Ann Occup Environ Med 2022;34:e23.   Published online September 7, 2022
AbstractAbstract AbstractAbstract in Korean PDFSupplementary MaterialPubReaderePub

The musculoskeletal disease (MSD) burden is an important health problem among Korean fishers. We aimed to investigate the indicators of the prevalence of MSD and contributions of significant indicators to MSD in Korean fishers.


This cross-section study included 927 fishers (male, 371; female, 556) aged 40 to 79 years who were enrolled from 3 fishery safety and health centers. The outcome variable was one-year prevalence of MSD in 5 body parts (the neck, shoulder, hand, back, and knee). Independent variables were sex, age, educational attainment, household income, job classification, employment xlink:type, hazardous working environment (cold, heat, and noise), ergonomic risk by the 5 body parts, anxiety disorder, depression, hypertension, diabetes, and hyperlipidemia. The adjusted odds ratio of MSDs by the 5 body parts were calculated using multiple logistic regression analysis. We computed the population attributable fraction (PAF) for each indicators of MSDs using binary regression models.


The one-year prevalence of MSD in the neck, shoulder, hand, back, and knee was 7.8%, 17.8%, 7.8%, 27.2%, and 16.2% in males vs. 16.4%, 28.1%, 23.0%, 38.7%, and 30.0% in females, respectively. The ergonomic risk PAF according to the body parts ranged from 22.8%–59.6% in males and 22.8%–50.3% in female. Mental diseases showed a significant PAF for all body parts only among female (PAF 9.1%–21.4%). Cold exposure showed a significant PAF for the neck, shoulder, and hand MSD only among female (25.6%–26.8%). Age was not a significant indicator except for the knee MSD among female.


Ergonomic risk contributed majorly as indicators of MSDs in both sexes of fishers. Mental disease and cold exposure were indicators of MSDs only among female fishers. This information may be important for determining priority risk groups for the prevention of work-related MSD among Korean fishers.

어업인의 근골격계질환 관련인자의 인구집단 기여위험분율에 관한 단면연구
한국 어업인들의 근골격계질환 유병률에 대한 관련인자의 인구집단 기여위험도를 조사하는 것이다.
본 연구의 대상은 3개 어업안전보건센터에 소속된 40-79세 어업인 927명(남성 371명, 여성 556명)이다. 결과 변수는 구조화된 설문지에 따른 5개 신체 부위(목, 어깨, 손, 허리, 무릎)의 근골격계질환 1년 유병률이다. 독립변수는 성별, 연령, 최종학력, 가구소득, 고용형태, 세부업종, 유해 작업환경(추위, 더위, 소음), 신체부담작업수준, 불안장애, 우울증, 고혈압, 당뇨, 고지혈증이다. 다중 로지스틱 회귀분석을 사용하여5개 신체부위별 근골격계질환의 오즈비를 산출하였다. 이를 이용하여 근골격계질환에 대한 각 변수별로 인구집단 기여위험분율(PAF)를 계산하였다.
남성에서 근골격계질환 1년 유병률은 목7.8%, 어깨17.8%, 손7.8%, 허리27.2%, 무릎16.2% 이다. 여성의 1년 근골격계질환 1년유병률은 목 16.4%, 어깨 28.1%, 손 23.0%, 등 38.7%, 무릎 30.0% 이다. 신체 부위에 따른 신체부담작업의 기여위험분율은 남성 22.8-59.6%, 여성 22.8-50.3%이다. 정신질환은 여성에서만 모든 신체부위에서 유의한 기여위험분율을 보였다(9.1%-21.4%). 추위 노출은 여성에서만 목, 어깨, 손 근골격계질환에 대해 유의미한 기여위험분율을 보였다(25.6%-26.8%). 나이는 여성에서 무릎을 제외하고는 유의한 인자가 아니다.
신체부담작업은 남성, 여성 모두에서 근골격계질환에 대한 주요 기여 변수이다. 정신 질환과 추위 노출은 여성 어업인에서만 근골격계질환에 기여를 한다. 본 연구는 어업인들의 업무관련성 근골격계질환 예방을 위한 우선순위 판단에 정보를 제공할 것이다.
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Risk perceptions of a population living near a municipal waste incinerator and associated factors with the prevalence of environmental disease
Dong Hyun Kim, Chae Kwan Lee, Jeong Ho Kim, Byung Chul Son, Chunhui Suh, Kunhyung Kim, Byeong Jin Ye
Ann Occup Environ Med 2022;34:e38.   Published online November 11, 2022
AbstractAbstract AbstractAbstract in Korean PDFPubReaderePub

This study investigated the risk perceptions, prevalence of environmental diseases (EDs) and associated factors with the prevalence of environmental disease among the population living near an incinerator


Study area were divided into 3 local areas near the incinerator by distance (A, B, C) and control area (D) by distance and geographic isolation. A Questionnaire was conducted with 1,380 in local residents (A, B, C) and 390 in control area (D), gathered information of demographic characteristics, lifestyle, perception of damage by incinerators, experience of EDs (atopic dermatitis, allergic rhinitis, asthma) diagnosed by physician. Analysis of variance, χ2 test, and Kruskal Wallis test was applied to determine the difference by area. Logistic regression analysis was performed to identify factors associated with the prevalence of allergic rhinitis.


Residents residing closer to the incinerator had negative perception in most items in questionnaire compared with control. The prevalence of allergic rhinitis was higher as they lived nearby the incinerator (p = 0.008). The associated factors with the prevalence of allergic rhinitis were carpet (odds ratio [OR]: 1.79, p = 0.001), residential area (marginally significant), duration of residence (OR: 1.09, p < 0.001). The perception of environmental pollution around the residential area was inversely associated with the prevalence of allergic rhinitis: perceived as very dissatisfied (OR: 4.21, p = 0.02) compared with very satisfied.


As closer to the incinerator, the risk perception tend to negative and prevalence of EDs were increased. Carpet, residential area, duration of residence and perception of environmental air pollution around the residential area were associated with prevalence of allergic rhinitis. These results may be useful for the communication with residents to discuss the environmental problems caused by the incinerator.

자원순환시설 주변에 거주하는 주민의 환경성질환에 영향을 주는 위험인식도 및 생활습관
이 연구는 소각장 주변에 거주지역 주민의 위험 인식도, 환경성 질환의 유병률, 환경 질환과 유병률과 관련된 요인을 조사했다.
2020년 자원순환시설 인근에 거주중인 주민 1380명과 대조군 주민 390명을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하여 인구통계학적 특성, 생활습관, 자원순환시설에 대한 인식, 환경성질환 과거력을 확인하였다. 환경성질환 과거력의 지역 간 차이를 확인하기 위해 카이 제곱 검정을 사용하여 분석하였다. 마지막으로 환경성질환 과거력에 영향을 주는 요인을 찾기 위해 로지스틱 회귀분석을 시행하였다.
자원순환시설에 가까이 거주하는 주민은 대조군에 비해 주변환경 인식도, 자원순환시설에 대한 인식도 항목에서 부정적 인식을 보였다. 설문 조사에서 확인한 알레르기 비염의 과거력은 소각장 근처에 거주할수록 높았다. 알레르기 비염 유병률과 연관된 요인은 카펫 (OR = 1.79 p-value = 0.001), 거주지역, 거주기간 (OR = 1.09, p-value < 0.001) 으로 확인되었다. 거주지역 대기환경이 매우 좋지 않다고 인식하는 주민에서 (OR = 4.21, p-value = 0.02) 알레르기 유병률이 높아진 결과를 보였다.
소각장에 가까이 거주할수록 소각장과 환경에 대한 위험 인식이 부정적으로 나타났고 환경성 질환의 유병률의 증가를 보였다. 카펫 사용, 소각장으로부터의 거리, 거주 기간, 주거 지역 주변의 대기 오염에 대한 인식도는 알레르기성 비염의 유병률과 관련을 보였다. 이 결과는 소각로로 인한 환경문제에 대해 주민들과 소통하는 데 유용할 것이다.


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  • The effect of distance on risk perception towards waste incineration plants: a comparison between local residents living within 0–3 km versus 3–8 km in Dongguan, Southern China
    Lizhou Zhang, Tippawan Liabsuetrakul
    Environmental Research Communications.2023; 5(11): 115011.     CrossRef
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Pulmonary Functions and Related Factors in Shipyard Workers
Mi Hee Park, Chun Hui Suh, Chae Gwan Lee, Byung Chul Son, Dae Hwan Kim, Jeong Ho Kim, Jong Tae Lee
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2011;23(3):324-332.   Published online September 30, 2011
AbstractAbstract PDF
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the factors which affect pulmonary function in shipyard workers in order to build a body of basic information that can be used to prevent and manage pulmonary disorders in the future.
We studied the respiratory symptoms, smoking history, chest radiographies, and pulmonary functions of 793 workers associated with two shipyards from April 2009 to July 2009. The workers were subdivided into 3 groups by job type: welders, grinders, and machinist-managers. The data was analyzed according to job type and other possible impact factors.
Significant differences among job type were seen with dyspnea and coughing during working hours and in the morning. In pulmonary functions, there were significant differences in forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1), forced vital capacity (FVC), peak expiratory flow (PEF), and maximal mid-expiratory flow (MMEF) (except FEV1/FVC%) among job types. Grinders especially showed significantly lower figures in the indices of FEV1, FVC, and MMEF.
Pulmonary function was significantly lower in grinders. Grinders seem to be affected by exposure to a combination of dust particles (silica, lead, and manganese) and irritant gases in the workplace. These results suggested that workers and health officials should work together to adopt technical preventive measures, such as having well- ventilated work areas and appropriate respiratory protective devices.


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  • Pulmonary function decline in firefighters and non-firefighters in South Korea
    Ju-Hwan Choi, Jae-Hong Shin, Mi-Young Lee, In-Sung Chung
    Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine.2014;[Epub]     CrossRef
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Medical Professionalism of Occupational and Environmental Physicians in Korea
Seung Hwan Shin, Jong Tae Lee, Min Kim, Jeong Ho Kim, Dae Hwan Kim, Byung Chul Son, Chae Kwan Lee, Chun Huii Suh, Shin Ik Kang
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2011;23(2):203-212.   Published online June 30, 2011
AbstractAbstract PDF
This study evaluated cognition, core values and attributes of medical professionalism in occupational and environmental physicians, and was conducted to have basic data for suggesting proper role models of occupational and environmental physicians.
Perceptions of reality and the priority of professionalism virtues in occupational and environmental medicine were evaluated by using a self-administered questionnaire, completed by 109 occupational and environmental physicians in Korea. The physicians were divided into two sub-groups: the resident group and the board certified specialist group. There are 4 questions about perceptions of reality and survey respondents gave 5-scale scores to each of 10 professionalism virtues in the questionnaire. The statistical significance of the perception difference between two groups was given by a cross tabulation analysis. Priority difference between each 10 professionalism virtue between the two groups was analyzed through Student T-test by using the SPSS 17.0K program. Afterwards, the type of medical professionalism in occupational and environmental medicine was analyzed based on the results of the questionnaire.
This study provided us with the information that specialists had more optimistic views about reality of occupational and environmental medicine than residents. 10 virtues of medical professionalism were listed in the order of priority, highest to lowest. Occupational and environmental physicians valued 'technical competence', 'professional dominance', and 'morality', but 'altruism' had the lowest score.
This study demonstrated that the occupational and environmental physicians's type of medical professionalism didn't match any of the seven types of medical professionalism from Castellani & Hafferty, although 'empirical type', 'nostalgic type' were partially similar to the occupational and environmental physician's type of medical professionalism. This is assumed because the occupational and environmental medicine field is different from other clinical medicine in terms of the physician's role. Further studies and discussions are necessary for establishing a suitable model of medical professionalism for occupational and environmental physicians.


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  • Perception of and attitude toward ethical issues among Korean occupational physicians
    Junghye Choi, Chunhui Suh, Jong-Tae Lee, Segyeong Lee, Chae-Kwan Lee, Gyeong-Jin Lee, Taekjoong Kim, Byung-Chul Son, Jeong-Ho Kim, Kunhyung Kim, Dae Hwan Kim, Ji Young Ryu
    Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine.2017;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • Professional Job Perception and Its Related Factors among Medical Recorders engaged in General Hospitals
    Eun-Sook Shin
    Journal of Digital Convergence.2016; 14(1): 229.     CrossRef
  • Residency programs and the outlook for occupational and environmental medicine in Korea
    Youngil Lee, Jungwon Kim, Yoomi Chae
    Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine.2015;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • Professional Job Perception and Job Satisfaction, and Its Related Factors Among Medical Recorders Engaged in General Hospitals
    Taek-Soo Shin, Young-Chae Cho
    Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society.2014; 15(7): 4258.     CrossRef
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Second-hand Smoke Exposure and Urine Cotinine Levels by Occupation in the Busan, Ulsan, Kyeongnam Provinces
So Ryong Lee, Soo Jin Jeong, Chun Hui Suh, Chae Kwan Lee, Chang Hee Lee, Byung Chul Son, Dae Hwan Kim, Jeong Ho Kim, Jong Tae Lee, Jin Heon Lee, Moon Young Hwang, Choong Hee Park
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2011;23(1):42-52.   Published online March 31, 2011
AbstractAbstract PDF
Exposure to second-hand smoke varied by smoking rate in the workplace and no-smoking policies. The purpose of this study was to estimate the status of second-hand smoke exposure by occupation through urine cotinine analysis in Busan, Ulsan, and Kyeongnam provinces.
Data was obtained from the National Institute of Environmental Research of Korea as 'The 2008 Korea National Survey for Environmental Pollutants in Human Body'. We selected 629 non-smokers who lived in Busan, Ulsan and Gyeongnam provinces. General and occupational characteristics were gathered using a structured questionnaire. Urine cotinine concentrations were analyzed by a gas chromatograph-mass selective detector. Statistical analysis was carried out using the Chi-square test, Student t-test and ANOVA.
The geometric mean (geometric standard deviation) of urine cotinine concentration was 17.11 (2.74) ng/ml. The urine cotinine concentration of the middle school graduate group (18.47 (2.86) ng/ml) was higher than the college graduate group (15.64 (2.60) ng/ml, p=0.212). Also, the cotinine concentration of current drinkers (18.98 (2.47) ng/ml) was higher than non-drinkers (16.15 (2.88) ng/ml, p=0.054). The proportion who smelled smoke was higher in workers (38.5%) than in non-workers (29.7%, p=0.02). Therefore, urine cotinine concentration was higher in workers (17.29 (2.66) ng/ml) than in non-workers (16.97 (2.81) ng/ml) but not at a statistically significant amount (p=0.826). In addition, cotinine concentration between the group who smelled smoke (20.45 (2.42) ng/ml) and the group who did not smelled smoke (15.53 (2.78) ng/ml) was significantly different (p=0.016) in workers but not in non-workers (17.08 (2.42) ng/ml vs 16.92 (2.98) ng/ml, p=0.942). According to the National Center for Health Statistics occupational categories in the US and the Korea Standard Classification of Occupations, the urine cotinine concentration of white collar workers such as technical workers and administrators, professional specialists, and managers was higher (18.01 (2.55) ng/ml) than that of blue collar workers such as plant and machine operators and assemblers, elementary occupations, and craft and related trades workers (15.36 (3.48) ng/ml).
The workplace is an important contributor to second-hand smoke exposure in Busan, Ulsan and Kyeongnam provinces. Unlike in advanced countries, where anti-smoking policies have been implemented, urine cotinine concentration in people in Busan, Ulsan and Kyeongnam provinces was higher in the white collar group than in the blue collar group. This result might be due to a higher indoor second-hand smoking rate of workplaces in these areas. Further studies are needed to evaluate the correlation between regional characteristics of industries, anti-smoking policies in the workplace, smoking rates and urine cotinine concentrations of workers.


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  • Differences in Oral Health and Generalized Anxiety Disorder According to Secondhand Smoke Exposure in Public Places
    Yu-Rin Kim, Kyeung-Ae Jang
    Behavioral Sciences.2023; 13(6): 455.     CrossRef
  • Evaluation of Serum Cotinine Cut-Off to Distinguish Smokers From Nonsmokers in the Korean Population
    Kiwoong Ko, Min-Jung Kwon, Song-Hyun Yang, Chul-Jin Moon, Eun Hee Lee, Hee-Yeon Woo, Hyosoon Park
    Annals of Laboratory Medicine.2016; 36(5): 427.     CrossRef
  • Decline in non-smoking workers’ urine cotinine levels after increased smoking regulation in Korea
    Ju-Hyoung Park, Chae-Kwan Lee, Se-Yeong Kim, Chunhui Suh, Kun-Hyung Kim, Jeong-Ho Kim, Byung-Chul Son, Jong-Tae Lee, Seung-Do Yu, Wookhee Choi, Hosub Im
    Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine.2015;[Epub]     CrossRef
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Cognition and Practice on Medical Information Protection of Iudustrial Health Care Manager of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises
Soo Jin Jeong, Min Kim, Chae Kwan Lee, Chang Hee Lee, Byung Chul Son, Dae Hwan Kim, Jeong Ho Kim, Jong Tae Lee, Goo Rak Chang, Ki Hun Hong, Chun Hui Suh
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2011;23(1):53-63.   Published online March 31, 2011
AbstractAbstract PDF
This research aimed to know the actual condition and problems of medical information protection at a workplace with the target of industrial health care managers of small and medium-sized enterprises.
A self-administered questionnaire was given to industrial health-care managers of 216 enterprises from March 15 to May 17, 2010. The questionnaire was produced by referring to the Act on Personal Information Protection of Public Institutions, etc. This research evaluated agreement of cognition and practice according to 10 items of medical information protection using kappa and cross-analysis of significant factors between cognition and practice of medical information protection and general characteristics.
Cognition about medical information protection appeared to be 85.4-97.1% and its practice appeared to be 44.1-95.3%, so practice was lower than cognition. In addition, the agreement of cognition and practice appeared significantly low (kappa 0.082-0.387). The practice of medical information protection tended to be lower when the managers were older and held a higher job title. Health examination results were being delivered only to workers except for an employer (94.2%), but there were many industrial health-care managers who felt discomfort about their work in group occupational health-care systems (58.1%).
The practice of protecting medical information by industrial health-care managers was clearly lower than the cognition. Therefore, introduction of educational programs about personal information protection and provision of an independent place for group occupational health care service is urgent. In addition, in order to use the health examination results conveniently in group occupational health services, an institutional complement is necessary.


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Lifestyle and Work related Factors Associated with Serum PFOA among Workers at Manufacturing Companies
Sang Hwan Jang, Chae Kwan Lee, Dae Hwan Kim, Kwon Bok Kim, Jin Hong Ahn, Hwi Dong Kim, Chang Hee Lee, Jeong Ho Kim, Jong Tae Lee
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2008;20(3):233-244.   Published online September 30, 2008
AbstractAbstract PDF
The objective of this study was to determine serum perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) concentrations and to investigate the relationship of lifestyle, health status and work-related factors among workers at manufacturing companies with possible occupational exposure to PFOA.
The study subjects were 315 workers (male 203, female 112) of manufacturing companies with possible exposure to PFOA from August to December, 2007. A questionnaire was administered to investigate lifestyle and work-related factors. Serum PFOA concentrations were analyzed by LCMS/ MS, and liver function and total cholesterol were also tested.
Serum PFOA concentrations ranged from 1.0 to 40.9 ng/mL (mean 8.0 ng/mL). Serum PFOA concentrations increased with age. Male workers had higher PFOA concentration than female workers (male 9.0 ng/mL; female 6.3 ng/mL). According to stepwise multiple regression analysis, factors significantly associated with PFOA concentration were male, being older, higher total cholesterol, and lower body mass index. Adjusted for age and gender by logistic regression, dyeing and finishing textiles had significantly higher odds ratio (OR) of 6.16, and moulding patterns, moulds and industrial patterns (OR=4.84), sections for ships (OR=3.87), and plastics synthetic leather (OR=10.05) had marginally significantly high odds ratios.
This study demonstrated the factors affecting serum PFOA concentration of workers at manufacturing companies. Further study is needed to ensure the effect of occupational exposure on serum PFOA concentration.


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  • The relationships between sixteen perfluorinated compound concentrations in blood serum and food, and other parameters, in the general population of South Korea with proportionate stratified sampling method
    Hee-Young Kim, Seung-Kyu Kim, Dong-Mug Kang, Yong-Sik Hwang, Jeong-Eun Oh
    Science of The Total Environment.2014; 470-471: 1390.     CrossRef
  • Concentration of PFOA and PFOS in Whole Blood and Factors Controlling Their Exposure Among Koreans
    Chun-Hui Suh, Chae-Kwan Lee, So-Ryong Lee, Mi-Hee Park, Jong-Tae Lee, Byung-Chul Son, Jeong-Ho Kim, Kun-Hyung Kim
    Korean Journal of Environmental Health Sciences.2012; 38(2): 105.     CrossRef
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Factors Associated with Occupational Injuries of Ship-building Supply Workers in Busan
Seung Hwan Shin, Dae Hwan Kim, Jin Hong Ahn, Hwi Dong Kim, Jeong Ho Kim, Hyun Man Kang, Jong Tae Lee
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2008;20(1):15-24.   Published online March 31, 2008
AbstractAbstract PDF
OBJECTIVE: This study was conducted to evaluate both personal and work-related factors associated with occupational injuries of ship-building supply workers in Busan, Korea.
A self-administered, questionnaire survey, asking both personal and work-related factors associated with occupational injuries, was administered to 1,651 workers from 64 different ship-building supply companies in Busan, Korea. All occupational injuries had occurred within the previous 5 years. The workers were divided into three sub-groups: Group I, under 4 day-sick leave, Group II, 4 day-sick leave and over, and Group III, which consisted of both Groups I and II. The statistical significance of the factors associated with occupational injuries underwent cross tabulation analysis for each group. Afterwards, the relationships between the factors which had statistical significance and the occurrence of occupational injuries were analyzed through multiple logistic regression by using the SPSS 12.0 K program.
The prevalence of occupational injuries was 4.30% in Group II and 7.57% in Group III. The work activities which had the most frequent occupational injuries were 'Fit-up' and 'Welding', and 30.0% of injured workers were covered by workers' compensation in Group II. According to the multiple logistic regression analysis results, the factors which had statistical significance in occupational injury occurrence were education level above college (OR 2.78) and high level of fatigue (OR 2.18) in Group I, sleeping less than 5 hours per day (OR 3.47), high level of fatigue (OR 2.79) and working over 56 hours per week (OR 1.53) in Group II, and education level above college (OR 1.78), sleeping less than 5 hours per day (OR 2.98), poor sleep quality (OR 1.65) and high level of fatigue (OR 2.58) in Group III.
This study demonstrated that several factors of ship-building supply workers such as sleep hours, sleep quality, fatigue, working hours, and educational level exerted a statistical effect on the occurrence of occupational injuries. In association with occupational injuries occurrence, these factors need to be controlled by proper methods such as effective safety education, work condition modification, and life style management.


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Pulmonary Function and Respiratory Symptoms of Municipal Fire Officers in Busan.
Sung Hoon Kim, Jung Won Kim, Jong Eun Kim, Byung Chul Son, Jeong Ho Kim, Chang Hee Lee, Sang Hwan Jang, Chae Kwan Lee
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2006;18(2):103-111.   Published online June 30, 2006
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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the relationship between respiratory disorders and fire exposure by investigating and analyzing the lung function and respiratory symptoms of firefighters.
The health effects of firefighting on respiratory function were investigated in 699 male fire officers in 4 fire departments in Busan by recording respiratory symptoms and measuring lung function. The data were analysed according to fire exposure and smoking habits.
Mean spirometric data showed significantly decreased levels in the fire-exposed group (FVC, -0.20 L; FVC%, -4.2%; FEV(1) -0.21 L; FEV(1)%, -5.1%; FEF25%, -0.13 L/SEE p<0.05). After stratification by smoking habits, FVC and FEV(1) showed a significant difference between groups. The prevalence of spirometric abnormality was greater for the fire-exposed group than for the non-exposed group. Significantly higher prevalences of nasal stiffness (16.7% vs. 10.9%), sore throat (17.7% vs.14.2%) and chest tightness (6.5% vs. 2.5%) were recorded in firefighters compared to controls (p<0.05). However, after stratification by smoking habits, the 3 symptoms were showed only marginal differences in the smoking group.
This study demonstrated that fire-exposed firefighters generally suffer a decline of lung function and a higher prevalence of respiratory symptoms. These results suggest that the exposure to routine firefighting activity is associated with adverse health effects to the respiratory system.


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Gene Expression Analysis in Basal Ganglia of Manganese-Exposed Rat Based on cDNA Array
Chae Kwan Lee, Noh Sung Min, Deog Hwan Moon, Jeong Ho Kim, Byung Chul Son, Dae Hwan Kim, Chang Hee Lee, Hwi Dong Kim, Jung Won Kim, Jong Eun Kim, Jin Hong Ahn, Chae Un Lee
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2005;17(4):352-364.   Published online December 31, 2005
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This study investigated the gene expression profile in basal ganglia of manganese-exposed rats based on cDNA array analysis.
For cDNA array, 25 male Sprague-Dawley rats (250+/-25 g) were intraperitoneally injected with 25 mg/kg B.W./day of MnCl2 (0.3 ml) for 10 days. For dose-related gene expression analysis, rats were intraperitoneally injected with 0.2, 1.0, and 5.0 mg/kg B.W/day of MnCl2 for 10 days. Control rats were injected with an equal volume of saline. RNA samples were extracted from brain tissue and reversetranscribed in the presence of [alpha32P]-dATP. Membrane sets of the Atlas Rat 1.2 array II and Toxicology array 1.2 kit (Clontech, Palo Alto, CA) were hybridized with cDNA probe sets. Northern blot hybridization method was employed to assess the dose-related gene expression.
Fifty-two genes showed significant changes in expression of more than two-fold. Twentyeight were up-regulated and 24 were down-regulated in the manganese-exposed group compared to the control. Among the 52 genes, 28 genes including nuclear factor I-X1 (NF1-X1), neuroligin 2 and 3, mitochondrial stress-70 protein (MTHSP70), neurodegeneration-associated protein 1 (Neurodap1), multidrug resistance protein (MDR), and endoplasmic reticulum stress protein 72 (ERP72), were reported for the first time related to the manganese-induced neurotoxic-metabolism in the rat basal ganglia. According to the dose-related gene expression analyses, MTHSP70, Neurodap1 and ERP72 genes were up-regulated compared to the control even in the group exposed to low manganese dose (0.2 mg/kg B.W./day).
Twenty-eight genes detected for the first time in this study were closely related to the manganese-induced neurotoxic-metabolism in the rat basal ganglia and further study of these genes can give some more useful information about the manganese metabolism.

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A Case of Lung Injury due to Acute Exposure to Oxides of Nitrogen
Jeong Ho Kim, Dae Hwan Kim, Byung Chul Son, Chang Hee Lee, Jung Won Kim, Doeg Hwan Moon, Chae Un Lee, Joo In Kim
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2000;12(2):302-309.   Published online June 30, 2000
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Lung injuries due to exposure to nitrogen oxides can occur in various process in industry. We experienced a case of chemical pneumonitis induced by accidental inhalation of nitrogen oxides emitted from the bath in an acid dipping operation.
Dyspnea, cough and blood-tinged sputum production, cyanosis, and tachypnea occurred after exposure to oxides of nitrogen. There were bilateral diffuse ground glass opacities in simple chest radiography and high resolutional computed tomography, hypoxemia in arterial blood gas analysis, mixed ventilation defect and reduced diffusion capacity in spirometry. As an oxygen and supportive therapy, after hospitalization, was given, the patient recovered completely from the lung injury on the 8th day after admission. There was no evidence of delayed onset of bronchiolitis obliterance or pulmonary edema in a follow-up for about 6 months.
Acid dip operation require more efficient hooding and exhausting system for the prevention of lung injuries caused by inhalation of nitrogen oxides. Also health education for worker need.

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Respiratory disease resembling byssinosis in sisal rope-making worker
Jong Tae Lee, Chang Woon Kang, Jeong Ho Kim, Kui Weon Jeong, Sung Chun Kim, Chae Un Lee
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 1991;3(1):43-50.   Published online February 28, 1991
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No abstract available.

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