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Cheong Sik Kim 3 Articles
Cost of Work-related Cerebrovascular and Cardiac Disease
Hyeong Su Kim, Soung Hoon Chang, Jae Wook Choi, Kun Sei Lee, Cheong Sik Kim, Jun Young Lee, Ji Young Oh
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2002;14(3):288-300.   Published online September 30, 2002
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The purpose of this study was to estimate the cost, with a focus on forecasting the expenditure on industrial accident compensation insurance, arising from workrelated cerebrovascular and cardiac disease.
We used a total of 4,480 work-related cerebrovascular and cardiac disease data points, collected between 1995 and 2000, based on the year of occurrence, and which had been approved by industrial accident compensation insurance. Firstly, we calculated the number of approved cases per 100,000 workers benefiting from industrial accident compensation insurance between 1995 and 2000. We then forecasted the numbers of work-related cases of cerebrovascular and cardiac disease for the period from 2001 through 2005 using a linear regression equation. Secondly, we analysed the expenditure on industrial accident compensation insurance due to work-related cerebrovascular and cardiac disease, and estimated the expenditure per capita for the former period. Thirdly, we estimated the expenditure on industrial accident compensation insurance due to work-related cerebrovascular and cardiac disease for the latter period based on the cohort of occurrence year.
Approved cases per 100,000 workers for work-related cerebrovascular and cardiac disease were 3.36 in 1995 and 13.16 in 2000. It is expected that the approved cases would be 1,336 (95 % CI 1,211-1,460) in 2001 and 1,769 (95 % CI 1,610-1,931) in 2005, based on the year of occurrence. The mean expenditure per capita was estimated to be 75 million won, which comprised of 19 million won for medical care benefits and 56 million won for other benefits. It was anticipated that the claims for the 2001 cohort would be 107.9 billion won and 192.4 billion won for the 2005 cohort.
The magnitude of the economic burden of work-related cerebrovascular and cardiac disease is substantial. From an economic perspective, this study proves the importance and need for the management of work-related cerebrovascular and cardiac disease.

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Sex hormones among Workers Exposed to Pesticides
Wonjin Lee, Cheong Sik Kim, Hyeong Su Kim, Chang Hoon Lee, Jin Seok Kim
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2000;12(2):179-186.   Published online June 30, 2000
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OBJECTIVE: This study was carried out to determine the effects of occupational pesticides exposure on the level of serum Luteinizing Hormone(LH), Follicle Stimulating Hormone(FSH), testosterone in male workers.
Twenty-two male workers exposed to pesticides were compared with twenty-eight male workers at same factory who were not exposed to pesticides. The selected variables for studying reproductive hormones were LH, FSH and testosterone. As part of the baseline health status, subjects were asked medical history.
There were no statistically significant differences on the level of LH, FSH, testosterone between the exposed and non-exposed group. Also the level of sex hormones were not significant difference with each department in exposed group. And the level of LH, FSH positively correlated with age.
These results indicate that there are no alterations in LH, FSH, testosterone at workers exposed to pesticides. But our findings are highly preliminary because of a small sample size. Thus it calls for furthur investigation of the hormonal effects at workers exposed to pesticides.

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Sister Chromatid Exchanges in Workers Occupationally Exposed to Ethylene Oxide
Soung Hoon Chang, Won Jin Lee, Cheong Sik Kim, Cheong Hyun Hwang, Jong Tae Park, Dae Seong Kim, Young Whan Kim
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 1998;10(4):428-437.   Published online December 31, 1998
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Operators of hospital sterilizers who use ethylene oxide (EtO) were studied to determine the exposure of EtO level and the frequency of sister chromatid exchanges (SCEs) from June 12 to July 20, 1997. To evaluate SCEs in the peripheral blood cells, we selected 22 workers at the central supply room of 4 university hospitals and 22 unexposed workers at the same hospitals according to match sex, age, and smoking habit and also did questionnaires. The mean air concentrations (8-hr TWA) of EtO at 4 university hospitals were less than 1 ppm. The SCE frequencies in exposed workers to EtO and controls were normally distributed. The SCE frequencies in exposed workers to EtO and controls were 6.42+/-.63, 5.86+/-.69, respectively and their differences were statistically significant (p=0.0093). But there were no statistically significant differences in smoking, alcohol intake, coffee drinking. Especially smokers who exposed to EtO were increased SCE statistically significant than the exposed group who did not smoke.


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  • Analysis of Micronuclei and Its Association with Genetic Polymorphisms in Hospital Workers Exposed to Ethylene Oxide
    Sun-Yeong Lee, Yang-Jee Kim, Young-Joo Choi, Joong-Won Lee, Young-Hyun Lee, Mi-Yeon Shin, Won Kim, Chung-Sik Yoon, Sung-Kyoon Kim, Hai-Won Chung
    Korean Journal of Environmental Health Sciences.2011; 37(6): 429.     CrossRef
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Ann Occup Environ Med : Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
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