Operators of hospital sterilizers who use ethylene oxide (EtO) were studied to determine the exposure of EtO level and the frequency of sister chromatid exchanges (SCEs) from June 12 to July 20, 1997. To evaluate SCEs in the peripheral blood cells, we selected 22 workers at the central supply room of 4 university hospitals and 22 unexposed workers at the same hospitals according to match sex, age, and smoking habit and also did questionnaires. The mean air concentrations (8-hr TWA) of EtO at 4 university hospitals were less than 1 ppm. The SCE frequencies in exposed workers to EtO and controls were normally distributed. The SCE frequencies in exposed workers to EtO and controls were 6.42+/-.63, 5.86+/-.69, respectively and their differences were statistically significant (p=0.0093). But there were no statistically significant differences in smoking, alcohol intake, coffee drinking. Especially smokers who exposed to EtO were increased SCE statistically significant than the exposed group who did not smoke.