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6 "Styrene"
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Original Article
Relationship between Phenylglyoxylic Acid in Urine and Postural Body Sway in Styrene Exposed Workers
Kyung Jong Lee, Jae Bum Park, Keou Weon Lee, Kwang Jin Lim, Kyoo Yup Jang, Cheol Woo Bang
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2002;14(4):459-467.   Published online December 31, 2002
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OBJECTIVE: Until now,no effective screening tools have been available for evaluating the neurotoxicity of organic solvents and metals. The aim of this study was to evaluate the usefulness of posturography as a screening tool for the chronic neurotoxicity of organic solvents.
36 workers in 4 septic tank manufacturers,who were exposed to styrene over a period of 1 year (exposed group),and 15 hospital volunteer manual workers were examined by posturography.The subjects' physical,medical,and occupational characteristics were obtained by means of a physical examination and a questionnaire. We excluded from both groups those persons who had psychiatric problems, diabetes, neurologic symptoms, gait disturbance,or a history of stroke.The sway area of the exposed group was compared to that of the non-exposed group using bivariate and multiple regression analysis. We controlled a number of variables including age, alcohol consumption,smoking, weight, height, and body mass index.
The sway area of the exposed group was found to be higher than that of the non-exposed group after taking into consideration the effects of other characteristics by means of multiple regression analysis.
We concluded the posturography would be an effective tool for the screening of chronic neurotoxicity in workers exposed to styrene.


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  • Evaluation of the Suitability of Establishing Biological Exposure Indices of Styrene
    Ah-rum Choi, Sung-guk Im, Mi-young Lee, Se-Hoon Lee
    Safety and Health at Work.2019; 10(1): 103.     CrossRef
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Original Article
Effects of Stem Cell and Myeloperoxidase on Sister Chromatid Exchanges and Micronuclei Induction of Peripheral Lymphocytes by Styrene, Hydroquinone and Trichloroethylene
Kyung Jae Lee, Hyoung Ah Kim, Min Jung Shin, Jae Hyug Sung, Chung Yill Park, Hoon Han, Se Hoon Lee
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2001;13(3):315-324.   Published online September 30, 2001
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The objective of this study was to identify the possible role of stem cell and myeloperoxidase (MPO) in the metabolic activation of styrene, hydroquinone and trichloroethylene, by investigating the effects of stem cell from umbilical cord blood and MPO on the frequency of sister chromatid exchange (SCE) and micronuclei (MN) induction in cultured human peripheral lymphocytes exposed to these chemicals.
Isolated lymphocytes from whole blood were cultured for 72 hours. The cells were treated with 1.50 mM styrene, 50 microM hydroquinone and 1.50 mM trichloroethylene dissolved with acetone (30 microl in total volume) at 24 hours after the beginning of culture. Control group was treated with acetone only. Immediately after adding these chemicals, 1.3X1 06 cells/ml and 2.6X1 06 cells/ml stem cell or 1.0 and 2.0 unit MPO with H2O2 (for substrate) were added to the cultures. Slides were stained with Giemsa's solution, and acridine orange for sister chromatid exchange, and for micronucleus analysis, respectively.
The results were as follows: 1) Myeloperoxidase and stem cell did not significantly affect the frequencies of SCE or MN in the control group. 2) The frequency of SCE or MN with exposure to styrene did not different from control in the absence of stem cell or MPO. Sister chromatid exchange induced by styrene was significantly increased by adding stem cell or MPO in dose-dependent relationship. The frequency of MN induced by styrene significantly increased in the presence of 2.0 unit MPO. 3) The frequency of SCE was significantly increased with exposure to hydroquinone than acetone treated control in the absence of stem cell or MPO. Sister chromatid exchange induction by hydroquinone significantly increased dose-dependently in the presence of stem cell or MPO. There was a tendency of increase of the MN frequency induced by hydroquinone in the presence of stem cell or MPO, but not significant. 4) It was found that trichloroethylene itself did not increase SCE or MN frequency. Frequency of SCE induced by trichloroethylene was significantly increased with adding stem cell (low and high) and 2.0 unit MPO. Even though stem cell or MPO increased the frequency of MN of lymphocyte exposed to trichloroethylene, the difference was not significant.
Authors found that the frequencies of both sister chromatid exchange and micronucleus induced by styrene, hydroquinone, and trichloroethylene were increased significantly with the treatment of stem cell or myeloperoxidase. It was suggested that myeloperoxidase may therefore play an important role in the metabolic activation of styrene, hydroquinone, and trichloroethylene and myeloperoxidase probably be involved in the myelotoxicity of these chemicals.

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Original Article
CYP2E1 Genetic Polymorphism relating to Styrene Metabolism of Korean Workers
Chang Hee Lee, Jin Ho Chun, Jun Han Park, Dong Mug Kang, Dae Hwan Kim, Deog Hwan Moon, Chae Un Lee
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 1999;11(2):161-173.   Published online June 30, 1999
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The goal of this study is to observe the associations between the metabolic phenotype by personal exposure and urinary metabolites and genetic polymorphism of CYP2E1 which is known to be related with styrene metabolism. To complete this study, the author executed a battery of tests on 46 workers who were working at laminating department of fiberglass- reinforced plastics (FRP) industry located in Pusan and Kyungnam area during April to June 1998. Those were - (1) personal exposure assessment with organic vapour monitor and gas chromatography. (2) measurement of urinary metabolites - mandelic acid (MA) and phenylglyoxylic acid (PGA) - with high performance liquid chromatography (HIPLC), (3) CYP2E1 genotying with PCR and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) using Dra I and Rsa I, and (4) questionnaire survey for some individual characteristics. Study subjects were composed of 32 men and 14 women, and whose average age was 39.4 years, average tenure was 7.7 years. Each concentration expressed by geometric mean(range) was as follows; air styrene 15.6(3.1-81.0) ppm, urinary MA 187.8(36.8-1007.2) mg/g creatinine, PGA 232.8(46.8-1075.7) mg/g creatinine. Correlation coefficients between air styrene were MA 0.54, PGA 0.37, MA+PGA 0.54 (p < 0.05). The relative frequency of CYP2E1 mutant allele was 45.7%(Dra I 43.5%, lIsa 1 37.0%), and homozygous mutant type (M/M) was not observed. The value of (geometric mean of (air styrene/urinary metabolites)) x 1000 according to genotype was significantly higher in mutant type than wild type (p<0.05), as in case of MA, mutant type 106.4 and wild type 84.4, and in case of MA+PGA, mutant type 84.4 and wild type 55.6. The value of air styeneTLV-TWA/urinary metabolitesBEI was used as a cut-off value of classifying phenotype. That is, the value of air styeneTLV-TWA/urinary MABEI >or= 0.063 and air styreneTLV-TWA/urinary MA+PGABEI >or= 0.048 was classified as poor metabolizer, and, the value of air styreneTLV-TWA/urinary MABEI~ < 0.063 and air styreneThV~A/urinary MA+PGABEI < 0.048 was classified as extensive metabolizer. As the result, the frequency of poor metabolizer was higher in mutant type than wild type with no statistical significance (p > 0.05), as in case of MA, mutant type 66.7% and wild type 48.0%, and in case of MA+PGA, mutant type 81.0% and wild type 56.0%. These results suggests that CYP2E1 mutant allele has a tendency toward the poor metabolizer. This study has several limitations as small sample size, and no considerations on work intensity, alcohol habit, obesity, etc which can affect styrene metabolism. However, this study is of value because this is first study to propose the fundamental data about associations between exposure level, biological monitoring, and CYP2E1 genetic polymorphism in Korean workers dealing with pure styrene. To improve accuracy of the study, that means, to applicate the result of this study on the personal risk assessment of styrene workers, larger sample size and consideration for confounders are needed.

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Original Article
Induction of Hepatic Microsomal Cytochrome P450 by Styrene in Rat
Ki Woong Kim, Sung Keun Chang, Hyo Seok Joung, Jun Yeon Lee, Young Hahn Moon, Sang Shin Park
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 1997;9(4):604-613.   Published online December 31, 1997
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The effects of styrene on the induction of cytochrome P-450s (P450), (P4501A1/2, P4502B1/2 and P4502El) and activities of other related enzymes were investigated in the male Sprague Dawley rats which were treated with styrene 500 (S1), 1,000 (S2) 1,500 (S3) mg/kg in olive oil intraperitoneally once a day for two days and sacrificed for the preparation of liver microsomes after 24 hrs. 1. The contents of total protein and P450 in the microsomes derived from the styrene treated groups were slightly higher than those from the control group except those from the 53 group (1,500 mg styrene/kg body weight) . The decreases in microsomal protein contents was prominent in the S3 (p<0.05), but the P450 contents was increased significantly in the S2 (p<0.05). 2. The activities of NADPH-P450 and NADH b5 reductase in hepatic microsomes derived from the treated groups were significantly increased in the treated groups(p<0.05). 3. The activities of PROD were also prominently increased with the treatment of styrene except in 53 group, but the activity of EROD was decreased by styrene treatment. The activities of pNPH in the styrene treated groups were higher than that of the control group (p<0.05). 5. Western blotting with monoclonal antibodies against P4502B1/2 isozymes showed the presence of P4502B1/2 in hepatic microsomes from the rats treated with styrene, and the increase in the densities of immunoblots were corelated with the dosages of styrene. The blot densities against P4501A1/2 and P4502El were slightly increased in the styrene treated groups compared with the control group. These results suggested that styrene could primarily induce P4502B1/2 as major and P4501A1/2 and P4502El in minor forms for the metabolism of styrene in rats.


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  • Hepatotoxicity in Rats Treated with Dimethylformamide or Toluene or Both
    Ki-Woong Kim, Yong Hyun Chung
    Toxicological Research.2013; 29(3): 187.     CrossRef
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Original Article
Development of Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Model for Several Volatile Organic Compounds
Jae Yeon Jang, Kyung Jong Lee, Ho Keun Chung
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 1997;9(2):357-377.   Published online June 30, 1997
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Recently physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PB-PK) model has important role in industrial and environmental health. One of problem in application of PB-PK models is that they have uncertainties that is due to different input parameters according to authors. In order to develope a PB-PK model that hag good validity, the effect of several input parameters on simulation results was studies. Chemicals studied were perchloroethylene, toluene and styrene. Simulation of alveolar concentration, blood concentration and urinary metabolites was performed for three solvents, respectively. Input parameters discusses were physiological parameters, metabolic parameters and partition coefficient of chemicals. By comparing simulation results according to several pairs of parameters with experimental data, input parameters that showed best fit were decided.

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Original Article
Styrene in Air and Blood and Mandelic acid in Urine in the Workers exposed to Styrene
Ho Keun Chung, Seong Kyu Kang, Jeong Sun Yang, Ki Woong Kim, Jong Seong Lee, Young Sook Cho, In Jeong Park
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 1994;6(1):113-121.   Published online February 28, 1994
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The concentration of styrene in air and in blood and mandelic acid in urine were checked for the 60 workers with normal liver function, exposed to styrene. Styrene in air were sampled with personal air sampler at least 4 hours and analyzed by gas chromatography. Blood and spot urine were collected at the end of shift with a vacuum tube and a plyethylene bottle and analyzed by has chromatography and high performance liquid chromatography. Means of air and blood styrene and urine mandelic acid were 8.16 ppm (geometric mean), 0.199 mg/L, and 0.519 g/g creatinine, respectively. The concentration of styrene in air and mandelic acid in urine were high in the FRP factories and low in polymerization factory. Styrene in blood showed large difference by the working process. Styrene in air showed a good correlation with mandelic acid in urine(r=0.6369) and styrene in blood(r=0.6371). The mandelic acid in urine and styrene in blood corresponded to exposure of 50 ppm styrene were 0.890 g/g creatinine and 0.434 mg/L. However, hippuric acid in urine did not show any correlation with styrene in air. Urine mandelic acid excretion expected ratio showed a tendency to decrease according to obesity index and to increase with alcohol consumption.


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  • Evaluation of the Suitability of Establishing Biological Exposure Indices of Styrene
    Ah-rum Choi, Sung-guk Im, Mi-young Lee, Se-Hoon Lee
    Safety and Health at Work.2019; 10(1): 103.     CrossRef
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Ann Occup Environ Med : Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
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