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4 "Sister chromatid exchange"
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Original Article
Effects of Stem Cell and Myeloperoxidase on Sister Chromatid Exchanges and Micronuclei Induction of Peripheral Lymphocytes by Styrene, Hydroquinone and Trichloroethylene
Kyung Jae Lee, Hyoung Ah Kim, Min Jung Shin, Jae Hyug Sung, Chung Yill Park, Hoon Han, Se Hoon Lee
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2001;13(3):315-324.   Published online September 30, 2001
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The objective of this study was to identify the possible role of stem cell and myeloperoxidase (MPO) in the metabolic activation of styrene, hydroquinone and trichloroethylene, by investigating the effects of stem cell from umbilical cord blood and MPO on the frequency of sister chromatid exchange (SCE) and micronuclei (MN) induction in cultured human peripheral lymphocytes exposed to these chemicals.
Isolated lymphocytes from whole blood were cultured for 72 hours. The cells were treated with 1.50 mM styrene, 50 microM hydroquinone and 1.50 mM trichloroethylene dissolved with acetone (30 microl in total volume) at 24 hours after the beginning of culture. Control group was treated with acetone only. Immediately after adding these chemicals, 1.3X1 06 cells/ml and 2.6X1 06 cells/ml stem cell or 1.0 and 2.0 unit MPO with H2O2 (for substrate) were added to the cultures. Slides were stained with Giemsa's solution, and acridine orange for sister chromatid exchange, and for micronucleus analysis, respectively.
The results were as follows: 1) Myeloperoxidase and stem cell did not significantly affect the frequencies of SCE or MN in the control group. 2) The frequency of SCE or MN with exposure to styrene did not different from control in the absence of stem cell or MPO. Sister chromatid exchange induced by styrene was significantly increased by adding stem cell or MPO in dose-dependent relationship. The frequency of MN induced by styrene significantly increased in the presence of 2.0 unit MPO. 3) The frequency of SCE was significantly increased with exposure to hydroquinone than acetone treated control in the absence of stem cell or MPO. Sister chromatid exchange induction by hydroquinone significantly increased dose-dependently in the presence of stem cell or MPO. There was a tendency of increase of the MN frequency induced by hydroquinone in the presence of stem cell or MPO, but not significant. 4) It was found that trichloroethylene itself did not increase SCE or MN frequency. Frequency of SCE induced by trichloroethylene was significantly increased with adding stem cell (low and high) and 2.0 unit MPO. Even though stem cell or MPO increased the frequency of MN of lymphocyte exposed to trichloroethylene, the difference was not significant.
Authors found that the frequencies of both sister chromatid exchange and micronucleus induced by styrene, hydroquinone, and trichloroethylene were increased significantly with the treatment of stem cell or myeloperoxidase. It was suggested that myeloperoxidase may therefore play an important role in the metabolic activation of styrene, hydroquinone, and trichloroethylene and myeloperoxidase probably be involved in the myelotoxicity of these chemicals.

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Original Article
Assessment of Genotoxic Hazard in Petrochemical Workers
Jai Dong Moon, Soon Phal Suh, Jung Sun Park, Jin Hyung Cho, Ki Won Ahn
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 1998;10(1):53-60.   Published online February 28, 1998
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In order to evaluate the genotoxic hazard among workers potentially exposed to low level petrochemical substances, the analyses of micronuclei (MN) and sister chromatid exchanges (SCEs) in lymphocytes were performed in 46 male workers (as exposed group) and 46 nonexposed subjects (as control group). Mean frequencies of MN and SCEs (respectively, 12.9/1000 cells and 6.5/cell) in exposed group were very significantly higher than those (10.2/1000 cells and 5.4/cell) in control group. And there were also significant differences in mean frequencies of MN and SCEs adjusted for age, employment duration, smoking, and drinking between two groups. Median frequencies of MN and SCEs in exposed group were very significantly higher than those in control group. Frequencies of SCEs were higher in smokers than in non-smoker. Frequencies of MN in smokers, however, were similiar to those of non-smoker. Interaction between exposure and smoking on MN and SCEs induction was not observed. The results suggest that there is genotoxic hazard in high risk group like workers handling carcinogens in petrochemical plants and the analyses of MN and SCEs are useful biomarkers for the exposure to hazard substances even at the level below the exposure limit.


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    L. Palanikumar, N. Panneerselvam
    Russian Journal of Genetics.2011; 47(9): 1033.     CrossRef
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Original Article
A study on the Frequency of Sister Chromatid Exchanges in Peripheral Lymphocytes among Painters
Seung Rim Yang
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 1994;6(2):332-341.   Published online September 30, 1994
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The author studied the frequencies of sister chromatid exchanges of cultured peripheral Iymphocytes from 51 chromium exposed workers and 29 controls in order to examine the inductivity of sister chromatid exchanges of cultured peripheral lymphocytes of chromium exposed workers, from June 1989 to March 1990. The results obtained were as follows; 1. Mean frequencies of sister chromatid exchanges of cultured peripheral lymphocytes were 9.33+/-2.57 from chromium exposed workers and 7.59+/-0.81 from control, respectively, and the former was significantly higher than the latter (p<0.01) . 2. The frequencies of sister chromatid exchanges of cultured peripheral lymphocytes by duration of employment from chromium exposed workers was increased in proportion to that, but there was no statistical significance. 3. The frequencies of sister chromatid exchanges of cultured peripheral lymphocytes by chromium concentration in blood and urine of chromium exposed workers were not significantly increased. 4. The frequencies of sister chromatid exchanges of cultured peripheral lymphocytes by levels of alcohol consumption in chromium exposed workers was inclined to increase in proportion to that. 5. The frequencies of sister chromatid exchanges of cultured peripheral lymphocytes by number of cigarettes smoked was significantly increased in proportion to that in both chromium exposed workers and controls (p<0.05) . 6. In drinkers of chromium exposed workers, the frequencies of sister chromatid exchanges of cultured peripheral lymphocytes in smokers was higher than non-smokers, but there was no statistical significance.

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Original Article
Development of Methods to Estimate Exposure Levels to Vinyl Chloride Monomer and Multiphasic Screening Tests for Workers of Polyvinyl Chloride Manufacturing Factories
Heon Kim, Youn Jeong Nam, Sung Taek Kim, Dae Young Kim, Sul Hui Han, Kuck Tae Park
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 1994;6(2):201-218.   Published online September 30, 1994
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In order to develop questionnaire estimating vinyl chloride monomer(VCM) exposure levels, to reset selection criteria for detailed tests, to measure current VCM exposure levels, to evaluate the mutagenic effects of VCM exposures and to develop multiphasic screening method of PVC- or VCM-handling workers, VCM concentrations of work environments were measured and tentative self-administrative questionnaire, physical examination, sister chromatid exchange(SCE) test and some clinical chemical test were applied to 195 men who had been handling VCM or PVC(Exposed Group) and 37, in the same factories without exposure to VCM or in polyethylene- or polypropylene-related factories(Control Group). Mean VCM concentrations of work environments were 0.268+/-0.183 ppm under PVC synthesis processes, 0.160+/-0.200 ppm under VCM synthesis process, 0.076+/-0.111 ppm under PVC pipe producing processes, 0.090+/-0.108 ppm under PVC wall paper, sheet, or film producing processes, 0.071+/-0.051 ppm under PVC floor producing processes, 0.243+/-0.250 ppm under PVC sash producing processes, and 0.020+/-0.031 ppm under triming process. VCM levels of work environments under manual resin mixing processes (0.209+/-0.168 ppm)were higher than those of the others (0.209+/-0.168 ppm) (p-value<0.05). There was no VCM-related symptoms, the positive response rates of which were higher in the Exposed Group. Overall abnormal rate in clinical chemistry test of the Exposed Group was higher than that of the Control Group, but due to extermely low exposure level of exposure group and to small sample size of the Control Group, no statistical significance was found(p-value>0.05). SCE frequencies of the Exposed Group were significantly higher than those of Contorl Group(p-value<0.05) and those of test-abnormal persons were higher than those of test-normal persons. SCE frequencies linearly increased with not only current but also cumulative VCM exposure levels(p-value<0.05). These results suggest that adverse health effect may ensue from VCM exposure to as low as 1 ppm. But SCE frequencies had no statistically significant correlation with drinking amounts, smoking amoutns, or radiation dose equivalents. Questionnaire was revised by referring to these results and formula estimating cumulative VCM exposure levels based on occupational history in questionnaire were made. In addition, were presented methods evaluating work environments and multiphasic screening test for PVC workers.

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Ann Occup Environ Med : Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
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