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An Evidence-Based Multidisciplinary Practice Guideline to Reduce the Workload due to Lifting for Preventing Work-Related Low Back Pain
P Paul FM Kuijer, Jos HAM Verbeek, Bart Visser, Leo AM Elders, Nico Van Roden, Marion ER Van den Wittenboer, Marian Lebbink, Alex Burdorf, Carel TJ Hulshof
Ann Occup Environ Med 2014;26:16-16.   Published online June 24, 2014
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

We developed an evidence-based practice guideline to support occupational safety and health (OSH) professionals in assessing the risk due to lifting and in selecting effective preventive measures for low back pain (LBP) in the Netherlands. The guideline was developed at the request of the Dutch government by a project team of experts and OSH professionals in lifting and work-related LBP. The recommendations for risk assessment were based on the quality of instruments to assess the risk on LBP due to lifting. Recommendations for interventions were based on a systematic review of the effects of worker- and work directed interventions to reduce back load due to lifting. The quality of the evidence was rated as strong (A), moderate (B), limited (C) or based on consensus (D). Finally, eight experts and twenty-four OSH professionals commented on and evaluated the content and the feasibility of the preliminary guideline. For risk assessment we recommend loads heavier than 25 kg always to be considered a risk for LBP while loads less than 3 kg do not pose a risk. For loads between 3–25 kg, risk assessment shall be performed using the Manual handling Assessment Charts (MAC)-Tool or National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) lifting equation. Effective work oriented interventions are patient lifting devices (Level A) and lifting devices for goods (Level C), optimizing working height (Level A) and reducing load mass (Level C). Ineffective work oriented preventive measures are regulations to ban lifting without proper alternatives (Level D). We do not recommend worker-oriented interventions but consider personal lift assist devices as promising (Level C). Ineffective worker-oriented preventive measures are training in lifting technique (Level A), use of back-belts (Level A) and pre-employment medical examinations (Level A). This multidisciplinary evidence-based practice guideline gives clear criteria whether an employee is at risk for LBP while lifting and provides an easy-reference for (in)effective risk reduction measures based on scientific evidence, experience, and consensus among OSH experts and practitioners.


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Knowledge, Attitude and Practice on Industrial Safety and Health in Technical High School Students
Sung Pil Choi, Chung Yill Park, Hyeon Woo Yim
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2001;13(2):171-179.   Published online June 30, 2001
AbstractAbstract PDF
This study was carried out to determine the knowledge(K), attitude(A) and practice(P) on major industrial safety and health problems among on-the-job training students.
We used self-administered questionnaire regarding rules or regulations, the management of hazardous materials, the work place hygiene, the use of protective device, arrangement and improvement job site, ventilation, safety and health education, and inspection and management of equipment.
In general, the mean score of KAP in educated group compared with non-educated group was significantly higher. As increasing the frequency of education, the mean scores of KAP were increased. There were not significant differences among 'work duration' groups on total mean scores of knowledge and practice. But on that of the attitude, there was significant differences among 'work duration'groups. There were significant differences among 'size of enterprise'groups on total mean scores of knowledge and attitude. But on that of the practice, there was no significant differences among'size of enterprise' groups. In stepwise multiple regression analysis, education frequency and method were significantly attributed to KAP, but the coefficient of determination were low.
it is suggested that the increase of education time was the most important thing for improving the knowledge, attitude and practice on industrial safety and health in technical high school students.


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Perception, Attitude and Praetical Behavioral Change of Industrial Health Care Manager toward Group Health Care System
Kyoo Sang Kim, Jaehoon Roh, Yeon Soon Ahn
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 1994;6(2):411-420.   Published online September 30, 1994
AbstractAbstract PDF
To evaluate the change of perception, attitude and practice toward Group Health Care Systerl for small and medium industries, a survey using self-administered questionnaire was conducted to a part of industries in Inchon area, in year 1992 and 1993. major dependent variables were perception, attitude, and practical behavioral change related with Croup Health Care System ; these variables were measured by 3-point Likert like scale. 47 industries were used in analysis. Psrception of year 1993 was higher (1.25) than that (1 34) of 1992. Attitude of yeal. 1993 was also slightly higher (1.46) than that (1.43) of 1992. Both data indicated positive attitude. Practice of year 1993 was slightly lewer (0.86) tHan that (0.90) of 1992, but its change didn't have any statistical significance. In year 1992, major determinants of perception, attitude and behaviral change were sex and age of industrial health care manager ; they had positive efffct upon perception and practice. In yeal. 1993, it was sex of health care manager; it had influenced upon practice. Both year 1992 and 1993, perception was higher and attitude was more positive. In the case of higher perception or positive attitude, practice was active accordingly. To accelerate the behavioral change of health care manager, it is necessary to eaucate them continuously.


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Original Article
The Factors associated with Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Regarding Occupational Health Among Small and Medium Scale Industry Workers
Chung Yill Park, Kang Sook Lee, Won Chul Lee, Se Hoon Lee
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 1994;6(1):42-55.   Published online February 28, 1994
AbstractAbstract PDF
This study was carried out to determine the knowledge(K), attitude(A) and practice(P) on major occupational health problems among small and medium scale industry workers in Kimpo area. We used self-administered questionnairs regarding the emergency treatment on accident, the management of hazardous materials, the work place hygiene, the health risk of young workers and female works, the use of protective device, prevention of occupational disease, the periodic physical examination and the occupational health administration. The results obtained were as follow; 1. There were significant differences among age groups on the KAP. The teenage group had the lowest scores. As the age increased, total mean scores of KAP were increased concurrently, and this trend was statistically significant. 2. There was significant differences between male and female subjects on total mean scores of knowledge. But on that of the attitude and practice, there was no significant difference between male and female subjects. 3. As the size of enterprise increased, the mean scores of knowledge, attitude and practice were increased, but this trend was not statistically significant. 4. As the work duration increased, the mean scores of the attitude and the practice were increased. But the mean scores of the knowledge did not show this trend. 5. The white collar workers had significant higher scores than blue collar workers on knowledge, but there were not significant differeneces on attitude and practice. 6. The significantly associated variables on knowledge were work status and sex. On attitude and practice, age and work duration were significantly associated variables, but the degree of association was low. 7. When stepwise multiple regression analysis was done, work status, sex, age were significantly attributed to knowledge, age and sex wwere attributed to attitude, and age was attributed to knowledge, but the coefficient of determination were very low. In conclusion in small and medium scale industry workers, there were weak or no effects of age, sex of enterprise, work duration and work status on knowledge, attitude and practice regarding occupational health. So, it is suggested that all the members of the workers should be included in health education program for the workers.


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