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The Application of Biological Monitoring and Effects of Ethanol and Phenobarbital on Plasma Protein Adducts Formed in Rats Exposed to Benzidine
Chi Nyon Kim, Se Hoon Lee, Jaehoon Roh
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2002;14(4):353-363.   Published online December 31, 2002
AbstractAbstract PDF
The effects of ethanol and phenobarbital,which are known to affect metabolism of xenobiotics, on the formation of benzidine-and its metabolites-plasma protein adducts in rats administered benzidine were evaluated.
The experimental rats were divided into the control,ethanol and phenobar-bital groups. The experimental groups (ethanol and phenobarbital group)were pretreated with ethanol (1g/kg)or phenobarbital (80mg/kg)24 hours prior to the oral administration of benzidine (0.5mmol/kg). Blood samples were obtained from the vena cava from 5 rats in each group; and at 30 min,3 h,6 h,9 h,12 h,24 h,48 h,72 h,96 h,and 144 h after the administration of benzidine using heparin treated syringes.The plasma protein levels were separated immediately after taking blood samples. The adducts were underwent basic hydrolysis to convert them into aromatic amines. The hydrolyzed benzidine, monoacetylbenzidine, and 4-aminobiphenyl were analyzed by reverse-phased liquid chro-matography with an electrochemical detector. The quantitative amount of the metabolites was expressed by the plasma protein binding index(PBI).
Similar to the hemoglobin adducts,the levels of the plasma protein adducts of the ethanol and phenobarbital groups (benzidine-, monoacetylbenzidine-, and 4-amino-biphenyl-PBI)were higher than those of the control group. These results are attributable to the fact that ethanol and phenobarbital induced to the plasma protein adduct formation. The N-acetylation ratio in the control group was highest at 72 h with 2.34.In the ethanol group,it was highest at 72 h with a ratio of 2.46 and was highest in the phenobarbital group at 72 h with a ratio of 2.43. The N-acetylation ratio of the plasma protein adducts was relatively lower than that of the hemoglobin adducts.The level of the plasma protein adduct increased more rapidly than the hemoglobin adducts in all experimental groups regardless of the pretreatment,and decreased rapidly after reaching the maximum level.
The above results indicate that ethanol and phenobarbital increased the level of plasma protein adduct formation. The plasma protein adducts tended to decrease more rapidly than the hemoglobin adducts in the body after benzidine exposure. This results in this study result suggests that the effects of ethanol or phenobarbital need to be considered in the biochemical monitoring,and that the level of the plasma protein adducts be a more proper biomarker than the hemoglobin adducts for assessing the short term exposure to a benzidine and benzidine based dye.

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