In Asian countries, including Korea, lead poisoning caused by traditional herbal medicines is often observed in the clinic. However, there have been no reports thus far of lead poisoning caused by drugs that were approved by the Korea Food and Drug Administration (KFDA). Here, we describe seven patients who ingested a problematic natural product-derived drug (NPD).
In July 2018, seven patients visited a university hospital after ingesting an NPD, S. capsules. These patients complained of various symptoms, and their blood lead levels (BLLs) were elevated relative to those of the general population (arithmetic mean: 19.5 ± 11.6 µg/dL, range: 6.28–35.25 µg/dL). The total doses and BLLs were directly proportional to each other among the patients (
This incident highlights the need to strengthen standards for the management of NPD ingredients in Korea. NPDs are more likely to be contaminated than other drugs. Thorough management by the KFDA is essential to prevent a recurrence. Moreover, systematic health care is needed for many patients who have taken problematic NPDs.
Lead is a metal that has no biological function useful for the human body. In Korea, non-occupational exposure to lead has mostly occurred through taking oriental medicine. However, in this paper we report a case of lead poisoning caused by ingesting talisman material.
A 16-year-old male patient complained of severe abdominal pain after taking cinnabar, a talisman material. He was diagnosed with lead poisoning accompanied by acute hepatitis. We confirmed that the cinnabar the patient took contained about 10% elemental lead. After symptom management, the patients’ symptoms, liver function test results, and blood lead concentration level improved.
Lead poisoning can be accompanied by hepatitis, although rarely. As we have confirmed that cinnabar as a talisman material is harmful to the human body, measures to prevent its misuse are needed.