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2 "Epilepsy"
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Case Report
A Study Regarding the Work Fitness of a Manufacturing Worker Suffering from a Stroke and Muscle Weakness
Eun Kwang Ryu, Jae Seung Yong, Jung Won Kim
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2012;24(3):294-303.   Published online September 30, 2012
AbstractAbstract PDF
Occupational health and safety guidelines have the goals of protecting workers, helping them to adapt to their working environment, and to promote their health and ability. In the work fitness evaluations done by occupational medicine doctors, one of their subjective duties is to assess a worker's working ability so as not to affect the health of the worker or his/her co-workers. A worker's functional capacity and reasonable accommodations should be considered. We studied a case regarding cerebral hemorrhage and muscle weakness after renal disease.
This patient was a male who worked at a tobacco company. He suffered from acute renal failure in 2003. In 2004, during his treatment, a convulsion-seizure occurred. This patient had non-specific findings in family history, blood studies, urinary analysis, mental status examination, and showed no signs of depression. There was a decrease in muscle power found during a physical examination. As a result, an occupational and environmental doctor and an industrial hygienist went to the worker's company in order to analyze the workers tasks. They concluded that there were some problems regarding the worker' s daily activities. When considering reasonable accommodation it was determined that such cases could work in the qualify control department instead of current job, assembly department.
Throughout this case, we considered the work compatibility of the various complications arising from a cerebral hemorrhage and convulsion-seizure disease which occurred to a factory worker who suffered from acute renal failure. We recommend it essential to create work compatibility guidelines regarding this case presentations, ensuring consistency to the efforts made by health care workers and physicians.

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Case Report
A Case of Epilepsy and Assessments of Fitness for Work
Kyoung Han Kim, Min Choi, Se Eun Kim, Tae Won Jang, Hyoung Ryoul Kim, Jung Wan Koo
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2012;24(3):287-293.   Published online September 30, 2012
AbstractAbstract PDF
Epilepsy affects an individual's ability to work as well as their daily activities. Patients with epilepsy have difficulties in finding and maintaining jobs, and they may not have opportunities to perform adequately. Therefore, evaluation of work-fitness is important for patients with epilepsy. In this report, the authors reviewed a case of epilepsy and discussed aspects of the case for evaluation of work-fitness.
REPORT: A 43-year-old man with epilepsy visited the hospital for evaluation of work-fitness. His job consisted of forklift driving and crane operation using a remote control. As a seizure attack could threaten worker's safety, we recommended a job change. The employer refused to approve a job change due to the company's circumstances, so we recommended several conditions, including continuous medication, use of protective equipment, restriction of night-shift work, restriction of strenuous exercise, and profound sleep. An epilepsy event occurred during the follow-up period, prompting his company to evaluate his work. There were frequent movements of forklift operations and workers in the workplace, so we recommended restriction of forklift driving and a job change if possible. As a result, the employer changed his job and we recommended "capable of performing work without any conditions".
For evaluation of work-fitness in patients with epilepsy, adequate job analysis, assessment of patient's medical conditions, and interviews of coworker and employers should be conducted. It is also important to let the employer make the best decision in terms of the patient's health and coworker's safety.

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Ann Occup Environ Med : Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
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