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Workplace influenza vaccination in private hospital setting: a cost-benefit analysis
Mohd. Ab. Hadi Tohiar, Safurah Jaafar, Azimatun Noor Aizuddin, Tan Kok Leong, Azrin Syahida Abdul Rahim
Ann Occup Environ Med 2022;34:e3.   Published online February 17, 2022
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

Influenza illness causes several disruptions to the workforce. The absenteeism that often ensues has economic implications for employers. This study aimed to estimate the cost-benefit of influenza vaccination in a healthcare setting from the employer’s perspective.


A cross-sectional questionnaire survey was conducted in a private hospital in 2018–2019 comparing voluntary vaccinated with non-vaccinated employees with influenza vaccine. The analyses were made based on self-reporting on absenteeism and presenteeism from Influenza-like illnesses (ILIs). The costs incurred, both direct and indirect costs, were included in the study. A cost-benefit analysis was performed by measuring the cost of the vaccination program. The costs of absenteeism and reduced productivity were calculated using 3 hypothesised levels of effectiveness in the following percentage of productivity of 30%, 50%, and 70%. The costs were also calculated based on four scenarios: with and without operating income and with and without replacement. The benefits of the influenza vaccination from the employer’s perspective were analysed. The benefit to cost ratio was determined.


A total of four hundred and twenty-one respondents participated. The influenza vaccination rate was 63.0%. The rate of ILI of 38.1% was significantly lower among vaccinated. The ILI-related absenteeism reported was also significantly lower amongst vaccinated employees at 30% compared to 70% non-vaccinated. Employers could save up to USD 18.95 per vaccinated employee when only labour cost was included or 54.0% of cost savings. The cost-saving rose to USD 155.56 when the operating income per employee was also included. The benefit to cost ratio confirmed that the net cost-benefit gained from the vaccination was more than the net cost of vaccination.


Influenza vaccination for working adults was cost-saving and cost-beneficial when translated into financial investments for the employer. A workplace vaccination demonstrates a significant cost-benefit strategy to be applied in any institutional setting.


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Original Article
Cost-Benefit Analysis of a Factory Dispensary
In Keun Yoo, Jong Uk Won, Jae Seok Song, Jae Hoon Roh
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2001;13(2):190-199.   Published online June 30, 2001
AbstractAbstract PDF
We performed cost-benefit analysis to investigate the benefit of companies dispensary.
We measured the cost and benefit of running a factory dispensary. This study focused on a factory with well arranged professional health-care staff. The study was carried out during 1995-1997. All the past values of cost and benefit were converted into present value. We used net benefit and cost/benefit ratio as determinants.
The net benefit of the object factory dispensary was -73,000,000 Won, and cost/benefit ratio was about 0.65. This result showed no profitability.
There would be limitation of generalization because this study included only one factory dispensary. As we did not consider many indirect benefits. the benefit portion might be underestimated. We should also think about the possibility of profitability. If one dispensary takes charge of two or more factories. then it can produce sufficient profit. With all of those efforts we dream the days of healthy workers will come.


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