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2 "Cor pulmonale"
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Original Article
Radiological discrimination of cor pulmonale with pulmonary function and electrocardiography finding in coal workers pneumoconiosis
Yong Hee Cheon
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 1996;8(3):446-453.   Published online December 31, 1996
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The radiological finding, pulmonary ventilatory function test data, electrocardiography data were used for the study of relationship between these variables in cor pulmonale and normal group in coal Workers pneumoconiosis. The hospital records of 674 men who were diagnosed as coal workers pneumoconiosis were analysed. The ratio between interhilar distance and thoracic transverse diameter was used as a criterion in grouping of cor pulmonale. If. the ratio is greater than 0.36, it was classified, to cor pulmonale. The squared canonical correlation of pulmonary function variable to cor pulmonale grouping was less than 0.15. Logistic regression analysis with pulmonary function variable and electrocardiographic variable showed sensitivity 50.5%, specificity 72.2%, correctness 62.2%. Vital capacity and Forced vital capacity showed significantly decreased value in cor pulmonale group after adjustment of covariates( age, degree of dyspnea, pack-years of smoking, perfusion of small and large opacity).

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Original Article
ECG Sign of Cor Pulmonale in Coal Workers' Pneumoconiosis Died from Cardio-respiratory faiture
Yong Hee Cheon, Kye Chul Shin
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 1990;2(1):71-74.   Published online February 28, 1990
AbstractAbstract PDF
Electrocardiographic sign was studied for the evaluation of the state of Corpulmonale in coal workers' pneumoconiosis who were admitted and dead as complication of CWP in Don-ghae hospital, Fourty-eight cases were gatherpd. The prevalence rate of right axis deviation was 28.3%. p-pulmonale in lead II was 30.4%, R/S< or =1 in V5 was 23.9. But che pulmonary artereal pressure can be increased without the change of ECG. so the elortrocardiugraphical sign should be treated as reference data.

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Ann Occup Environ Med : Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
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