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Association of heavy metal complex exposure and neurobehavioral function of children
Minkeun Kim, Chulyong Park, Joon Sakong, Shinhee Ye, So young Son, Kiook Baek
Ann Occup Environ Med 2023;35:e23.   Published online July 6, 2023
AbstractAbstract AbstractAbstract in Korean PDFSupplementary MaterialPubReaderePub

Exposure to heavy metals is a public health concern worldwide. Previous studies on the association between heavy metal exposure and neurobehavioral functions in children have focused on single exposures and clinical manifestations. However, the present study evaluated the effects of heavy metal complex exposure on subclinical neurobehavioral function using a Korean Computerized Neurobehavior Test (KCNT).


Urinary mercury, lead, cadmium analyses as well as symbol digit substitution (SDS) and choice reaction time (CRT) tests of the KCNT were conducted in children aged between 10 and 12 years. Reaction time and urinary heavy metal levels were analyzed using partial correlation, linear regression, Bayesian kernel machine regression (BKMR), the weighted quantile sum (WQS) regression and quantile G-computation analysis.


Participants of 203 SDS tests and 198 CRT tests were analyzed, excluding poor cooperation and inappropriate urine sample. Partial correlation analysis revealed no association between neurobehavioral function and exposure to individual heavy metals. The result of multiple linear regression shows significant positive association between urinary lead, mercury, and CRT. BMKR, WQS regression and quantile G-computation analysis showed a statistically significant positive association between complex urinary heavy metal concentrations, especially lead and mercury, and reaction time.


Assuming complex exposures, urinary heavy metal concentrations showed a statistically significant positive association with CRT. These results suggest that heavy metal complex exposure during childhood should be evaluated and managed strictly.

소아 신경 행동 기능과 중금속 복합 노출의 관련성
중금속 노출은 많은 국가에서 공중보건 관련해서 큰 과제이다. 중금속 노출에 따른 신경계의 영향을 보기 위한 과거 연구들 에서는 노출의 경우 단일 중금속에 대한 노출을, 노출에 따른 결과로는 임상적 징후 또는 질환의 진단을 중점으로 이루어졌다. 본 연구는 중금속 복합 노출과 준임상적 수준을 포함한 신경 행동 기능의 관계를 확인하기 위해 계획되었다.
소변 중 수은, 납, 카드뮴 분석과 한국형 컴퓨터 신경행동검사중 부호 숫자 짝짓기 검사와 선택 반응 시간 검사를 211명의 10-12세의 소아들에게 시행한 자료를 바탕으로, 반응 시간과 소변 중 중금속 수치를 성별과 연령을 보정하여 편상관분석과 회귀분석으로 분석하였다. 그 중 유의미한 결과가 확인되는 항목에 대해 복합노출에 대한 분석을 Bayesian Kernel Machine regression, Weighted Sum Regression analysis, Quantile G-computation 기법을 활용하여 심층 분석하였다.
부호숫자 짝짓기 검사의 경우 203건, 선택반응 검사의 경우 198건에 대해 분석을 수행하였다. 부호숫자 짝짓기 검사의 경우 단일 중금속과 편상관분석 및 다중회귀분석에서 유의미한 관련성이 보이지 않았다. 선택반응 검사의 경우 편상관분석상 개별 중금속과는 별다른 관계를 보이지 않았으나 다중회귀분석에서 수은 및 납과 유의미한 관련성을 보였다. 복합노출에 대한 분석방법인 Bayesian Kernel Machine regression, Weighted Sum Regression analysis, Quantile G-computation 기법에서 소변 중 중금속과 선택 반응 시간 검사의 반응시간 간에 양의 상관관계를 보였으며, 세 분석에서 비교적 일관되게 복합노출 시 수은과 납이 선택 반응 시간 검사의 반응시간에 양의 상관관계를 보였다. 카드뮴의 경우 뚜렷한 양의 상관관계를 보이지 않거나 그 기여도가 적었다.
본 연구 샘플의 요중 수은, 납, 카드뮴의 범위는 임상적인 증상을 나타낼 수 있는 것으로 알려진 여러 기준 수준에 비해 매우 낮은 수준에 있으나, 그 범위 내에서도 선택 반응 검사와 중금속의 복합노출은 통계적으로 유의한 반응시간 차이를 보였다. 위 결과는 소아 중금속 복합 노출이 매우 낮은 농도 수준에서도 신경계에 영향을 미친다는 가능성을 제시하며, 이는 중금속 노출에 대한 더욱 민감하고 엄격한 관리가 필요함을 보여주는 결과이다.


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  • The impact of unfavorable and toxic environmental conditions on autonomic tone modulations while wearing N95 face masks
    Valery Erkudov, Andrey Pugovkin, Kenjabek Rozumbetov, Azat Matchanov, Shanika Arachchi, Upaka Rathnayake
    Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering.2024; 9: 100619.     CrossRef
  • Association Between Multiple Heavy Metal Exposures and Cholesterol Levels in Residents Living Near a Smelter Plant in Korea
    Sun-In Moon, Dong-Hyuk Yim, Kyunghi Choi, Sang-Yong Eom, Byung-Sun Choi, Jung-Duck Park, Heon Kim, Yong-Dae Kim
    Journal of Korean Medical Science.2024;[Epub]     CrossRef
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Risk assessment of heavy metals in tuna from Japanese restaurants in the Republic of Korea
Seong-Jin Bae, Kyu-Sik Shin, Chulyong Park, Kiook Baek, So-Young Son, Joon Sakong
Ann Occup Environ Med 2023;35:e3.   Published online February 9, 2023
AbstractAbstract AbstractAbstract in Korean PDFSupplementary MaterialPubReaderePub

Studies on the risk of mercury (Hg) in Korean fishery products focus primarily on total Hg levels as opposed to methylmercury (MeHg) levels. None of the few studies on MeHg in tuna investigated tuna from Japanese restaurants. Few have evaluated lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd) and arsenic (As) in tuna. Thus, this study aimed to conduct a risk assessment by evaluating heavy metal concentrations in tuna from Japanese restaurants.


Thirty-one tuna samples were collected from Japanese restaurants in the Republic of Korea. They were classified according to region and species. The concentration of heavy metals in the samples was analyzed using the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety Food Code method. The rate of exceedance of maximum residue levels (MRLs) and the risk compared to the provisional tolerable weekly intake (PTWI) set by the Joint Food and Agriculture Organization/World Health Organization Expert Committee on Food Additives (%PTWI) were evaluated for risk assessment.


The mean of MeHg, Pb, Cd and As concentrations were 0.56 ± 1.47 mg/kg, 33.95 ± 3.74 μg/kg, 14.25 ± 2.19 μg/kg and 1.46 ± 1.89 mg/kg, respectively. No sample exceeded the MRLs of Pb and Cd, but 9.7% of the samples exceeded the MRL of MeHg. The %PTWIs of MeHg, Pb, Cd and As were 4.2037, 0.0162, 0.0244 and 1.1627, respectively. The %PTWI of MeHg by age group and sex was highest among men aged 19–29 years (10.6494), followed by men aged 30–49 years (7.2458) and women aged 19–29 years (4.8307).


We found that 3 out of 31 samples exceeded the MRL of MeHg. The %PTWI of MeHg showed significant differences based on age and sex, and the value was likely to exceed a safe level depending on individuals’ eating behaviors. Therefore, improved risk management for MeHg is required.

한국의 일식집 유통 참치의 중금속(4종) 위해성평가
국내 수산물의 수은에 관한 위해성 연구는 주로 메틸수은이 아닌 총 수은을 대상으로 이루어졌다. 소수의 참치의 메틸수은에 대한 연구들 중 일식점 유통 참치에 대한 연구는 없었다. 참치의 납, 카드뮴 및 비소에 대한 연구도 거의 이루어지지 않았다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 일식점 유통 참치의 중금속 농도를 평가하여 위해성평가를 실시하고자 하였다.
참치는 한국의 일식집에서 총 31개의 시료가 수집되었다. 지역과 참치의 종에 따라서 분류하였다. 시료의 중금속 농도는 식품의약품안전처의 식품공전에 따라 분석했다. 위해성평가를 위해서 식품의 잔류허용기준을 초과하는 비율과 FAO/WHO합동식품첨가물 전문가위원회가 설정한 잠정주간섭취허용과 비교한 위험도(%PTWI)를 산출하였다.
메틸수은, 납, 카드뮴 및 비소 농도의 기하평균은 각각 0.56 ± 1.47 mg/kg, 33.95 ± 3.74 μg/kg, 14.25 ± 2.19 μg/kg 및 1.46 ± 1.89 mg/kg이었다. 납과 카드뮴의 경우 잔류허용기준을 초과하는 시료가 없었으나 메틸수은의 경우 시료의 9.7%가 초과했다. 메틸수은, 납, 카드뮴 및 비소의 %PTWI는 4.2037, 0.0162, 0.0244 및 1.1627이었다. 메틸수은의 %PTWI는 19-29세의 남성, 30-49세의 남성, 19-29세의 여성 순으로 높았으며, 그 값은 10.6494, 7.2458, 4.8307이었다.
총 31개의 시료 중 3개에서 메틸수은의 잔류허용기준을 초과하는 것으로 나타났다. 메틸수은의 %PTWI는 연령과 성별에 따라 상당한 차이를 보였고, 그리고 그 값은 섭취행태에 따라서 안전 수준을 초과할 가능성을 보였다. 따라서, 메틸수은에 대한 개선된 안전성 관리 방안이 필요할 것으로 보인다.


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    József Lehel, Zita Papp, András Bartha, Péter Palotás, Rita Szabó, Péter Budai, Miklós Süth
    Foods.2023; 12(16): 3038.     CrossRef
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Association between exposure to particulate matter and school absences in Korean asthmatic adolescents
Seongmin Jo, Kiook Baek, Joon Sakong, Chulyong Park
Ann Occup Environ Med 2022;34:e21.   Published online August 22, 2022
AbstractAbstract AbstractAbstract in Korean PDFSupplementary MaterialPubReaderePub

Because particulate matter (PM) and asthma are closely related, the prevalence of school absence among adolescents with asthma can be affected by the concentration of PM. We aimed to investigate the relationship between school absences due to asthma and the total number of days that the PM concentration exceeded the standard.


We used the data from the 16th Korea Youth Risk Behavior Survey and the PM levels of 17 metropolitan cities and provinces gathered from the AirKorea. Information on the characteristics of asthmatic adolescents and the prevalence of school absence was obtained using a questionnaire, while the PM levels based on the total number of days with poor and very poor PM grades were collected from the AirKorea website. Both χ2 test and logistic regression analysis were performed using the weights presented in the original dataset.


In the case of particulate matter of 10 microns in diameter or smaller (PM10), the odds ratio (OR) after adjusting for confounders (sex, school year, body mass index, smoking history, diagnosis of allergic rhinitis, diagnosis of atopic dermatitis and city size) was 1.07 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.01–1.13) for absents due to asthma when the total days of poor and very poor grades of PM10 (81 μg/m3 or higher) increased by 1 day. In the analysis of particulate matter of 2.5 microns in diameter or smaller (PM2.5), the OR after adjusting for confounders was 1.01 (95% CI: 1.00–1.03) for absents due to asthma when the total number of days with poor and very poor PM2.5 grades (36 μg/m3 or higher) increased by 1 day.


A significant association was observed between the total number of days of poor and very poor PM10 and PM2.5 grades and school absence due to asthma; PM can cause asthma exacerbation and affect the academic life.

한국 천식 청소년의 미세먼지 노출과 학교 결석과의 상관관계
미세먼지와 천식은 밀접한 관련이 있기 때문에 천식을 앓고 있는 청소년들의 천식악화로 인한 결석률은 미세먼지 농도에 영향을 받을 수 있다. 이번 연구는 일정 기준의 미세먼지 농도를 초과하는 총 일수와 천식 악화로 인한 학교 결석의 관계를 조사했다.
제16차 청소년건강행태조사의 설문결과 중 천식을 진단받은 청소년들을 대상으로 ‘천식으로 인한 학교 결석 여부’를 결과변수로, 에어코리아에서 제공하는 광역시·도의 미세먼지 측정 자료 중 연간 나쁨 및 매우나쁨 등급을 받은 날짜를 미세먼지의 노출 지표로 사용하여 분석하였다. 분석 시 복합표본설계에 따른 가중치를 적용한 카이-제곱 검정과 로지스틱 회귀 분석을 사용하였다.
교란 변수를 보정 후, 1년간 대기 중 PM10 나쁨 및 매우나쁨 등급을 합산한 총 일수가 1일 증가할 때 천식 증상 악화로 인한 학교 결석에 대한 오즈비는 1.06 (95% 신뢰 구간: 1.01–1.13)이었다. PM2.5는 1년간 대기 중 나쁨 및 매우나쁨 등급을 합산한 총 일수가 1일 증가할 때, 천식 증상 악화로 인한 학교 결석에 대한 오즈비는 1.01 (95% 신뢰구간: 1.00–1.02)이었다.
PM10과 PM10의 나쁨 및 매우나쁨 등급을 합산한 총 일수와 천식으로 인한 학교 결석 사이에 유의한 연관성이 관찰되었다.
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Research Article
The association between mercury concentrations and lipid profiles in the Korean National Environmental Health Survey (KoNEHS) cycle 3
Soo Ho Sohn, Han Cheol Heo, Seongmin Jo, Chulyong Park, Joon Sakong
Ann Occup Environ Med 2020;32:e19.   Published online June 22, 2020
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

High concentrations of mercury intake from seafood are known to cause various side effects in humans, including on the nervous system. Various studies have reported the effects of mercury concentrations in humans; however, the association between dyslipidemia, a cardiovascular disease risk factor, and mercury remains controversial. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the association between mercury accumulation and cholesterol concentrations in a Korean population.


We analyzed data of a sample of 3,228 respondents obtained from the Korean National Environmental Health Survey cycle 3, surveyed between 2015 and 2017, to determine how lipid profiles changed according to the blood mercury concentrations (BHg) and urine mercury concentrations (UHg). Multiple regression analysis was used to determine the effects of mercury concentrations among various factors affecting blood cholesterol levels.


The arithmetic mean (AM) of BHg was 2.91 (2.81–3.02) μg/L, and the geometric mean (GM) was 2.71 (2.59–2.85) μg/L. The AM of UHg was 0.52 (0.48–0.56) μg/L, and the GM was 0.35 (0.33–0.38) μg/L. Lipid profiles were more related to the BHg than to the UHg. Total cholesterol (total-C), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) levels increased significantly as BHg increased in males, and total-C, triglyceride, and LDL-C levels increased significantly in females. Multiple regression analysis indicated that BHg were significantly associated with total-C, HDL-C, and LDL-C levels.


We found an association between mercury exposure and the risk of dyslipidemia; however, further studies are required to elucidate a causal association.


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Case Reports
A case of azoospermia in a non-destructive testing worker exposed to radiation
Jaechan Park, Sanggil Lee, Chulyong Park, Huisu Eom
Ann Occup Environ Med 2017;29:33.   Published online August 10, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

Interest in radiation-related health problems has been growing with the increase in the number of workers in radiation-related jobs. Although an occupational level of radiation exposure would not likely cause azoospermia, several studies have reported the relation between radiation exposure and azoospermia after accidental or therapeutic radiation exposure. We describe a case of azoospermia in a non-destructive testing (NDT) worker exposed to radiation and discuss the problems of the related monitoring system.

Case presentation

A 39-year-old man who was childless after 8 years of marriage was diagnosed with azoospermia through medical evaluations, including testicular biopsy. He did not have any abnormal findings on biochemical evaluations, other risk factors, or evidence of congenital azoospermia. He had been working in an NDT facility from 2005 to 2013, attaching and arranging gamma-ray films on the structures and inner spaces of ships. The patient’s thermoluminescent dosimeter (TLD) badge recorded an exposure level of 0.01781 Gy for 80 months, whereas results of his florescence in situ hybridization (FISH) translocation assay showed an exposure level of up to 1.926 Gy of cumulative radiation, which was sufficient to cause azoospermia. Thus, we concluded that his azoospermia was caused by occupational radiation exposure.


The difference between the exposure dose records measured through TLD badge and the actual exposure dose implies that the monitor used by the NDT worker did not work properly, and such a difference could threaten the health and safety of workers. Thus, to protect the safety and health of NDT workers, education of workers and strengthening of law enforcement are required to ensure that regulations are strictly followed, and if necessary, random sampling of NDT workers using a cytogenetic dosimeter, such as FISH, should be considered.


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    Younghyun Lee, Songwon Seo, Young Woo Jin, Seongjae Jang
    Journal of Radiological Protection.2020; 40(1): 151.     CrossRef
  • Reproductive toxic agents in work environments and related cases in Korea
    Chulyong Park
    Yeungnam University Journal of Medicine.2020; 37(1): 22.     CrossRef
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    C. Herate, L. Sabatier
    Mutation Research/Reviews in Mutation Research.2020; 783: 108287.     CrossRef
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A case of chronic myeloid leukemia in a diagnostic radiographer
Chulyong Park, Sungyeul Choi, Dohyung Kim, Jaechan Park, Saerom Lee
Ann Occup Environ Med 2014;26:54.   Published online November 28, 2014
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

Occupational radiation exposure causes certain types of cancer, specifically hematopoietic diseases like leukemia. In Korea, radiation exposure is monitored and recorded by law, and guidelines for compensation of radiation-related diseases were implemented in 2001. However, thus far, no occupation-related disease was approved for compensation under these guidelines. Here, we report the first case of radiation-related disease approved by the compensation committee of the Korea Workers’ Compensation and Welfare Service, based on the probability of causation.

<bold>Case presentation</bold>

A 45-year-old man complained of chronic fatigue and myalgia for several days. He was diagnosed with chronic myeloid leukemia. The patient was a diagnostic radiographer at a diagnostic radiation department and was exposed to ionizing radiation for 21 years before chronic myeloid leukemia was diagnosed. His job involved taking simple radiographs, computed tomography scans, and measuring bone marrow density.


To our knowledge, this is the first approved case report using quantitative assessment of radiation. More approved cases are expected based on objective radiation exposure data and the probability of causation. We need to find a resolution to the ongoing demands for appropriate compensation and improvements to the environment at radiation workplaces.


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A Case of Tracheal Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma in a Worker Exposed to Rubber Fumes
Dohyung Kim, Yang-In Hwang, Sungyeul Choi, Chulyong Park, Naroo Lee, Eun-A Kim
Ann Occup Environ Med 2013;25:22-22.   Published online October 17, 2013
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

Primary tracheal tumors occur infrequently, accounting for less than 0.1% of all tumors. Adenoid cystic carcinoma (ACC) is the second most common type of malignancy of the trachea after squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). Little has been reported on the risk factors for tracheal ACC. The purpose of this study is to describe a case of tracheal ACC in a patient who had been exposed to rubber fumes, and to review the relationship between tracheal ACC and rubber fumes.

Case report

A 48-year-old man who had been experiencing aggravation of dyspnea for several months was diagnosed as having ACC of the trachea on the basis of a pathologic examination of a biopsy specimen obtained via laser microscopy-guided resection. The patient had been exposed to rubber fumes for 10 years at a tire manufacturing factory where he worked until ACC was diagnosed. His job involved preheating and changing rubber molds during the curing process.


ACC of both the trachea and the salivary glands show very similar patterns with regard to histopathology and epidemiology and are therefore assumed to have a common etiology. Rubber manufacturing is an occupational risk factor for the development of salivary gland tumors. Further, rubber fumes have been reported to be mutagenic. The exposure level to rubber fumes during the curing process at the patient’s workplace was estimated to be close to or higher than British Occupational Exposure Limits. Therefore, tracheal ACC in this case might have been influenced by occupational exposure to rubber fumes.


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Ann Occup Environ Med : Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
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