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Case Report
Ethylene oxide burn in a chemical plant worker: a case report
Youngwook Kim, Sangchul Roh
Ann Occup Environ Med 2021;33:e23.   Published online July 1, 2021
AbstractAbstract AbstractAbstract in Korean PDFPubReaderePub

Ethylene oxide is a chemical agent that is widely used for the sterilization of medical equipment and the manufacture of chemicals. Although ethylene oxide burns are frequent and can be severe, many workers are unaware of their risks.

Case presentation

A 45-year-old man presented with painful exudative lesions on the right foot after working with ethylene oxide solution in a chemical plant. The patient stated that the solution had percolated through his shoe and he had not washed the solution off for 5 hours. Symptoms, including pain and erythema, appeared after a delay of more than 12 hours from the time of initial exposure. The skin of his right foot was irrigated with saline and covered with a wet dressing and topical antibiotics in the emergency department. The patient was followed up for 4 weeks at an outpatient clinic.


Ethylene oxide causes skin irritation, dermatitis, and burns in severe cases. Since skin reactions can be delayed for more than 12 hours after exposure, it is important to remove contaminated shoes and clothing immediately and wash the exposed area even in the absence of symptoms. It is also necessary to provide the appropriate protective equipment and educate workers on the dangers of ethylene oxide.

화학플랜트에서 발생한 산화에틸렌에 의한 화학화상 1예
서론: 산화에틸렌은 의료기기 살균 및 화학제품 제조에 널리 사용되는 물질이다. 산화에틸렌에 의한 화상은 빈번히 발생하며 심각한 합병증을 가져올 수 있지만 많은 근로자들은 그 위험을 인지하지 못하고 있다.
45세 남성이 화학 공장에서 산화 에틸렌 용액으로 작업 한 후 오른발에 통증을 동반한 삼출성 병변을 보였다. 산화에틸렌용액이 근로자의 신발에 스며 들었고 5 시간 동안 용액을 씻어 내지 않았다. 통증 및 홍반을 포함한 증상은 초기 노출 시점으로부터 12 시간 이상 지연된 후 나타났다. 응급실 내원하여 병변 부위 식염수 세척 및 드레싱, 국소 항생제로 치료를 받았다. 그 후 4 주 동안 외래진료 및 추적 관찰 받았다.
산화 에틸렌은 피부 자극, 피부염을 유발하며 심한 경우 화상을 일으킨다. 피부 반응은 노출 후 12 시간 이상 지연 될 수 있으므로 노출 즉시 오염된 신발과 의복을 벗고, 증상이 없는 경우에도 노출 부위를 씻어내는 것이 중요하다. 또한 적절한 보호 장비를 제공하고 작업자에게 산화에틸렌의 위험에 대해 교육 해야 한다.
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Case Report
Severe chemical burns related to dermal exposure to herbicide containing glyphosate and glufosinate with surfactant in Korea
Jihyun Shin, Namkyu Lim, Sangchul Roh
Ann Occup Environ Med 2020;32:e28.   Published online July 20, 2020
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub

Glyphosate and glufosinate use widely used as herbicide ingredients. There have been several reported cases of chemical burns caused by dermal exposure to glyphosate-containing herbicide, and patients in these cases were discharged without fatal complications. There were no cases of severe symptoms due to non-oral exposure of glufosinate-containing herbicides. Here, we report a case of fatality accompanied with severe chemical burns in an 81-year-old man who did not wash his skin for more than 48 hours after dermal exposure to herbicide containing glyphosate and glufosinate with surfactant (HGlyGluS).

Case presentation

An 81-year-old male with no underlying disease was admitted to the emergency department (ED). He had sprayed HGlyGluS with a manual knapsack sprayer 3 days ago and had not wash away the herbicide. On arrival, he was drowsy and had multiple severe corrosive skin lesions. Skin necrosis (10 × 15 cm) on the right shoulder and skin lesions with subcutaneous fat exposure (15 × 20 cm) on the right thigh were observed. Although he was treated including continuous renal replacement therapy, antibiotic apply, debridement operations, and so on, he was unable to recover and expired.


We suggest that prolonged dermal exposure to HGlyGluS induces fatality. Further studies including prolonged dermal exposure and ingredients of surfactants should be carried out. Also, it is necessary to educate farmers that it is very important to wash immediately after dermal exposure to pesticide.


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Case Report
Hydrofluoric Acid Burns: A Case Report
Jieun Lee, Byung Seong Suh, Chanho Jo, Won Cheol Lee
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2011;23(2):225-233.   Published online June 30, 2011
AbstractAbstract PDF
Hydrofluoric acid_(HF) is widely used in many industrial and domestic settings such as etching glass, and polishing metals. HF is one of the most corrosive inorganic acids and can produce progressive and serious tissue necrosis with severe pain. Since HF chemical burns can be asymptomatic for the first few hours, it is crucial to understand its toxicity and the early use of antidote.
A 37-year-old man presented with erythematous lesion and pain on his face, anterior neck, both forearms, both thighs, and left ankle after injury resulting from a chemical burn caused by HF. He showed normal vital signs and dyspnea, but complained of a sore throat. Liquid form of HF had splashed on his face and anterior neck first and run down his forearms and thighs while working at HF supply tanks. Some of the HF was splashed into his mouth. He immediately removed his clothes and showered with abundant water. A 4.5% calcium gluconate jel was applied to the involved area. He was given subcutaneous injection of 10% calcium gluconate solution. During 17 days of admission he didn't show any signs of systemic intoxication or deep tissue defects.
Immediate cleansing of the affected area with running cold water is the first critical treatment for a chemical burn due to HF. Applying calcium gluconate gel within one hour was very effective for preventing further damage to the injured area as well as systemic injury. In order to reduce the risk of accident and perform first-aid treatment quickly, it is imperative to provide workers with safety education and establish safety facilities.


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Case Report
Cement Burn from Waterproof Work: A Case Study
Jaehyeok Ha, Soo Geun Kim, Min Gi Kim, Euna Kim
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2008;20(2):127-131.   Published online June 30, 2008
AbstractAbstract PDF
Portland cement, which is a common material used in the construction industry, is known to cause caustic burns due to its alkalinity. Although cement burns are frequent and can be severe, many workers are inadequately aware of its risks.
A 39-year-old man presented with exudative lesions and pain on his right hand after working with wet cement during waterproof work. The patient stated that wet cement entered his protective glove and he did not wash the cement off for 3 hours. Debridement of necrotic tissue and skin grafting was performed on his second and fifteenth hospital day respectively.
The prevention of cement burns can be improved by extensive risk instruction and the provision of adequate skin protection.

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