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Volume 16 (3); September 2004
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Case Reports
Case Series for Occupational Dermatosis in a Factory Treating Liquid Waste Mixtures
Sue Kyung Park, Hyun Sul Lim
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2004;16(3):336-351.   Published online September 30, 2004
AbstractAbstract PDF
A dermatologic outbreak occurred in a factory usingliquid waste mixtures at Gyeongju. We conducted this study to identify causative factors.
We conducted a questionnaire interview composed of general andjob characteristics. A dermatologist carried out medical examination, European standard patch test and 'as is' patch test. We evaluated the cases with over 5 criteria of Mathias's 7 definitions of occupational dermatologic diseases.
Seven of 9 workers were diagnosed with dermatosis and 3 subjects (cases 2, 4 and 6) with Mathias's 7 criteria were confirmed as having occupational dermatologic diseases and were diagnosed as irritant contact dermatitis. Two subjects (cases 1 and 9) with over 5 criteria were evaluated as suspicious status. The remaining 2 subjects (cases 3 and 5) were not compatible with those criteria. The main sources of this outbreak were suggested to be the wasted solvents in the factory of car accessories and aluminum products because the subjects (cases 2, 4, 6, 1 and 9) had the positive skin reaction against those sources in 'as is 'patch test. Furthermore, 4 of the 5 subjects cases 2, 4, 6 and 9) had some skin reactions against the waste solvents of chemical material in 'as is'patch test.
This outbreak occurred by direct skin contact of liquid waste mixtures of a factory making car accessories and aluminum products. The cutting oils and metal working fluids in those liquid waste mixtures were estimated as the most suspected materials. In addition, this outbreak may have been caused by the hazard effect of mixed waste organic solvents of manufacturing of chemical materials.

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A Case of Intermediate Syndrome of Organophosphate Poisoning after Dermal Exposure
Geun Ryang Bae, Hae Kwan Cheong, Hyun Sul Lim
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2004;16(3):329-335.   Published online September 30, 2004
AbstractAbstract PDF
Organophosphate poisoning is one of the most common toxicologic emergencies in Korea. Acute organophosphate poisoning and delayed polyneuropathy by ingestion are well published. There have been several reports about intermediate syndrome in organophosphate poisoning by ingestion but few about intermediate syndrome via dermal route.
REPORT: We observed a 59-years-old male who had weakness of proximal limb muscles and respiratory muscles 2 days after dermal exposure by unidentified pesticide. The paralytic symptoms lasted up to 20 days but the delayed polyneuropathy did not develop. The patient needed mechanical ventilatory support for 2 weeks and had completely recovered from IMS 6 weeks later. Electrophysiological study was characterized by an axonal polyneuropathy pattern on the proximal limb muscles. Serum acetylcholinesterase level was below half of normal level. Clinical manifestations and electrophysiological study support the clinical diagnosis of intermediate syndrome.
Intermediate syndrome is commonly developed by ingestion of organophosphate but, as in this case, dermal absorption can also lead to intermediate syndrome. More detailed history taking and close observation is needed for about 3 or more days after intoxication because of the risk of respiratory failure.

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Original Articles
Ambient Noise Levels in the Audiometric Test Rooms Used for Special Periodic Health Examination
Kyoo Sang Kim, Yong Hyu Choi, Yong Lim Won, Seong Kyu Kang
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2004;16(3):316-328.   Published online September 30, 2004
AbstractAbstract PDF
The ambient noise levels in the test rooms affect the workers's hearing threshold. The present study was designed to assess the ambient noise levels in the test rooms to determine if valid hearing tests, both pure-tone air conduction and bone-conduction, could be performed in these environments.
In the present study, third octave band ambient noise sound pressure levels were measured in 124 audiometric test rooms used for clinical audiometry, and the results were compared with the ANSI third octave band maximum permissible ambient noise levels (MPANLs) for each test condition and frequency range.
The ambient noise SPLs were highest in the lower frequencies, and this decreased as the frequency increased. For the "ears covered"condition, about 24.2% of the rooms were in compliance (pass) with the MPANLs for the 125-8000 Hz, 35.5% were in compliance for the 250-8000 Hz range and 55.6% were in compliance for the 500-8000 Hz range. For the "ears not covered"condition, only about 8.1% of the rooms passed for the 125-8000 Hz, 13.7% of the rooms passed for the 250-8000 Hz range and 34.7% of the rooms passed for the 500-8000 Hz range. All 124 rooms met the OSHA MPANLs.
The results of this study strongly indicate that clinical audiometry is being conducted in test rooms having unacceptable or excessive ambient noise levels.


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  • Ambient Noise in Candidate Rooms for User-Operated Audiometry
    Christos Sidiras, Jacob Nielsen, Chris Bang Sørensen, Jesper Hvass Schmidt, René Gyldenlund Pedersen, Ellen Raben Pedersen
    Healthcare.2023; 11(6): 889.     CrossRef
  • Achievements, Problems, and Future Direction of the Quality Control Program for Special Periodic Health Examination Agencies in Republic of Korea
    Yong Lim Won, Kyung Sun Ko, Jae Oh Park, Yoon jung Choi, Hyeji Lee, Jung-min Sung, Mi-young Lee
    Safety and Health at Work.2019; 10(1): 125.     CrossRef
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Validity of the Energy Expenditure Prediction Program to Evaluate Energy Expenditure During Work
Dong Mug Kang, Ji Hoon Woo, Jin Sook Jun, Yong Hwan Lee, Byung Mann Cho, Su Ill Lee
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2004;16(3):303-315.   Published online September 30, 2004
AbstractAbstract PDF
The Energy Expenditure Prediction ProgramTM (EEPP) has been considered as a simple and quantitative method to evaluate physical work load. However, the adoption of EEPP directly to Korean workers is problematic because it was developed in a laboratory setting for Caucasians. Therefore, this study was conducted to validate EEPP for Korean workers.
The study subjects consisted of 60 workers from two factories. Cycle ergometer test was conducted to calculate physical work capacity, and heart rate monitoring was conducted to check heart rate during work. After observing the task, energy expenditure was estimated by EEPP.
EEPP underestimated energy expenditure less than EEHR (energy expenditure checked by heart rate) did(p<0.0001). The factors effecting EEHR were EEPP and task type. After dividing the task into regular and irregular tasks, the irregular task had a larger difference between the values from the two methods. We provided task specific regression models between EEHR and EEPP.
Because EEPP underestimated energy expenditure, it needs to be adjusted before use with Korean workers. It is suggested that different adjusting equations are formulated for regular and irregular tasks. Further study to develop a specific energy estimation model appropriate for Koreans is needed to obtain more precise estimation.


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  • Estimation Model of Energy Expenditure of Working in a Clean Room for Manufacturing Embedded Needles by Ergonomic Programs
    Tae-Eun Chung
    Transactions of the Society of CAD/CAM Engineers.2016; 21(1): 69.     CrossRef
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Development of a Fatigue Symptom Checklist for Commercial Drivers: An Experimental Trial
Kyoung Ok Park, Myung Sun Lee, Sang Hyuk Jung, In Seok Kim, Young A Oh
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2004;16(3):287-302.   Published online September 30, 2004
AbstractAbstract PDF
Fatigue is a primary human factor for decreased job performance in the workplace. It is well documented that drowsiness is a typical symptom of fatigue and is closely associated with commercial drivers'safety and well-being. However, few studies have been conducted to develop or validate fatigue symptom instruments for a working population. The main purpose of this study was to develop a general fatigue checklist and a driving fatigue checklist for Korean commercial drivers.
A total of 287 bus drivers in a commercial transportation company participated in a self-administered survey that was designated Study 1. Based on the statistical results of Study 1, a focus meeting with 16 professional consultants was conducted to revise the fatigue symptom instrument for Study 2. In Study 2, 288 commercial drivers (156 bus drivers and 132 truck drivers) participated in the revised questionnaire survey. All collected responses were entered into a SPSS worksheet and the data analysis was conducted using SPSS software 11.1. The exploratory factor analysis used in this study followed the principle component factoring rule and the varimax rotation method for factor extraction. The criteria for item selection were an Eigen value of 1.0 or greater, a communality score of .50 or greater, and no 'fence rider'property over the extracted factors.
Through Study 1, the consultant meeting, and Study 2, a general fatigue checklist was developed with a total of 3 factors and 11 items, and a driving fatigue checklist was developed with 2 factors and 10 items. The 3 factors of the general fatigue checklist were physical fatigue, psychological fatigue, and chronic tiredness. The two factors of the driving fatigue checklist were physical fatigue and perceptive and functional fatigue.
The primary contents of general fatigue were different from those of driving fatigue according to the two fatigue instrument factors developed in this study. The primary fatigue symptoms of the commercial driving population were identified as physical fatigue and perceptive and functional fatigue.


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    Yong Han Ahn, Sangeun Lee, Su Ryeon Kim, Jeeyeon Lim, So Jin Park, Sooyoung Kwon, Heejung Kim
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  • Fatigue and poor sleep are associated with driving risk among Korean occupational drivers
    Sooyoung Kwon, Heejung Kim, Gwang Suk Kim, Eunhee Cho
    Journal of Transport & Health.2019; 14: 100572.     CrossRef
  • Seafarers’ Quality of Life: Organizational Culture, Self-Efficacy, and Perceived Fatigue
    Jae-hee Kim, Soong-nang Jang
    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.2018; 15(10): 2150.     CrossRef
  • Economic Activities and Socioeconomic Status of Morbidly Obese Korean Adults
    Hyun Ah Park, Jung Jin Cho
    The Korean Journal of Obesity.2011; 20(4): 210.     CrossRef
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Effect of the Type of Computer on Computerized Neurobehavioral Performance Tests
Gyu Tae Kim, Chang Yoon Kim, Joon Sakong
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2004;16(3):276-286.   Published online September 30, 2004
AbstractAbstract PDF
It is difficult to carry and set up a large numbers of computers when computerized neurobehavioral tests are performed to many subjects. There are difficulties in mobilizing and resetting desktop computers and so, the use of desktop computers will decrease due to the recent increasing popularity of laptop computers. However, it is essential that there is no difference between the tests performed on a laptop and on a desktop computer. This study was conducted to estimate the effect that the type of computer has on computerized neurobehavioral performance tests.
Three types of computers were applied. Type 1 was a normal laptop computer. Type 2 was a laptop computer that was remodeled and equipped with a modified keyboard. A common desktop computer with a remodeled keyboard as type 3. The computerized tests included Simple Reaction Time, Choice Reaction Time, Symbol Digit, and Finger Tapping Speed. A total of 60 subjects were examined by the identical tester in the same testing conditions. The computers were randomly allocated, which were used in the test and let examinees take tests with the separate computers.
There were no significant differences among the computers for the results of the Simple Reaction Time and Finger Tapping Speed tests. The mean reaction time, error number of Choice Reaction Time and mean reaction time, correct mean reaction time, error number of Symbol Digit produced significantly different results among the three types of computers.
This study indicates that with only a laptop computer the Simple Reaction Time test using the space bar was useful. But with the laptop computer, the Choice Reaction Time test using the four-direction key and the Symbol Digit test using the upper end number key were unsuitable. The keyboard should be developed further for the Choice Reaction Time and Symbol Digit tests. Among the three computers, we recommend the use of the desktop computer with the remodeled keyboard which the examinees are familiar with and the laptop computer with the remodeled keyboard.


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  • Performance assessment on the Korean Computerized Neurobehavioral Test using a mobile device and a conventional computer: an experimental study
    Young Seok Byun, Sung Kyu Park, Joon Sakong, Man Joong Jeon
    Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine.2018;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • Effects of computer familiarity and computer type on the performance of Korean computerized neurobehavioral test
    Nak Joon Baek, Gun Il Park, Young Seok Byun, Man Joong Jeon, Joon Sakong
    Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine.2016;[Epub]     CrossRef
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Effects of Toluene on the Expression of Placental PRL-GH Family Genes and Reproduction in the Rat
Byong Soo Choe, Chae Kwan Lee, Deog Hwan Moon, Byung Chul Son, Dae Hwan Kim, Chang Hee Lee, Hwi Dong Kim, Jung Won Kim, Jong Eun Kim, Chae Un Lee
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2004;16(3):262-275.   Published online September 30, 2004
AbstractAbstract PDF
The purpose of this experimental study was to investigate the toxic effects of toluene on the placental functions and reproductionin the rat. In this study, the expression of placental prolactin-growth hormone (PRL-GH) and Pit-1 genes, the frequency of placental trophoblast cells, and the reproductive data were analyzed.
The pregnancy of the Sprague-Dawley rats (250+/-25 g) was determined by verifying the presence of the copulatory plug or sperm in the vaginal smear and the day on which this was observed was defined as pregnancy day 0. The pregnant rats were divided into three groups. The control group was intraperitoneally (ip) injected with sesame oil, and the other two groups were given either 150 or 750 mg/kg BW/day of toluene resuspended in sesame oil during pregnancy days 7-11 and 16-20. The rats from the three experimental groups were sacrificed on pregnancy days 11 and 20, respectively. The mRNA levels of the PRL-GH, Pit-1a and b isotype genes were analyzed by Northern blot hybridization and Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), respectively. The hormonal concentration was analyzed by Radioimmunoassay. The frequency of the placental trophoblast cells was determined by means of a histochemical study. Reproductive data, such as the placenta and infnat weight, pregnancy period and litter size were surveyed at pregnancy day 20 and after birth. Statistical analysis was carried out by means of the SAS program (version 8.1).
The mRNA levels of the PRL-GH family genes were reduced in a linear fashion by exposure to toluene. The mRNA levels of the Pit-1a and b isotype genes, which induce the expression of the PRL-GH family genes, were also reduced by exposure to toluene. The placental lactogen Iv and II concentrations in the rat placenta, fetus and maternal blood were also decreased by exposure to toluene. During the last stage of gestation, exposure to a high dose of toluene reduced the frequency of the spongiotrophoblast cells that secrete the PRL-GH hormones. Reproductive data such as the placenta and infant weight, and litter size were reduced, and the pregnancy period was extended in the toluene exposed group as compared with the control group.
Toluene disrupts the PRL-GH hormone metabolism in the rat placenta and this leads to reproductive disorder.

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Effects of Thoracic Spinal Exercise Program in VDT Workers: Pain Relief and Increased Flexibility
Young Ae Yang, Young Hee Kim, Yong Kwon Kim, Jin Gang Hur, Jae Cheol Song, Yoon Shin Kim
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2004;16(3):250-261.   Published online September 30, 2004
AbstractAbstract PDF
The purpose of this study of the Thoracic Spinal Exercise Program was to evaluate its effects on VDT workers. These effects were found to include a decrease thoracic kyphosis, increase thoracic spine mobility and decrease in the VAS (visual analog scale). These measures provide a means of assessing the muscle endurance and muscle strength of the subjects.
This study was conducted during the period from July 1 to August 31, 2003, and involved 58 VDT workers belonging to a company located in Seoul who were working seated in front of a computer for most of the day. After applying the thoracic exercise program, we examined the changes in the of thoracic kyphosis angle, spinal length (C7-S3), TFED (thoracic flexibility in the extension direction), MEBH (maximal elevation with both hands in the overhead direction) and CE (chest expansion).
Obtained f om this study are as follows. 1. A significant reduction in the VAS was observed in the exercise group (pre-exercise 5.90 +/- 0.88 points, post-exercise 4.23+/- 0.82 points), as compared with the control group (pre-exercise 6.00+/-0.90 points, post-exercise 5.93+/-0.81 points). 2. A significant reduction in thoracic kyphosis (pre-exercise 36.97+/-7.49, post-exercise 31.83 +/-5.90) and a significant increase in thoracic flexibility in the extension direction (pre-exercise 7 . 4 7+/-2.30, post-exercise 11.77+/-3.65) were observed in the exercise group. The thoracic kyphosis angle showed a significant reduction in the exercise group, as compared to the control group. The thoracic flexibility in the extension direction showed a significant increase in the exercise group, as compared to the control group. 3. There was a significant increase in the spinal length in the exercise group (pre-exercise 494 +/-27.66 mm, post-exercise 518.60+/-27.95 mm).
The Thoracic Spinal Exercise Program results in an increase in thoracic spine mobility and a decrease in pain. In practical terms, the effects of the exercise program are good health and posture.


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Effects of Cadmium on Placental Function and Reproduction in Rats
Jin Hong Ahn, Kwang Soo Ko, Chae Kwan Lee, Deog Hwan Moon, Byung Chul Son, Dae Hwan Kim, Chang Hee Lee, Hwi Dong Kim, Jung Won Kim, Jong Eun Kim, Jin Ho Chun, Chae Un Lee
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2004;16(3):236-249.   Published online September 30, 2004
AbstractAbstract PDF
This study investigated the toxic effects of cadmium on placental function and reproduction in rats. For this study, the mRNA levels of the placental prolactin-growth hormone (PRL-GH) gene family, placental trophoblast cell frequemcy and reproductive data were analyzed.
Pregnant F344 Fisher rats (200 g+/-23 g) were intraperitoneally injected with 0, 0.5, and 5.0 mg/kg B.W/day of cadmium (CdCl2) dissolved in saline from days 7-11 or 16-20 of pregnancy, and were sacrificed at days 11 or 20, respectively. The mRNA levels were analyzed by Northern blot hybridization and reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction. The hormone concentration was analyzed by radioimmunoassay and the frequemcy of the placental trophoblast cells was observed by histochemical study. Reproductive data were surveyed at day 20 of the pregnancy and after the births. Statistical analysis was carried out using the SAS program (version 8.1).
The mRNA levels of the PRL-GH gene family were reduced dose dependently by cadmium. The mRNA levels of Pit-1a and -b isotype genes were also reduced by cadmium. The hormone concentration of PL-Iv and -II was decreased by cadmium. During the second half of pregnancy (days 11-21), a high dose of cadmium exposure significantly reduced the frequency of spongiotrophoblast and trophoblast giant cells that secrete the PRL-GH hormones. In the last stage of pregnancy (day 20), a high dose of cadmium exposure induced the apoptosis of spon-giotrophoblast cells in the junctional zone of the placenta. Reproductive data such as placental and infant weight, number of live fetuses were decreased, and number of resorptions and dead fetuses, post-implantation loss were increased significantly in the cadmium exposed group compared with the control.
Cadmium disrupts the functions of the placenta and these effects leads to reproductive disorders in rats.

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Hearing Thresholds in Electronics Sound Inspectors Exposed to Continuous and Impulsive Type Noises
Seong Ah Kim, Kyoo Sang Kim
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2004;16(3):227-235.   Published online September 30, 2004
AbstractAbstract PDF
To investigate the relation between different types of exposure to noise and a classic sign of noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL); the audiometric notch.
A cross-sectional epidemiological survey was carried out in electronics sound inspectors exposed to continuous and impulsive type noises. The noise levels in the working environments, and the audiometric hearing threshold levels were measured.
Electronics sound inspectors were exposed to impulsive noise ranging from 74.1 to 88.9 dBA. The hearing loss induced by impulsive noise was greater and was characterized by maximum loss at 6 kHz audiometric frequency, as opposed to the notch at 4 kHz that is typical of continuous noise.
The results suggest that the probable effect of impulsive noise on hearing should be considered even when the exposure is within the 85 dB equivalent A-weighted level. To diagnose NIHL it is important to elicit a detailed and accurate history of exposure to noise. Although the notch at 4 kHz is a well established clinical sign and may be valuable in confirming the diagnosis, the 6 kHz notch is variable and of limited importance.

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Ann Occup Environ Med : Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
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