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Volume 8 (1); February 1996
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Development of Coalworkers' Pneumoconiosis in Korea: Risk Factors and Incidence Density
Byung Soon Choi
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 1996;8(1):137-152.   Published online February 29, 1996
AbstractAbstract PDF
Pneumoconiosis, especially Coal-workers' Pneumoconi6sis(GWP), is the principal occupation-related disease in Korea because of the large number of affected workers. Coal mines and miners have been reduced abruptly during recent 8 years, but coal mining should be kept in Korea. Recently, pneumoconiotic workers are increasing in manufacturing industry. It is necessary to know the characteristics of CWP to prevent the development of CWP and manage employed or retired pneumoconiotic workers. Furthermore, it is also necessary to study CWP to protect workers from pneumoconiosis in manufacturing industry. Of the total of 6,452 workers who were diagnosed as CWP initially during the 20 years from 1973 to 1992, X-ray category was as follows: category 1(35.2%), category 2(23.1%), suspicious (0/1 category, 13.4%), category 3(5.7%), large opacity (3.5%), unknown by. complete classification (19.1%). The patients' cardiopulmonary disability was as follows: no disability 79.3%, slight 14.2%, mild 4.1%, moderate 1.9%, severe 0.5%. The patients' X-ray category and disability were not related with the initially exposed age or job position, but their severity was positively related with the exposed duration that was adjusted by the initially exposed age. Also, the patients' X-ray category and disability had positive relationship each other. The cumulative exposure dose of silica/was more important than that'of respirable dust in the. development of large opacity CWP. The annual incidence density of CWP was 73.2 persons in 1982 and 75.8 persons in 1986per 10,000 person years. Afterthen it has been gradually decreasing and was in the range of 20-30 persons in the period of 1989-1992.


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  • The clinical value of F-18 FDG PET/CT in differentiating malignant from benign lesions in pneumoconiosis patients
    Eun Kyoung Choi, Hye Lim Park, Ie Ryung Yoo, Seung Joon Kim, Young Kyoon Kim
    European Radiology.2020; 30(1): 442.     CrossRef
  • A Study on the Results of Questionnaire Survey and Health Examination for Respiratory Disease among Residents in Briquette Fuel Complex in Ansim, Daegu
    Kwan Lee, Hyun-Sul Lim, Min-Gi Kim, Young-Sun Min, Young-Hyun Lee, Sung-Woo Kim, Hye-Sook Choi, Yeon-Soon Ahn, Joon Sakong, Seung-do Yu, Geun-Bae Kim, Mi-Ra Yoon
    Journal of Korean Society of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene.2015; 25(3): 355.     CrossRef
  • Current Status of Pneumoconiosis Patients in Korea
    Byung-Soon Choi, So Young Park, Joung Oh Lee
    Journal of Korean Medical Science.2010; 25(Suppl): S13.     CrossRef
  • The Clinical Significance of Bronchial Anthracofibrosis Associated with Coal Workers' Pneumoconiosis
    Mi Hye Kim, Hong Yeul Lee, Ki Ho Nam, Jae Min Lim, Bock Hyun Jung, Dae Sick Ryu
    Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases.2010; 68(2): 67.     CrossRef
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Evaluation of Mercury Concentration in Spot Urine for Biological Monitoring Among Metallic Mercury Exposed Workers
Durumee Hong, Soon Duck Kim, Yong Tae Yum, Jae Wook Choi
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 1996;8(1):127-136.   Published online February 29, 1996
AbstractAbstract PDF
Biological monitoring for exposures permits estimation of organ doses or body burdens from exposures through all relevant portals of entry. Biological monitoring data may be used to estimate environmental concentrations when the latter cannot be measured directly. Biological indices are usually surrogates for the concentration of a chemical or its metabolites or its effect at the true receptors. Mercury concentration in urine has-been most-coinmoialy-recommended as a biological exposure index of mercury. For data based on urine analysis, variation in urine volume is the most significant. The urinary concentration related to excretion of the solute provides some correction for fluctuation of urine output. Sampling time must be carefully observed because distribution and elimination of a chemical are kinetic events. This study has evaluated mercury concentration in spot urine compared to the results of 24 hour collected urine by the adjustment methods (specif ic gravity, creatinine) and sampling time. The subjects were 43 workers who had been exposed to the metallic mercury. The results were as follows: 1. The correlation coefficients between mercury concentration in 24 hour urine and that in spot urine were 0.639-0.715 and were not different by adjustment methods. 2. In the high exposure group who were over lOOug/1 of urinary mercury, the correlation coefficients between mercury concentration in 24 hour urine and that in spot urine were 0. 687-0.824 and were not different by adjustment methods. 3. Mercury concentration in spot urine were very variable by sampling time or exposure time. The correlation coefficients between mercury concentration in 24 hour urine and that in spot urine were most highest as 0.85-0.91 at first voiding urine in the morning, and were 0. 77-0.86 at urine collected within four hours before end of shift. In the biological monitoring to exposure of mercury, sampling of spot urine were most proper at first voiding urine in the morning, and then at urine collected within four hours before end of shift. But the adjustment methods of specific gravity and creatinine were no difference of the results.

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Expression of Interleukin-6 in Radiation Induced Lung Damage
Sung Sook Kirn, Eun Hee Ha, Duck Ja Han
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 1996;8(1):119-126.   Published online February 29, 1996
AbstractAbstract PDF
Ionizing radiation has proved to be most valuable in clinical diagnosis and radiotherapy. And also it is used very common in industries especially such as industrial radiography, atomic energy plant, inspectoring by gamma-ray, etc. However, inadvertent exposure to relatively high doses of ionizing radiation is capable of injuring and killing cells. The lungs, because of their rich vascularization, are vulnerable to radiation injury. It is now known that IL-6 is a pleiotrophic cytokine produced by various cells that regulates the immune reponses, acute phage reactions. We performed the immunohistochemical staining of IL-6 on radiation induced lung injury by duration, to clarify the role of IL-6 in tissue damage. IL-6 was strongly expressed in early phase of radiation from alveolar macrophages and damaged endothelial cells. These findings not only have important implications for increasing our understanding of mechanisms of radiation lung injury but they also have an impact on strategies for diagnosis and therapy of radiation damage.

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Knowledge and Attitude towards the Noise-Induced Hearing Loss of the Workers with Hearing Impairment in the Noisy Workplace
Hyun Rim Choi, Won Chul Lee
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 1996;8(1):105-118.   Published online February 29, 1996
AbstractAbstract PDF
This study was designed to survey the knowledge and attitude towards the noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) of the workers with hearing impairment who are working at the noisy workplaces. The subjects were 423 workers selected from noisy workplaces, where the noise level was 85dB and over, and whose hearing impairment was 30 dB and over at 1,000 Hz or 40 dB and over at 4,000 Hz in the primary screening auditory test. For this study, a questionnaire was applied to the study subjects studying their knowledge and attitude towards the noise-induced hearing loss including their personal characteristics. Only 379 workers completed the questionnaires sincerely except 18 workers who did not show hearing impairment, and they were divided into three groups according to their status of hearing impairment: noise-induced hearing loss (Di), suspected hearing loss (0, hearing loss with medical reasons (D2), for their comparison of their knowledge and attitude towards the noise-indueed hearing loss. The workers who took auditory test at employment were 47.8% and who took auditory test last year after employment were 76.8%. The workers who put on protection device after the; test in 77.1%. The workers did not know the fact that they would work at the noisy workplace in 31.9%. The disturbance of daily communication is significantly different symtom among 3 groups (P<0.01). The workers answered that noise did not affect the body adversely in 4.7% and NIHL was not problem if it did not disturb daily life in 31.9%.In case they were diagnosed as NIHL, 68.6%-of the subjects answeredi-that they would put on protection devices thoroughly and 20.8% answered that they would ask for, medical care. And 39. 3% of them answered that they would want to stay at their present work-places even though they were ordered to change their workplaces to the another less noisy workplaces. The proportion of right answer in the article related NIHL was 61.2% in average. For the protection of NIHL, an effective hearing, conservation. program should be developed and provided to the labor working in the noisy workplace.


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  • The Research of Safety Effects by using a Hearing Protection(Ear Plug) in the Military
    Sung Ho Hwang, Myo Kyoung Joo, Jae Bum Park
    Journal of the Korean Society of Safety.2013; 28(4): 103.     CrossRef
  • Predictors of Hearing Protection Behavior Among Power Plant Workers
    Youngmi Kim, Ihnsook Jeong, Oi-Saeng Hong
    Asian Nursing Research.2010; 4(1): 10.     CrossRef
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Effect of Height and Arm Length on Simple Reaction Time
Hyang Sook Kim, Chae Yong Lee, Jong Young Lee, Mun Suk Jyung, Hyeong Ryeol Yoon, Gwang Seo Choi
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 1996;8(1):97-104.   Published online February 29, 1996
AbstractAbstract PDF
To identify the relation between simple reaction time and height and arm length, simple reaction time was performed to medical students with measurement of height, and arm length. Participants should answer questions about Smoking, drinking, sleep deprivation, history of diseaseand drug, whether to use computer or hot Mean height of men(n=98) was 173.0+/-4.79 cm, that of women (n-22) 161.7+/-4.33 cm. Mean arm length of men was 73.5+/-3.09 cm, and that of women 68.0+/-2.93 cm respectively. Height and arm length were statistically significantly different between-men and women (plt;0.01). Mean simple reaction time of men was 265.4+/-25.03 msec, that of women 286.8+/-28.48 msec. Mean simple reaction time was also statistically significantly different(p<0.01). As a result of correlation analysis, for men. None was significant. However, for women, height and arm length showed statistically significant, correlation with mean reaction time. Correlation coefficient of height and arm length were 0.45 (p<0.05) and 10.57 (p<0.05) respectively.

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Vibration Perception Threshold of Male Workers Exposed to Carbon Disulfide
Seung Hoi Park, Eun Il Lee, Byung Chul Chun, Yong Tae Yum, Jae Wook Chi
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 1996;8(1):85-96.   Published online February 29, 1996
AbstractAbstract PDF
This study was conducted on 367 male workers to evaluate the change of vibration perception threshold (VPT) according to exposure degree to carbon disulfide. VPT was measured on both metacarpal bones of index and little fingers and on fibular malleoli by Vibrometer (Rion, on 125Hz). The exposure degree was classified by the name of department. Workers in department 1 had been exposed to high concentration of carbon disulfide, those in. department 2 had been exposed to carbon disulfide moderately or intermittently, and those in department 3 had been exposed to undetectable concentration of carbon disulfide. The results were as follows: 1. The mean values of VPT of metacarpal(MC) bones showed dose-response pattern, i.e., the mean values of VPT at department 1 were highest, and those of VPT at department 3 were lowest with similar work duration or age. But the mean values of VPT of fibular malleoli (FM) showed dose-response pattern only in workers having above 5 years of work duration or whose age were above 30. 2. The mean values of VPT of MC bone of workers increased by age. 3. There were statistically significant difference in mean values of VPT of MC bone only in workers having 5-10 year work duration. And there were statistically significant difference of mean values of VPT of left 2nd and 5th MC bone in workers whose age was 30's, of right 2nd MC bone in those whose age was 40's, and of left 2nd MC bone in those whose age was 50's. 4. The variables affecting VPT significantly were department and age (or age group) both in multiple regression and general linear model. The department showed to have more effect to VPT than age in multiple regression, but age group showed to have more effect to VPT than department in general linear model. 5. The variables were transformed to indicator variable to do logistic regression analysis. Department 1, 2, 3 were classified into high exposure (spinning department) and low exposure (other department), age was classified into old (above 30) and young, and work duration was classified into long(above 10 years) and short. The exposure and age were significant variables by logistic regression analysis. Odds ratios of department and VPT on metacarpal bones or malleoli were 2.7-3.2 and those of age and VPT were 2.6 or 2.7. Odds ratio of age and abnormality of VPT on'any point was 3.3(1.59-6.;8), and that of department and VPT was 2.8(1.5-5.5). We concluded that exposure of carbon disulfied was significantly associated with reduction of VPT regardless of age; and that the test of VPT would be useful tool for screening and early detection in neuropathy by carbon disulfide or other neurotoxic chemicals,even though it is simple and cheap.


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  • Trans‐Cranial Doppler and Peripheral Sensory Threshold Tests for Carbon Disulfide Poisoning
    Eunil Lee, Hun‐Jong Chung, Soon‐Duck Kim, Jong‐Tae Park, Donggeun Sul, Myung‐Hyun Kim
    Journal of Occupational Health.2001; 43(6): 307.     CrossRef
  • Carbon Disulfide Poisoning in Korea with Social and Historical Background
    Eunil Lee, Soonduck Kim, Haejoon Kim, Kwangjong Kim, Yongtae Yum
    Journal of Occupational Health.1996; 38(4): 155.     CrossRef
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Lifestyle Variables Associated with Anemia in Female Workers
Choong Won Lee, Won Cheol Cho, Mi Young Lee, Suk Kwon Suh, Gui Yeon Kirn, Hae Won Shin
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 1996;8(1):73-84.   Published online February 29, 1996
AbstractAbstract PDF
The study was conducted from May to July in 1995 to investigate lifestyle variables associated with anemia in some female workers of the six large plants in Taegu. Cases were selected by a doctor based on symptoms and physical exmination and controls were matched according to age limits (?) and plant employed. The final subjects analyzed were 385 excluding. 36 who had underlying diseases associated with anemia or many missing values. Anemia was defined by the blood hemoglobin level less than 12 g/dL. Anemic subjects were 190(49.4%) with nonsignificant age distribution between cases and controls. Univariate logistic regression showed that there was no statistically significant difference in sociodemographic and occupational variables. Number of pad used during menstruation (odds ratio, OR=1.03, 95% Confidence interval ei,1.00-l-1.05) was the only significant among the menstruation-related variables. None of the lifestyle variables were significant but those who consume more than 4 cups of coffee a day vs. none and animal iron intake showed borderline statistical significance with the ORs 2.60 and 0.99, respectively. After controlling for marital status, native place and number of pad with the multiple logistic regression, those who consume more than 4 cups of coffee a day vs. none showed statistically significant OR 2.93(95% CI 1.01-8.49). Animal iron intake and diet to lose weight indicated borderline significance with ORs 0.99(p=0.06) and 1.47(p=0.09), respectively. These results suggest that there are some anemia-associated lifestyle variables and these variables may be important for the behavior modification to prevent anemia in female workers.


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  • Association of Coffee or Green Tea with Ferritin or Hemoglobin in Premenopausal Women
    Dagyeong Lee, Wonyoung Jung, Dong Wook Shin
    Korean Journal of Family Medicine.2023; 44(2): 87.     CrossRef
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DNA-Protein Crosslinks Formation by Benzo[a]pyrene and the Metabolites in BALB/3T3 cells
Yun Chul Hong, Hun Jae Lee
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 1996;8(1):66-72.   Published online February 29, 1996
AbstractAbstract PDF
Carcinogenic materials used in. occupational setting are thought to induce cancer by acting on DNA. BenzoCa)pyrene and the metabolites activated by the rat microsomal fraction were treated to the BALB/3T3 cells to see the formation of DNA-Protein Crosslinks (DPCs) and the repair. We measured the DPCs by the K-SDS assay according to Costa. The results are as follows: 1) The cytotoxicity results showed that viable cells were decreased by the increase of the dose of benzo[a]pyrene and microsomal activated metabolites and the metabolites treated cells showed more cytotoxicity. 2) The amounts of protein-crosslinked DNA in control cells are 690 ng/ml. The amounts were increased to 920 ng/ml in benzoCa)pyrene 0.1 microgram/ml treated cells, 720 ng/ml in benzo[a]pyrene 1 microgram/ml treated cells, 1,243 ng/ml in benzo[a]pyrene 10 microgram/ml, treated cells. The DPCs were measured higher in the metabolites treated cells than the benzo[a]pyrene treated cells 3) The DPCs were highest in the benzo[a]pyrene 10 microgram/ml + microsomal fraction treated cells among all treated cells. The DPCs were measured in those cells at 12 hour, 24 hour, 48 hour and 72 hour later to monitor the change of the amount of DPCs to see the repair of DPCs. The result showed that the amount of crosslinked DNA were decreased by the time. But considering the cell proliferation, the DPCs amount were not changed much and the repair did not seem to occur well.


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  • Enhancement of DNA damage and involvement of reactive oxygen species after exposure to bitumen with UVA irradiation
    Yun-Chul Hong, Kwan-Hee Lee
    Mutation Research/Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis.1999; 426(1): 63.     CrossRef
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The Metabolism of Benzidine-based Dye Direct Black 38 in the Isolated Perfused Rat Liver
Jong Uk Won, Jaehoon Roh, Chunsung Kim, Younjung Park, Chi Nyun Kim
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 1996;8(1):59-65.   Published online February 29, 1996
AbstractAbstract PDF
Direct Black 38, a kind of benzidine-based azo dye, is widely used as a dye for fabric, leather, cotton, cellulosic material, paper, wool, silk, and so on. Benzidine-based azo dyes are proven as a mutagen and linked to bladder cancer. In 1978, Natonal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health recommended that three widely used benzidine-based dyes (Direct Black 38, Direct Blue 6, and Direct Brown 95) should be treated as carcinogens. In this experiment, metabolism of the benzidine-based dye. Direct Black 38 was examined by using an isolated liver perfusion system. To measure the metbolites of Direct Black 38,/ 8.0 micrometer, 30.5 micrometer and 63,3 micrometer of Direct Black 38 was added into the recirculating perfusate of the isolated perfused rat liver. Samples were collected at 0, 10, 20, 30, 60, 90. 120 minute. They were treated with sep-pak and methanol, and the metabohtes were detected and quantified with high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Residual non-reactive dye in the perfusate and liver was reduced to benzidine and then analyzed by HPLC. Detected metabolites of ?Direct^-Black 38 were benzidine, N-acetylbenzidine, and N,N'-diacetylbenzidine. The average conentration of benzidine was 0.1 micrometer and this concentration was maintained throughout the experimental period. The average concentration of N-acetylbenzidine was 0.22 micrometer and took the same pattern of benzidine. When 30.5 micrometer of Direct BIact 38 was added to the perfusate, only. N,N'-diacetylbenzidin.e increased slightly with time. From the above results we suggest that only small amount of Dirst Black 38 might be metabolized to benzidine regardless of the s, amount of the Direct Black 38. There are some possible explanations. The liver was damaged during the perparation. And the function of the perfused liver decreased rapidly because adsorbing of dye. The benzidine, acetylbenzidine and diacetylbenzidine metabolized to other metabolites were not detected in this experiment.


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  • Occupational Cancers with Chemical Exposure and their Prevention in Korea: A Literature Review
    Kyung-Taek Rim
    Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention.2013; 14(6): 3379.     CrossRef
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Effect of Long-Term Noise Exposure on the Blood Pressure in Factory Workers
Bok Youn Kim, Cheon Tae Kim, Jung Jeung Lee, Hong Chin Park, Chang Yoon Kim, Pock Soo Kang
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 1996;8(1):43-58.   Published online February 29, 1996
AbstractAbstract PDF
The question of an association between occupational noise exposure and blood pressure has important public health implications. The harmful effects of hypertension are well known and noise is considered the mosts pervasive problem of all occupational exposures in Taegu City, Korea. A cross-sectional study on the effect of long-term noise exposure on blood pressure was done for 276 noise exposed workers (203 male workers, 73 female workers). Long-term noise exposure was measured by cumulative noise exposure level and noise-induced hearing loss. Hearing loss=(500Hz+2x1,000Hz+2x2,000Hz+4,000Hz)/6 Questionaire was administered to the workers, which includes age, sex, occupational history on the noise exposure, habits on alcohol drinking and smoking, practice of regular exercise, family history of hypertension. Type A behavior, question on stress, height, weight and blood pressure were measured. Serum triglyceride and low density lipoprotein (LDL) were also measured. Audiometry was done in the closed booth at 1,000, 2,000, 3,000, 4,000, 6,000, 8,000, 1,000 and 500Hz in order. Mutiple logistic regression analysis revealed that cumulative noise exposure level(p<0.05), serum triglyceride(p<0.01), age(p<0.01) and family history of hypertension (p<0.05) predict hypertension (systolic blood pressure: 160mmHg or above, or diastolic blood pressure: 95mmHg or above) in male workers. In female workers, serum triglyceride (p<0.01), LDL (p<0.01) and family history of hypertension(p<0.05) were predictors of hypertension (systolic blood pressure: 160mmHg or above, or diastolic blood pressure: 95mmHg or above). As the number of female workers with hypertension was too small, the multiple logistic regression was done according to hypertension criteria of systolic blood pressure greater than or equal to 140mmHg, or diastolic blood pressure greater than or equal to 90mmHg. Based on this criteria, cumulative noise exposure level (p=0.055) and age (p=0.057) predict hypertension. It is suggested that long-term noise exposure which was calculated by cumulative noise exposure level was a significant predictor of hypertension in noise exposed workers.


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  • Overview of the Environmental Damage, Property Loss, and Health Impairment of Residents around a US Air Force Firing Range
    Hyun-Sul Lim
    Korean Journal of Environmental Health Sciences.2011; 37(3): 173.     CrossRef
  • Cohort study for the effect of chronic noise exposure on blood pressure among male workers in Busan, Korea
    Ji Ho Lee, Weechang Kang, Seung Rim Yaang, Nari Choy, Choong Ryeol Lee
    American Journal of Industrial Medicine.2009; 52(6): 509.     CrossRef
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Expression of IL-6 mRNA by Human Lung Fibroblast Cell Line Treated with Cadmium
Dong Hoon Shin
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 1996;8(1):34-42.   Published online February 29, 1996
AbstractAbstract PDF
Cadmium is a highly toxic element responsible for acute and chronic toxicity in man and induces pathophysiological effects by modulating components of immune system, Cytokines are being increasingly recognized as essential mediators of normal and pathologic immune response. The present study has been investigated the effect of cadmium cyto toxicity for lung fibroblast and expression of cytokine gene in unstimulated and cadmiurn-treated lung fibroblast using reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction showed that cadmium inhibited the cell proliferation and expression of IL-6, TGF-b-mRNA in both unstimulated and cadmium-treated cell. The expression of IL-6 mRNA increased at 0.8mM and l.OmM cadmium treated for 2 hours and more increased a 0. ImM cadmium treated for 24 hours than for 2 hours. This results suggest that cadmium stimulates expression of D-i-6 mRNA in lung fibroblast.


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  • Predicting Respiratory Toxicity Using a Human 3D Airway (EpiAirway™) Model Combined with Multiple Parametric Analysis
    Jamin A. Willoughby
    Applied In Vitro Toxicology.2015; 1(1): 55.     CrossRef
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Regulatory Effect of Alveolar Macrophage Released Factor on Pulmonary Fibrosis in Vitro
Min Wha Oh
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 1996;8(1):27-33.   Published online February 29, 1996
AbstractAbstract PDF
Interstitial lung disorders are characterized by chronic inflammation of the lower respiratory tract that include increased numbers of activated alveolar macrophages and fibroblasts. These increased numbers of fibroblasts may be influenced by the alveolar macrophage released factor which was known as alveolar macrophage derived growth factor. To evaluate this hypothesis, alveolar macrophages from bronchoalveolar lavage fluid in rat were incubated with various stimulants including lipopolysaccharide (LPS), free silica dust(Si02), natural carbon dust(NC) for 4 hours and we added these supernatants to the culture of fibroblasts. And we evaluated the fibroblast proliferation, ATP and protein in 1, 2, 3 days. The results were as follows; 1. The number of fibroblasts: in groups of LPS and Si02 show significant increase in comparison with the control group but there was no; difference between NC and control groups. 2. The measurements of ATP in groups of LPS and Si02 tended to be higher than those in the control, and also higher in NC group at the 2nd day than those of control. 3. The amount of protein in LPS and Si02 increased markedly compared with the control group but there was no difference between NC and control groups. 4. In LPS group, we can observe the decrease of ATP and protein after the peak at the 1st day, but;Si02 group show the continuous increase of ATP and protein during the observation period. 5. Increased proportion of ATP and protein indicated their sensitive changes compared with the fibroblast proliferation. These results suggest alveolar macrophages act as the important integrator of the fibrotic process in interstitial lung disorders.

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Pressure Pain Threshold of Shoulder Muscles in VDT Workers
Byoung Soon Shin, Chung Yill Park
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 1996;8(1):15-26.   Published online February 29, 1996
AbstractAbstract PDF
This study was carried out for evaluating the usefullness of pressure pain threshold as an objective test on shoulder muscles in VDT workers. Subjective symptoms, frequency and intensity of pain complaint were investigated by questionnaire method and objective tests, trigger point and pressure pain threshold of 14 shoulder muscles of dominant and nondominant side each, were performed by physical examination and using pressure algometer on 44 VDT workers (more than 2hrs a day) and 20 controls. And work status including work duration, daily work hours and continuous work hours per one time was also surveyed by questionnaire method. The relations among these items were analysed. Results were as follows; 1. The prevalences of shoulder pain in VDT workers and controls were 72.7% and 50.0%. The mean of pain frequency category scale was not significantly different between 2 groups, while the mean of pain intensity category! scale in VDT workers was higher than that in controls. The trigger point in VDT workers showed the highest frequency in the upper trapezius muscle which followed by the levator scapular muscle. And pressure pain thresholds of VDT workers were significantly lower than those of controls in all 14 shoulder muscles. 2. In VDT workers, the category scales of pain frequency and intensity during last one week in shoulder pain complaint group at the time of investigation were significantly higher than those in non complaint group. And the pressure pain thresholds of nondominant levator scapular, bilateral lower trapezius, nondominant posterior deltoid and nondominant pectoralis major muscles were significantly lower in complaint group. 3. The pressure pain thresholds of bilateral upper trapezius, levator scapular and lower trapezius muscles in VDT workers with trigger point at shoulder muscles were significantly lower than those in VDT workers without trigger point. 4. In terms of work duration, the pain frequency category scale during last one week of '5 years and more' group was significantly higher than that of 'less than 5 years' group, while pain intensity category scale. and pressure pain threshold were showed no significant difference. 5. In terms of daily work hour, pressure pain thresholds of bilateral upper trapezius, nondoininant levator scapular, dominant anterior deltoid, dominant posterior deltoid, dominant supraspinatus, and nondominant pectoralis major of 4 hours and more' group were significantly lower than those of 'less than 4 hours group, while category scales of pain frequency and intensity during last one week were showed no significant difference. 6. In terms of continuous work hour, the frequency and intensity category scale was significantly higher and pressure pain thresholds of dominant upper trapezius, bilateral levator scapular and dominant lower trapezius muscles were significantly lower in 2 hours and more' group than 'less than 2 hours' group. In conclusion, in order to evaluate more objectively the musGuloskeletal. impairment by VDT work it is recommended that objective tests such as trigger point and pressure pain threshold are performed in addition to survey of subjective symptoms. And also more consideration on daily work hour and continuous work hour than total work duration is required.


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  • Changes in the Pelvic Posture and Low Back Pressure Pain Threshold in Response to Smartphone Use in the Sitting Position: A Cross-sectional Study
    Dae-Hee Lee, Hye-Joo Jeon
    Journal of The Korean Society of Physical Medicine.2023; 18(3): 113.     CrossRef
  • Effect of Meridian Muscle Release and the Graston Technique on Pain and Functional Movement in Patients with Myofascial Pain Syndrome of the Shoulder Joint
    Hyo-Ryung Heo, Ho-Young Jang, Dong-Hoon Kim, Ho-Young Kim, Suk-Min Lee
    Journal of The Korean Society of Physical Medicine.2020; 15(1): 85.     CrossRef
  • Effects of Smartphone Use on Muscle Fatigue and Pain and, Cervical Range of Motion Among Subjects With and Without Neck Muscle Pain
    Yoon-Jie So, Young-Keun Woo
    Physical Therapy Korea.2014; 21(3): 28.     CrossRef
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A Survey of Working Conditions of Migrant Workers
Yun Chul Hong, Eun Hee Ha
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 1996;8(1):1-14.   Published online February 29, 1996
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The number of migrant workers staying in Korea is 73,250 August 1994 now by the data which Economic Planning Agency presented to the National Assembly. Industrial trainees were reported to be 17,640 and illegal stayers were 55,610 but many migrant workers did not seem to be included. There are some reports which described the unfulfillment of their basic right such as discrimination of wage, delay of payment, long working hours, enforced work, but working conditions, work environment and their health were not surveyed well. Therefore this survey is to study their situation such as working conditions, work environment, health and living conditions as well as general characteristics. Questionnaire was written by plain English and was made of closed question mainly. Finally 185 persons completed the questionnaire. The results are as follows; 1) The general characteristics are following: ages are mostly between 20 and 29 years old, and males are more than females, and mostly unmarried. Many were students in their countries and their education levels were high. 2) Many persons; were introduced to Korea by native broker. Total cost for coming to Korea was mostly over $1,000 and many paid over $2,000. Their staying period in Korea is mostly over 2 years arid many persons think their status uneasy. The most important purpose for coming to Korea is to earn money. 3) Many are working in garment factories but most factories are small scale: ones below 20 employees. Most are working over 10 hours a day. The average income is $480 and that is about 54.8% of average income of Korean workers. Unpaid salaries are about $921 per each worker. 4) 15.8% of migrant workers answered to have experienced industrial accidents. Their health status seems to be worse after coming to Korea. The resident environment was very poor. We knew that migrant workers' situation was very bad considering their working conditions, work environment, health and living conditions. Therefore, employment policy of migrant workers must be reviewed immediately and good working conditions must be provided to them as soon as possible.


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