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Yu Jung Kim 2 Articles
Comparison of the Standard Threshold Shift Criteria for Evaluating Hearing Conservation Programs
Chang Sun Sim, Kyoung Sook Jeong, Yu Jung Kim, Na Ri Choy, Choong Ryeol Lee, Hun Lee, Jong Pil Jung, Ok Hyun Kim, Yo Weon Lee, Seung Rim Yang, Sung Soo Oh, Ji Ho Lee
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2006;18(3):179-188.   Published online September 30, 2006
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Workers from a factory was selected to compare 8 standard threshold shift criteria with the Korean diagnostic criteria of noise-induced hearing loss for this cohort study.
From 1990 to 1999, 491 workers at a manufacturing company with complete record of the hearing test covering the range of 0.5~6 kHz for 10 consecutive years were finally selected. Eight standard threshold shift criteria (15 dB once, NIOSH (1972), 10 dB average 3~4 kHz, OSHA STS, AAOHNS, 15 dB twice, 15 dB 1~4 kHz, OSHA STS twice) along with the Korean standard for diagnosing the noise-induced hearing loss (the average hearing threshold at 0.5, 1 and 2 kHz) were compared to calculate the degree of the threshold shift and the minimum time required to detect the change.
Those workers showing at least one positive shift in the 'once'criteria of NIOSH (1972) were 92.5%; the 'average'criteria of 10 dB average 3~4 kHz were 35.8%; 'twice'criteria of 15 dB twice were 44.4%. The duration from the baseline to the year showing the first positive shift was from 3.2 +/- 3.1 years (NIOSH, 1972) to 6.0 +/- 2.1 years (OSHA STS twice). The percentage of true positive shift ranging from 20.4% (AAO-HNS) to 69.8% (NIOSH, 1972). There were 10 (2%) which met the Korean diagnostic criteria of noise-induced hearing loss.
Currently the concept of hearing threshold shift in diagnosing the hearing loss was adopted in Korea thus in this study we determined the validity and the effect of the various hearing threshold shift criteria and showed that NIOSH (1972) criteria was the best of all. In the future, hearing data from various manufacturing workers should be compared to thoroughly evaluate the threshold shift criteria and to establish adequate standard for Korean workers.

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A Case of Acute Organotin Poisoning
Yu Jung Kim, Yangho Kim, Kyoung Sook Jeong, Chang Sun Sim, Nari Choy, Jongchul Kim, Jun Bum Eum, Yoshiaki Nakajima, Yoko Endo, Cheol In Yoo
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2006;18(3):255-262.   Published online September 30, 2006
AbstractAbstract PDF
Although organotin compounds are widely used as PVC stabilizers, catalysts and biocides, their effects on humans are not well known. However, their acute intoxication is known to cause neurotoxicity in the central nervous system, renal toxicity, and hepatotoxicity. As there has been no previously published case of organotin intoxication in Korea, we report here the first Korean case of acute exposure to organotin.
REPORT: A 43-year-old male with disorientation and behavioral change was admitted to a hospital. He had been working as a tank cleaner for several different companies in the previous 8 years and a week before admission, he had cleaned a tank containing dimethyltin (DMT) for 4 days. A day after finishing the job, he suffered decreased memory, behavioral change and progressive mental deterioration when he arrived at the emergency room. The result of spinal tapping was negative but on the 4th day of admission he deteriorated into a state of coma along with metabolic acidosis and severe hypokalemia. High levels of DMT and trimethyltin (TMT) were detected in a highly sensitive urine analysis. After conservative treatment and chelation therapy, the patient showed some clinical improvement but the neurological defects persisted.
The patient appeared to have been intoxicated from the acute exposure to a high level of organotin while cleaning the tank.


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