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Seung Hoi Park 2 Articles
Vibration Perception Threshold of Male Workers Exposed to Carbon Disulfide
Seung Hoi Park, Eun Il Lee, Byung Chul Chun, Yong Tae Yum, Jae Wook Chi
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 1996;8(1):85-96.   Published online February 29, 1996
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This study was conducted on 367 male workers to evaluate the change of vibration perception threshold (VPT) according to exposure degree to carbon disulfide. VPT was measured on both metacarpal bones of index and little fingers and on fibular malleoli by Vibrometer (Rion, on 125Hz). The exposure degree was classified by the name of department. Workers in department 1 had been exposed to high concentration of carbon disulfide, those in. department 2 had been exposed to carbon disulfide moderately or intermittently, and those in department 3 had been exposed to undetectable concentration of carbon disulfide. The results were as follows: 1. The mean values of VPT of metacarpal(MC) bones showed dose-response pattern, i.e., the mean values of VPT at department 1 were highest, and those of VPT at department 3 were lowest with similar work duration or age. But the mean values of VPT of fibular malleoli (FM) showed dose-response pattern only in workers having above 5 years of work duration or whose age were above 30. 2. The mean values of VPT of MC bone of workers increased by age. 3. There were statistically significant difference in mean values of VPT of MC bone only in workers having 5-10 year work duration. And there were statistically significant difference of mean values of VPT of left 2nd and 5th MC bone in workers whose age was 30's, of right 2nd MC bone in those whose age was 40's, and of left 2nd MC bone in those whose age was 50's. 4. The variables affecting VPT significantly were department and age (or age group) both in multiple regression and general linear model. The department showed to have more effect to VPT than age in multiple regression, but age group showed to have more effect to VPT than department in general linear model. 5. The variables were transformed to indicator variable to do logistic regression analysis. Department 1, 2, 3 were classified into high exposure (spinning department) and low exposure (other department), age was classified into old (above 30) and young, and work duration was classified into long(above 10 years) and short. The exposure and age were significant variables by logistic regression analysis. Odds ratios of department and VPT on metacarpal bones or malleoli were 2.7-3.2 and those of age and VPT were 2.6 or 2.7. Odds ratio of age and abnormality of VPT on'any point was 3.3(1.59-6.;8), and that of department and VPT was 2.8(1.5-5.5). We concluded that exposure of carbon disulfied was significantly associated with reduction of VPT regardless of age; and that the test of VPT would be useful tool for screening and early detection in neuropathy by carbon disulfide or other neurotoxic chemicals,even though it is simple and cheap.


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  • Trans‐Cranial Doppler and Peripheral Sensory Threshold Tests for Carbon Disulfide Poisoning
    Eunil Lee, Hun‐Jong Chung, Soon‐Duck Kim, Jong‐Tae Park, Donggeun Sul, Myung‐Hyun Kim
    Journal of Occupational Health.2001; 43(6): 307.     CrossRef
  • Carbon Disulfide Poisoning in Korea with Social and Historical Background
    Eunil Lee, Soonduck Kim, Haejoon Kim, Kwangjong Kim, Yongtae Yum
    Journal of Occupational Health.1996; 38(4): 155.     CrossRef
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Mercury Concentration in Air and in Urine of Workers in A Fluorescent Lamp Manufacturing Factory
Seung Hoi Park, Kwang Jong Kim, Soung Hoon Chang, Chul Whan Cha
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 1989;1(2):197-205.   Published online November 30, 1989
AbstractAbstract PDF
In order In interpret the relationship among many variables, urinary mercury and at the same time mercury concentration in air were measured for 254 workers of a fluorescent lamp manufacturing factory. And monthly mercury consumption amounts, numbers of monthly producing fluorescent lamps, numbers of inferior lamps and numbers of breakage lamps, numbers of vacuum exhaustion pumps and frequencies of mercury infusion were also investigated from January 1988 to March in 1989. The results were as follows; 1. On the mercury concentration in air by producing line and by working site, all of them were exceed the threshold limit value (0.05mg/m(2)). 2. The highest mercury concentration in air by sampling point was found at the floor of workplace (0.334mg/m(2)) and next were at vacuum exhaustion pimp (0.183mg/m(2)), and breathing zone of workers (0.103mg/m(2)) in order. 3. The highest mean of the mercury concentration in urine by producing line was the automatic exhausting line (80.8microgram/1) and next were high speed exhausting line (72.4microgram/1), and Manual exhausting line (35.8microgram/1) in order. Distribution of workers of the mercury concentration in urine more than 200microgram/1 by working site was the highest (10%) in the vacuum exhaustion pump part and next were sealing part (6.6%), packing part (4.6%), and stem part (4.1%) in order. 4. The correlation coefficient between mercury concentration in urine and in air was the highest (0.302) and next were numbers of breakage lamps (0.223), frequencies of mercury infusion (0.223), numbers of inferior lamps (0.205) in order.

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Ann Occup Environ Med : Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
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