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Choong Won Lee 4 Articles
Body Mass Index according to Working Processes in Some Workers: Daegu City
Sung Hee Kim, Choong Won Lee, Mi Young Lee
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2002;14(2):107-116.   Published online June 30, 2002
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This study was carried to survey obesity and to screen high risk working processes related to obesity in the workplace.
In 1999, a total of 12,518 workers (men 8,379, women 4,139) residing in Daegu underwent an annual health examination at the Dongsan Medical Center. Grade of obesity was classified using body mass index (BMI) according to the following criteria; underweight ( <18.5), normal (19-22.9), overweight (23.0-24.9), mild obesity (25-29.9), severe Obesity ( >30.0). One industrial hygienist classified the working processes.
The BMI mean and standard error was 22.63+/-0.03 in men and 22.18+/-0 . 0 4 in women. Age was a strong indicator of obesity, which peaked at 50-54 years old in men and over 60 years old in women. After adjustment for age by ANCOVA, the working process showing the highest BMI for men was 'Sales', at 23.93+/-0.18 while the lowest was 'Mill rolling', at 21.49+/-0.27. For Women 'Foundry Molding', at 22.84+/-0.49 was the highest while 'Office work', 21.78+/-0.12 was the lowest.
Physical activities at work were inversely related to BMI in men but, were directly related in women. Women, over 50 years old and working in the process demanding high physical activity were the group most susceptible to obesity.

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Relationship between the Use of Mobile Phones and Hearing Thresholds in Some White-collar Workers
Mi Young Lee, Choong Won Lee
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2002;14(1):47-56.   Published online March 31, 2002
AbstractAbstract PDF
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the use of mobile phones and the levels of hearing thresholds in some clerical workers.
Questionnaires were administered to 450 clerical workers between May and August 2000. The questionnaire included items concerning socio-demographic profile and noise-exposure history as well as use of mobile phone. The number of workers used in the final analysis was 394(Response rate 87.6%). Males numbered 308 and females 86. Hearing thresholds were measured in both ears using a pure-tone audiometer.
In a univariate analysis, the duration and time of mobile phone use per day were significant in regards to hearing threshold at 1000Hz in males(p<0.05). In a linear regression analysis with adjustment for age, education, military service, use of earphone, the group that used mobile phones for more than 49 months was more likely to have low hearing threshold at 1000Hz and 4000Hz in males(p<0.05) as compared to the reference group (CONCLUSIONS
These results suggested that only certain elements of use of a mobile phone may be associated with hearing thresholds and there is a complex relationship between the use of mobile phone and hearing thresholds that may differ in terms of frequency (1000Hz and 4000Hz) and gender.


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    Hyun-Uk Park, Chang-Won Park
    The Korean Journal of Vision Science.2023; 25(3): 209.     CrossRef
  • Occupational Hearing Loss in Korea
    Kyoo Sang Kim
    Journal of Korean Medical Science.2010; 25(Suppl): S62.     CrossRef
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Effect of air pollution on daily mortality in Daegu (1993~1997)
Mi Young Lee, Choong Won Lee, Suk Kwon Suh
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2000;12(2):235-248.   Published online June 30, 2000
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In order to evaluate the relationship between daily mortality and air pollution in Deagu for the period by the data from January 1993 to December 1997.
Deaths from accident(International Classification of Disease, Revision 9; 800-999 and Revision 10; V01- Y89) were excluded, Daily counts of deaths were analysed by general additive poisson model on the current day to 5 days before death, with controlling for effects of year, season, weather, weekday and holiday. The air pollutants examined included total suspended particulate (TSP), sulfur dioxide (SO,), nitrogen dioxide (NO,), carbon monoxide (CO) and ozone (03).
Mortality was associated with NO, SO and CO in the air. Total mortality was estimated to increase by 1. 6 % (95 % CI 0. 3-3 %) with each 10 ppb rise in NOy on the current day and the preceding 1 day, 9. 4 % (95 % CI 7 13 %) with each 100 ppb rise in SOy and 2. 7 % (95 % CI 0. 1 5 %) with each 1 ppm rise in CO on the current day. The NO was more evident for the elderly who were 65 years and more. Cardiovascular-specific mortality was associated with the levels of CO on the current day. Respiratory-specific mortality was associated with the levels of TSP and NO 5 days before death. Excess mortality risk is clearly evident in the upper range of NO levels and increased monotonically with NO.
This study suggested that the air pollution status below the current Korean ambient air quality standard might have an adverse effect on daily mortality. Then, it is impertive that the strategy for control of the air pollution-related daily mortality should be developed.


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  • Review of Epidemiological Research and Perspectives for Future Environmental Health Progress in Korea
    Kyoung-Mu Lee, Moon-Young Park
    Journal of Environmental Health Sciences.2022; 48(3): 138.     CrossRef
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Lifestyle Variables Associated with Anemia in Female Workers
Choong Won Lee, Won Cheol Cho, Mi Young Lee, Suk Kwon Suh, Gui Yeon Kirn, Hae Won Shin
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 1996;8(1):73-84.   Published online February 29, 1996
AbstractAbstract PDF
The study was conducted from May to July in 1995 to investigate lifestyle variables associated with anemia in some female workers of the six large plants in Taegu. Cases were selected by a doctor based on symptoms and physical exmination and controls were matched according to age limits (?) and plant employed. The final subjects analyzed were 385 excluding. 36 who had underlying diseases associated with anemia or many missing values. Anemia was defined by the blood hemoglobin level less than 12 g/dL. Anemic subjects were 190(49.4%) with nonsignificant age distribution between cases and controls. Univariate logistic regression showed that there was no statistically significant difference in sociodemographic and occupational variables. Number of pad used during menstruation (odds ratio, OR=1.03, 95% Confidence interval ei,1.00-l-1.05) was the only significant among the menstruation-related variables. None of the lifestyle variables were significant but those who consume more than 4 cups of coffee a day vs. none and animal iron intake showed borderline statistical significance with the ORs 2.60 and 0.99, respectively. After controlling for marital status, native place and number of pad with the multiple logistic regression, those who consume more than 4 cups of coffee a day vs. none showed statistically significant OR 2.93(95% CI 1.01-8.49). Animal iron intake and diet to lose weight indicated borderline significance with ORs 0.99(p=0.06) and 1.47(p=0.09), respectively. These results suggest that there are some anemia-associated lifestyle variables and these variables may be important for the behavior modification to prevent anemia in female workers.


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    Dagyeong Lee, Wonyoung Jung, Dong Wook Shin
    Korean Journal of Family Medicine.2023; 44(2): 87.     CrossRef
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