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Volume 13 (3); September 2001
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Effects of Stem Cell and Myeloperoxidase on Sister Chromatid Exchanges and Micronuclei Induction of Peripheral Lymphocytes by Styrene, Hydroquinone and Trichloroethylene
Kyung Jae Lee, Hyoung Ah Kim, Min Jung Shin, Jae Hyug Sung, Chung Yill Park, Hoon Han, Se Hoon Lee
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2001;13(3):315-324.   Published online September 30, 2001
AbstractAbstract PDF
The objective of this study was to identify the possible role of stem cell and myeloperoxidase (MPO) in the metabolic activation of styrene, hydroquinone and trichloroethylene, by investigating the effects of stem cell from umbilical cord blood and MPO on the frequency of sister chromatid exchange (SCE) and micronuclei (MN) induction in cultured human peripheral lymphocytes exposed to these chemicals.
Isolated lymphocytes from whole blood were cultured for 72 hours. The cells were treated with 1.50 mM styrene, 50 microM hydroquinone and 1.50 mM trichloroethylene dissolved with acetone (30 microl in total volume) at 24 hours after the beginning of culture. Control group was treated with acetone only. Immediately after adding these chemicals, 1.3X1 06 cells/ml and 2.6X1 06 cells/ml stem cell or 1.0 and 2.0 unit MPO with H2O2 (for substrate) were added to the cultures. Slides were stained with Giemsa's solution, and acridine orange for sister chromatid exchange, and for micronucleus analysis, respectively.
The results were as follows: 1) Myeloperoxidase and stem cell did not significantly affect the frequencies of SCE or MN in the control group. 2) The frequency of SCE or MN with exposure to styrene did not different from control in the absence of stem cell or MPO. Sister chromatid exchange induced by styrene was significantly increased by adding stem cell or MPO in dose-dependent relationship. The frequency of MN induced by styrene significantly increased in the presence of 2.0 unit MPO. 3) The frequency of SCE was significantly increased with exposure to hydroquinone than acetone treated control in the absence of stem cell or MPO. Sister chromatid exchange induction by hydroquinone significantly increased dose-dependently in the presence of stem cell or MPO. There was a tendency of increase of the MN frequency induced by hydroquinone in the presence of stem cell or MPO, but not significant. 4) It was found that trichloroethylene itself did not increase SCE or MN frequency. Frequency of SCE induced by trichloroethylene was significantly increased with adding stem cell (low and high) and 2.0 unit MPO. Even though stem cell or MPO increased the frequency of MN of lymphocyte exposed to trichloroethylene, the difference was not significant.
Authors found that the frequencies of both sister chromatid exchange and micronucleus induced by styrene, hydroquinone, and trichloroethylene were increased significantly with the treatment of stem cell or myeloperoxidase. It was suggested that myeloperoxidase may therefore play an important role in the metabolic activation of styrene, hydroquinone, and trichloroethylene and myeloperoxidase probably be involved in the myelotoxicity of these chemicals.

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Low Back Pain Assessment Using Surface Electromyography and Digital Infrared Thermographic Imaging
Kang Jin Lee, In Sung Choi, So Young Lee, Jae Young Han, Sam Gyu Lee, Hong Jae Chai, Seong Kwan Lee, Jai Dong Moon
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2001;13(3):306-314.   Published online September 30, 2001
AbstractAbstract PDF
We studied the efficacy of surface electromyography(SEMG) and digital infrared thermographic imaging(DITI) in the assessment of low back pain both(LBP) quantitatively and qualitatively.
We compared electromygraphic signals from electrodes placed in the lumbar area and the digital thermographic images in 16 LBP patients and 16 control subjects. The LBP patients and the control subjects were matched for age, gender, and body mass index(BMI) to adjust for any confounding effects RESULTS: In the static analyses of SEMG, median value was 198.1 microV for the LBP patients and 161.3 microV for the controls on the right side, and they were 194.2 microV and 180.5 microV on left side respectively. There was a statistically significant difference between the two groups on the right side(p<0.01), but not on the left side. In the dynamic analyses of the SEMG, the median values of the extension per flexion ratio of right side were 1.12 for LBP patients and 1.39 for controls. and those on the left side were 1.08 and 1.21 respectively. There were statistically significant differences in both sides(p<0.05). The sensitivity and specificity were 100% and 81.3% in DITI, 78.6% and 72.2% in SEMG .
These results indicate that SEMG and DITI are useful methods for indirect assessments of LBP, and that DITI is more sensitive and specific than SEMG.


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  • The effect of middle and lower trapezius strength exercises and levator scapulae and upper trapezius stretching exercises in upper crossed syndrome
    Won-Sik Bae, Hyun-Ok Lee, Jae-Wook Shin, Keon-Cheol Lee
    Journal of Physical Therapy Science.2016; 28(5): 1636.     CrossRef
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Cancer Incidence in the Vicinity of Korean AM Radio Broadcast Towers
Hyoung June Im, Mi Na Ha, Soo Hun Cho
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2001;13(3):296-305.   Published online September 30, 2001
AbstractAbstract PDF
Several studies have raised the possibility that exposure to electrical and/or magnetic fields may be particularly harmful in the promotion or initiation of cancer. The purpose of this study which was based on a geographical correlation design was to investigate any association that may exist between residing near radio broadcast towers and carcinogenic activity in Korea.
In this study, the health effects of EMF of 10 AM radio broadcast towers in Korea were investigated. The electric powers of the towers were above 100kW. We chose exposed areas that were located within 2 km from the towers as well as four control regions which had similar populations in the same province(Do) but had no towers nearby. The incidence of leukemia, malignant lymphoma, brain tumor and breast cancer between the exposed areas and the control areas was compared. The standardized incidence ratios(SIRs) were calculated. Korean Medical Insurance data(between Nov,1,1993 and Oct,31,1996) was used for the cancer incidence estimation. The Nationwide Population Census data(in 1995) and the Resident Register data(in 1995) were used for information about population and locations.
Among the 10 exposed areas, one area for leukemia and one area for brain tumor showed a significantly high incidence compared to the control areas. There were no significant increased areas for malignant lymphoma and breast cancer.
This study design must be considered to be exploratory and not used for determining causality. However, the results suggest the necessity for further analytical epidemiological studies that have a more precise exposure measurement scale and information on confounding factors.

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Factors Affecting Dyspnea in Retired Coal Miners in Korea
Yong Hee Cheon, Sei Jin Chang, Bong Suk Cha
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2001;13(3):286-295.   Published online September 30, 2001
AbstractAbstract PDF
This study was done to examine the risk factors for the dyspnea of retired coal miners in Korea.
Eight hundred and sixteen male workers who took the health examination for retired coal miners in the T hospital were recruited, in this study and their health examination records were employed to assess the risk factors for dyspnea. Both univariate and multiple logistic regression analyses were used to estimate the relationship between known risk factors and the presence of dyspnea.
Variables in the univariate analysis, which showed a significant relationship with dyspnea were age(>or=60 years) (OR : 2.20, 95% CI : 1.63-3.00), work duration(>or=2 0 years) (OR : 1.67, 95% CI : 1.24-2.25), profusion of small opacity(>or=1/0) (OR : 1.81. 95% CI : 1.30-2.51), large opacity(>or=A) (OR : 2.19, 95% CI : 1.30-3.70), and the ratio of the distance between the start of the first division of the right and left main pulmonary arteries divided by the transverse diameter of the thorax (cor pulmonale index)(>or=0 . 3 6 ) (OR : 2.37, 95% CI : 1.77-3.17). The multivariate analysis using logistic regression analysis showed age(>or=60 years)(OR : 1.69, 95% CI : 1.28-2.21), smoking amount(>or=1 filters/day) (OR : 1.61, 95% CI : 1.06-2.45), no experience of having quit smoking (OR : 1.40 95% CI : 1.06-1.84), and the cor pulmonale index(>or=0.36)(OR : 1.75, 95% CI : 1.34-2.29) were associated with an increased risk for dyspnea.
These results suggests that the cor pulmonale index is the most significant risk factor in predicting dyspnea in retired coal miners. In addition, this study also revealed that workers aged 60 years or more or smokers were more likely to experience dyspnea as compared to those aged 60 years or less and nonsmokers.

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Role of Nitric Oxide in the Nickel and Cobalt Induced Cytotoxicity in RAW 264.7 cell
Jung Ho Youm, Gyung Jae Oh, Young Cheun Yoo
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2001;13(3):274-285.   Published online September 30, 2001
AbstractAbstract PDF
The nickel and cobalt present in many industrial working environments and consumer products. They are two of the leading causes of allergic contact dermatitis, which is a typical delayed(type IV) hypersensitivity reaction. However, the mechanism by which nickel and cobalt causes this pathology is not well known. The nickel and cobalt induced contact dermatitis is mediated primarily through macrophages. This mechanism is similar to the autotoxicity procedure for NO. Therefore, this study was designed to examine whether the metals could modulate NO production and how the metals may affect ATP production and cell viability. In summary, the purpose of this study was to elucidate the role of NO in the nickel and cobalt induced cytotoxicity.
This study is based on observations of cultures of RAW 264.7 cells which are originated from a tumor of Balb/c mouse that was induced by Abelson murine leukemia virus. RAW 264.7 cells were treated with either Ni, Co, Ni plus Co, or Nmonomethyl-L- arginine(NMLA) for 24-72 h. The cytotoxicity of the nickel and cobalt was measured by cell viability and NO2-, and mitochondrial function was evaluated by adenosine triphosphate(ATP) production in RAW 264.7 cells. In addition, the morphology of cells was observed using an inverted microsope.
The NO2- synthesis of RAW 264.7 cells increased with increasing concentrations of Ni and Co up to 50 microM after 24 and 48 h of exposure to Ni and Co but then decreased if the concentration was greater than 50 microM and the time period was greater than 48 h. However, the viability of cells was decreased by Ni and Co exposure in a dose and time dependent manner. Therefore, 50 microM Ni or Co and 48 h of treatment were used in this study. A complete inhibition of NO2- synthesis by Ni or/and Co occurred when iNOS inhibitor, NMLA, were pretreated prior to addition of Ni or/and Co, whereas Ni or/and Co induced decrease of synthesis of ATP and viability completely recovered when NMLA were pretreated prior to addition of Ni or/and Co. Ni or/and Co(50 microM) induced the characteristic morphological features of cytotoxicity which is characterized by a shrinkage of cytoplasm and irregular shape of the cells, but the pretreatment of NMLA resulted in a recovered morphological change of the cells to their normal appearance.
These results suggest that NO plays an important role in the pathogenesis of the cytotoxicity of nickel and cobalt, and nickel and cobalt may exert their toxicities by means of modulation of NO production. The results from this study may facilitate further understanding the role of NO on nickel and cobalt induced immune and inflammatory processes.

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Appropriateness of the Method and Evaluation in Pure-tone Audiometry in the Special Periodic Health Examination of Noise-exposed Workers
Kyoo Sang Kim, So Yeun Kim, Young Sook Cho, Ho Keun Jung
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2001;13(3):262-273.   Published online September 30, 2001
AbstractAbstract PDF
OBJECTIVE: This study was undertaken to evaluate that noise-exposed workers have been appropriately selected for the special periodic health examination and that pure-tone audiometry has been correctly applied and the results of these have been properly analyzed.
We obtained health examination data of noise-exposed workers from 48 special periodic health examination agencies. The data consisted of special periodic health examination results and audiograms that had performed examination during the latter half of 1998. We analysed the appropriateness of the subject selection for the second special periodic health examination of noise-exposed workers, the method of pure-tone audiometry, and the evaluation of audiogram.
The screening performance rate is 67.65% in the special periodic health examination of noise-exposed workers. Although 34.29 persons per agency should have had a second examination according to our criteria, only 18.44 persons were actually examined. So a third of subjects were omitted. The air and bone conduction performance rate by each frequency is 75.71 %. 24.29 % persons did not have a bone conduction and were evaluated only by air conduction. The correct use rate of symbols(right, left-unmasked AC, masked AC, unmasked BC, and masked BC) recommended by ASHA(American Speech-Language-Hearing Association) was 70.36 %. Generally air conduction threshold is equal to or higher than bone conduction threshold. In the reverse case, especially if the gap is more than 10 dB(BC-AC > 10), this is considered to be incorrect. When we applied this criteria, the result indicated that it was correct in 75.46 %. The performance rate of air masking was 15.03 %, and bone masking was 26.21 %. 7 among 48 agencies diagnosed NIHL(Noise-Induced Hearing Loss) only by air conduction, 8 performed air masking and 13 did bone masking. When compared with ISO Standard(1964) and Ministry of Labor Standard, the results of evaluation(D1, D2) on hearing loss according to hearing loss type and threshold were rather low.
Hearing Quality Assurance Program about periodic special examination agencies and examiners will continue to be needed and also the evaluation of hearing loss should be performed and controlled using accurate criteria. This will reduce the error among examiners and results in individuals by means of a standard that is capable of being accurate and reliable.

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Effects of Chromium Exposure on the Level of Urinary 8-Hydroxydeoxyguanosine
Seong Joon Kim, Byung Chul Yu, Sang Hwa Ohm, Ki Won Jeong, Luck Hee Sung, Won Chang Shin, Jong Rae Cho, Jin Ho Chun
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2001;13(3):253-261.   Published online September 30, 2001
AbstractAbstract PDF
To investigate the possibility of utilizing DNA adduct as a carcinogenic biological marker for workers exposed to chromium, and the effect of chromium exposure on the formation of urinary 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine(8-OH-dG) was also evaluated.
The chromium concentrations of venous blood and urine were measured in 20 chromium exposed workers(exposure group) and in 11 chromium workers(control group) who were not exposed. The concentration of 8-OH-dG in their urine was determined using high performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection.
The blood chromium concentration was significantly higher in the exposure group ( 0.46+/-0.18 microgram/100 ml) than in control group(0.27+/-0.15 microgram/100 ml), but the urinary chromium concentration was not significantly higher in the exposure group. The urinary 8-OH-dG was higher in the exposure group(1.71+/-1.82 micromol/mol creatinine) than that in the control group(0.45+/-0.46 micromol/mol creatinine) and was significantly correlated with the blood chromium concentration(r=0.49). Results of multiple regression analysis revealed that the level of urinary 8-OH-dG depended upon the level of the blood chromium conc entration ( r2= 0.21).
Urinary 8-OH-dG was significantly related to chromium exposure and this finding suggests the possibility that urinary 8-OH-dG could be used as a biological index of chromium induced DNA damage.


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  • Association of serum and hair antioxidant minerals with an oxidative stress marker in relation with characteristics of healthy adults: a cross-sectional study
    Yoo-Ree Kang, Mi-Kyung Sung, Hyun-Wook Baik, Mi-Kyeong Choi
    Scientific Reports.2024;[Epub]     CrossRef
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Wrist Ratio as a Risk Factor of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Duck Soo Kim, Hae Kwan Cheong, Yong Wook Kwon
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2001;13(3):242-252.   Published online September 30, 2001
AbstractAbstract PDF
To evaluate the risk factors of the carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) and the impact of the wrist ratio on the prevalence of CTS in workers on repetitive work over a long term.
Study subjects consisted of 45 male and 16 female workers in a company that produces soundproof material in Gyeongju. We conducted a physical examination, a self-reported questionnaire survey and a nerve conduction study. CTS cases were defined as those subjects that had a positive finding in both the nerve conduction study and the physical examination done by a doctor specializing in rehabilitation medicine.
Prevalence of CTS among the study subjects was 26.2/100 persons. The prevalence of CTS was positively associated with increasing age (p<0.01, using the chi-square test for trend) and female gender (OR=6.98, 95% CI=1.66-31.0), but was negatively associated with the educational level (p<0.01 by the chi-square for trend). Workers in the production area had a higher prevalence of CTS compared to those in the clerical area (OR=10.8 in the frame manufacturing process, OR=32.2 in the vacuum molding process). Patients with CTS had a narrower mean wrist width and a shorter mean hand and palm length, compared to those that had no disease (p<0.01 by the Student's t-test). The number of subjects who had a wrist ratio of 0.74 or more was significantly higher in cases of CTS (OR=4.0, 95% CI=1.01-16.3). However, a multiple logistic regression analysis showed only that the type of work was a significant variable after adjusting for the other variables.
The wrist ratio, a surrogate of carpal tunnel configuration, can represent individual susceptibility to CTS. However this study shows that the use of the wrist ratio for predicting CTS risk is not adequate. The development of a new carpal tunnel configuration index based on more direct measurements of the tunnel shape will provide a better predictor of individual susceptibility to CTS.


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  • Distribution of age, gender, and occupation among individuals with carpal tunnel syndrome based on the National Health Insurance data and National Employment Insurance data
    Il-Ho Lee, Young-Ki Kim, Dong-Mug Kang, Se-Yeong Kim, In-Ah Kim, Eun-Mi Kim
    Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine.2019;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • A comparison of carpal tunnel syndrome between digital and paper textbook users in elementary schools
    GyeongAe Seomun, Sung-Bom Pyun, Jung-Ah Lee, Eun-Jung Kim, Wonjung Noh
    Work.2016; 53(4): 909.     CrossRef
  • Factors Influencing on Fatigue in Operating Room Nurses
    Eun-Seon Lee, In-Sook Kim
    Korean Journal of Occupational Health Nursing.2012; 21(3): 229.     CrossRef
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Acquried Dyschromatopsia in Women Workers in Shoe Manufacturing Who were Exposed to Organic Solvents
Joo Hyun Byun, Kwang Young Lee, Young Kee Kim, Kwang Wook Ko, Yong Hwan Lee
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2001;13(3):232-241.   Published online September 30, 2001
AbstractAbstract PDF
This study was undertaken to investigate the relationship between color vision defects and occupational exposure to mixed organic solvents in women workers who were engaged in the shoe manufacturing industry.
A total of 173 women workers were involved in this study, 85 of whom were exposed to mixed organic solvents and were defined as the exposed group, and 88 workers comprised the non-exposed control group. The patients were questioned as to their drinking history, the year in which they were exposed and whether they had eye symptoms of blurred vision, eye fatigue, and eye irritation. The exposed workers in the shoe manufacturing factory were engaged in 3 work areas which were pasting, trimming, and cleaning. Their Color vision was assessed using the Hahn's double 15 hue test under standard illumination and their current and cumulative exposure levels were measured.
The prevalence of color vision defect was 21.2% in the exposed group and 8.0% in the control group, and the blue-yellow defect was found to be 5.9 % in the exposed group. The logistic regression for the acquired dyschromatopsia and color confusion index showed that there were no variables that had significant relationships. Eye symptoms were more frequently developed in the exposed group.
There is a possibility of developing color vision defects when workers are exposed to mixed organic solvents. However, the results of the color confusion index showed that there was no significant relationship to the cumulative exposure level, because of the low exposure level and high occupational turn over rate of the workers. Because the workers in the present study were exposed to low level solvents it will be necessary to study workers exposed to higher levels of organic solvents.


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  • Association between Exposure to Organic Solvents and Symptom of Headache and Eyestrain among Laundry Workers: Analysis of the 6th Korean Working Conditions Survey Data
    Hyun-Sun Jeong, Kyoung-Mu Lee
    Journal of Environmental Health Sciences.2023; 49(6): 372.     CrossRef
  • Impaired colour vision in workers exposed to organic solvents: A systematic review
    A.M. Betancur-Sánchez, E.M. Vásquez-Trespalacios, C. Sardi-Correa
    Archivos de la Sociedad Española de Oftalmología (English Edition).2017; 92(1): 12.     CrossRef
  • Discromatopsias y exposición a solventes orgánicos: una revisión sistemática
    A.M. Betancur-Sánchez, E.M. Vásquez-Trespalacios, C. Sardi-Correa
    Archivos de la Sociedad Española de Oftalmología.2017; 92(1): 12.     CrossRef
  • Color vision impairments among shipyard workers exposed to mixed organic solvents, especially xylene
    Eun-Hee Lee, Domyung Paek, Young Lim Kho, Kyungho Choi, Hong Jae Chae
    Neurotoxicology and Teratology.2013; 37: 39.     CrossRef
  • Usefulness of Color Vision Test for Early Detection of Neurological Damages by Neurotoxic Substances
    Eun-Hee Lee, Kyungho Choi, Hong Jae Chae, Domyung Paek
    Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health.2008; 41(6): 397.     CrossRef
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The Relationship between psychosocial stress and Work-related Musculoskeletal Symptoms of Assembly Line Workers in the Automobile industry
Il Ryong Kim, Jae Young Kim, Jong Tae Park, Jae Wook Choi, Hae Joon Kim, Yong Tae Yeom
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2001;13(3):220-231.   Published online September 30, 2001
AbstractAbstract PDF
To determine the relationship between stress Factors and work-related musculoskeletal symptoms of assembly line workers in the automobile industry.
A cross-sectional study was conducted in two Factories of automobile manufacturing companies where inappropriate posture and repetitive motions were required. The total number of subjects was 636, and consisted entirely of men. The Age, length of work duration, marital status, education level, smoking status, drinking status, sleeping time and stress scores were investigated according to subgroups of general characteristics. We divided the subjects into a Reference group and a Stress risk group to compare the frequency of the variables between them. The stress scores of the Positive symptom group were compared with the Symptom free group by the t-test. To measure the stress level, the PWI(Psychosocial Well being Index) which consists of 4 Factors, totaling 45 items, was used. A standardized self-reported questionnaire was used to assess the symptoms in workers. The criteria for positive symptoms were based on Operational Definition of Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders of the NIOSH.
1) The subgroups of Age, Work duration, Marital status, Education level, Smoking status, Drinking status and Sleeping time revealed no differences in frequencies in musculoskeletal symptoms. 2) Higher PWI(p<0.05), Factor 3(p<0.05) and Factor 4(p<0.01) scores were observed in younger workers compared with older workers. 3) The workers who had work durations between 11-15 years showed higher PWI(p<0.01), Factor 2(p<0.01), Factor 3(p<0.01), and Factor 4(p<0.01), compared with other work duration subgroups. 4) Singles had higher Factor 4 scores(p<0.01). 5) The sleeping time of less than 6 hours a day expressed a higher PWI(p<0.01), Factor 2(p<0.05), and Factor 3(p<0.01), Factor 4(p<0.05). 6) There was no difference in the prevalence of musculoskeletal symptoms between the Reference group and Stress risk group. 7) The subjects who had Positive musculoskeletal symptoms showed a significant difference in Factor 2 scores compared with the Symptom free groups. 8) According to a univariate logistic regression analysis, Factor 2(OR: 1.02, 95% CI: 1.00-1.04, p-value: 0.0291) expressed significant but mild effects on the musculoskeletal symptoms and a multivariate logistic regression showed a statistically significant effect on musculoskeletal symptoms(OR:1.04, 95% CI: 1.01-1.07, p-value: 0.0170).
Psychosocial stress scores were not higher in symptomatic subjects compared with those who had no symptoms. Sleeping longer showed a protective effect on symptoms but this was not statistically significant. There was no relationship between the stress scores and musculoskeletal symptoms in social performance and self-confidence, general well-being and vitality. Factor 2(Depression) was statistically significant though its effect was mild. Limited to this study, We could find partial relationship between psychosocial stress(Depression) and musculoskeletal symptoms. So it could therefore be suspected that ergonomic or other unknown factors may be more significant causes of musculoskeletal symptoms but we did not investigate these.


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  • Musculoskeletal Disorder Symptoms and Its Related Factors among Male Workers in Manufacturing Industries
    Seung-Hyun Lee, Young-Chae Cho
    Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society.2015; 16(10): 6627.     CrossRef
  • A Study on the Work Ability and the Job Stress of the Workers in Manufacturing Industry of Automobile Parts
    Yun-Soo Mok, Dong Won Lee, Seong Rok Chang
    Journal of the Korean Society of Safety.2013; 28(3): 100.     CrossRef
  • Musculoskeletal Disorder Symptoms and Related Factors among Male Workers in Small-scale Manufacturing Industries
    Seung-Hyun Lee, Ju-Yeon Lee, Young-Chae Cho
    Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society.2012; 13(9): 4025.     CrossRef
  • Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders among Agricultural Workers
    Soo-Jin Lee, Hwan-Jin Park
    Journal of the Ergonomics Society of Korea.2011; 30(4): 525.     CrossRef
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Survey on the Prevalence of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in Simple Repetitive Workers Who Use Upper Extremities
Ji Eun Son, Tae Woon Jang, Yoon Kou Kim, Young Seoub Hong, Kap Yeol Jung, Dong Ill Kim, Kang Jin Lee, Nam Jin Ha, Sang Boum Kim, Joon Youn Kim
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2001;13(3):209-219.   Published online September 30, 2001
AbstractAbstract PDF
This study was carried out to survey on the prevalence of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome(CTS) in high risk jobs(meat and fish processing plant and wood plant), by application of Nerve Conduction Study(NCS), a confirmatory diagnostic method.
Experimental group was 69 workers sampled from meat and fish processing plants and 17 workers sampled from wood plants, who were simple, repetitive workers using upper extremities and control group was 28 workers sampled from managers, secretaries and keepers. All employees were examined through work history, physical examination and NCS.
18 workers(26.09%) in meat and fish processing plants, and 5 workers(29.41%) in wood plants had compatible findings to NIOSH diagnostic criteria for CTS. The experimental group had more symptoms(complaint of upper extremities, Visual Analogue Scale >or= 4(VAS: total 10 point)), signs(Tinel and Phalen test) and prevalence of CTS than control group ( p<0.05). The prevalence of symptoms and signs were higher in short term worke r s (<7 years), but the prevalence of CTS was higher in long term workers(>or=7 years).
The prevalence of CTS in meat and fish processing plant and wood plant were 26.09% and 29.41% respectively. Authors propose that meat and fish processing and wood plants should be managed as a risk job category which were designated by OSHA in 1996


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  • Distribution of age, gender, and occupation among individuals with carpal tunnel syndrome based on the National Health Insurance data and National Employment Insurance data
    Il-Ho Lee, Young-Ki Kim, Dong-Mug Kang, Se-Yeong Kim, In-Ah Kim, Eun-Mi Kim
    Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine.2019;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • Prevalence and Related Characteristics of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Among Orchardists in the Gyeongsangnam-do Region
    Ho-Yeon Jung, Min Sik Kong, Seung Hun Lee, Chang Han Lee, Min-Kyun Oh, Eun Shin Lee, Heesuk Shin, Chul Ho Yoon
    Annals of Rehabilitation Medicine.2016; 40(5): 902.     CrossRef
  • Prevalence of Musculoskeletal Disorders Among Korean Police Personnel
    Hak Young Rhee, Jae Hwan Cho, Jong Min Seok, Taek Sang Cho, Woo Jin Jeon, Jin Gu Lee, Sung Kyu Kim
    Archives of Environmental & Occupational Health.2015; 70(4): 177.     CrossRef
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Ann Occup Environ Med : Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
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