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Seung Ho Jeon 3 Articles
Case Series for Occupational Skin Disorders in Carbon Fiber Exposed Packing Workers
Hye Eun Lee, Chang Bum Byun, Sinye Lim, Seung Ho Jeon, Sang Yong Oh, Hyoung Ryoul Kim, Soon Choi, Domyung Paek, Mijin Park
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2006;18(3):199-208.   Published online September 30, 2006
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We report an outbreak of skin disorder in semiconductor packing workers. Through an evaluation of the degree of work-relatedness in this case, we aim to develop a method to overcome such health problems in the workplace.
A questionnaire investigating the job characteristics and skin symptoms was administered to 51 packing workers working in a semiconductor production factory and 49 questionnaires returned. The 16 subjects in the exposure group and 12 in the non-exposure group underwent doctor's examination and patch test. Two of 28 subjects were excluded in patch test. We investigated the work environment and carbon fiber level which was the potential causative agent.
Forty-five (91.8%) of 49 packing workers complained of itching and stinging. Three of 14(21.4%) in the exposure group and 3 of 11 (27.3%) in the non-exposure group were positive at 48hr reading of patch test for carbon fiber and carbon fiber paper. None was positive at 96hr reading of patch test. Prominent carbon fibers were microscopically observed on the surface of the packing box and the fiber diameter, measured up to 6.0~7.5 micrometer, was likely to induce skin irritation to skin. To avoid worker's direct contact with to carbon fiber, carbon fiber paper box was substituted by a wax coated carbon fiber paper box was substituted for the original carbon fiber paper box, which caused and the workers' symptoms to of workers disappeared.
The probably cause of this outbreak of skin disorder was mild irritant contact dermatitis for carbon fiber. To prevent outbreaks of such occupational skin disorder like this, workers should avoid direct contact with carbon fiber.

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Distribution of Blood pressure and Current State of Life Style Modification on Male Workers in a Large Factory: Analysis According to JNC-6 Guideline
Seung Ho Jeon, Hye Eun Lee, Do Myung Paek, Yang Ho Kim, Jung Sun Park, Gang Won Park
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2003;15(4):364-372.   Published online December 31, 2003
AbstractAbstract PDF
To describe the distributions of blood pressure level and risk group, and the current state of life style modification in the population of a large factory.
We surveyed 1,088 workers in a large factory from June 2002 to August 2002. Information related to hypertension was collected through a questionnaire and medical examination. We classified the blood pressure level and risk group using JNC-VI criteria, and the current state of life style modification and medication according to the blood pressure level in the entire study population. REULTS: The prevalence of hypertension was 30.1% in all workers. The distribution of blood pressure level was 656 (60.3%) in normal stage, 160 (14.7%) in high normal stage, 190 (17.5%) in stage 1, 67 (6.1%) in stage 2, and 15 (1.4%) in stage 3. The numbers of workers in risk groups A, B and C were 296 (27.2%), 690 (63.4%) and 102 (9.4%), respectively. Among all workers, 432 (39.7%) needed to modify their lifestyle; 106 of whom (24.5%) needed to go on hypertensive drug medication. Overweight subjects were more common in stage 2 than in other stages (p=0.02). The numbers of smokers and low-exercisers were signigicantly lower in the higher blood pressure group than the lower blood pressure group (p<0.01). Alcoholic drinking was evenly distributed in all blood pressure level.
The prevalence of hypertension was 30.1% in all workers. The most common stage of blood pressure level was normal, followed by stage 1, high normal stage, stage 2, stage 3. The number of subjects in risk group B was more than that in the other risk groups. We recommend total worker education and the practice of lifestyle modification.

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Investigation of Occupational Dermatological Problem with Additives in Polypropylene Manufacturing Process
Seung Ho Jeon, Kyong Min Lee, Kan Woo Yoon, Do Myung Paek, Jong Yeop Yoo, Hee Chul Eun
Korean Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2003;15(3):252-260.   Published online September 30, 2003
AbstractAbstract PDF
To investigate the causative agents for the dermatological problems associated with the polypropylene manufacturing process.
The study subjects consisted of 44 male workers involved in the polypropylene manufacturing process. Twenty-seven of them had been exposed to additives, and the remaining 17 had not. Among the 27 exposed, 10 had been exposed previously, and 17 are currently being exposed through their duties. Patch test were performed with three different concentrations, 0.1%, 1% and 10% of 10 different additives that was diluted with Vaseline.
18 subjects (41%) had positive reactions to the patch tests. Exposed group had a higher reaction rate (51.9%) than the control group (23.5%). When the positive reactions were further classified, 7, 6 and 5 were compatible with probably irritant, probably allergic, and multiple hypersensitivity reactions respectively. The most frequent reactions were from Ultranox-626 followed by Millad 3988, Armoslip-E and Songstab Sc-100.
When considering the significantly higher probability of an allergic reaction rate among the currently exposed group compared to non- or previously-exposed groups, the nature of dermatological problems in a polypropylene plant is probably allergic. Ultranox-626, Millad3988, Armoslip-E and Songstab Sc-100 were the main causatives agents found in the process.

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Ann Occup Environ Med : Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
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