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Relationship between occupational injuries and the provision of safety and health information: data from the 4th Korean working conditions survey

Relationship between occupational injuries and the provision of safety and health information: data from the 4th Korean working conditions survey

Article information

Ann Occup Environ Med. 2018;30.36
Publication date (electronic) : 2018 June 4
doi : https://doi.org/10.1186/s40557-018-0247-7
0000 0001 0671 5021grid.255168.dDepartment of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Dongguk University Gyeongju Hospital, Gyeongju-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do Republic of Korea
Received 2018 January 23; Accepted 2018 May 23.



The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between the provision of safety and health information (PSHI) and occupational injuries.


This study was based on data from the 4th Korean Working Conditions Survey (KWCS) (2014). The sample consisted of data from 24,527 wage workers and was divided into high-risk and low-risk groups, depending on the probability of occupational injury. The high-risk group included subjects who could cause harm to themselves or others due to errors during work. We applied chi-squared tests and logistic regression analyses to examine the relationship between PSHI and occupational injuries.


In the high-risk group, workers with no PSHI showed an adjusted odds ratio of 1.81 for occupational injury (95% CI 1.33–2.47). In contrast, there was no statistically significant relationship between PSHI and the incidence of occupational injury in the low-risk group.


To prevent occupational injuries, multi-faceted approaches that take different levels of injury risk into account are needed. Among workers with a high risk of occupational injury, more a stringent safety education program is required.


Occupational injuries do not only have serious personal effects, but they can also result in loss of life and/or property. In the case of industrial accidents in South Korea, direct and indirect economic losses in 2015 were estimated at 20.3 trillion Korean won [1]. This was an increase of 3.89% from 19.6 trillion won in losses in 2014, indicating an increasing trend despite a decrease in the industrial accident rate [1]. In order to reduce such economic damage related to occupational injuries, the Korea Occupational Safety & Health Agency has been operating an “Occupational Acute Intoxication and Injury Management System” in Incheon City [2]. That system was designed to report suspected cases of occupationally acute poisoning, as well as to share case information, conduct field surveys, and undertake epidemiologic surveys at regional intervention centers. In addition to such follow-up efforts, the prevention of injuries and diseases is also important. Many researchers and policy-makers have recognized that occupational and non-occupational factors may simultaneously contribute to worker safety and health [3, 4]. A primary step in the prevention of disease not only includes improvement of workers’ health but also identification and elimination of various risk factors for occupational diseases [5]. Several types of health information and data from the behavioral sciences have contributed to reducing mortality and morbidity as well as injury- or disease-related complications [6]. Therefore, prevention of occupational injuries and diseases, as well as the provision of safety and health information (PSHI), are essential for all workers. The Korean Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Act was enacted in 1981, and since a revision in 1990, there has been promotion of a systematic workplace health management project. A number of papers related to occupational health education practices and occupational health care providers have been published, but most have focused on manufacturing or secondary industries [7]. An interest in occupational health has spread to various fields, but the importance of and concern about PSHI have not been sustained [7]. For example, in 2004, only 56.1% of workers received safety and health education as mandatorily required by Korean OSH Act [8].

The aim of this study was to clarify the relationship between PSHI and occupational injuries in a nationally representative sample of South Korean workers. Prior research in Korea has rarely focused on the association between the rate of occupational injuries and PSHI, in particular, with respect to the degree of occupational-injury risks. In this study, we examined various influencing elements, including general characteristics, occupational characteristics, and job-related factors, that are associated with occupational injuries.


Study subjects

This study analyzed data from the 4th Korea Working Conditions Survey (KWCS) (2014) [9]. The Occupational Safety and Health Research Institute (OSHRI) has been conducting the KWCS since 2006 in South Korea. The KWCS emulated the European Working Conditions Survey and the UK Labor Force Survey to identify the overall South Korean work conditions such as employment type, job stability, occupation, and risk factor exposure. Among households from the 2010 Population and Housing Census [10], the KWCS selected individuals who met the criteria of being an “employee,” who were laborers, 15 years or older, and who worked for more than 1 h per week at the time of the survey. Trained interviewers visited the subjects’ homes and conducted one-to-one interviews. Statistics Korea determined the KWCS information’s reliability to increase the usage of its data. The survey’s response rate was 33.0%, the cooperation rate 69.9%, and the refusal rate 14.2% [11]. Because the characteristics of self-employed and wage workers are markedly different, this study restricted the subjects to wage workers. Out of a total of 50,007 respondents, 30,751 were paid workers, excluding military persons. A final sample of 24,527 persons was selected after excluding 6224 persons with missing data or refusals in responding to items necessary for the analyses. We compared the control group with the subjects with missing values, and there was no statistically significant difference in their PSHI and occupational-injury characteristics (p = 0.791 and 0.357, respectively).

General characteristics

The subjects’ general characteristics included sex, age, education level, and monthly household income. The educational level was divided into three groups: (1) middle school or below, (2) high school, and (3) college or above. The monthly household income level was categorized as follows: less than 1.5 million Korean won (KRW), 1.5–2.49 million KRW, 2.5–3.99 million KRW, and 4 million KRW and above.

Occupational characteristics

In the KWCS, occupational types were divided into 11 groups according to the 6th Korean Standard Classification of Occupations. In this study, those groups were re-classified into three groups: (1) white-collar (manager, professional, technicians and associate professionals, office workers), (2) pink-collar (service workers, sales workers), and (3) blue-collar (skilled agricultural and fishery workers, craft workers and those of related trades, plant and machine operators and assemblers, elementary occupations). Company size was included as an occupational characteristic and was defined by the number of employees. The occupational characteristics also included working hours per week, tenure, shift work status, type of employment, and the presence of labor unions. Working hours were classified according to the South Korean Labor Standards Act, with 52 h as the standard, comprised of 40 working hours and 12 overtime working hours.

Job-related factors

Risk factors were classified into three categories: (1) physical risk factors (vibrations, noise, high and low temperatures), (2) biochemical risk factors (breathing in smoke or fumes, breathing in vapors such as solvents and thinners, exposure to chemical agents or infectious materials), and (3) ergonomic risk factors (tiring or painful positions, lifting or moving people, carrying or moving heavy loads, standing, repetitive hand or arm movements). Being exposed to risk factors was defined as exposure for approximately ≥1/4 of the work hours. Usage of personal protective equipment (PPE) was categorized as those who did not require it (no need), those who required it and always wore it (need/wear), and those who required it but did not wear it (need/no wear).

Provision of safety and health information (PSHI)

A positive PSHI status was present if the subject responded “Very well informed” or “Well informed” to the question “Regarding the health and safety risks related to performance of your job, how well informed would you say you are?”

Occupational injuries and injury risk assessment

Occupational injuries were assessed by using the question “Over the last 12 months, did you suffer from any of the following health problems?” and the sub-question “Injuries (be hurt by accident).” Anyone who answered “Yes” was considered as having had one or more injuries. Those who responded with “Yes” to the question “If there was an injury, was it related with your job?” were defined as having experienced occupational injuries. We also assessed the injury risk at the workplace. Belonging to the high-risk group for occupational injuries was determined if the answer was “Always,” “Most of the time,” or “Sometimes” to the question “If you make mistakes in your work, could it cause…” with the sub-question “Physical injury to yourself” or “Physical injury to other people.” If the answer was “Rarely” or “Never,” the subject was classified as a low-risk group member for occupational injuries.

Statistical analyses

Chi-squared tests were used to determine the relevance of the subjects’ characteristics to the PSHI status and occupational injuries. General characteristics, occupational characteristics, job-related factors, and the PSHI were independent variables. The main dependent variables included occupational injuries and the PSHI; the latter used to examine poorly informed groups. Crude (unadjusted) and adjusted odds ratios (ORs) were calculated via multivariate logistic regression analyses to estimate the association between PSHI and occupational injuries. The ORs were adjusted for variables which showed a statistically significant association with occupational injury among general characteristics (age, sex, education level, monthly household income) (Model I), or occupational characteristics (working hours per week, tenure, existence of labor unions) and job-related factors (physical risk factors, biochemical risk factors, PPE) (Model II). Study subjects were divided into high-risk and low-risk groups, depending on the probability of occupational injuries. All analyses were performed by using SPSS ver. 20.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) after stratifying the data by the risk of occupational injuries. The statistical significance was set at p < 0.05. We used the original data to show the number (N) of people and applied weighted analyses to display the overall proportions (%) as well as the p-values.


1. Characteristics of study subjects depending on the risk of occupational injuries

Of the 24,527 subjects, 74.1% were placed in the low-risk group and 25.9% were placed in the high-risk group. Statistically significant differences between the two groups were observed for age, sex, education level, monthly income, working hours per week, tenure, shift work, type of employment, occupational type, risk factor exposure, and PPE use, with the significance of the differences in the last three variables being particularly pronounced. There were no statistically significant differences between the two groups in the number of employees or the presence of labor unions. The overall occupational-injury rate was 1.0%, and the injury rate differed significantly between the low-risk (0.4%) and high-risk (3.1%) groups (Table 1).

Characteristics of study subjects according to occupational injury risk

2. Provision of safety and health information (PSHI)

The overall proportion of the study population with PSHI was 64.2%, and there was a significant difference in PSHI status between the low-risk group (62.3%) and the high-risk group (70.1%) (Table 1). There were significant differences between all subjects’ characteristics and PSHI status, which depended on the risk of occupational injury, but, with regard to age, there was no significant relationship in either risk group. Women had a statistically significant lower PSHI status than men in both groups. The lower the monthly income, the lower the PSHI status, and the smaller the company (i.e., fewer employees), the lower the PSHI status (p for trend < 0.001 for both associations). With regard to occupational types, PSHI status was lowest in the pink-collar group, a group that includes sales workers and service workers. PSHI status was significantly lower in the group without unions (61.7%) than in the group with unions (79.7%). Among the job-related factors, the group with the need to wear PPE had a higher PSHI status than the group that did not need to wear it. In addition, the PSHI was significantly higher in the PPE-wearing group than in those who did not wear a PPE (Table 2).

Relationships between characteristics of study subjects and PSHI by injury risk level

3. Occupational Injuries

There were various differences between the low-risk group and the high-risk group with regard to occupational injuries. The characteristics that showed statistically significant relationships with occupational injuries, regardless of risk group, were age, monthly income, working hours per week, physical and chemical risk factors, as well as PPE status. In contrast, there were no statistically significant relationships between occupational injuries and sex, the number of employees, or the shift work status in either group. In the low-risk group, the higher the age and the lower the education level, the higher was the number of occupational injuries (p for trend< 0.001), while there were no significant relationships in the high-risk group. Among the occupational types, the low-risk group had the highest number of occupational injuries in the blue-collar category, whereas it was highest in pink-collar workers in the high-risk group. Among all study subjects, the occupational injury incidence tended to increase with longer working hours per week. With respect to employment types, there were significantly more occupational injuries in the temporary workers in the low-risk group than for regular workers, but this difference was not statistically significant in the high-risk group. Regardless of injury risk status, workers without labor unions displayed more occupational injuries, although this was only statistically significant in the high-risk group. The number of occupational injuries was high in workers exposed to physical, chemical, and ergonomic risk factors (Table 3).

Relationship between subject characteristics and occupational injuries by injury risk levels

4. Relationship between PSHI and occupational injuries

There was no statistically significant difference in the low-risk group (p = 0.406) regarding the PSHI; however, in the high-risk group, the workers with no PSHI had a high incidence of occupational injuries (p = 0.016) (Table 3). After appointing workers with PSHI as the reference group, the ORs of occupational injuries in the high-risk group without PSHI were as follows: Crude (unadjusted) (OR 1.392, 95% CI 1.055–1.837), Model I (adjusted) (OR 1.454, 95% CI 1.095–1.932), and Model II (adjusted) (OR 1.812, 95% CI 1.330–2.468) (Table 4).

Odds ratios of occupational injuries associated with PSHI in the high-risk group


This study was conducted to examine the relationship between PSHI at the workplace and occupational injuries in a large-scale nationally representative sample of South Korean workers. We hypothesized that the importance of PSHI would differ depending on the risk of occupational injuries. Therefore, to determine the significance of PSHI related to occupational injury risk level, and because various characteristics of workers differed depending on their risk of occupational injury, the subjects were divided into two groups based on injury risk. In the high-risk group, there was a statistically significant relationship between PSHI and occupational injuries, and the occupational injury rate of workers without PSHI was up to 1.81 times higher than the rate in those with PSHI. Therefore, the better the safety information provided at the workplace, the fewer work-related injuries occurred, which is consistent with the results in previous studies. For example, a study that analyzed the characteristics of Korean wage workers during the 1st KWCS, conducted in 2006, showed that the odds ratio of occupational injuries in the group without PSHI was 1.29 (95% CI 1.05–1.59) [7]. In another investigation that assessed occupational injuries in Korea with health insurance and industrial accident insurance information, the rate of occupational injuries was higher in those who did not receive accident prevention education at the workplace than in those who did (OR 1.62, 95% CI 1.42–1.84) [12]. In addition, according to Ghosh et al., poor safety performance by workers was significantly associated with occupational injuries (adjusted OR 3.10, 95% CI 1.45–6.63) [13]. Moreover, in an overview which summarized ten studies on the association between organizational and workplace factors with injury rates, an active role of top management in health and safety was associated with lower injury rates [14]. Thus, safety education and training within the workplace function as precautionary measures against occupational diseases, such as hearing and vision loss, as well as against occupational injuries [15, 16].

Statistically significant relationships between workers’ characteristics and PSHI status were detected in almost all characteristics analyzed in this study. The presence of PSHI was low when there were few employees and no labor unions, which is consistent with prior research [7]. This is because small companies and those without unions are thought to be unable to devote resources to safety aspects due to fiscal constraints in a highly competitive environment. As of 2005, the proportion of training investments in all investments by companies with fewer than 30 employees (0.2%) was less than one-eighth that of large enterprises (1.64%) with 1000 or more employees; on that basis, Kang et al. suggested that organizations providing technical support to small-scale workplaces should determine the risks in those workplaces and implement suitable customized safety education [17]. Women and the pink-collar group also had low PSHI status, which may be related to the relatively high proportion of females working in the service sector: In this study, 69.9% of pink-collar workers were women and the occupational injury incidence was highest for the high-risk group in the pink-collar category. This result suggests that PSHI at the workplace is urgently needed, not only for blue-collar workers but also for those in service-type occupations. The PSHI status was low in the group without a need for PPE but, in the group that did need it, a high PSHI status was observed in the workers wearing the PPE, suggesting that PSHI presence may lead to a high PPE usage rate.

With regard to PSHI prevalence, a study based on 2006 KWCS data reported that 4018 out of a total of 6998 workers (57.4%) were listed as having a PSHI [7]. In our 2014 study, there was a slightly higher PSHI prevalence (64.2%). In other words, the absence of PSHI declined from 43.6 to 35.8% over approximately one decade. This may be the result of emphasizing the importance of safety and health education, including the revision of the OSH Act. However, it seems that the absence of PSHI is still high; thus, more rigorous education on the effects of PSHI is needed.

Characteristics associated with occupational injuries differ depending on the injury risk: In the low-risk group, the factors that had statistically significant relationships with occupational injuries were: old age, low education level, low monthly income, blue-collar occupation, long working hours per week, being a temporary worker, physical, biochemical, and ergonomic, as well as the need for PPE. Many results in the low-risk group were consistent with those reported in previous studies. Generally, advanced age and high physical demands at work have been associated with an increased risk of musculoskeletal claims [18], likely leading to occupational injuries. Workers with small incomes and low levels of education had high occupational injury rates. A Korean study that examined different samples during the same year reported that, as workers’ income and educational status increased, their occupational injury experiences decreased [19]. A blue-collar status and long working hours were associated with a high rate of occupational injuries, and construction workers (i.e., blue-collar) in the USA who worked long hours were at high risk of occupational injury [20]. Temporary workers had a lower PSHI status than that of regular workers, and their incidence of occupational injuries was higher, demonstrating the vulnerability of temporary workers to occupational injury [21, 22]. In the present study, physical and biochemical risk factors at the workplace and PPE use were closely related to occupational injuries, which is consistent with results in previous investigations [23, 24]. With regard to PPE use, the proportion of respondents who did not need a PPE was 86.2% in the low-risk group and 47.8% in the high-risk group. PPE status displayed the most significant difference among the study characteristics related to the risk of occupational injuries; therefore, the necessity of wearing a PPE is the most important factor that indirectly indicates the risk of occupational injuries. Generally, shift work is associated with a high occurrence of occupational injury. In a study into the first KWCS dataset, the odds ratio of occupational injuries for workers in shift work was 2.40 (95% CI 1.65–3.50) [25] with similar results reported in overseas investigations [26, 27]. There was a high level of occupational injuries in workers with shift work in the low-risk group, but the result was not statistically significant.

In the high occupational-injury risk group, the factors showing statistically significant associations with occupational injuries were: age, monthly income, working hours per week, tenure, the existence of labor unions, physical, biochemical, PPE usage. Age, monthly income, and working hours per week exhibited no significant relationships with injuries in the high-risk group. Whereas long tenure, absence of labor unions, presence of physical and biochemical risk factors, as well as the need for PPE were associated with an increased occurrence of occupational injuries. There was a high incidence of occupational injuries in workers without labor unions, which can possibly be explained by the relatively few opportunities for individual workers to improve safety and health at work. Notably, PSHI status was significantly low in the absence of unions. Thus, it is necessary to offer options to employees encouraging regular participation in activities to improve safety and health issues at workplaces without labor unions [12]. Being male, in a small company, and ergonomic risk factors were associated with many occupational injuries in a previous study [28], but, in the present study, those relationships were not statistically significant.

Generally, the risk of occupational diseases is higher in smaller companies [29]. This is because workers in small- and medium-sized firms may be exposed to more health-hazard risk factors [30]; it seems that if an organization’s size is large, it can provide safety information more effectively and also systematically control worksite exposure to harmful factors [12]. In previous studies, an increase in injury risk among those who started a new job and an inverse relationship between job tenure and injury risk were observed [31, 32]. However, our study revealed the opposite in the high-risk group with the lowest occupational-injury rate observed in workers with less than 1 year of job tenure. This difference may be due to the particular sampling characteristics or to the control of additional variables in the other investigations. Alternatively, it could be that the more experienced the laborers, the higher the likelihood they work in a more dangerous job. Furthermore, as employees become accustomed to this level of danger, they may be subject to more frequent hazards due to momentary neglect or distraction during work.

In the low-risk group, the relationship between PSHI and occupational injuries was not statistically significant, but this does not indicate irrelevance of PSHI for these workers. We assert that groups differing in their risk of occupational injuries need different approaches depending on their likelihood of falling victim to job-related hazards. The statistically significant differences between the two risk groups were in occupational type, exposure to risk factors, and PPE use. In other words, blue-collar workers with exposure to physical and biochemical risk factors, as well as in need of PPE, are more susceptible to occupational injuries than other employees. The low-risk group results in this study were similar to those in previous studies. However, the high-risk group showed significant associations; mostly for job-related factors including physical, biochemical, and ergonomic risks, and the need for PPE. This indicates that high-risk workers are more likely to be affected by factors that are directly work related, such as the exposure to specific risk factors and wearing a PPE, rather than to more general or indirect factors. Therefore, PSHI might be more important in the high-risk group. This may account for the differences of occurrence of occupational injury between the low-risk group and the high-risk group.

This study has several limitations. First, because the KWCS has a cross-sectional design, the association between PSHI and occupational injuries may be bi-directional and, therefore, causality cannot be established; however, it is very plausible that PSHI has reduced the occurrence of occupational injuries. Second, because this study was based on questionnaires, some limitations, such as a recall bias, may be present in the data. Moreover, a “healthy user bias” could also be present; for example, in the case of critical or fatal injuries, the subject would not be able to respond to the questionnaire. Thus, there is a possibility that the incidence of occupational injuries was underestimated in this study [33]. Nonetheless, there was a statistically significant association between PSHI and occupational injuries in this study, suggesting that PSHI has a greater role in preventing occupational injuries than was expected. Our categorization of a high risk of occupational injury may not have been sufficiently objective; however, considering that it is difficult to judge injury risk as high or low by only assessing the existence and degree of harmful factors, our measurement approach appears rational. Third, we were unable to investigate the details of the occupational injuries such as the nature of the trauma, its severity, treatment, and sequelae.

In spite of these limitations, one of this study’s strengths is its epidemiological nature, which allowed us to examine the relationship between PSHI and occupational injuries in a nationally representative sample of the South Korean population. Fabiano et al. [34] classified the factors influencing occupational accident frequency into (1) technical, (2) economic, (3) labor organizational, (4) environmental, and (5) human, both individual and inter-individual. The KWCS includes these various occupational-injury-affecting factors, and its data were thus appropriate for our investigation. In addition, since the KWCS is conducted every 3 years, follow-up or repeated studies on the associations between occupational injuries and various characteristics might be useful in revealing secular trends and may serve as a basis for future studies into injury reduction in the workplace.


To prevent occupational injuries, multi-faceted approaches that consider different types and levels of injury risks are needed. Workers with no PSHI and in the high-risk group exhibited an elevated incidence of occupational injuries compared to that in the low-risk group. In the case of occupational-injury in high-risk workers, the provision of more stringent safety education programs is required. Further research is needed to elucidate the factors producing the differences in occupational injuries between the low-risk and high-risk groups, and the influences of PSHI in those groups.



Confidence interval


Korean working conditions survey


Odds ratio


Personal protective equipment


Provision of safety and health information


We would like to thank the Safety and Health Policy Research Department (Occupational Safety and Health Research Institute) for providing the KWCS (Korean Working Conditions Survey) raw data. The paper’s contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the OSHRI.

Availability of data and materials

The source of data is the Fourth Korean Working Conditions Survey (2014), Occupational Safety and Health Research Institute.

Authors’ contributions

SJI: The first author of this article. He designed the study, interpreted the results, and drafted the manuscript; MYS: Corresponding author of this article. He suggested the study design, collected the data, interpreted the results, and revised the manuscript; SGS: He revised the manuscript; KMG: He also revised the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.


Ethics approval and consent to participate

Not applicable.

Competing interests

The authors declare that they have no competing interests.

Publisher’s Note

Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.


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Article information Continued

Table 1

Characteristics of study subjects according to occupational injury risk

Variables Total Risk of occupational injury
Low-risk High-risk p-valuec
Na %b Na %b Na %b
Total 24,527 100 18,177 74.1 6350 25.9
General characteristics
Age (years)
 15–29 3454 13.6 2746 14.6 708 10.7 < 0.001
 30–39 6151 26.3 4811 27.9 1340 21.3
 40–49 7092 29.1 5284 29.2 1808 28.8
 50–59 4920 19.7 3349 17.9 1571 25.1
 ≥ 60 2910 11.3 1987 10.4 923 14.1
 Male 12,639 51.8 8640 47.8 3999 64.1 < 0.001
 Female 11,888 48.2 9537 52.2 2351 35.9
Education level
 Middle school or below 2996 11.3 1887 9.4 1109 17.0 < 0.001
 High school 9455 36.8 6266 32.4 3189 50.0
 College or above 12,076 52.0 10,024 58.2 2052 33.1
Monthly income (KRW 10,000)
 < 150 7435 27.3 5501 27.1 1934 28.0 < 0.001
 150–249 8510 35.0 6198 34.2 2312 37.3
 250–399 6467 28.3 4773 28.4 1694 27.9
 ≥ 400 2115 9.4 1705 10.3 410 6.7
Occupational characteristics
Occupational type
 White-collar 10,228 44.9 8943 52.5 1285 21.8 < 0.001
 Pink-collar 6441 24.2 4865 24.8 1576 22.5
 Blue-collar 7858 30.9 4369 22.8 3489 55.7
Number of employees
 1–4 5495 20.5 4047 20.3 1448 21.3 0.186
 5–49 12,514 52.2 9302 52.3 3212 51.8
 50–299 4459 19.1 3317 19.3 1142 18.5
 ≥ 300 2059 8.2 1511 8.1 548 8.3
Working hours per a week (hours)
 < 40 13,301 52.9 10,350 55.5 2951 44.9 < 0.001
 41–52 6796 29.3 4955 29.2 1841 29.5
 53–60 3087 12.5 2011 10.8 1076 17.6
 ≥ 61 1343 5.4 861 4.6 482 7.9
Tenure (years)
 < 1 3018 11.6 2203 11.3 815 12.5 < 0.001
 1–5 8846 37.2 6713 38.1 2133 34.4
 ≥ 5 12,663 51.2 9261 50.6 3402 53.1
Shift work
 Yes 2551 10.0 1643 8.6 908 14.5 < 0.001
 No 21,976 90.0 16,534 91.4 5442 85.5
Type of employment
 Regular 18,188 76.1 13,841 78.1 4347 69.8 < 0.001
 Temporary 6339 23.9 4336 21.9 2003 30.2
Labor unions
 Presence 3441 14.3 2506 14.2 935 14.8 0.219
 Absence 21,086 85.7 15,671 85.8 5415 85.2
Job-related factors
Physical risk factors
 Yes 9467 37.4 5243 27.9 4224 66.6 < 0.001
 No 15,060 62.6 12,934 72.1 2126 33.4
Biochemical risk factors
 Yes 6097 24.0 3017 15.8 3080 49.0 < 0.001
 No 18,430 76.0 15,160 84.2 3270 51.0
Ergonomic risk factors
 Yes 20,495 81.8 14,438 77.5 6057 94.9 < 0.001
 No 4032 18.2 3739 22.5 293 5.1
Usage of personal protective equipment
 No need 18,510 76.7 15,468 86.2 3042 47.8 < 0.001
 Need/wear 5478 21.2 2440 12.4 3038 47.8
 Need/no wear 539 2.2 269 1.4 270 4.4
Provision of safety and health information
 Yes 15,623 64.2 11,227 62.3 4396 70.1 < 0.001
 No 8904 35.8 6950 37.7 1954 29.9
Occupational injuries
 Yes 276 1.0 82 0.4 194 3.1 < 0.001
 No 24,251 99.0 18,095 99.6 6156 96.9

aUnweighted case numbers of workers

bPercentages based on weighted analysis

cDerived by weighted chi-squared test

Table 2

Relationships between characteristics of study subjects and PSHI by injury risk level

Variables PSHI (Low-risk group) PSHI (High-risk group)
Total Yes p-valuec Total Yes p-valuec
Na Na %b Na Na %b
General characteristics
Age (years)
 15–29 2746 1541 57.6 < 0.001 708 459 67.5 < 0.001
 30–39 4811 3053 63.7 0.168d 1340 973 72.8 0.039d
 40–49 5284 3369 63.9 1808 1280 71.6
 50–59 3349 2087 62.3 1571 1084 69.8
 ≥ 60 1987 1177 60.2 923 600 65.6
 Male 8640 5757 66.2 < 0.001 3999 2976 74.4 < 0.001
 Female 9537 5470 58.7 2351 1420 62.5
Education level
 Middle school or below 1887 1064 58.5 < 0.001 1109 708 65.3 < 0.001
 High school 6266 3512 56.7 < 0.001d 3189 2179 69.1 < 0.001d
 College or above 10,024 6651 66.0 2052 1509 74.1
Monthly income (KRW 10,000)
 < 150 5501 2872 53.8 < 0.001 1934 1148 61.1 < 0.001
 150–249 6198 3816 61.6 < 0.001d 2312 1555 67.8 < 0.001d
 250–399 4773 3261 67.2 1694 1345 78.9
 ≥ 400 1705 1278 73.4 410 348 84.2
Occupational characteristics
Occupational type
 White-collar 8943 6050 67.4 < 0.001 1285 1024 79.8 < 0.001
 Pink-collar 4865 2465 51.6 1576 905 59.9
 Blue-collar 4369 2712 61.9 3489 2467 70.5
Number of employees
 1–4 4047 1887 48.5 < 0.001 1448 776 56.3 < 0.001
 5–49 9302 5723 61.8 < 0.001d 3212 2181 68.5 < 0.001d
 50–299 3317 2398 71.3 1142 935 80.9
 ≥ 300 1511 1219 77.9 548 504 91.4
Working hours per a week (hours)
 < 40 10,350 6479 63.0 < 0.001 2951 2072 71.7 < 0.001
 41–52 4955 3117 63.1 < 0.001d 1841 1326 72.1 < 0.001d
 53–60 2011 1152 58.2 1076 697 66.4
 ≥ 61 861 479 57.1 482 301 61.9
Tenure (years)
 < 1 2203 1132 52.2 < 0.001 815 518 67.2 < 0.001
 1–5 6713 3956 59.5 < 0.001d 2133 1379 65.0 < 0.001d
 ≥ 5 9261 6139 66.6 3402 2499 74.1
Shift work
 Yes 1643 1117 67.0 < 0.001 908 745 80.9 < 0.001
 No 16,534 10,110 61.8 5442 3651 68.3
Type of employment
 Regular 13,841 8997 64.6 < 0.001 4347 3185 73.3 < 0.001
 Temporary 4336 2230 53.8 2003 1211 62.7
Labor unions
 Presence 2506 1978 77.4 < 0.001 935 813 86.1 < 0.001
 Absence 15,671 9249 59.8 5415 3583 67.3
Job-related factors
Physical risk factors
 Yes 5243 3452 65.8 < 0.001 4224 3035 72.3 < 0.001
 No 12,934 7775 60.9 2126 1361 65.8
Biochemical risk factors
 Yes 3017 2012 65.7 < 0.001 3080 2255 73.2 < 0.001
 No 15,160 9215 61.6 3270 2141 67.1
Ergonomic risk factors
 Yes 14,438 8794 61.5 < 0.001 6057 4171 69.7 0.004
 No 3739 2433 65.1 293 225 77.1
Usage of personal protective equipment
 No need 15,468 8866 58.3 < 0.001 3042 1612 54.4 < 0.001
 Need/wear 2440 2179 89.4 3038 2621 86.5
 Need/no wear 269 182 66.3 270 163 62.1

aUnweighted case numbers of workers

bPercentages based on weighted analysis

cP-value of the weighted chi-squared test results

dP-value for trend in the weighted analysis

Table 3

Relationship between subject characteristics and occupational injuries by injury risk levels

Variables Occupational injuries (Low-risk group) Occupational injuries (High-risk group)
Total Yes p-valuec Total Yes p-valuec
Na Na %b Na Na %b
General characteristics
Age (years)
 15–29 2746 6 0.2 < 0.001 708 11 1.7 0.012
 30–39 4811 16 0.3 < 0.001d 1340 45 3.2 0.986d
 40–49 5284 19 0.3 1808 72 4.3
 50–59 3349 21 0.5 1571 44 2.5
 ≥ 60 1987 20 0.8 923 22 2.7
 Male 8640 38 0.4 0.829 3999 127 3.3 0.466
 Female 9537 44 0.4 2351 67 2.7
Education level
 Middle school or below 1887 24 1.1 < 0.001 1109 31 2.7 0.130
 High school 6266 31 0.4 < 0.001d 3189 111 3.6 0.393d
 College or above 10,024 27 0.2 2052 52 2.5
Monthly income (KRW 10,000)
 < 150 5501 37 0.5 0.018 1934 39 1.9 0.006
 150–249 6198 19 0.3 0.053d 2312 89 3.9 0.056d
 250–399 4773 17 0.3 1694 55 3.4
 ≥ 400 1705 9 0.3 410 11 2.7
Occupational characteristics
Occupational type
 White-collar 8943 25 0.2 < 0.001 1285 28 2.3 0.119
 Pink-collar 4865 20 0.3 1576 50 3.5
 Blue-collar 4369 37 0.7 3489 116 3.3
Number of employees
 1–4 4047 22 0.4 0.599 1448 47 3.1 0.943
 5–49 9302 43 0.4 0.216d 3212 98 3.3 0.481d
 50–299 3317 12 0.3 1142 34 3.0
 ≥ 300 1511 5 0.2 548 15 2.5
Working hours per a week (hours)
 < 40 10,350 44 0.3 0.042 2951 54 1.8 < 0.001
 41–52 4955 18 0.3 0.021d 1841 70 3.7 < 0.001d
 53–60 2011 11 0.5 1076 53 5.3
 ≥ 61 861 9 1.0 482 17 3.5
Tenure (years)
 < 1 2203 5 0.2 0.168 815 12 1.6 0.019
 1–5 6713 36 0.4 0.714d 2133 69 3.2 0.012d
 ≥ 5 9261 41 0.4 3402 113 3.4
Shift work
 Yes 1643 10 0.5 0.318 908 20 2.2 0.107
 No 16,534 72 0.4 5442 174 3.3
Type of employment
 Regular 13,841 48 0.3 < 0.001 4347 132 3.2 0.899
 Temporary 4336 34 0.7 2003 62 3.0
Labor unions
 Presence 2506 8 0.2 0.289 935 19 1.9 0.049
 Absence 15,671 74 0.4 5415 175 3.3
Job-related factors
Physical risk factors
 Yes 5243 55 0.9 < 0.001 4224 161 3.8 < 0.001
 No 12,934 27 0.2 2126 33 1.8
Biochemical risk factors
 Yes 3017 42 1.2 < 0.001 3080 128 4.0 < 0.001
 No 15,160 40 0.2 3270 66 2.2
Ergonomic risk factors
 Yes 14,438 78 0.5 < 0.001 6057 188 3.1 0.305
 No 3739 4 0.1 293 6 2.8
Usage of personal protective equipment
 No need 15,468 54 0.3 < 0.001 3042 66 1.9 < 0.001
 Need/wear 2440 24 0.9 3038 118 4.2
 Need/no wear 269 4 1.6 270 10 4.5
Provision of safety and health information
 Yes 11,227 47 0.4 0.406 4396 119 2.8 0.016
 No 6950 35 0.4 1954 75 3.8

aUnweighted case numbers of workers

bPercentages based on weighted analysis

cP-value of the weighted chi-squared test results

dP-value for trend in the weighted analysis

Table 4

Odds ratios of occupational injuries associated with PSHI in the high-risk group

Variables Occupational injuries (high-risk group)
Crude Model Ia Model IIb
OR 95% CI OR 95% CI OR 95% CI
Provision of safety and health information (ref.c Yes) No 1.392 1.055–1.837 1.454 1.095–1.932 1.812 1.330–2.468
Age (years) (ref. 15–29) 30–39 1.560 0.750–3.242 1.420 0.668–3.018
 40–49 0.854 0.481–1.517 0.881 0.495–1.569
 50–59 0.661 0.392–1.113 0.678 0.402–1.144
 ≥ 60 1.196 0.711–2.013 1.241 0.736–2.093
Sex (ref. Male) Female 0.953 0.688–1.320 1.337 0.944–1.893
Education level (ref. Middle school or below) High school 0.610 0.354–1.050 0.784 0.455–1.352
 College or above 0.649 0.464–0.908 0.802 0.571–1.127
Monthly income (KRW 10,000) (ref. <150) 150–249 1.557 0.758–3.198 1.382 0.662–2.888
 250–399 0.715 0.385–1.328 0.853 0.452–1.608
 ≥ 400 0.808 0.436–1.496 1.013 0.541–1.897
Working hours per a week (hours) (ref. <40) 41–52 1.672 0.982–2.848
 53–60 0.934 0.562–1.552
 ≥ 61 0.708 0.423–1.185
Tenure (years) (ref. <1) 1–5 1.867 1.045–3.338
 ≥ 5 0.998 0.734–1.356
Labor unions (ref. Yes) No 1.704 1.044–2.781
Physical risk factors (ref. No) Yes 1.435 0.978–2.107
Biochemical risk factors (ref. No) Yes 1.230 0.896–1.688
Usage of personal protective equipment (ref. No need) Need/wear 2.030 1.096–3.760
 Need/no wear 0.828 0.463–1.480

aAdjusted for general characteristics (age, sex, education level, monthly income)

bAdjusted for general characteristics (age, sex, education level, monthly income), occupational characteristics (working hours per a week, tenure, labor unions), and job-related factors (physical risk factors, biochemical risk factors, personal protective equipment)

cReference group